Bill O'Reilly Featured Martin Luther King 111 Racism

Bill O’Reilly – Black People Should Wear T-Shirts saying, “Don’t abandon your children” – Video

The racist over at Fox News expressed his solution to all the problems black people face here in America. According to Bill O’Reilly, black people should learn to not get pregnant at 14 and, oh yea, black people don’t take care of their kids, so they need to learn to do that too!

O’Reilly’s guest was Martin Luther King III, the son of civil rights icon, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. And while discussing some of the problems faced by blacks, Martin Luther King III suggested that a unifying message is what America needs at this time of racial intolerance. But O’Reilly wasn’t about to preach a unifying message to anybody, he was more intent on proving how racist and ignorant he really is.

O’Reilly offered his solution for blacks in America – “Don’t abandon your children. Don’t get pregnant at 14. Don’t allow your neighborhoods to deteriorate into free-fire zones. That’s what the African American community should have on their T-shirts,” he said. You know, cause abandoning children and getting pregnant at 14 is definitely a black thing.

Why anyone goes on this idiot’s show is something I’ll never understand. But they go on anyway, and they sit through the idiocy as O’Reilly strokes his own… racist ego!


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