Joe Scarborough Mitt Romney Politics

Joe Scarborough – “Mitt Romney Sounds Like a Plutocrat!” – Government By The Rich, For The Rich

I’m not a big fan of Morning Joe on MSNBC. Host Joe Scarborough usually get to me and I still cannot figure out what Mika’s role on the show is. But sometimes, Joe would say something worth repeating and on Tuesday morning, the news worthy part of Joe’s broadcast featured his cast discussing Romney’s recent blunder, where he was caught on video dissing 47% of America.

Joe started the discussion pointing out how comfortable Mitt Romney when he said that poorer Americans are basically lazy and dependent on the government. “What was that?” Joe asked.

“That’s the case the Obama campaign made last night. This was a man saying what he believes. This is a window into the real Mitt Romney,” was one answer.

A second guest added, “… unfortunately he says this thing, this one sentence, ‘I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.’ That’s pretty much every senior citizen in America. Pretty much every senior citizen in America who is on Medicare and Social Security doesn’t pay any income tax. That’s the one voting group Mitt Romney had a clear advantage over the President with. It’s so contentious, it’s so condescending.”

Joe then made a comparison with George Bush who, according to Joe, tried to get voters from the minority group. Joe finished up with the conclusion that Mitt Romney sounds like a “plutocrat.” (According to the Dictionary, a plutocrat is someone who believes that Government is for the wealthy, that the wealthy should be the ones controlling the government.) He later added that this week is the worst he’s seen for the Romney campaign.

WOW! Video below.

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