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From Summer to Serious

I’ve always found it interesting when the calendar changes to the day after Labor Day and the country gets serious. The rest of the world doesn’t know from this holiday and I’m sure there’s a great deal of literature on how the calendar affects world affairs. Thus, here we are.

The world continues to be on fire. ISIS, Syria, Israel, Palestine, West Africa, and English towns that breed terrorists are mainstays of the 24-hour news cycle. The president is excoriated for suggesting that we are at a loss over what to do about increasing threats overseas. Texas is on alert for possible infiltration across the Mexican border. But don’t worry about that too much because Chris Christie was just in Mexico and I’m sure he’ll scare off the militants. Of course, he hasn’t a clue about foreign policy, but at least he didn’t pull a Romney on his first foreign trip.

On the domestic political front, the big issue is that Congress is going to meet for a few days, adjourn, and go home to run for those all-important safe seats that 96% of the members occupy. Excepting, of course, those few Senate seats that are up for grabs. It’s interesting to note that except for 2010, a big exception, I know, the Republican moon-bayers have been unable to defeat Obama and the Democrats and scare the country into giving the conservatives the control they will never, ever have. Yes, the House has been able to wreak havoc on the country and, by the by, their own party, but they have not been successful at implementing their agenda. They’ve only stymied the Democrats but for the 2009-2011 Congressional session.

Oh, and that ACA law thing? It’s working fairly well. You know, millions of people now have health insurance, doctors are able to give elderly people more care, poor people can get Medicaid, except in states that don’t take free money but say they are fiscally responsible. But no worries on that because those states that deny the money are actually paying so that the states that did take free Medicaid money can cover their populations. I live in one of those states. My governor wants to be president. Scared yet?

But if the Senate goes to the GOP, then both houses of Congress will vote to repeal the ACA, right? Well, possibly, but right now the GOP isn’t taking the Senate. And chances are good that they won’t. You heard it here third.

Did we even have a summer?

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Featured Fox News

Woman Posted How The Song ‘Happy’ Made Her Happy, Then Died in Car Crash

Pharrell’s “Happy” song is loved worldwide by millions, including Courtney Ann Sanford from High Point, N.C. Her deadly mistake was posting how much she loved the song while driving.

At 8:33, Courtney Ann Sanford shared on her Facebook:

“The Happy Song makes me so HAPPY.”

At 8:34, the High Point Police Department was called with a report of the crash. Further investigation into Sanford’s online activity revealed she was also taking frequent selfies as she drove down the highway.

Sanford was letting her friends know how happy she was at that moment, and sadly that moment was one of her last.

Fox News Rape tweets women

Zerlina Maxwell Gets Death Threats And Rape Threats From Fox Viewers

Better watch what you say on Fox News. Zerlina Maxwell is now getting it first hand as the vile and hate from the Fox faithful comes her way.

What was Zerlina’s mistake? She went on Fox’s Hannity show and spoke the truth. She had the nerve to say that arming women with a gun to prevent rape or blaming women who are rape victims is not the way to begin solving the problem.

Zerlina, who is also a rape survivor, expressed that changing the focus to the men committing these acts, should be an important part of the discussion. On the Fox show, Zerlina said this;

The entire conversation is wrong. I don’t want anybody to be telling women anything. I don’t want men to be telling me what to wear how to act, not to drink, and I don’t honestly want you to be telling me that I needed a gun in order to prevent my rape.

Well of course, that was enough to cause some viewers to send Zerlina these tweets:

On Monday, Zerlina went on MSNBC’s The Ed Show and vowed to continue fighting to bring the perpetrators of these crimes to the limelight. “I’m certainly taking steps to protect my emotional health, but I will not be quiet because I refuse to be bullied into silence.”

Watch the video below.

alex jones Fox News Piers Morgan

Showdown At The Fox Corral Between Sean Hannity And Keith Ellison

Congressman Keith Ellison went on Sean Hannity‘s Fox News program also known as the Republican channel last night and had what amounted to a showdown at the O.K Fox News Corral… the political version that is.

The Democratic congressman was introduced and already, from the introduction Mr. Ellison had something to say. He referenced a video clip Hannity showed, where Hannity depicted President Obama talking about the Sequester. But Hannity did not allow the president to talk uninterrupted.  Apparently there were other comments and music being played in the background while Mr. Obama spoke.

Congressman Keith Ellison couldn’t wait for Hannity to complete introducing him to the misguided uninformed viewers of Fox. He lashed out at Hannity and controlled the fight for the next six minutes. Ellison called Hannity  “the worst excuse for a journalist I’ve ever seen,” and accused the Fox host of engaging in “yellow journalism.

He also referred to Hannity as “deceptive,” said that Hannity had violated “every journalistic ethic I’ve ever heard of,” and called him “immoral.” And that was just the start. There was a time when the confrontation reminded me of what Piers Morgan experienced when he tried to interview the gun loving Alex Jones.

Watch the confrontation below.

Herman Cain

Fox News Hires The Pizza Man Herman Cain

They got rid of one fool in Sarah Palin, then turn around and brought another fool in.

Fox News announced on Friday that it has signed Cain on as a contributor.

“Cain’s impressive resume makes him a valuable addition to the Fox News and Fox Business lineup. As a political expert with business savvy, he brings an important voice to the nation’s debates,” Bill Shine, Fox News Channel executive vice president of programming, said in a statement.

Cain, a former president and CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, first ran for president in 2000, ran for U.S. Senate in Georgia in 2004, and then made a national splash in his 2012 campaign for president during which he became famous for relentlessly promoting his “9-9-9” tax plan.

Fox News vote

Fox News Employees Laughed At 102 Year Old Waiting Hours To Vote

On Fox News Radio’s Kilmeade & Friends, host Brian Kilmeade and Fox’s Martha MacCallum and Bill Hemmer laughed off the difficulties 102-year-old Desiline Victor endured in order to vote in the 2012 election.

Victor, who was invited to the State of the Union address and whom President Obama applauded for enduring a long wait to vote, had to make two trips to the polls and wait in line for over three hours before she was able to cast her ballot.

Discussing Victor, MacCallum wondered, “What’s the big deal?” and said, “This is such a non-issue. Ridiculous.” Hemmer added that at the State of the Union, “They held her up as a victim. What was she a victim of?”

Fox News Senate

Geraldo Rivera – “I Endorse Romney/Ryan, But I’m Voting Obama/Biden”

Geraldo Rivera from the Fox News Network signaled that he may run for the Senate representing New Jersey, saying that he’s been in touch with “some people in the Republican party” about running in 2014. But it seems that Geraldo is suffering from short-term memory.

In the 2012 presidential election, Geraldo went against everything Fox News and the Republicans stand for when he openly admitted he was voting for President Obama. In the tweet sent on November 5th right before the election, Geraldo said that he endorses Romney/Ryan, but will vote for Obama/Biden because of their stance on immigration and gay marriage.

Yes, that may have been his best vote yet, but if you really think New Jersey Republicans will forgive him for voting for their enemy and send Geraldo to the Senate, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn I’ll like to sell ya!

Canada Fox News

Fox Tells Viewers Best Route To Canada After President’s Reelection

They claimed they loved their country, they swear they’re patriotic.  But after the reelection of President Obama earlier this week, a Fox Station in Oklahoma dedicated part of their traffic segment to dishearten Republicans who have had enough of being patriotic.

Fox 23’s Jeff Brucculeri used part of his ‘Beat the Traffic’ segment to advise these Republican patriots on how to “beat the traffic” to Canada.

‘We had some folks make a special request,’ Brucculeri said. ‘I know a lot people said that if their candidate lost the election, they’d be moving to Canada — not sure why, but that was some of the folks’ promises out there.’

The traffic anchor proceeded to give ‘the quickest and directest route’ up north, where big government, same sex marriage and universal health are a part of everyday life.

Members of the newsroom could be heard laughing out of camera shot, to which Brucculeri just said: ‘“This is serious stuff.

Herman Cain Medicare

Herman Cain Admits – Romney Is Lying In His Welfare Attack Ad Against Obama

Amazingly, it Jon Stewart and Comedy Central who are doing the work the so-called “Main Stream Media” should be doing.

Stewart’s guest on Wednesday August 29th was Republican Presidential primary candidate, Herman Cain. Stewart asked Cain about the Ad that Romney “approved,” claiming that Obama is removing the work requirement for Welfare recipients,  and he wanted to get Cain’s opinion on the truthfulness of the ad and the truthfulness of the Romney campaign. Cain tried all the avenues he could to put his Republican spin on the ad, but Stewart was relentless, eventually reading PolitiFact’s “Pants On Fire” description of the ad.

After being backed into a corner with no way to run, Cain admits that Romney was in fact, lying and the ad was wrong.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the truth tour begins tonight!” Stewart declared after reading from PolitiFact. “Hold on, let me get in my gloating chair.”

Cain insisted that Politifact was just talking about “the language” of the ad: that somehow the word “gutted” was simply too strong. But he still insisted that the rules give states the ability to weaken the requirement.

“I’m not disagreeing with the fact that the language was too strong,” Cain said. “But it gives states the opportunity to so called increase [in employment], but the examples I have been shown, it decreased.”

“No, no, no, no,” Stewart said. “It’s not about lessening them. It’s about making sure it’s not a, I believe the phrase is, ‘One size fits all.’”

“I would agree with that,” Cain said repeatedly.

“It seems to me that not only is ‘gutting’ wrong, but lessening is wrong,” Stewart replied. “That, lessening would still be pants, necessarily not on fire, but certainly smoldering.”

“There are situations where they were looking at lessening, but…” Cain trailed off. “But I’m not… I will go along with your description.”

Then Cain turned to the audience, raised his arms and shouted: “I am sorry! So shoot me!”

Fox News

News Flash! FOX News Poll is Biased!

Stunning news, I’m sure.

On the heels of the ABCNews/Washington Post poll that showed Obama with a 7 point lead over Mitt Romney, some analysts were correct to note that the poll oversampled Democrats, which led to a skewing of the numbers. 

The poll breakdown was: 34% Democrats 23% Republicans 34% Independents, which should have shown Obama with a much larger lead given the +11 advantage his party had.

The same can be said for the FOX News Poll which was released yesterday showing Mitt Romney with a 46%-44% lead over Obama, and a -9% deficit for Obama’s job approval rating. The problem for Romney is that he should have been farther ahead given the breakdown of the poll.

FOX used a 40% Democrat 39% Republican 19% Independent population. With a far greater Republican representation in the poll (16% more than ABC/WaPo), Romney should have a greater lead over Obama. They also under-represented Independents, who are usually around 30-33% of the electorate, at a time when other polls are showing Obama with a lead over Romney with those voters.

Given this, the top line number of Romney ahead +2 is good news for the president.

Oh, and be careful with FOX News. They can sometimes lean a bit to the right.

For more, please go to and Twitter @rigrundfest  

Fox News

Jerry Springer To Fox News – “Every Single Morning, You’re Slamming Obama!”

Television host Jerry Springer went on the fake news station today and did something you’ll never expect anyone on Fox News to do –  speake the truth. Yes, this is one time you can put “Fox News” and “truth” in the same sentence.

But Gretchen Carlson, the host of the show Springer was on would have none of it. She tried to defend herself, saying  “we present both sides of the story…we have a fair and balanced panel.” Of course that was a lie, as the rest of the video below shows other instances where Carlson and her panel  only presented one side – the side they made up.

This is one time I can join in the chant JER-RY! JER-RY! JER-RY!

Fox News Stupid

Math And Fox News Are Not Friends

From Gawker – This is too good not to repost.

The junior high school students who run the Fox News Charts Shop during detention have produced this latest visual explosion showcasing the unemployment rate’s fluctuations under our current president, Obama. Some interesting findings here, specifically that the number 8.6 is the same thing as the number 9.0. If Obama can just get the unemployment rate down from 8.6% to 8.8% or 8.9%, then he’ll be in the clear.

I bet their viewers still can’t see what’s wrong here.

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