
Bad News for Republicans – 3 Top ISIS Members Killed by US Air Strikes

I’m pretty sure Republicans will not be happy with this news. Since the torture report was made public, Republicans began using the foolish talking-point that President Obama’s use of drones and air strikes to kill terrorist is the same as torture. So hearing about top ISIS members being killed by US air strikes might cause these Republicans grief.

Haji Mutazz was Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s deputy in Iraq; Abd al Basit was his military emir in Iraq; and Radwan Talib was his Mosul emir. Their deaths resulted from multiple strikes going back to mid-November — it has taken until now to determine conclusively they were killed.

“I can confirm that since mid-November, targeted coalition airstrikes successfully killed multiple senior and mid-level leaders within the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant,” said Pentagon press secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby, in a statement on Thursday.

“We believe that the loss of these key leaders degrades ISIL’s ability to command and control current operations against Iraqi Security Forces, including Kurdish and other local forces in Iraq,” he said.

News of the killings was first disclosed by Joint Chiefs Chairman Martin Dempsey in an interview with the Wall Street Journal.

Dick Cheney Politics

Jon Stewart On Dick Cheney’s Mind – It is “the scariest f**king place in the universe” – Video

To summarize, Stewart thanked George Bush for not dying in office during his administration, for fear of a Dick Cheney presidency.

Stewart dissected the Cheney interview on Sunday’s Meet The Press where the former vice president did cartwheels to avoid calling the so-called “enhanced interrogation” methods used by the CIA, torture. And according to the twisted mind of the Dick, torture was not waterboarding or force feeding someone through their rectum, like was authorized in his tenure as vice president, no, torture was what happened on September 11th when terrorists hijacked planes and attacked America. That view of torture caused Stewart to proclaim, “I see, that’s just what meets the definition of torture in his mind. His mind, I assume, being the scariest f**king place in the universe.”


Dick Cheney George Bush Politics

Dick Cheney on Torture – “I’d do it again in a minute!” – Video

Former Vice President and brains of the George Bush Administration went on MSNBC’s Meet The Press today and admitted that he is as selfless a man as we thought he was. Asked about the torture report and the s0-called “enhanced interrogation tactics” used by the CIA during the Bush administration, Dick Cheney offered no regrets but said that if given the chance to torture gain, he would “do it again in a minute!”

And although he threw George Bush under the bus earlier in the week saying that the President knew about the torture tactics being used, Cheney doubled down on that claim again today, saying,”This man knew what we were doing,” he said. “He authorized it. He approved it.”


Whoopi Golberg – “I Don’t Know How I Feel” About Torture – Video

While I agree with Mrs. Whoopi on many issues, this one in particular is a no-brainer. I know how I feel about torture and the so-called, “enhanced interrogation” methods the CIA used to “get information” from suspected terrorists. I am totally against it! We are supposed to be better than that. ‘American Exceptionalism,’ remember?

On Wednesday’s episode of The View however, Goldberg tried to explain her confusion.

“I don’t know how I feel about it,” she said one day after Senate Democrats released a report detailing extensive abuses, “Because on one hand, I do know there are other countries that have done it, and it’s reaped quite good benefits for them. I don’t know if that’s what we’re supposed to be doing. But I’m not surprised that other countries that we’ve gone over to and pointed the finger at, are now pointing the finger at us.”

Rosie O’Donnell responded that President Ronald Reagan took part in “banning” torture, via the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. “So this is not a partisan issue,” she said. “This is an issue of national security and identity.”


Dick Cheney George Bush Politics

Jon Stewart was Almost Speechless About Bush’s Torture Report – Video

It’s a rare occurrence when that Jon Stewart can’t find the words, but Tuesday was almost one of those times.

Stewart took on the newly released torture report which detailed some of the brutal activities done to others during the Bush administration, and he compared the events in the report to a movie he did on the subject of torture and how one man overcame the inhumane treatment. And in comparing the two, Stewart concluded that his movie did not even scratch the surface of torture, when compared to the report.

“It’s funny, I just made this movie about a guy who triumphs over the inhuman conditions in his imprisonment in an authoritarian country, and I don’t think they did half that shit to him,” Stewart said.

Stewart began his piece playing a clip of George Bush saying that his government “does not torture people.” Stewart then broke to a montage of clips showing Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) detailing numerous situations in the report where people were tortured and a reporter even detailing situations where prisoners were fed through their rectum, now known as “rectal feeding.”

That revelation left Stewart speechless and the only think he could do was to ask for a clip of Mr. Creosote projectile vomiting in Monty Python’s “The Meaning Of Life.”


Dick Cheney George Bush Politics

Fox’s Response to The Torture Report – “America is Awesome!” – Video

Fox News. That’s all I have to say and most of you already know that nonsense is about to follow.

When most of the country focused on the unimaginable acts done in our names by the CIA torture program during the Bush administration, Fox News was more interesting in dismissing the torture report as total foolishness because, “America is awesome!”

“The United States of America is awesome,” said Fox News’s Andrea Tantaros. As if that excuses the fact that torture really happened or because of our awesomeness anything should be expected.  “We are awesome. But we’ve had this discussion. We’ve closed the book on it. The reason they want the discussion is not to show how awesome we are. It’s to show us how we’re not awesome. They apologized for something.”

Tantaros also called out Democrats for concentrating on the torture report as a political gimmick, because, you know, “America is awesome!”


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