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GOP Nominee Donald Trump Brags – He “Grabs” Women by The “pussy”

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Republican nominee for President of the United States.

In newly released tapes, Donald Trump, the leader of the Republican party can be heard making some extremely crude statements about things he has forcible done to unsuspecting women.

Using extraordinarily vulgar language, Donald J. Trump boasted in a 2005 conversation about pushing himself on women and kissing and groping them, remarks that were caught on a live microphone and widely circulated on Friday.

The revelation left the Republican Party shocked and reeling, and the House speaker abruptly withdrew Mr. Trump’s invitation to campaign alongside him on Saturday in Wisconsin.

During the exchange, with the television personality Billy Bush of the program “Access Hollywood,” Mr. Trump recalls how he once pursued a married woman and “moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there,” expressing regret that they did not have sex. But he brags of a special status with women: Because he was “a star,” he said, he could “grab them by the pussy” whenever he wanted.

“You can do anything,” Mr. Trump says.


Donald Trump Featured sexism

It’s October, But This Is Not a Surprise

I suppose the real question is why it took so long for the smoking gun tape to make its way out of the sewer that is Donald Trump’s campaign for president. We’ve built up to this since 2010, when the Tea Party ran some candidates who decided that rape was a major public policy item, not for the shame and injustice it rained down on women, but because evidently many Republican men believed that a woman couldn’t get pregnant as a result of it or that it was much ado about nothing. Yes, we always knew that Trump was disgraceful sexist and that he saw women as objects to be conquered or groped, but somehow the morality bar got buried under the sand this presidential go ’round and his rantings became the stuff of boys will be boys or, worse, lauded by some as evidence that we’d lost our sense of humor in the haze and smoke of political correctness.

There’s a reason the word “correctness” is associated with the phrase. Because it’s correct to respect women, and the other minorities, and the physically challenged people Donald Trump has savaged. It’s correct to actually speak from facts and research, not from the good old 1950s paradigm that many of Trump’s supporters want the country to return to. And it’s correct to hold everybody accountable for remarks that denigrate any person for whatever reason.

And we are learning so much about the Republican Party and its candidates, aren’t we? Mike Pence, Trump’s running mate, said nothing after reporters repeatedly peppered him with questions about Trump’s remarks. Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s once and present advisor, reminded us that we’re electing the leader of the free world and one who needs to lead by example, not a Sunday school teacher, which presumably means that the president can say anything he wants in the interests of being tough.

Paul Ryan didn’t appear on stage with Trump. Sorry, not good enough.

The party leaders and elected officials need to condemn, in no uncertain words, what Trump has said. They need to disavow his campaign and, at the very least, withdraw their support. It’s bad enough that Trump’s ideas are dangerous and incoherent. It’s quite another for this man to think that he can follow a man like Barack Obama into the White House and have any moral standing.

This of course will be one of the topics of Sunday’s debate, but I expect that since voters will be asking questions, that they will move on to jobs and security and taxes and other issues that should be the crux of Sunday’s event. Hillary, though, will not leave it alone, nor should she. This is exactly why we need a strong woman as president. The country needs to get over the female leader barrier in the same way that we’ve smashed the race barrier at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Perhaps this means that we’ll get the landslide election we clearly deserve.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Donald Trump Politics sexism

Hillary Clinton Answers 15-Year Old Girl’s Question on Trump’s Sexist Remarks

The question drew much applause from those in attendance in Pennsylvania where Hillary Clinton held a town-hall, and excited the Democratic presidential nominee, Based on her question, the 15-year-old girl at the microphone had obviously seen and heard some of the things Donald Trump said about women, and she compared those degrading statements to the those other girls in her school go through.

She wanted to know how girls should handle such sexist attacks.

“At my school, body image s a really big issue for girls my age. I see with my own eyes what Donald Trump does when he talks about women and how they look. As the first female president, how would you undo some of that damage and help girls understand they are so much more than what they look?”

After the question was asked, Clinton thanked the girl for asking that question before answering,

“My opponent has just taken this concern to a new level,” she continued. “Think about it, my opponent insulted Miss Universe. How do you get more acclaimed than that?”

Clinton said that women cannot take Trump’s comments seriously anymore.

“We need to laugh at it, we need to refute it, we need to ignore it and stand up to it, and especially the bullying,” Clinton said. “There are too many young women online who are being bullied about how they look and being shamed and mistreated.”

Donald Trump Politics sexism

Donald Trump – I Have No Intentions to Move to the Center – Audio

Due to some of the things he has said, Donald Trump has been linked to sexism, racism and xenophobia. But in an interview with conservative radio talk-show host Michael Savage, Trump assured the host and all his supporters that moderating his message is not going to happen. He has no plans to change his sexist, racist and xenophobic ways.

“The reason you’re popular is because of borders, because of immigration, because of the flood of Muslims coming into the country,” Savage said. “I would almost say, Donald, please don’t let the moderate influences in your campaign take you off-point, it’s what got you where you are. Are you going to modify your campaign and move a little bit more to the center now?”

Trump assured him that he would not adjust his message, telling Savage that “the last thing I should be doing now is changing so I don’t think you have anything to worry about, okay?”

But then again, Donald Trump is called a classic liar by other politicians, both Democrats and Republicans. They say Trump will say whatever and do whatever to get elected. When politicians call you a liar, then that is really saying something.


Donald Trump Politics sexism sexist

Poll – Some Republican Women Want a Sexist President

According to a new CNN poll, almost 75 percent of registered American women voters oppose Donald Trump. The other 25 percent are obviously Republican women who see nothing wrong with a little or a lot of sexism in their presidential candidate.

The poll released Thursday, taken before the spat with rival Ted Cruz over his wife, found that 73 percent of registered female voters in the United States had an unfavorable view of Trump. That’s in line with a Reuters poll from last week that found more than half of American women hold a “very unfavorable” view of the billionaire.

“That gives him a huge number of voters he has to make up from somewhere,” said American University political science professor Karen O’Connor. “And I don’t know where they will come from.”

Opposition to Trump among women also extends to the GOP. A recent NBC/Wall Street Journal poll found that 47 percent of Republican women could not see themselves supporting Trump, a number significantly higher than for any other GOP candidate.  

“It further highlights the calamity that a Donald Trump nomination would be,” said Doug Heye, a former Republican National Committee aide who opposes Trump.

Donald Trump Featured Politics sexism

Donald Trump’s Goons Violently Push Woman to Ground – Video

She was shocked by the assault she received from Trump’s body guards and is heard on the video saying, “Stop it! What is wrong with you? That is not appropriate!”

RawStory reports the incident happened at a $1.000 a head fundraiser for Trump in Pennsylvania. The woman was not identified.


Carly Fiorina Donald Trump Politics sexism

Donald Trump’s Sexism On Full Display at GOP Debate – Video

“Why does she keeps interrupting everybody?” said Trump, as Carly tried to interject while Rand Paul made a statement about Russia and the ease at which misguided policies like implementing a ‘no fly zone’ over Syria could start a war with Putin. Hearing Trump’s question made some members of the Republican audience applauded, then realizing the nature of Trump’s comment, they began booing… ever so slightly.


Donald Trump Donald Trump Politics sexism sexist ted nugent

Ted Nugent Sides with Donald Trump’s Attacks on Megyn Kelly

Ted Nugent, a board member on NRA and defender of right-wing Republican politics, told WIBX’s Keeler in the Morning that he is not a fan of Megyn Kelly, but he sometimes tune to Fox to watch her, and he usually watch her while sitting “naked on the couch.”

Nugent’s sexist comment is no surprise and comes days after Megyn Kelly asked Trump about sexist comments he has made about women in the past. Trump, the Republican frontrunner for President in 2016, later explained that when Kelly asked the question, “she had blood coming out of her wherever,” a clear reference to menstruation.

“I’m a big fan of Donald Trump because I believe in bold, aggressive, unapologetic truth. Period,” Nugent said. “And I’m not a fan of Megyn Kelly, although I often turn on Fox just to look at her. Sometimes when I’m loading my [gun ammunition] magazines. I like to just look at her. And I usually sit naked on the couch dropping hot brass on my stuff.”

Then he commented on Kelly’s question to Trump about his sexist behavior.

“I’m afraid the gorgeous, stunning, otherwise professional and tuned-in Megyn Kelly absolutely fell of the cliff of political correctness when she proposed that obnoxious, meaningless, nonsensical, biased question for Donald Trump.”

“Megyn Kelly absolutely broke all of our hearts as only a Megyn Kelly could when she went into the status quo world. She isn’t status quo, but she started acting, and sounding, and looking like one, and I don’t believe she is. I think she is playing some games, either that or she’s getting bad advice, either that or she’s just getting stupid. Either way, Donald Trump is the good guy, currently Megyn Kelly ain’t.”

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