Bill O'Reilly Donald Trump Politics

Bill O’Reilly – Trump Won in Florida Because “Voters Want a Punishment” – Video

Bill O’Reilly of Fox News said something very eye-opening. After seeing Donald Trump crush-fest on Marco Rubio in Rubio’s home state of Florida, O’Reilly said something rather telling – “voters want a punishment,” so that’s why they’re voting for Trump.

“It was no surprise that Trump won in Florida,” O’Reilly told Fox News anchor Bret Baier moments after the network called the state for the Republican billionaire. “The reason I think that Trump won in Florida is because he comes across as more authoritarian — not authoritative — authoritarian.”

According to O’Reilly, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio was never able to overcome the perception that an outsider was needed “to punish the Republican establishment.”

“But more importantly to take it to Hillary Clinton,” he continued. “I think the turning point in this race for Trump was when he attacked both Hillary and Bill Clinton a few months ago when they started the sexist stuff, and he just laid them out. I think a lot of people saw that and said, ‘You know what? This guy can punish as well as win.’”

“And in this angry age,” O’Reilly added, “voters want a punishment along with a victory.”


Bill O'Reilly Donald Trump Politics republican debate

Bill O’Reilly Calls Trump a “Buffoon” – Fails to Convince Trump to do Debate – Video

Roger Ailes failed again when he sent out his top dog to bully Donald Trump into doing the Fox Debate on Thursday. In an interview on Wednesday, O’Reilly did all he could, even trying to bribe Trump with “milkshakes”, to get the Republican presidential candidate to do the Thursday night debate.

Trump, who has been in a no holds barred war with Megyn Kelly since Kelly asked a valid question in a Republican debate back in 2015, has been adamant in his decision to boycott another Kelly moderated debate on Thursday. In the interview, Bill O’ Reilly tried and tried, and failed consistently, even bringing up Trump’s “Christian” faith, to convince him to “forgive” Kelly and “turn the other cheek.”

Trump wouldn’t give. So an exasperated Bill O’ Reilly called Trump a “Buffoon,” although he didn’t come straight out and say, you’re a buffoon. Bill O’ pulled the same trick played by many others in the political media, saying there are some who say Trump is a buffoon. You know, put it out there and hope the words have their intended effect.

Watch the craziness below.

Bill O'Reilly Politics

Number 1 Reason to Vote for Sanders – Bill O’Reilly Will Leave if Bernie Gets Elected

I mean, can you ask for anything better? Bill O’Reilly of Fox News, one of the leading propagandizing talking-heads on Fox, is promising… no, threatening to leave the country, to flee to Ireland if Bernie Sanders gets elected to the White House.

“You know, look, I’m fleeing,” he told Fox News White House Correspondent Ed Henry. “If Bernie Sanders gets elected president, I’m fleeing. I’m going to Ireland. And they already know it.” Buddy, don’t let the door hit you …

His reasoning is predictably selfish. “I shouldn’t say it publicly because that will get Sanders more votes,” he explained. “But I’m not going to pay 90 percent of my income to that guy. I’m sorry. I’m not doing it.”

For what it’s worth, Sanders doesn’t support a 90% tax rate — though he has said that it would be above 50%. But sure, let’s just say it’s 90% if that can convince the bloated gas bag to leave the U.S. once and for all.


Bill O'Reilly Featured Martin Luther King 111 Racism

Bill O’Reilly – Black People Should Wear T-Shirts saying, “Don’t abandon your children” – Video

The racist over at Fox News expressed his solution to all the problems black people face here in America. According to Bill O’Reilly, black people should learn to not get pregnant at 14 and, oh yea, black people don’t take care of their kids, so they need to learn to do that too!

O’Reilly’s guest was Martin Luther King III, the son of civil rights icon, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. And while discussing some of the problems faced by blacks, Martin Luther King III suggested that a unifying message is what America needs at this time of racial intolerance. But O’Reilly wasn’t about to preach a unifying message to anybody, he was more intent on proving how racist and ignorant he really is.

O’Reilly offered his solution for blacks in America – “Don’t abandon your children. Don’t get pregnant at 14. Don’t allow your neighborhoods to deteriorate into free-fire zones. That’s what the African American community should have on their T-shirts,” he said. You know, cause abandoning children and getting pregnant at 14 is definitely a black thing.

Why anyone goes on this idiot’s show is something I’ll never understand. But they go on anyway, and they sit through the idiocy as O’Reilly strokes his own… racist ego!


Bill O'Reilly Mike Brown Politics

Bill O’Reilly Takes the Ignorant “Blacks Kill Blacks” Argument to Russell Simmons – Video

It’s the argument of racists, or ignorant people who refuse to acknowledge the fact that blacks and other minorities suffer considerably more profiling and sometimes death from some police officers. And that argument, that blacks kill blacks was on full display last night on Fox’s O’Reilly Factor.

Bill O’Reilly was interviewing Russell Simmons and the two were “discussing” the recent Eric Garner and Mike Brown grand jury decisions, when O’Reilly chimed in his ignorant talking point: “You are not acknowledging, astronomical crime rate among black men,” as if the fact that blacks die at the hand of other blacks, mean police brutality against the rest of the community is okay. Simmons came back with the argument that war on drugs program has also been detrimental to the black and minority communities.

But Reilly wasn’t hearing none of it, and the discussion quickly sunk to levels more familiar to Fox News and the O’Reilly Factor. “You have not been there condemning the black drug gangs for gunning down 13- and 14-year-old kids,” O’Reilly shot back at Russell, still trying to justify police brutality because “blacks kill blacks.” After the show reached the doldrums O’Reilly wanted, he told his guest, “You are so desperately wrong it pains me to talk to you.” Simmons shot back, “I feel the same way about you.”


Bill O'Reilly immigration reform Immigration Reform

Bill O’Reilly To Undocumented Journalist – You “don’t deserve to be here” – Video

Who died and left Bill O’Reilly of Fox News in charge? Who told him it was his job to determine who “deserves” to be here in the United States?

After President Obama made his Executive action known to the American people Thursday night, Bill O’Reilly invited an undocumented journalist, Jose Antonio Vargas, on his Fox show to talk about the the president’s immigration decision.

O’Reilly ran through Vargas’s background as an immigrant who came to the United States from the Philippines at age 12 and then worked on a Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post team before publicly revealing his undocumented status.

“Surely you understand how millions of Americans say ‘You know what, bad behavior is being rewarded’ … but there are a lot of people who aren’t of your circumstance, who came here in devious ways, who did things they shouldn’t have done, who didn’t contribute to our society,” O’Reilly said. “Yet they’re in the same blanket. So how do you justify that?”

“I don’t know if people know this, but more than half of undocumented people in this country have been here for 10 years or longer,” Vargas responded. “This has been our home, this is where we go to school, this is where we work, this is where we go to church, this is what we call to be our own communities.”

Vargas lamented that the President’s immigration actions were so politicized before O’Reilly cut in to tell him the real “deal.”

“It is a compassionate move, but it may not be a just move because you and the other people here illegally don’t deserve to be here,” O’Reilly said. “That’s harsh. It’s harsh, okay, but you don’t have an entitlement to be here.”

“Sir, I don’t feel entitled to be here,” Vargas responded. “I don’t ask for any sort of entitlement. All I know is this is where I grew up, this is my home, my family is here.”


Bill O'Reilly Politics Racism Racists

Bill O’Reilly – Exposing The Racists Turn Us into a Nation of Witch Hunters

Now I’m not the brightest one in the class, but it sure sounds like Mr. Reilly is suggesting that we just leave the racists alone. Which then mean that if we’re not pointing out their hate and racism, aren’t we in fact enabling them through our silence? Like Bill O’ and his ilk at Fox News are doing now?

See their love fest with Cliven Bundy for reference.


Bill O'Reilly Featured Racism

Fox’s Bill O’Reilly – Racism is “an individual problem, not a Country problem”

Well, what else do you expect from Fox? This is their message – that racism is dead and whatever little slither there is left, belongs to that slither along. This message is supported by racists and further underlined by the Supreme Court in last week’s Affirmative Action ruling. These folks really think racism is dead!

Bill O'Reilly Politics trayvon martin

Michael Eric Dyson Slams Bill O’Reilly’s Race Commentary – Video

On Sunday’s Melissa Harris Perry‘s show, a clip of Bill O’Reilly’s commentary was played where the Fox host thought he was doing the African-American community a favor by educating them on racial issues. Bill O’Reilly began his segment with an attitude – You want a conversation about race? You got one – Bill O’Reilly said, after George Zimmerman was acquitted in the Trayvon Martin case. O’Reilly spoke his words with a look of disgust on his face as if someone just interrupted him from watching his favorite show.

O’Reilly then went into his version of “the conversation,” criticizing blacks and black leaders, including President Obama for not making life in the hood any better. According to Mr. O’Reilly, race relations will be much more improved when Blacks pull themselves up by their bootstraps, be better parents and have better entertainment. “You can’t legislate good parenting or responsible entertainment,” Bill says.

No mention from the Fox host on what Whites should do in making race relations better in this country. That is where Mr. Dyson came in with his commentary. “You know,” Dyson said, “what’s interested to me… why is it when we say we want a conversation on race, you want to have a conversation on blackness?”

Watch the rest of Dyson’s commentary below.

Bill O'Reilly Birthers Republican United States White House

Karl Rove Caution G.O.P Leaders on Birthers Conspiracy

They’re all still bat crazy, even if Karl Rove is attempting to sound like the voice of reason. In a recent interview with Bill O’Reilly, Rove cautioned the Republican leaders against their quick embrace of the Birthers. The Republican strategist put it this way;

Republicans had better be clear about this.

We had a problem in the 1950’s with the John Birch Society, and it took Bill Buckley standing up as a strong conservative and taking them on.

Within our party, we’ve got to be very careful about allowing these people who are the birthers and the 9/11-deniers to get too high a profile and say too much without setting the record straight.

He then implied that the White House is behind the Birthers conspiracy, calling it a trap. When asked by Bill O’Reilly if he believes a recent poll by Public Polling that indicate as much as 51% of Republicans are Birthers, Rove said;

I don’t know, but whatever it is, it ought to be less, because we need the leaders of our party to say “Look, stop falling into the trap of the White House and focus on the real issues.”

Asked again by Bill-O  if the strategy of the White House was to keep the conspiracy going, Rove answered, “sure it is.”

… because if we are where we are, which is we have a group of people out there who keep repeating this, and we’ve yet to get into a place where candidates are being asked about this in debates — look, don’t you think in the Fox debate or one of these debates that’s gonna be televised, candidates are going to be asked about this?

If  Rove is right, and this is a plot by the White House to keep the Republicans focused on where the President was born instead of the “real issues,” then it is a genius of a plan.  With over half of Republicans in this nation believing the President is a secret Kenyan agent sent to America as a child on a mission to become President, then destroy America from within by installing his Moslem beliefs, then I say keep the conspiracy going White House. It’s working brillantly!

Let the rest of this nation look upon the Republican Birthers as the fools they  are!

Barack Obama Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly Egypt Super Bowl

Fox News Bill O’Reilly Makes An Ass of Himself, Again!

President Obama is the ultimate chess player. He already knows what FOX NEWS and their Republican-pushing hosts think about him, yet he grants them interviews. Why?

The only reason for giving interviews to those who consider you the enemy is to prove to all watching that you are above the foolishness. In this case, President Obama successfully achieved his goal — using this interview to show America and the world, that FOX NEWS and more specifically, Bill O’Reilly have an agenda, and nothing the President says or does will be approved by him and his  partisan, so-called news organization.

The game is on and the President clearly has checkmate.

Bill O'Reilly Politics Republican Sarah Palin tax cuts

Alan Grayson Slams Fox News and The Right Winged Propaganda Machine

Alan Grayson points finger and calls names in this presentation in the House of Representatives, showing why some on the right insist on continuing the tax cuts for the rich. Grayson stated the obvious, that the truth of the matter is, Congressional Republicans are all going to benefit from those tax cuts.

Alan came prepared with huge cardboard cut-out of different so-called “pundits,” detailing what they make and how much more they are sure to get if the Republicans get their way and extend the Millionaire Tax cuts.

He then came up with a better use of that extra cash these rich folks don’t need – using it to create jobs – over 3 million jobs at $30,000 a year Grayson says, is the better way to get this economy moving again.

Names like Fox News contributors, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Bill O’Reilly and even the former President himself will benefit tremendously from having these millionaire tax cuts extended. In Mr. Grayson’s own words;

They want tax cuts for the rich because they want a tax cut for themselves. What do I mean by that? Let’s take a look at the people who are really in charge, the ones who actually run the Republican party.

Let’s start with this gentleman here, the man with the cigar, Rush Limbaugh. Doesn’t he look happy? According according to Newsweek, he makes $58.7 million a year, and extending the tax cuts means he’ll have another $2.7 million. Mega dittos, Rush, and mega money. Let’s look at the next one.

Here’s Glenn Beck, according to Newsweek Glenn Beck makes $33 million a year as a pundit and extending the Bush Tax Cuts means a cool $1.5 million for Glenn bBeck’s ongoing imitation of Howard Beale from Network. Now let’s look at the next one.

Sean Hannity. Newsweek says that Sean Hannity, this man of the people makes $22 million a year from his act on Fox. And that means the Bush Tax cuts mean an extra $1 million. $1 million for Sean Hannity. Maybe he can afford some anger management classes. Let’s take a look at the next one.

Bill O’Reilly. He makes a modest $20 million a year from his gig on Fox. That means that the Bush tax cuts give him not quite seven figures, nearly $914,000 of extra cash. It’s easy to see why Bill O’Reilly wants to see the Bush tax cuts extended. And I have to say, he’s no pinhead when it comes to that.

And Now, Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin has made $14 million this year from cashing in on her fame. In fact, she’s done a better job of turning fame into cash than anyone in American history. $14 million. So she wants the Bush tax cuts extended so she can make an extra cool $638,000. As she was — as she would gesture (shoulder shrug.)

Alan Grayson did not win his re-election in November, but he is not laying down in these last few weeks of his term in Congress. He is going out with a bang, and in the process, pointing out some very significant truths along the way!

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