
Republican Congressman Lies – Says 10 ISIS Members Were Caught on US Border

The Congressman, Rep. Duncan Hunter, went on Fox News and broke the news to the United States and to the world, that ISIS is not only working hard to gain access to the US homeland, in fact says Hunter, they already have gained access and “at least 10” ISIS members were caught while crossing the southern border!

Be afraid America, be very afraid!

“ISIS doesn’t have a navy, they don’t have an air force, they don’t have nuclear weapons,” he added. “The only way that ISIS is going to harm Americans is by coming through the southern border – which they already have.

“If you really want to protect Americans from ISIS, you secure the southern border — it’s that simple,” the San Diego Republican said. “They caught them at the border, therefore we know that ISIS is coming across the border. If they catch five or 10 of them then you know there’s going to be dozens more that did not get caught by the border patrol.”

When pushed by the Fox Host to explain how he got the information, Hunter said that a border patrol agent told him about the capture. Of course, ICE – Immigration Customs Enforcement – has already called the Republican congressman a liar, saying that there has been no such capture at any US border, but that is not going to stop people like Rep. Duncan Hunter from jumping on an opportunity to scare the American people into electing Republicans to close the border that Obama apparently opened. We all know there was not an opened border with Republicans ran the show!

Republicans have used every issue to try and scare Americans and blaming Democrats and the President for ISIS is no different. The terrorist group is a prime target for the Republican party trying to win the Senate in November 2014, and everything the terrorists do, is of course, Obama’s fault.

They claim the president is to be blamed for the development of the group and that the president is not securing the border. So joining the two issues – ISIS and The Border – just makes perfect sense for the opportunistic Republican. It is apparently the Democrats fault that the imaginary ISIS members are coming through the border to kill you as you sleep!

children Immigration Politics tweets

Stephen King Is Angry With The Teaparty – Look At His Twitter Feed

I share your feelings sir, and then I shared them on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest! These Republicans/Teaparty members are thorns in the flesh of America’s progress!

Mr. King took to twitter and expressed his frustrations with the hypocrisy that is the Republicans Teaparty members in this country. The same folks who call themselves “Christians,” but are quick to turn their backs on the least amoungst us – the kids crossing the borders trying to escape the turmoil in their country!

What would Jesus do?

These are Stephen King’s Tweets;

But, of course you know what was coming. The people King referred to in his tweets decided to defend their hate for the children trying to escape the hardships in their countries. They were not kind to King at all…!

And they didn’t stop there, they continued. But you’ll have to see his twitter feed if you want to know what other crazy things they said to King because of his tweets. I have reached my crazy tweets limit for today!

Immigration Nancy Pelosi Politics

Nancy Pelosi on Migrant Kids – Dems are “Committed” on Addressing Their Humanitarian Needs

As Republicans jump all over each other looking for a microphone and camera to debut their newest humiliating idea about the kids crossing the border, Democrats are more concerned about the kids’ humanitarian needs.

Appearing in the Capitol with the presidents of Honduras and Guatemala, the minority leader suggested Democrats wouldn’t accept any border-assistance bill that rolls back the mandatory due process rights currently afforded those children.

“We are committed to addressing their humanitarian needs; we are committed to due process for them,” Pelosi said during a briefing. “In order for that to happen, we must pass the president’s request.”
With more than 57,000 unaccompanied children crossing the border since October, Congress is wrestling with a legislative response that will speed the processing of those kids while ensuring they aren’t sent back into harm’s way.

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