Carly Fiorina Politics

Carly Fiorina Goes Back to The View – Video

The Republican presidential candidate went on the attack in a number of interviews after some members of The View called her smile “demented.” On Fox, Carly called the ladies on The View “liberals,” and said if the ladies had something to say to her, they should try saying it to her face.

Well today, that opportunity presented itself and Carly Fiorina went on the show and she brought her “demented” smile with her.


Carly Fiorina Politics

Carly Fiorian is Heading Back to ‘The View’ After Hosts Called Her Smile “demented”

Now she is obviously not Donald Trump or Ben Carson so there will be little media coverage, but ever since a co-host of The View said Carly’s smile looked “demented,” Carly has used the incident to politic and to appeal to those sympathetic to her failing presidential bid. Yesterday Carly told Fox News that if the ladies of The View has something to say about her looks, they should “say that to my face!”

“If I come back on again,”she told Fox News, “let’s see if they have the guts to say that to my face.”

Well it seems that the ladies of The View will get the chance to do just that. Carly told Fox that she will make another appearance on the television talk show.

“I will face the ladies of The View for the second time Friday…” she announced, saying that she wasn’t going to seek an apology. “My message to the ladies of The View is man up. If you want to debate me on policies, the Obama administration for example has been bad for women, Planned Parenthood is harvesting baby parts– if you don’t like those facts or those messages, man up and debate me on them. But don’t sink to talking about my face.”

Carly’s poll numbers are lingering in the single digits, so the object here is to milk this for all the publicity possible. You can bet this appearance will be used in an upcoming Carly ad against what she see as attacks from “the liberal media!”

Carly Fiorina Politics

Carly Fiorina to Co-Hosts of The View – “say that to my face”

Carly Fiorina is once again attacking someone because that someone spoke about her looks. The last time she jumped on Trump when he said something about her face. Fiorina is now attacking other women… “liberal” women, as she called them because they said something about her smile.

The day after the latest Republican debate, plenty of people in the media had things to say about the debate, the moderators, the network’s political affiliation, etc. And like many in the media, the hosts of The View – a talk show mind you – made some comments that got under the skin of one of the Republican presidential candidates.

Speaking about Carly Fiorina, one of The View’s co-host Michelle Collins, shared her interpretation of Carly’s “smile” moment. “She looked demented,” Collins said. “Her mouth did not downturn one time.” Another co-host chimed in that a “smiling Fiorina” mask would be perfect for Halloween.

Well Fiorina had something to say about the talk show host’s comment. She called the hosts “a set of liberal feminists who believe that if you do not agree with them on their liberal orthodoxy, that you don’t count.”

“Conservative women, from Sarah Palin to Michele Bachmann to Carly Fiorina, are long used to this. It will not stop me. It will not scare me. And maybe the ladies of ‘The View,’ if I come back on again, let’s see if they have the guts to say that to my face.”

Entertainment Mike Huckabee Politics

Mike Huckabee Still Pimping Beyonce for Popularity – Beyonce’s Friend Speaks Out – Video

Mike Huckabee went on The View and continued milking his exposure from his Beyoncé attacks. But this time, someone with personal knowledge of Beyoncé was there to defend her and call out the Republican.

Over the last few weeks, Huckabee has pimped Beyoncé’s popularity to further advance his own 2016 presidential ambition. He knew that any attack on the most popular entertainer in music would bring him much needed popularity, so Huckabee has homed in on Beyoncé as his only hope to the White House.

He has stated that Jay Z is “pimping” his wife and has gone “from husband to pimp by exploiting his wife as a sex object.” And suggested that letting children listen to Beyoncé is the same thing as buying a 12-year-old girl a “stripper pole.”

But on The View yesterday, Beyoncé had a small voice and defender, as her friend Michelle Williams and former Destiny’s Child singer weighed in on Huckabee.

“I’m not the Carter spokesperson,” she said, “but to hear some of those comments that you said I thought were very, very, very low.”



Whoopi Golberg – “I Don’t Know How I Feel” About Torture – Video

While I agree with Mrs. Whoopi on many issues, this one in particular is a no-brainer. I know how I feel about torture and the so-called, “enhanced interrogation” methods the CIA used to “get information” from suspected terrorists. I am totally against it! We are supposed to be better than that. ‘American Exceptionalism,’ remember?

On Wednesday’s episode of The View however, Goldberg tried to explain her confusion.

“I don’t know how I feel about it,” she said one day after Senate Democrats released a report detailing extensive abuses, “Because on one hand, I do know there are other countries that have done it, and it’s reaped quite good benefits for them. I don’t know if that’s what we’re supposed to be doing. But I’m not surprised that other countries that we’ve gone over to and pointed the finger at, are now pointing the finger at us.”

Rosie O’Donnell responded that President Ronald Reagan took part in “banning” torture, via the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. “So this is not a partisan issue,” she said. “This is an issue of national security and identity.”


Joe Scarborough Politics

Joe Scarborough – Republicans Too Obsessed with Hate for Obama

Joe Scarborough of MSNBC is in promotion mode. He just wrote a new book The Right Path,  and is making his rounds trying to sell as many books as he can. 

Today’s visit brought Mr. Scarborough to The View on ABC where he, of course, spoke about his book. The book is apparently about… politics. Who knew?

Other topics of discussion for Scarborough? Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Barack Obama and the Republicans hate for the man. He seemed perplexed by the way Republicans are so focused on denying the president any legislative victories, and questioned their apparent when the next to jump off the cliff if it means a legislative loss for the president.

Take Obama Obamacare for example,. Scarborough, a staunch Republican himself, sad he is not for Obamacare, but could not figure out why dismantling the law seems to be the only goal for the Republican Party.

Speaking about this Republican hate for Obamacare Scarborough said, “I’m not going to endorse Obamacare right here.” He adds, “If you don’t like Obamacare, then guess what? Let’s actually win elections and we’re only going to win elections if we come up to an alternative to Obamacare.”

Of course, figuring out a way to win an election and then coming up with an alternative plan to Obamacare is too much work for these Republicans. They will stick to their futile goal of trying to dismantle the law.

Their base must be proud.

Politics Sarah Palin

Jon Huntsman Accuses Palin Of Stringing People Along

“There’s too much drama and theater in politics. I mean come on. You string people along. Everybody who has anything to do with politics knew she wasn’t going to get in the race. She has a profit proposition, she’s got a business. She makes money doing what she’s doing. Who on earth is going to leave that for the uncertainty of presidential politics?”

Huntsman made an appearance on ABC’s The View, and took the opportunity to call out Sarah Palin on her decision not to run for President in 2012. When asked if he believed Palin’s claims that she wanted to spend more time with her family, the Republican Presidential candidate replied, “Hey, my family is here. I get to spend time with my family.”


Birthers Birthers donaldtrump United States White House

Donald Trump the Ultimate Birther? – Video

If Donald Trump ran his businesses the way he’s running his presidential campaign, he would be standing at Grand Central with a plastic cup begging for lunch money.

It seems the Trumpster has decided that pandering to the smallest, craziest segment of the American society is his pathway to the White House. Donald Trump has become the ultimate “Birther.”

He appeared on “The View” yesterday, demanding to see the President’s birth certificate.

I really believe there’s a birth certificate. Why wouldn’t he show his birth certificate.

Donald then went on to say that no one from Obama’s childhood remember him as a child. He also said that no one ever seen any pictures of the President as a child. Lies of course, but notice the easy way Donald was able to throw his talking point out there, hoping that no one will challenge it.

The highlight of the show was when Whoopi Golberg told Trump, “I think that’s the biggest pile of dog mess I’ve heard in ages!”. She was responding to his accusation that the President “is hiding something on his birth certificate.” Trump said;

I can’t rely on some news paper that they show. I want him to show his birth certificate. I want him to show his birth certificate!

Whoopi then asked the question, “it’s not cause he’s black?!?” Then showing how upset she was with the absurdity of the birthers, Whoopi continued;

Has any white president asked to be shown his birth certificate? When you become the president of the United States of America, you know that he’s an American.

It has always been the policy of Hawaii that they do not show the original birth certificate of any Hawaiian resident. They do, however, issue a certificate of live birth, which was done in President Obama’s case. This certificate can easily be considered as one of the most viewed document on the internet. His childhood pictures are also online and can be seen by anyone who knows how to use a keyboard. Evidently, this is too much technology for Donald Trump and the Birthers to grasp.


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