
It’s Almost Official – Hillary Clinton Is Running For President in 2016

At a recent event in Washington featuring a speech by Hillary Clinton, the performance of the Secretary of State and the reception she received from those in attendance were analyzed by David Remnick of The New Yorker, and the conclusion to him was convincing – that Hillary Clinton was running for President of the United States in 2016.

Hillary Clinton was the main speaker. In a packed ballroom of the Willard Hotel, she was greeted with a standing ovation and then a short, adoring film, a video Festschrift testifying to her years as First Lady, senator, and, above all, secretary of state. The film, an expensive-looking production, went to the trouble of collecting interviews with Israeli politicians—Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak, Tzipi Livni—and American colleagues, like John Kerry. Tony Blair, striking the moony futuristic note that was general in the hall, said, “I just have an instinct that the best is yet to come.”

The film was like an international endorsement four years in advance of the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary. The tone was so reverential that it resembled the sort of film that the Central Committee of the Communist Party might have produced for Leonid Brezhnev’s retirement party if Leonid Brezhnev would only have retired and the Soviets had been in possession of advanced video technology. After it was over there was a separate video from the President. Looking straight into the camera, Obama kvelled at length: “You’ve been at my side at some of the most important moments of my Administration.”

When the videos were over (and as the evening moved on), there was much chatter about what Clinton would do after she steps down from the Cabinet next month—get a haircut; take a few weeks sleeping off jet lag at Canyon Ranch; read the polls and the political landscape; do good works; do good works for the good people of, say, Iowa—and so on. Everyone had a theory of which they were one hundred percent certain. There wasn’t much doubt about the ultimate direction. 2007-8 was but a memory and 2016 was within sight. She’s running.

“I am somewhat overwhelmed, but I’m obviously thinking I should sit down,” Clinton said as the videos concluded. “I prepared some remarks for tonight, but then I thought maybe we could just watch that video a few more times. And then the next time, I could count the hairstyles, which is one of my favorite pastimes.” An old joke with Hillary, but the crowd, tickled to be there, rosy with wine, roared.



Another Republican – Arrested For Threatening The American Elected President

Another post for the insanity that’s brewing and overflowing in the Republican party. They still cannot accept the fact that Democracy worked and the best man won the presidential election.

Christopher Castillo threatened the president on his Facebook page.

“That’s the last straw, if he gets re-elected I’m going to hunt him down and kill him watch the life disappear from his eyes.”

Castillo’s father, Frank, defended him:

“A lot of people say things on Facebook that they don’t mean, and I understand the Secret Service has to do what they have to do, it’s their job,” said Frank Castillo of Tyler, Texas. “I would imagine they would find some people out there that really are loose cannons. Christopher is not one of them.”

The younger Castillo’s tone didn’t improve when he talked to the authorities.

When officials went to Christopher Castillo’s home Nov. 8, Castillo said “he made the comments out of severe anger towards [sic] the President for his views on health care and said ‘we’re all going to be screwed,’ ” the affidavit reads.

Christopher Castillo made further threats to the president in the interview with investigators, calling the president a terrorist and threatening to beat him up, according to court documents. When investigators told Castillo his statements violated federal law, he replied “it did not matter,” according to the affidavit.

Castillo is in custody, but will be released with a GPS monitor.

h/t Alan

Bush Politics

How To Increase The Debt – A Republican Tale – Graph

Next time you find yourself in a debt debate with someone who only gets their news from Fox, use this graph to prove your point. We all know they have limited attention span for words and facts, so this will come in handy.

Barack Obama Politics

A Very Emotional President Sheds Tears While Thanking Campaign – Video

President Obama shares his story of being a community organizer with the young people who propelled his campaign through volunteering, knocking on doors and organizing the get out the vote drives. And a tear ran down his face as he expressed his hope for the future. “I’m really proud of you,” the President said, as he wiped his tear away.

Barack Obama Politics

Mayor Mike Bloomberg Endorses President Obama While Slamming Mitt Romney

The Endorsement:

The devastation that Hurricane Sandy brought to New York City and much of the Northeast — in lost lives, lost homes and lost business — brought the stakes of Tuesday’s presidential election into sharp relief.

The floods and fires that swept through our city left a path of destruction that will require years of recovery and rebuilding work. And in the short term, our subway system remains partially shut down, and many city residents and businesses still have no power. In just 14 months, two hurricanes have forced us to evacuate neighborhoods — something our city government had never done before. If this is a trend, it is simply not sustainable.

Our climate is changing. And while the increase in extreme weather we have experienced in New York City and around the world may or may not be the result of it, the risk that it might be — given this week’s devastation — should compel all elected leaders to take immediate action.

Here in New York, our comprehensive sustainability plan — PlaNYC — has helped allow us to cut our carbon footprint by 16 percent in just five years, which is the equivalent of eliminating the carbon footprint of a city twice the size of Seattle.

Through the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group — a partnership among many of the world’s largest cities — local governments are taking action where national governments are not.

But we can’t do it alone. We need leadership from the White House — and over the past four years, President Barack Obama has taken major steps to reduce our carbon consumption, including setting higher fuel-efficiency standards for cars and trucks. His administration also has adopted tighter controls on mercury emissions, which will help to close the dirtiest coal power plants (an effort I have supported through my philanthropy), which are estimated to kill 13,000 Americans a year.

Mitt Romney, too, has a history of tackling climate change. As governor of Massachusetts, he signed on to a regional cap- and-trade plan designed to reduce carbon emissions 10 percent below 1990 levels. “The benefits (of that plan) will be long- lasting and enormous — benefits to our health, our economy, our quality of life, our very landscape. These are actions we can and must take now, if we are to have ‘no regrets’ when we transfer our temporary stewardship of this Earth to the next generation,” he wrote at the time.

He couldn’t have been more right. But since then, he has reversed course, abandoning the very cap-and-trade program he once supported. This issue is too important. We need determined leadership at the national level to move the nation and the world forward.

I believe Mitt Romney is a good and decent man, and he would bring valuable business experience to the Oval Office. He understands that America was built on the promise of equal opportunity, not equal results. In the past he has also taken sensible positions on immigration, illegal guns, abortion rights and health care. But he has reversed course on all of them, and is even running against the health-care model he signed into law in Massachusetts.

If the 1994 or 2003 version of Mitt Romney were running for president, I may well have voted for him because, like so many other independents, I have found the past four years to be, in a word, disappointing.

In 2008, Obama ran as a pragmatic problem-solver and consensus-builder. But as president, he devoted little time and effort to developing and sustaining a coalition of centrists, which doomed hope for any real progress on illegal guns, immigration, tax reform, job creation and deficit reduction. And rather than uniting the country around a message of shared sacrifice, he engaged in partisan attacks and has embraced a divisive populist agenda focused more on redistributing income than creating it.

Nevertheless, the president has achieved some important victories on issues that will help define our future. His Race to the Top education program — much of which was opposed by the teachers’ unions, a traditional Democratic Party constituency — has helped drive badly needed reform across the country, giving local districts leverage to strengthen accountability in the classroom and expand charter schools. His health-care law — for all its flaws — will provide insurance coverage to people who need it most and save lives.

When I step into the voting booth, I think about the world I want to leave my two daughters, and the values that are required to guide us there. The two parties’ nominees for president offer different visions of where they want to lead America.

One believes a woman’s right to choose should be protected for future generations; one does not. That difference, given the likelihood of Supreme Court vacancies, weighs heavily on my decision.

One recognizes marriage equality as consistent with America’s march of freedom; one does not. I want our president to be on the right side of history.

One sees climate change as an urgent problem that threatens our planet; one does not. I want our president to place scientific evidence and risk management above electoral politics.

Of course, neither candidate has specified what hard decisions he will make to get our economy back on track while also balancing the budget. But in the end, what matters most isn’t the shape of any particular proposal; it’s the work that must be done to bring members of Congress together to achieve bipartisan solutions.

Presidents Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan both found success while their parties were out of power in Congress — and President Obama can, too. If he listens to people on both sides of the aisle, and builds the trust of moderates, he can fulfill the hope he inspired four years ago and lead our country toward a better future for my children and yours. And that’s why I will be voting for him.

h/t Buzzfeed

Barack Obama Politics

Morgan Freeman’s Ad For President Obama – “The Last Thing We Should Do Is Turn Back Now!”

Morgan Freeman lends his famous voice to the Re-election campaign for President Obama. In the ad below, Mr. Freeman spoke about where we were as a country when President Obama took office, where we are now and where we must go in the future.

“the last thing we should do, is turn back now,” Mr. Freeman said, as the ad comes to an end.


President Obama Contributes $5,000 To His Own Campaign

Yes folks, things are really that bad. In the past, president Obama spoke of Romney’s ability to out raise him and warned supporters that he could actually lose in November if Romney is able to spend uncontested amounts on television ads.

Now, President Obama is putting his own money into his campaign, trying to keep pace with the handful of Billionaires buying our Democracy for Mitt Romney.

President Obama has contributed $5,000 to his own presidential campaign.

In an e-mail today to supporters, Obama wrote, “yesterday, I made my first donation to support this campaign,” though he did not reveal the amount.

The amount: $5,000, according to the campaign.

Obama again warned backers about the prospect of a massive Republican spending advantage in the fall race against Mitt Romney.

Wrote the president: “On its own, what I gave won’t be enough to surmount the unprecedented fundraising we’ve seen on the other side, both from our opponent’s campaign and from the outside groups and special interests supporting him.”

Mitt Romney Politics taxes

Mitt The Mystery Romney – Not Right For America

There was a time in American politics when a candidate auditioning for the highest job in the land had to be vetted. Americans wanted to know everything about that candidate: their morals, their beliefs, their past associations, their work experiences, their family background, their taxes, their beer drinking skills and more.

But apparently, all those expectations stopped when Republicans decided that Mr. Romney’s past is none of our business. And Romney went through much trouble to destroy records from his time as Governor of Massachusetts and records dealing with his Olympics tenure.  There are more questions than answers pertaining to his work at Bain Capital and his taxes are hidden.

Plus, he’s not a drinker!

Republicans have decided to go to the polls this November and hire a worker they know nothing of. This is not acceptable in the real world and it should not be acceptable for someone applying for the most important job in the nation.

marco rubio Mitt Romney Politics Republican

Marco Rubio – Mitt Romney Is Not The Best Choice, But…

Marco Rubio is a Republican Senator representing Florida and he is “being considered” as a possible vice president candidate for Republican nominee Mitt Flip Romney. But in March of this year, Rubio expressed his true feelings for Romney with this classic quote from the Daily Caller;

“There are a lot of other people out there that some of us wish had run for President, but they didn’t. I think Mitt Romney would be a fine President, and he’d be way better than the guy who’s there right now.”

Of course Rubio would say that Mittens will be a better president than Obama. They’re both Republicans, so the second part of his comment is a given. The first part however, is the eye opener. It shows the flaw in Romney – his inability to connect to the very people who will hold their noises and vote for him.

Republicans don’t like Mitt, and they don’t care who knows it.


Man Gets 15 Years In Prison For Plotting To Kill Obama

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama (AP) – An Uzbek man was sentenced Friday to more than 15 years in U.S. prison for plotting to kill President Obama.

Ulugbek Kodirov, 22, had faced up to 30 years in prison.

Defense attorney Lance Bell argued that Kodirov had accepted responsibility for his actions and was trying to straighten out his life. He said Kodirov wasn’t a “big, bad terrorist.”

“I’m not calling him a victim, but he’s a victim to a degree of social media,” Bell said.

Kodirov pleaded guilty in February to threatening to kill Obama, providing material support to terrorism and unlawfully possessing a firearm. He said he came up with the plan to kill the president as he campaigned for re-election after communicating online with a man he believed to be a member of an Uzbek Islamic group the United States classifies as a terrorist organization.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Whisonant said Kodirov would have tried to kill Obama, and a foreign group would have taken credit, if he had not been arrested a year ago.

“This case is an example of how our youth can be radicalized by the propaganda and lies on the Internet,” Whisonant told the judge.

With limited proficiency in English, Kodirov worked seven days a week in a kiosk at a shopping mall in Alabama before his arrest, the defense said.

A complaint said Kodirov contacted an unidentified person trying to buy weapons in early July 2011, and that person became a confidential source for the government. Accompanied by the witness, Kodirov bought an automatic rifle from an undercover agent and made a final threat against the president, authorities said. The agent also gave Kodirov four hand grenades with the powder removed.

Authorities said Kodirov was in the country illegally because he obtained a student visa but never enrolled in school. He faces deportation after his release from prison.


California Pastor Says “God Wants Ron Paul To Be President”

A California pastor says God has personally told him that Christians must vote for Rep. Ron Paul (R-CA) to be the next president of the United States.

“God wants Ron Paul to be President,” USA Christian Ministries Pastor Steven Andrew said in a statementreleased on Wednesday. “Paul is the only Christian still running who beat Obama in polls, but will Christians and pastors obey God?”

“We must obey God and vote for Christians.”

Andrew believes that President Barack Obama and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney are not qualified for office because they “are deceived and would seek Satan because they refuse to make Jesus Lord.”

“Obama says to leave living babies to die who survive botched abortions, covers Jesus’ name and cross at Georgetown, fights unjust wars that result in Muslims persecuting Christians, and mocks God and our Founding Fathers’ Christian laws,” he explained.

“Jesus Christ is the second Person of the Godhead but, as a Mormon, Romney thinks: Jesus is a created being, the spirit brother of Lucifer; that men become Gods and that Christians are inferior people. Christians know Mormonism is Satanic,” Andrew added.


After posting this post to Twitter, the following were just a few of the responses. Funny stuff!!!



Video below.


Once an Obama Critic, Former New York Mayor Wants Obama Re-Elected

Ed Koch, the mercurial former New York mayor and Jewish community figure who was helpful to George W. Bush in places like Florida in the 2004 presidential race, sees “change” by President Obama, who he was slow to support, on the subject of Israel.

“Going to foreign affairs and Israel in particular, where I am very concerned that I think Israel is in great danger, where I thought the president was not giving enough attention,” Koch told WABC radio’s Aaron Klein. “He’s changed. And I believe I had something to do with the change.”

He added, “I think Obama has done a terrific job in the last six months in support of Israel. And I want to praise him and I want to reelect him.”

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