Joe Scarborough Politics

Joe Scarborough – Republicans Too Obsessed with Hate for Obama

Joe Scarborough of MSNBC is in promotion mode. He just wrote a new book The Right Path,  and is making his rounds trying to sell as many books as he can. 

Today’s visit brought Mr. Scarborough to The View on ABC where he, of course, spoke about his book. The book is apparently about… politics. Who knew?

Other topics of discussion for Scarborough? Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Barack Obama and the Republicans hate for the man. He seemed perplexed by the way Republicans are so focused on denying the president any legislative victories, and questioned their apparent when the next to jump off the cliff if it means a legislative loss for the president.

Take Obama Obamacare for example,. Scarborough, a staunch Republican himself, sad he is not for Obamacare, but could not figure out why dismantling the law seems to be the only goal for the Republican Party.

Speaking about this Republican hate for Obamacare Scarborough said, “I’m not going to endorse Obamacare right here.” He adds, “If you don’t like Obamacare, then guess what? Let’s actually win elections and we’re only going to win elections if we come up to an alternative to Obamacare.”

Of course, figuring out a way to win an election and then coming up with an alternative plan to Obamacare is too much work for these Republicans. They will stick to their futile goal of trying to dismantle the law.

Their base must be proud.

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