Carly Fiorina CNN Healthcare ObamaCare Politics

Carly Fiorina says “Obamacare was repealed” #LiesToldToUs – Video

Republican presidential candidate, Carly Fiorina – remember her? She’s one of the borderline floor scrubbers in the Republican polls – is trying to punch upwards, waaaay upwards, trying to hit Ted Cruz – one of the top Republican leaders in the polls. I don’t know why Cruz and Trump are at the top of the Republican list, but they are and Carly has her eyes set on Cruz.

In an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash, Carly placed Cruz squarely in her cross-hairs. When asked if Ted Cruz “would doom the Republicans’ chances in November” because he was responsible to shut down the government, Carly answered that Cruz did what he thought was politically beneficial for him in the government shutdown. And in her answer, Carly dropped the nugget that Obamacare was repealed.

NOTE: Obamacare was not repeal!

 “Ted Cruz is just like any other politician,” Fiorina said. “He says one thing in Manhattan, he says another thing in Iowa.”

“He says whatever he needs to say to get elected, and then he’s going to do as he pleases… I think the American people are tired of the political class that promises much and delivers much of the same.”


Ben Carson Carly Fiorina child molester Donald Trump Politics

Carly Fiorina Defends Ben Carson From Donald Trump’s Venom – Trump Fires Back

Hey, did you hear about the crazy 95 minute harangue by Donald Trump the other night? In it, Trump attacked everybody, but he especially had some choice words to say about Ben Carson, comparing him to a child molester.

Crazy, yea I know. Trump thought that because Carson mentioned in one of his books that he was pathologically violent when he was a teenager, Trump thought that was the same as being a child molester!

The soft-spoken Carson was not going to stand up to Trump, so Carly Fiorina decided to do it for him.

“Donald, sorry, I’ve got to interrupt again,” she wrote, referencing Trump’s protestations that she ‘interrupts everybody’ during the most recent GOP debate.

“You would know something about pathological. How was that meeting with Putin? Or Wharton? Or your self funded campaign? Anyone can turn a multi-million dollar inheritance into more money, but all the money in the world won’t make you as smart as Ben Carson.”

Fiorina’s post garnered more than 27,000 times. Trump responded in a series of five tweets on his Twitter account, telling Fiorina to apologize repeatedly.

“Carly, not just you, I also told Gov. Kasich to “let Jeb talk, give him a chance” because Kasich was constantly cutting in,” he wrote.

Less than a minute later, he wrote “Carly—I did graduate from Wharton and did very well. Who is your fact checker? Will you apologize?”

“Ben Carson said in his own book that he has a pathological temper (and) pathological disease. I didn’t say it, he did. Apology?”

“I only said I was on (“60 Minutes”) four weeks ago with Putin—never said I was in Green Room. Separate pieces—great ratings!”

“(Fiorina) had to inject herself into my factual statements concerning Ben Carson in order to breathe life into her failing campaign!”

Carly Fiorina Donald Trump Politics sexism

Donald Trump’s Sexism On Full Display at GOP Debate – Video

“Why does she keeps interrupting everybody?” said Trump, as Carly tried to interject while Rand Paul made a statement about Russia and the ease at which misguided policies like implementing a ‘no fly zone’ over Syria could start a war with Putin. Hearing Trump’s question made some members of the Republican audience applauded, then realizing the nature of Trump’s comment, they began booing… ever so slightly.


Carly Fiorina Politics

Hillary Clinton Laughs When Supporter Said He Wanted to “Strangle” Carly Fiorina – Video

When someone stood up and said Obama is “an Arab,” I expected then presidential candidate John McCain to take the mic away from that woman and correct her. McCain did, as he should, and received well deserved praise for his efforts. When a man stood up in Donald Trump rally and described Muslims as “a problem in this country” and then said, “you know the president is one,” I expected Donald Trump to correct the man. He didn’t, and got some well deserved criticisms for it.

Even Hillary Clinton slammed Donald Trump in a tweet, letting him know he should have corrected the man. “Donald Trump not denouncing false statements about POTUS & hateful rhetoric about Muslims is disturbing,” Hillary tweeted, “& just plain wrong. Cut it out. -H”


But when a military veteran at an event in New Hampshire told Hillary Clinton that he wanted to “strangle” another presidential candidate, Republican Carly Fiorina, I expected Hillary Clinton to denounce the man and his statement. She didn’t. Instead, she laughed, telling the man, “I wouldn’t mess with you!”


Carly Fiorina Politics

Carly Fiorina Goes Back to The View – Video

The Republican presidential candidate went on the attack in a number of interviews after some members of The View called her smile “demented.” On Fox, Carly called the ladies on The View “liberals,” and said if the ladies had something to say to her, they should try saying it to her face.

Well today, that opportunity presented itself and Carly Fiorina went on the show and she brought her “demented” smile with her.


Carly Fiorina Politics

Carly Fiorian is Heading Back to ‘The View’ After Hosts Called Her Smile “demented”

Now she is obviously not Donald Trump or Ben Carson so there will be little media coverage, but ever since a co-host of The View said Carly’s smile looked “demented,” Carly has used the incident to politic and to appeal to those sympathetic to her failing presidential bid. Yesterday Carly told Fox News that if the ladies of The View has something to say about her looks, they should “say that to my face!”

“If I come back on again,”she told Fox News, “let’s see if they have the guts to say that to my face.”

Well it seems that the ladies of The View will get the chance to do just that. Carly told Fox that she will make another appearance on the television talk show.

“I will face the ladies of The View for the second time Friday…” she announced, saying that she wasn’t going to seek an apology. “My message to the ladies of The View is man up. If you want to debate me on policies, the Obama administration for example has been bad for women, Planned Parenthood is harvesting baby parts– if you don’t like those facts or those messages, man up and debate me on them. But don’t sink to talking about my face.”

Carly’s poll numbers are lingering in the single digits, so the object here is to milk this for all the publicity possible. You can bet this appearance will be used in an upcoming Carly ad against what she see as attacks from “the liberal media!”

Carly Fiorina Politics

Carly Fiorina to Co-Hosts of The View – “say that to my face”

Carly Fiorina is once again attacking someone because that someone spoke about her looks. The last time she jumped on Trump when he said something about her face. Fiorina is now attacking other women… “liberal” women, as she called them because they said something about her smile.

The day after the latest Republican debate, plenty of people in the media had things to say about the debate, the moderators, the network’s political affiliation, etc. And like many in the media, the hosts of The View – a talk show mind you – made some comments that got under the skin of one of the Republican presidential candidates.

Speaking about Carly Fiorina, one of The View’s co-host Michelle Collins, shared her interpretation of Carly’s “smile” moment. “She looked demented,” Collins said. “Her mouth did not downturn one time.” Another co-host chimed in that a “smiling Fiorina” mask would be perfect for Halloween.

Well Fiorina had something to say about the talk show host’s comment. She called the hosts “a set of liberal feminists who believe that if you do not agree with them on their liberal orthodoxy, that you don’t count.”

“Conservative women, from Sarah Palin to Michele Bachmann to Carly Fiorina, are long used to this. It will not stop me. It will not scare me. And maybe the ladies of ‘The View,’ if I come back on again, let’s see if they have the guts to say that to my face.”

Carly Fiorina Domestic Policies Donald Trump Foreign Policies News Politics


That’s really all you need to know about Carly Fiorina’s chances of becoming either the Republican nominee or president of this great country. She’s an accomplished woman with plenty of money and a great speaking style, but when it came to getting votes, she couldn’t win, even in the great Republican year of 2010.

Fiorina lost to Barbara Boxer in the 2010 California Senate race by 52%-42%. We will have a woman as United States President, but it won’t be Carly Fiorina. When your best line has nothing to do with policy, but is instead a necessary rebuttal to Trump calling you ugly, then you will get press, but not solid voter support. And when your other policy proposal concerns building up the Sixth Fleet and spending huge amounts of money on defense rather than actually speaking to Vladimir Putin, then you have nothing more to say about responsible foreign policy. And those comments about the Planned Parenthood videos? All anybody has to do is watch them to know how utterly wrong Firoina was.

I don’t think we have a long way to go before we get a sense as to which one of the Republican candidates will be the nominee. Each of them will get their day in the media spotlight and each one will be found wanting in some way. Donald Trump will not win. Ben Carson will not win. Carly Fiorina will not win.


Chris Christie is getting some nice press about his performance in the debate, especially his opening statement, which was the longest he got to speak. He still has plenty of money, so perhaps the next step would be for him to get some media, although the press is still not done with Jeb! and Marco Rubio.

If the debate was any guide, then the Democrats will still have the upper hand entering the general election campaign late next spring. The Republicans are still talking nonsense about how hard they’ll come down on immigration, how they’ll shut off money to the main source of women’s health care in many states (Planned Parenthood), how they’ll carve up the Constitution to preserve a religious right that’s found nowhere in the document, and how they won’t meet with world leaders until they do what we want them to do.

And they have other problems. The Republican Party elites reduced the number of debates and made many states winner-take-all when it comes to primaries in the hope that a nominee would emerge early enough to run against the Democrat and to raise gobs of money. Now, they’re looking at a scenario where the nominee will be pulled farther to the right than Mitt Romney was, and the prospect that Donald Trump will win some of those states where the winner takes the whole delegate bundle and becomes a power broker at the convention. The Citizens United case opened up the money spigot and one of the nastier effects, at least for the GOP, is that now even some of the fringe candidates will have enough cash to cause a great deal of mischief.

Now comes word that Vice President Biden will be entering the Democratic race ahead of the October 13 debate. This will give him the opportunity to gauge his support and will also give him an out if he feels that his emotions and his family will not support a long run. Hillary Clinton’s campaign should be worried about Biden because they are at a vulnerable stage with all of the talk about lost momentum due to the e-mail problems she’s had. Bernie Sanders will also get the loud applause at the debate because he’ll give the base what Hillary probably can’t if she wants to move to the center in the general campaign. Biden can pick and choose which Obama policies he wants to continue supporting and Hillary will be in the position where she’ll need to distance herself from some of his programs. It’s shaping up to be a fun night.

The presidential campaign seems like it’s dragged on forever, but we are still in its early stages as primary voters try each candidate on for size before they settle on the one they believe can win.

As presidents Giuliani, Dean and Cain used to say… oh wait a second…

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Carly Fiorina Donald Trump Politics

Carly Fiorina Hits Back at Donald Trump in New Ad – Video

In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Donald Trump, speaking about Carly Fiorina – another Republican running for the GOP nomination – said,”Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine anyone voting for that for president? I mean, she’s a woman, and I’m not supposed to say bad things, but really folks, come on. Are we serious?”

Trump has been questioned and hammered about that statement since the words escaped his trap. But like everything else, Trump managed to come up with an excuse to pacify his Republican base. His excuse? To say he wasn’t talking about Fiorina’s face, he was actually talking about her “persona!”

“Probably I did say something like that about Carly,” Trump said on Fox News. “I’m talking about persona. I’m not talking about looks.”

He once again climbed in Republican polls, so the obviously bought his persona excuse! Amazing!

Well Carly Fiorina was not amazed and has finally figured out how to hit back against the wicked mouth of the Northeast! In a new ad Fiorina has taken Trump’s words about her face and made it about all women’s face.

Can you say classic politics coming from the non-politicians!


Carly Fiorina Politics

Carly Fiorina Announces – “Yes, I am running for president”


Speaking to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, Carly Fiorina, the GOP’s female version of Mitt Romney, announced that she is in fact running for president in 2016. And the occupants in the GOP clown car increased by 1.

“Yes, I am running for president,” she said on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” where she made the announcement to host George Stephanopoulos. “I think I’m the best person for the job because I understand how the economy actually works. I understand the world, who’s in it, how the world works.”

“I understand bureaucracies, and that’s what our federal government has become — a giant, bloated, unaccountable, corrupt bureaucracy,” she said. “I understand technology, which is a tool both to re-imagine government to re-engage citizens in the process of government, and I understand executive decision-making, which is making a tough call in a tough time with high stakes for which you’re prepared to be accountable.”

Carly Fiorina Mitt Romney Politics Republican Party (United States) United States

Is David Gregory A Republican Mole?

I’ve been watching David Gregory on Meet The Press for sometime now since he took over from the late, Tim Russert. And it seems like every Sunday, I’m left wondering what his political affiliation really is. And no, I don’t expect him to lean Democratic, but I don’t expect him to lean Republican either and “lean” is the appropriate word to describe the lope-sided Republican geared questions and talking points Mr. Gregory kicks out every Sunday.

MTP – David Gregory

Now there are many times on previous shows of Meet The Press where the point stated above could be seen, but the most recent show is what I’ll base my belief on – that he is a Republican mole.

In today’s Meet the Press, David Gregory had Carly Fiorina on among other guests. In his first question for Mrs. Fiorina, David Gregory read an entire talking point from GOP Mitt Romney where he criticizes President Obama’s leadership, then asked Carly if the criticism was fair.

The piece that David Gregory read in it’s entirety is from Mitt Romney’s Op-Ed in USA Today. The piece states;

 Has it come to this again? The president is meeting with his oil spill experts, he crudely tells us, so he knows “whose ass to kick.” We have become accustomed to his management style – target a scapegoat, assign blame and go on the attack. To win health care legislation, he vilified insurance executives; to escape bankruptcy laws for General Motors, he demonized senior lenders; to take the focus from the excesses of Government, he castigated business meeting in Las Vegas; and to deflect responsibility for the deepening and lengthening downturn, he blames Wall Street and George W. Bush. But what may make good politics does not make good leadership. And when a crisis is upon us, America wants a leader, not a politician

After reading the piece, Gregory asked another Republican,  Fiorina,  if a fellow Republican was “fair” to criticize the democratic president. Are you for real? You bring on a Republican, read an entire piece from a fellow Republican, and then asked the other Republican, “Do you think that’s fair?”

What did David expect Carly to say, “No, Mitt was completely wrong to write those words?” Maybe he thought she actually would have come on TV to publicly chastise her ally?

Meet the Press used to be a place where you could tune in for unbiased journalism. It seems that with the unfortunate passing of Tim Russert, they’ve thrown the ‘unbiased’  part out the window. Quite frankly, it seems the ‘journalism’ part died too and was buried along with Mr. Russert.

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