Canada Fox News

Fox Tells Viewers Best Route To Canada After President’s Reelection

They claimed they loved their country, they swear they’re patriotic.  But after the reelection of President Obama earlier this week, a Fox Station in Oklahoma dedicated part of their traffic segment to dishearten Republicans who have had enough of being patriotic.

Fox 23’s Jeff Brucculeri used part of his ‘Beat the Traffic’ segment to advise these Republican patriots on how to “beat the traffic” to Canada.

‘We had some folks make a special request,’ Brucculeri said. ‘I know a lot people said that if their candidate lost the election, they’d be moving to Canada — not sure why, but that was some of the folks’ promises out there.’

The traffic anchor proceeded to give ‘the quickest and directest route’ up north, where big government, same sex marriage and universal health are a part of everyday life.

Members of the newsroom could be heard laughing out of camera shot, to which Brucculeri just said: ‘“This is serious stuff.

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