michael steele Politics Republican

Michael Steele Acknowledges The Republican Party is Being Reduced to The Idiot Class

Michael Steele went on MSNBC’s Hardball today and called out certain members in his Republican party. The segment Steele was discussing had to do with the so-called Republican outreach or lack thereof, and the “bad behavior” by some elected members of the party when it comes to baseless, fact-less nonsense being spewed about President Obama and other minorities.

The moderator of the show pointed out some of the things elected Republicans have said about the President and he played a recording showing Rep. Blake Farenthold from Texas, who said that the original congress should have looked into President Obama’s birth and whether he was in fact an American citizen. He then turn to Steele, telling him that when elected Republican continue this baseless talking point, it reflects badly on the entire party. And then asked Steele what should be done to save the party.

Steele answered that comments like the ones from Farenthold should be dismissed by the leaders of the party. He also acknowledged that those comments draw the party down and “stereotypes the party into a very small casam of the idiot class who can’t figure out that America is changing and how to adopt to this change and become a part of it as opposed to resisting it.”

Well said Steele, well said. With views like this, we see now why they kicked you out from heading the RNC.


Domestic Policies News Politics Republican Technology

The Party’s Over

The signs of decline are everywhere. No ideas. No strategy except saying no. Extreme candidates. An unbending view of the constitution that allows no other interpretation. An aging, angry, declining electorate. Technology that doesn’t work and that isn’t attracting the best young talent in Silicon Valley. A pollster who was so wrong last November it actually skewed the numbers in many election forecasts is saying that the president is in trouble. And perhaps worse, a Ronald Reagan fetish that misinterprets what Reagan really accomplished, and how he accomplished it. Tell me what’s positive about the Republicans.

It’s as if the party is driving across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge with its eyes closed. Nothing good can come of this. They’ve already alienated a majority of people by voting down background checks. And now they’re making noise that they will reject an immigration bill that has wide support and will address serious deficiencies in our system. Siding with big business on tax reform would be a sweet third strike as we move into next year’s election season. In fact, 2010 will be seen as the swan song of the far right; the last gasp of a fading and rudderless movement that will take up residence in the south and fight the good fight, 150 years after the last major battles.

The Democrats, by contrast, are beginning to move out of the morass they found themselves in after the 2010 elections. Yes, they are presently mired in scandal muck, but this too shall pass. The scandals might slow down their momentum, but as the GOP will use them as an excuse to do nothing, the population will see their tactics for what they are, and have always been, and will vote accordingly. The Democrats will probably not take the House, but they will make inroads on the path to a majority in 2016. They’ll also hold on to the Senate, but perhaps by a smaller margin than today.

From there, it will be up to the Republicans who are left to either help make this country better or continue their obstruction. Yes, they have Rubio, Paul, Ryan and Christie. But up against O’Malley, Cuomo, Clinton and Malloy, they don’t stand a chance.

For more, go to and on Twitter @rigrundfest

Politics Republican

Meghan McCain To The Republican Party – Change, Or I’m Leaving You

While her father John McCain continues his fruitless partisan attacks on the Obama administration, Meghan McCain is quietly making news calling for drastic changes in the Republican party especially around social issues. And if the party remains the same boring old party stuck in the ice age, the daughter of the 2008 Republican presidential candidate is threatening to pack all her stuff and leave the party!

She writes:

“… I’ve been calling for the Republican Party to come to terms with reality and modernize. Last Tuesday, Mitt Romney lost—and he lost big. As Republicans, we lost again. I felt sad, exhausted, beaten down, and heartbroken. It was the first time that I considered that the Republican Party, which I love so much, might die.”

“Times are changing. The face of America is changing and we as Republicans stand at a crossroads. Are we going to accept the changing face of America and change with it? Or are we going to continue to become more isolated and irrelevant? It’s possible to maintain the core values of this party and evolve when it comes to social issues. Quite frankly, I don’t see any other path to success.”

“I’ve spent most of my adult life fighting for change from inside the Republican Party… And if we don’t move forward, adapt, and become relevant again, the Republican Party isn’t going to survive. It will just continue to alienate more moderate voters like myself. If I don’t see some changes in the next four years, I’m going to consider registering as an Independent in 2016.”

Politics Racists Republican

Top Republican Says “My Party Is Filled With Racists!” – Video

That was the response from Mitt Romney’s top adviser John Sununu, who criticized General Colin Powell‘s decision to endorse President Obama in the presidential election. Sununu insinuated that Colin Powell only endorsed the President because they’re both black.

“Frankly, when you take a look at Colin Powell, you have to wonder whether that’s an endorsement based on issues or whether he’s got a slightly different reason for preferring President Obama,” Sununu said in an interview on CNN. When asked to explain his statement, Sununu continued, “Well, I think when you have somebody of your own race that you’re proud of being president of the United States, I applaud Colin for standing with him.”

On The Ed Show, the guest was Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, the Former Chief of Staff at the State Department for Colin Powell. Ed asked his guest to comment on what John Sununu said, and the Mr. Wilkerson’s response took me by surprised. Although I believe what Mr. Wilkerson said is true, hearing him say it was sad. Sad that this was our reality, but still refreshing to hear a Republican telling the truth.



Why Blacks Left The Republican Party

 Simply put: Because the party that was once crucial in the emancipation of African Americans, has turned into one that promotes hate, lies, and intolerance.

During the 1860’s, when Lincoln was President, the Republican party was considered the liberal party that was against slavery. Blacks mostly voted Republican after the Civil War and through the early part of the 20th century, not surprisingly, since Lincoln was Republican and the white  segregationist politicians who governed Southern states in those days were Democrats who didn’t want anything to do with Blacks. From then on Blacks continued to stick with the party that promoted their causes in the United States.

The tide began to turn much later when Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt got 71 percent of the black vote for president in 1936 after meeting with black leaders to push for specific programs that helped regain the grounds lost, due to four centuries of servitude in the United State. Then Harry Truman grabbed 77 percent of the black vote in 1948, thanks to his issuing an order of desegregation to the armed services and an executive order setting up regulations against racial bias in federal employment.

John F. Kennedy used the civil rights movement to define the Democratic party as a liberal party for decades to come. Kennedy began pushing for the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 and after he was killed,  Lyndon B. Johnson pushed it through.

Johnson then got 94 percent of the black vote that year, then, a record for any presidential election. The following year he signed the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Ever since, no Republican presidential candidate has gotten more than 15 percent of the black vote.

Members of the  Black GOP like to harp on the fact that Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican. But on April 4, 1968 Reverend Dr. King, at 39, was shot and killed in Memphis Tennessee, while supporting striking sanitation workers. You could best believe that today, Dr. King would be considered–just as he was in the 60’s thru the changing attitude of the Republican Party–as a dangerous troublemaker by the GOP. Today, King would have joined the ranks of union protesters in Wisconsin and other states whose Republican governors look to dismantle union bargaining rights across the country.

Democrats have done a lot more for blacks in the last 50 years or so, while Republicans have been behind every kind of intolerance, not just racism but sexism, homophobia, nativism…you name it.

African-Americans have a unique history in America not shared by any other race. To say that we have no choice and no voice in how we draw our party lines and choose our political candidates just shows how much you don’t know of our history here. Surely those who have criticized the need for  government sponsored programs, assistance, and services–created in the 60’s –as “handouts” and “special favors” are now beginning to see just how much we all have benefited from a Democratic government in the face of a Republican party that seeks to take all from the ‘haves-nots’ to give to the ‘haves’.

The majority of Blacks in America have made the consensual choice to vote as Democrats. And that will continue to be the our choice as long as that party serves our causes.

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