Benghazi Politics troops veterans war

Republicans Spending More on Another Benghazi Investigation Than on Veterans

Think Progress crunched the numbers and the results are exactly what we expected.

They love war but hate the troops and veterans. Republicans in Congress are wasting more tax payers dollars on yet another Benghazi investigation, than what is appropriated for veterans care.

The House could spend up to $3.3 million in taxpayer dollars over seven months on a special committee to investigate the Sep. 2011 attacks against the American diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, more than lawmakers have appropriated for committees dedicated to investigating ethics and helping American veterans over an entire 12 month period.

A ThinkProgress analysis of House spending on its 20 permanent committees from Jan. 3, 2013 to Jan. 3, 2014 finds that since Benghazi committee’s full-year equivalent budget would be an estimated $5,657,142, its investigation will cost more than the budgets of nine other House committees:

Committee on Rules: $2,857,408
Committee on Small Business: $2,992,688
Committee on Ethics: $3,020,459
Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: $3,048,546
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: $4,389,758
Committee on House Administration: $4,600,560
Committee on Agriculture: $5,036,187
Committee on the Budget: $5,138,824
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology: $5,282,755
House Benghazi Panel: $5,657,142
Committee on Natural Resources: $6,555,829
Committee on Armed Services: $6,563,535
Committee on Education and the Workforce: $6,952,763
Committee on Homeland Security: $7,033,588
Committee on the Judiciary: $7,077,016
Committee on Foreign Affairs: $7,388,112
Committee on Financial Services: $7,394,482
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: $8,182,307
Committee on Ways and Means: $8,423,411
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: $8,940,437
Committee on Energy and Commerce: $9,520,516

The seven House Republicans will receive a bigger share of the committee budget, $2.2 million, more than the five Democrats, who will see “just over $1 million.”

Military Politics troops


By Mike Caccioppoli

As seen on America The Not So Beautiful

When it comes to either supporting our troops or hating Obama the Republicans overwhelmingly choose the latter. Oh boy do they ever. The party who loves jingoistic phrases and loud macho alpha chest beating just couldn’t wait to bash the soldier that our President bravely rescued. Yes it is very brave to actually take action. And that’s what our President did. To fuck with the consequences of more bashing and phony scandal and impeachment talk from the right wing scum. Obama actually did the right thing!

Yes the Republicans love to talk big. “Support our troops”…”Semper Fi.. do or die..gung ho..gung ho…gung ho!” But when it comes to taking action all they can do is sit back and be Monday morning quarterbacks. Now many Republicans were caught erasing tweets they had sent out before Bergdahl’s return which said they were in favor of doing whatever was necessary to get him back. You see that was before Obama did what they never expected him to do..actually get the dude back. Republicans, since they are the party of do nothing, or do nothing unless it fucks most people over, figured Obama wouldn’t have the balls to actually make the deal to bring Bergdahl home.

But he did exactly that. And now they are against what they were for. Not the first time the ballsy black President has done something they actually wanted, to only bash him once he pulls the trigger. It’s commonplace. It’s not surprising at all. Not surprising because the Republican party couldn’t care less about our troops. They have been using our troops as pawns for decades. They send them to die in needless, useless wars. They destroy families in the name of power and money and greed and oil.

When the troops come back home all fucked up mentally and physically they cut funding to VA hospitals and know they can just blame the next Democratic President for it. “Never leave a man behind” they shout and pound their bloated chests, yet when the black President brings one home, the last one, they immediately try to destroy the soldiers reputation. Why? To just get back at the black President.

They destroy the soldiers father. Irish big mouthed right wing pricks on television call him “Taliban” because he has a long beard yet those same pricks give a guy like Phil Robertson a pass, because he is just a good American with a long unwashed beard. Old decrepit, senile Senators forget they were just on television saying they were in favor of the soldiers return by any means necessary. But now they are against it because they are fucked up in the head and forget what they just said. But they often do this, even when they were younger. Maybe they were always good for nothing mental midgets.

The Republicans love to “pray” for the troops. Pray for them oh lord! Just don’t let the black President actually bring them home. Let’s keep them in captivity until a good white male Republican is in fifty years if they are lucky. Lip service is all these good for nothing Republican scumbags are actually good for. When they have to take action they shit their pants, and just criticize those who actually take that action.

On issue after issue. Guns. Health care. Veterans rights. Immigration…on and on and on. They are on default mode. Wait for Obama to make his move then attack, attack, attack. Even if it means attacking our troops and their families. Erase those tweets, make up lies about soldiers dying trying to save the guy Obama saved without one lost life, go on Fox News and make shit up!

Republicans are a disgusting lot that grow more and more disgusting by the day. By the event.

To hell with the truth, with facts. Just destroy. Destroy our men and women in war and then continue to destroy them when they get home.

Scum doesn’t get any scummier.



Visit America The Not So Beautiful

Christmas Politics troops

President Obama Spends Christmas With the Troops

President Obama engaged Wednesday in what has become his Christmas Day tradition, visiting with troops at Marine Corps Base Hawaii.

Obama spoke to and took pictures with nearly 600 service members and their families who had gathered at the base’s chow hall.

“Michelle and I know that we would not enjoy the freedoms we do if it weren’t for the incredible dedication and professionalism and work that you do — he least we can do is just let you all know we’re grateful to you,” the commander-in-chief said.

Employing the Hawaiian version of Merry Christmas, Obama said, “we hope all of you have a Mele Kalikimaka, and we hope you guys have a great new year as well.”

Obama stayed at the base for more than two hours.

On Christmas Eve, the White House announced, Obama made holiday telephone calls to U.S. service members from each branch of the military, including personnel who were wounded in an operation in South Sudan last weekend.

Iraq troops war

Finally. The War In Iraq Officially Ends Today

Another promise kept, as Republicans continue chastising the president for following through on  his word to end the unpopular war.

“After nearly nine years of war, tens of thousands of casualties –including 4,500 dead — and more than $800 billion spent, the U.S. military on Thursday formally ended its mission in Iraq and prepared to leave the country,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

New York Times: “The tenor of the farewell ceremony, officially called ‘Casing the Colors,’ was likely to sound an uncertain trumpet for a war that was launched to rid Iraq of weapons of mass destruction it did not have and now ends without the sizable, enduring American military presence for which many officers had hoped. The tone of the string of ceremonies culminating with the final withdrawal event on Thursday has been understated in keeping with an administration that campaigned to end an unpopular war it inherited.”

In all fairness, the decision to leave Iraq was made between the Bush administration and the leaders of Iraq. But this important little fact means absolutely nothing to Republicans, as they continue accusing this president of wrongly bringing this war to an end.


Politics thanksgiving troops weekly address

What Is President Obama Thankful For?

In his weekly address, President Obama wished the American people a Happy Thanksgiving, and he took some time to send a special Thanksgiving wish to the men and women serving our country oversees.

We’re especially grateful for the men and women who defend our country overseas. To all the service members eating Thanksgiving dinner far from your families: the American people are thinking of you today.  And when you come home, we intend to make sure that we serve you as well as you’re serving America.

We’re also grateful for the Americans who are taking time out of their holiday to serve in soup kitchens and shelters, making sure their neighbors have a hot meal and a place to stay. This sense of mutual responsibility – the idea that I am my brother’s keeper; that I am my sister’s keeper – has always been a part of what makes our country special. And it’s one of the reasons the Thanksgiving tradition has endured.

The president spoke about the unnecessary gridlock going on in Washington between Democrats and Republicans and suggested that if politicians can find a way to come together, America’s future will be bright.

With all the partisanship and gridlock here in Washington, it’s easy to wonder if such unity is really possible. But think about what’s happening at this very moment: Americans from all walks of life are coming together as one people, grateful for the blessings of family, community, and country.

If we keep that spirit alive, if we support each other, and look out for each other, and remember that we’re all in this together, then I know that we too will overcome the challenges of our time.

So today, I’m thankful to serve as your President and Commander-and-Chief. I’m thankful that my daughters get to grow up in this great country of ours. And I’m thankful for the chance to do my part, as together, we make tomorrow better than today.

Politics troops

They’ve Seen The Light. Republicans Now Agree With President

They’re finally beginning to wake up. Republicans are finally realizing that a never-ending war in Iraq will take us further off the path to peace and economic prosperity for America.

Last week, we brought you a Gallop poll that found only 43% of Republicans agreed with the President’s decision to bring all our troops home. This week however, they have apparently seen the light as this new CBS poll shows – a majority of Republicans are now on board with the President’s decision.

Three in four Americans support President Obama’s decisions to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of the year, a new CBS News survey finds. Seventy-seven percent approve of the decision, including 63 percent of Republicans. Just 17 percent disapprove.

The position appears to be grounded in a sense that America made a mistake in entering Iraq in the first place. Sixty-seven percent of Americans say the result of the Iraq war was not worth the loss of American life and other costs associated with the war, while just 24 percent say it was worth it. Republicans are more likely to say the war was worth the costs, but even among Republicans, one in two say it was not worth it.

Politics troops war

Americans Overwhelmingly Agree With the President On Iraq

On October 21st, President Obama announced that all military personnel in Iraq will be home for the Christmas holidays, officially bringing an end to the war and reflecting the wishes of the American people.

A new Gallop poll conducted on October 29th and 30th, shows that 75% of Americans agree with the President’s decision.

Independents and Democrats alike supports the idea of withdrawing our troops and ending the conflict. Of course, Republicans disagree.

Read the poll here

Barack Obama Iraq troops war

For President Obama, Another Promise Kept

Bringing the troops home. It was a promise Barack Obama made while campaigning for President, and now, less than three years into his first term, President Obama is keeping yet another promise.

He made it official today by announcing that all American troops remaining in Iraq will be home for the holidays. He thanked them for a job well done and promised them all the benefits they have earned in serving their country.

Of the 39,000 troops in Iraq, about 150, a negligible force, will remain to assist in arms sales, a U.S. official told CNN. The rest will be out of Iraq by December 31.

The president said he was making good on his 2008 campaign pledge to end a war that has divided the nation since it began in 2003 and claimed more than 4,400 American lives.The announcement also came after talks that might have allowed a continued major military presence broke down amid disputes about whether U.S. troops would be immune to prosecution by Iraqi authorities.

Politics troops

Mike Mullen Cannot Guarantee Soldiers Pay If Republican Block Party Wins

Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the US military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff told our troops in Afghanistan that if the stalemate in Washington is not resolved before the August 2nd deadline, then he cannot guarantee they will continue getting their paychecks.

“I’d like to give you a better answer than that right now, I just honestly don’t know,” he said, when confronted with questions about Washington’s inability to do what they have done many times in the past – raising the debt ceiling. And knowing that these troops depends on their paycheck to help families back home, Mike Mullen spoke about the consequence of a default, saying, ” if paychecks were to stop, it would have a devastating impact.”

The United States will have $172 billion of revenue between August 3 and August 31. If Congress is not able to raise the debt ceiling from $14.3 trillion, the revenue on hand will not be able to pay our past bills and meet our present obligations to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, defense, interest on the debt, vendor payments, Labor, Commerce and unemployment insurance among others.

It is a sad state of affairs to have soldiers, fighting and risking their lives to maintain the security of this nation, worry about whether they will get a paycheck for their families at home.

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