democrats Herman Cain Republican

The Embarrassment That Is Herman Cain


And with that command from the host of the radio show – Neal Boortz, Herman Cain opened his mouth and did as he was told. Then, the interview started.

The radio interview was conducted a few hours before last night’s Bloomberg Republican debate. After being told to speak, Herman Cain began embarrassing himself and just about everyone else listening.

Just moments into the interview, Cain “joked” about moving up from the “back of the bus” when asked about his sitting position between Romney and Perry at the round table debate. He then agreed with Boortz when he suggested that the Democrats sent Al Sharpton, Cornel West and Harry Belafonte out to “rope” Cain and “bring him back into the corral,” both men knowing that a corral is a place where animals are kept. The implication being that blacks are kept in corrals.

The interview then went to the term “authentic black,” when host Boortz asked the Republican presidential candidate what it meant.  Mr. Cain answered that he did not know what “authentic black” meant, but began talking about his great grand parents being slaves. Boortz  then asked Cain if it was possible his great grand parents belonged to a plantation owned by the Boortz’s family. Cain saw humor in the question and answered that his great grand parents who were slaves, “hung out” in other places in Georgia.

Yes, there were many a times in this interview where Cain successfully embarrassed himself, including when he agreed with Boortz that President Obama didn’t participated in the civil rights movement, both men seemingly oblivious to the fact that the president was born in 1961 and may have been little too young to participate in the famous marches and protests. He had to learn how to walk first.

Then, to top it all off, Herman continued playing his perverted race card,  confirming Boortz’s  suggestion that President Obama doesn’t know about the black experience in America, and was more than happy to continue to pile onto Boortz’s dumb statement.

Judge for yourself from the entire interview below.

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Democratic Herman Cain MSNBC Republican

Brainwashed Herman Cain Criticizes Black America

He said it one time that blacks were brainwashed by the Democratic party. And for that statement, Herman Cain was basically dismissed as a dumb fool by the very people he spoke of. Then, last night, Herman Cain went into enemy territory on MSNBC’s The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell. Realizing the hole Herman Cain dug himself, Lawrence offered the Republican candidate another opportunity to apologize, but Cain – too stupid to realize what Lawrence was doing – dug deeper.

“I did not insult the intelligence of all black Americans,” the new GOP frontrunner told MSNBC. “I insulted the attitude of those that will not consider an alternate idea.” He also said black voters “did not consider my statement insulting because a lot of them are thinking for themselves.”

Stupid people will never see the err of their ways, and Herman Cain is no exception. He chose to double down on his original statement leading to the conclusion that if anyone is brainwashed, it must be the Republican presidential candidate himself. No one can be that stupid!

Herman Cain Republican

Book Promoter Pizza Man Herman Cain Leads Republican Presidential Field

Okay, forget the fact that Herman Cain has decided to take a month off from the campaign trail to promote a book, casting doubts on whether his campaign is authentic or just a cheap ploy to get publicity. Forget that.

A new CBS poll has the ‘pizza man turn book promoter’ tied with Mitt Romney to lead the Republican presidential field.

This is where we say LOL!

The poll shows Cain, who stood at just five percent support two weeks ago, now holding 17 percent support among Republican primary voters. That puts the former Godfather’s Pizza CEO into a tie with Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, whose support has essentially held steady over the past two weeks.

Perry, meanwhile, has dropped from 23 percent support to just 12 percent support over the past two weeks, a sign that the Texas governor’s shaky debate performances – in which he has alienated portions of both the Republican base and the party establishment – have taken their toll.

This poll was conducted by telephone from September 28-October 2, 2011 among 1,012 adults nationwide.

Cain is trying to decide whether he wants to be a good campaigner, a good book promoter or a good pizza man, or all three. But whatever he is, Republicans want him to lead the greatest nation on earth. WOW!

Herman Cain niggerhead presidential Republican

Watch Herman Cain Calls Out Rick Perry – “Just Plain Insensitive”

If you haven’t heard about Rick Perry and the name of his hunting grounds, then you must have been living under a rock – and we’re not talking about the infamous rock with the name “Niggerhead” written on it, and positioned at the entrance to the 1,070 acres property where Rick Perry and his friends hunted back in the 80’s either.

Herman Cain so far, is the only Republican presidential candidate to discuss this latest Perry slip-up. Will the other candidates use this opportunity to attack the leader of the Republican pact? We’ll have to wait and see.

This word on the property that Perry owned a lease to, and brought friends to, would normally be enough to end any previous presidential ambition. However, we’re not in normal times, so don’t be surprised if Perry’s poll numbers among these Teaparty/Republicans increase simply because of this scandal. After all, this is the group that praise killing people and suggested that the uninsured die if they get sick.

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Herman Cain Republican Sarah Palin

Herman Cain Refers To Perry, Romney And Bachmann As “Ice Milk”

Sarah Palin, on her recent appearance on Fox News, told Greta Van Susteren that Herman Cain is just the “flavor of the week.” Palin’s comment was a direct hit to Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann and Donald Trump, who all led the Republican presidential field at some point or another.

Herman Cain went on the Jay Leno Show last night, and defended his recent surge in the polls. Asked about Palin’s flavor of the week comment, Herman Cain defended his new position – presently third behind Rick Perry and Mitt Romney – and in the process of making that defense, Cain referred to Perry, Bachmann and Trump – the previous poll leaders – as “ice milk.” About the “flavor of the week” label, Cain said;

But the fact that she called me flavor of the week… if you look at what has happened, that might be true with some people. But I happen to believe that there’s ice milk and there’s Häagen-Dazs Black Walnut. Substance. That’s the difference. I got some substance. I’m Häagen-Dazs Black Walnut!

Video Below.

CNN Herman Cain

Herman Cain Makes Ad Calling Blacks Lazy, Unpatriotic Cheats

The hits just keeps on coming.

Recently, Herman Cain called blacks “brainwashed” because a huge majority vote Democrat. But that wasn’t all Cain said about the black community.

In another ad made in 2006, Herman Cain through his high-profile role at AmericaPAC, allowed what can easily be one of the most vile, despicable political ads ever! An ad, whose only perceivable intent is to put down an entire group of people. Herman Cain (who is black in case you haven’t noticed and referred to as “the face of AmericaPAC”) kept the ad that quotes almost all the stereotypes used to insult the black community.

And in 2012, if he makes it that far, Cain wants your vote.

Chris Wallace Herman Cain Republican

Herman Cain Cannot Say If Bugs Bunny Is His Economic Adviser

Appearing on the Fox News network today, was the grandfather of pizza making and a Republican presidential candidate, Herman Cain. Like you’ve probably heard in his Republican debates, Cain is pushing a 999 plan that he claims, is the missing link to cure the country’s economic woes. A plan that will introduce a flat tax rate for Corporations, individual income and national retail sales tax.

When introducing his plan, Cain said;

“It is revenue neutral, so it will raise the same amount of revenue that we’re currently collecting with this messed up tax code that is being manipulated by the politicians to pick the winners and losers.”

So naturally, knowing the names of the economists who drafted this plan would be necessary when considering the seriousness of Cain’s 999 plan. Otherwise, one could easily call it the price of a small pizza – $9.99. So Chris Wallace, the host of the Fox program Cain appeared on, asked the obvious question; could you name one economist who endorsed this plan?

Cain fumbles, then admits he did not have the authority to name names. Wallace points out that if the plan was any good, the authors would have no problem having their names associated with it, but Cain maintained his position of secrecy. He did, however, offer this at the end of the segment, “I am going to try and get my advisers to allow me to use their name.”

So until we know who created this 999 prescription for our economic perils, I’m sticking to calling it what I think it is – the price of a small pizza with extra cheese. Soda would be extra.

Herman Cain USA PATRIOT Act

Republican Herman Cain Is A Joke

There’s simply no other way to describe the Presidential hopeful.

In a speech given at the  Family Leader Presidential Lecture Series in Pella, Iowa, Hermain wowed the conservative audience by complaining about President Obama, and telling the audience that the only bills a Herman Cain president will sign into law, will be three pages or less. The audience loved it.

CAIN: Engage the people. Don’t try to pass a 2,700 page bill — and even they didn’t read it! You and I didn’t have time to read it. We’re too busy trying to live — send our kids to school. That’s why I am only going to allow small bills — three pages. You’ll have time to read that one over the dinner table. What does Herman Cain, President Cain talking about in this particular bill?

ThinkProgress made this observation.

Cain’s pledge received a raucous round of applause from the crowd, who didn’t seem to fully appreciate the implications of such a radical cut-off mark. The vast majority of substantive bills passed by Congress are longer than three pages. Under this bright-line rule, Cain wouldn’t have signed such landmark pieces of legislation as the Civil Rights Act, the Social Security Act, or thePATRIOT Act. In fact, he wouldn’t have even been able to sign the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, which ran 114 and 18 pages, respectively.

As president, Cain wouldn’t be able to sign any of the always-lengthy appropriations bills that keep the government running and the military funded. In fact, pretty much the only legislation that could squeak by under Cain’s three-page cut-off would be the simplest bills naming post offices and the like. But perhaps that’s exactly what Cain wants — to completely shutdown government by refusing to take any action that requires a prolonged attention span.

Fox News rachel maddow Republican Wisconsin

Shep Smith of Fox News Tells The Truth! When Will He Be Fired?

As I write this post, I’m hearing the song, “Hit the road Jack,” playing in my head, and I can’t help but feel that it’s just a matter of time before Fox News sings that song to Shep Smith. He actually has a mind, and although sometimes he falls in line and echos their extremists talking points, for the most part, Shep Smith goes off on his own and tells it like it really is. So for this reason, he’s not a good fit for the liars at FOX.

Mr. Smith Goes To Wisconsin

His latest stab at the truth came this week when he again, branched off  and defied the talking heads at FOX.  Shep stated that what’s happening in Wisconsin “has nothing to do with the budget,” and he correctly sees  governor Walker’s actions for what they really are… dirty politics.


Fox News

Fox Employee Confirms – Fox News Makes Stuff Up

We knew this all along. They call themselves a news channel, but what they broadcast are lies and willful misinformation.  Now, a former employee of FOX NEWS is coming forward with information that the network just made stuff up in an attempt to destroy the  Obama administration and the Democrats.

“It is their M.O. to undermine the administration and to undermine Democrats,” says the source. “They’re a propaganda outfit but they call themselves news.”

The employee spoke in an exclusive interview with Media Matters and confirmed what the rest of the world already knew.

“I don’t think people would believe it’s as concocted as it is; that stuff is just made up.

“They say one thing and do another. They insist on maintaining this charade, this façade, that they’re balanced or that they’re not right-wing extreme propagandist.”

“You have to work there for a while to understand the nods and the winks, and God help you if you don’t because sooner or later you’re going to get burned.”

The source continues;

“Like any news channel there’s lot of room for non-news content. The content that wasn’t ‘news,’ they didn’t care what we did with as long as it was amusing or quirky or entertaining;  as along as it brought in eyeballs.  But anything—anything–that was a news story you had to understand what the spin should be on it. If it was a big enough story it was explained to you in the morning [editorial] meeting. If it wasn’t explained, it was up to you to know the conservative take on it. There’s a conservative take on every story no matter what it is. So you either get told what it is or you better intuitively know what it is.”

Yes, FOXNEWS lies. Yes, they make stuff up and yes, they’re a propaganda machine for the right-wing. But their need to stoop this low is not the saddest  part of the story. What’s really sad is their faithful followers who tune in night after night expecting news, and not able or willing to accept the fact that they aren’t getting it.

According to a recent study conducted by World Public Opinion, Fox has the most uninformed viewers among cable news networks. The poll basically found that watching Foxnews makes you stupid. But don’t tell that to their audience. These poor souls continue tuning in – night after lying night – to get their dose of dumbing-down. Some people you just can’t help!

More from the  employee’s interview  here.

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