BLM Politics

CNN Analyst Explains Why Militia with Guns are Better than BlackLives Protesters – Video

You’ve probably heard about it. Over the weekend, a militia group fully armed with their guns and ammunition took over a federal building in Oregon, vowing to keep the federal building until they get their way… or else!

And just in case you haven’t heard of this government takeover, well, it’s probably because the media has not covered the militia’s action – and might I remind you that they took over a federal building, armed with guns and ammunition – …the media hasn’t covered this takeover quite the same way they have covered, let’s say, BlackLivesMatter protesters. And where are the police with their trigger-happy fingers you asked? You know, the same ones gunning down innocent, peaceful protesters and black men all over this nation?

Good question.

This fact that the media and police intervention are apparently minimal, have been noted on many social media outlets, and CNN posed this question to their law enforcement analyst while discussing the events in Oregon.

CNN’s law enforcement analyst Art Roderick, explained why the militia, fully armed with their guns and ammunition, should be reasoned with, and not be treated the same way as BlackLivesMatter protesters are often treated. And according to Roderick, the militia is not looting anything.

“The last thing we need is some type of large confrontation because that’s when stuff goes bad,” Roderick explained. “And I think in this particular instance, if we just wait them out, see what they’ve got to say, then eventually, they’re all going to go home.”

Stelter pointed out that many activists had complained if the militia members were “Black Lives Matter protesters or if these were peaceful Muslim Americans [then] they would be treated very differently by law enforcement.”

“This is a very rural area,” Roderick replied. “It is out in the middle of nowhere. What are they actually doing? They’re not destroying property, they’re not looting anything.”

“I mean, there’s a whole separate situation going on as to exactly why they’re there and that will be worked out through the legal process,” he continued. “But I think now that they’ve taken over this location out at the fish and wildlife, this brings in the federal side. And I know the federal government has learned over the years how to deal with these types of incidences.”


Featured Politics Racism

Cliven Bundy – “it’s almost like black folks think white folks owe then something” – Video

Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher who was dismissed earlier this year as a racist for his remarks about black people, thrust himself back into the political discourse this week with an apparent endorsement of a candidate for Congress in Nevada. The Congressional candidate is a black man named Kamau Bakari.

The odd couple is seen in an ad complaining about black people and political correctness, with Bundy claiming that he has done the hard work, has put his time in and should be allowed to say whatever he wants in this country. After all, FREEDOM!

“I worked my whole life without mistreating anybody,” Bundy said in the ad, “a man ought to be able to express himself without being called names.”

Kamau Bakari agreed with Bundy, calling him “a brave white man” for making his racist statements. He said Bundy was exactly what America needs to “put an end to this political correctness stuff!” Kamau then said he “is ashamed” when black folks talk about white folks, saying, “white folks this and white folks that, always begging.” And to that statement, Bundy answered, “it’s almost like black folks think white folks owe then something.”

Sidenote: In case you forgot, Bundy was chastised for saying that black people are on government subsidies and “they abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

The two men then called out Eric Holder, labeling him a “race baiter.” They asked Holder to come to Nevada and talk with them, just like he did when he went to Ferguson. “Mr. Eric Holder, this is one white that’s not scared to talk about race,” Bundy says. “I dare you to come to Las Vegas and talk to us.”


They Can’t Bring Knives to School, So Another Cliven Bundy Protest Begins

Bring in the militia with their Uzi!  We have another Cliven Bundy story and I’m sure the militias are lining up to go and help the Bundys fight the gob’ment – the crazy lunatic gob’ment!

The son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy pulled his five children out of Clark County, Nev. schools on Thursday after getting into a disagreement with administrators over the ability to carry pocketknives at school.

The five students are the grandchildren of Cliven Bundy, a rancher who has previously engaged in armed clashes with the U.S. government over the use of federal land. The incident that sparked the removal involved Bundy’s 15-year-old granddaughter whose school refused to allow her to bring a pocketknife to school, according to television station KSNV.

Her father, Ryan Bundy, disagreed with the school’s labeling of the knife as a weapon and, per KSNV, said he has inculcated in his children the need to always carry a knife. His children affirmed his stance, saying that they utilize knives for chores but don’t wield them as weapons.

“They’re trying to make my child a criminal – and any other child a criminal – for simply having something, and that is not right,” Bundy said

Featured Politics

Las Vegas Shooters Tied To Bundy Ranch Militias

There was another shooting over the weekend, this time, in Las Vagas. The shooting left two police officers dead, one customer at a Walmart dead and the two suspects dead.

According to reports, a couple brought their lovable, harmless guns to a restaurant in Las Vegas and used those guns to kill two police officers who were doing the unthinkable – having lunch.

After using the guns on the officers, the couple walked over to a Walmart store and killed a woman in the front of the store. The female shooter then pointed the gun at her male partner and pulled the trigger. She then turned the gun her way and took herself out.

Just another day in our gun loving civilized society.

What makes this story unique however, is the unfolding story that this couple and their harmless guns were part of the Cliven Bundy militias that swarmed the ranch a few months ago, prepared to put their women folk on the front lines in their expected shootout with the government.

The shootout didn’t happen, so apparently they’re starting one on their own.

Neighbors in an apartment complex where the two suspects lived said they “had a reputation for spouting racist, anti-government views” and boasted about their gun collection, according to the Las Vegas Sun. The newspaper reported that residents of the apartment complex who spoke about the suspects also brought up the couple’s relationship with Bundy Ranch, where the two bragged about being present for the standoff between militia members and the Bureau of Land Management.

One neighbor who lived next door to the couple told the Las Vegas Review-Journal that the male suspect had said he was kicked off Bundy Ranch at some point during the militia’s protest against the BLM.

Carol Bundy, the Nevada rancher’s wife, told the newspaper she had no reason to suspect that militia members at the ranch harbored violent intentions.

“I have not seen or heard anything from the militia and others who have came to our ranch that would, in any way, make me think they had an intent to kill or harm anyone,” Bundy told the Review-Journal.

Another resident of the apartment complex, Brandon Moore, told the Las Vegas Sun that the couple had also spoken about their plans to commit a mass shooting.

“They were handing out white-power propaganda and were talking about doing the next Columbine,” he said.

Politics racist Republican

Republicans Lose One Of Their Own – Racist Cliven Bundy Now an Independent

Photo by George Frey/Getty Images

I think this is the Republicans’ way of re-branding their party – getting rid of the racists… but, who will be left after all the racists are gone?

LAS VEGAS — Southern Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy no longer is a Republican. Bundy, who is embroiled in a dispute over grazing with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, has switched his affiliation to the Independent American Party.
He and his wife, Carol, signed registration forms to the cheers of supporters at an Independent American Party gathering in Las Vegas on Friday night.

The event was held to honor Bundy for what organizers called “his courage in standing up for state sovereignty.”

Bill O'Reilly Politics Racism Racists

Bill O’Reilly – Exposing The Racists Turn Us into a Nation of Witch Hunters

Now I’m not the brightest one in the class, but it sure sounds like Mr. Reilly is suggesting that we just leave the racists alone. Which then mean that if we’re not pointing out their hate and racism, aren’t we in fact enabling them through our silence? Like Bill O’ and his ilk at Fox News are doing now?

See their love fest with Cliven Bundy for reference.


Politics Racism racist

Howard Kurtz Slams His Employer Fox News On Their Silence on Bundy’s Racism – Video

Howard Kurtz built a name for himself as a media critic when he was employed at CNN. So his decision to work for the pits at Fox News was mind-boggling to say the least. But something happened over at Fox that has Howard pointing fingers and naming names, reminiscent of his days at CNN. And that something is Cliven Bundy!

Clive Bundy it seemed had an open invitation to appear on any Fox News show he chose, at any time he wanted. Bundy you may recall, is the Navada rancher who has broken the law for over 20 years and just because he broke the laws, was crowned a hero by Fox News and the Republican party. Bundy then got the support of militia groups calling themselves “Patriots.” These “patriots” came armed with guns with one goal – to make sure Bundy continue breaking the law.

But as fate would have it, Bundy is also a racist.

According to the New York Times and verified by a video of the man himself talking, Bundy has some rather racist views about black people. On the video, Bundy was seen and heard saying that blacks would have been better off under slavery, because all they do nowadays is sit on their porch waiting for a government handout and aborting their babies… and putting their men in jail!

After his views were publicized, Fox News – the same folks who had Bundy on camera so much, he could have shared office space with Bill O’ Reilly – Fox decided that the best way to handle their racist hero was to ignore the story.

For over 9 hours after the Bundy’s racism surfaced, Fox News stayed silent. Even shutting down a Democrat when he tried to mention Bundy’s name on air.

Howard Kurtz decided that he would be the voice of reason and pointed out the hypocrisy of his employer and his fellow co workers for trying to keep the story from their loyal viewers. On his Sunday show, Kurtz took them to task!

“In my view, Fox News fell seriously short on this story on Thursday,” Kurtz said. “All day long until Special Report at 6 p.m. ET, there was virtually no mention of these racist remarks by Cliven Bundy when everybody else was covering it.”

“And I think that to ignore a major story that was on the front page of The New York Times at a time when the network, among others, had devoted a lot of time to covering this story and to building up Cliven Bundy, I think that gives ammunition to Fox’s detractors.”

So true Howard, but Fox’s silence on this matter is just one of thousands, maybe millions of other areas where ammunition presents itself for, as you say, “detractors.”


Black people Politics Racism

Alan Keyes Defends Cliven Bundy’s Racism

Alan Keyes

Alan Keyes is a contributor for the conservative propaganda outlet called WorldNetDaily, and he is making news today because he is also a black man who is defending the racist remarks made by Republican hero, Cliven Bundy.

According to Mr Keyes, Bundy was only pointing out the truth about blacks, and he said that liberals are the real racists for focusing on Bundy’s statement. In a statement to WorldNetDaily, Keyes said;

“He wasn’t talking so much about black folks, but about the harm and damage that the leftist socialism has done to blacks…”

“I find it appalling that we basically have a history of the leftist liberalism that wants to extinguish black people by abortion [and] destroying the family structure. All of these things if you just look at the effects, you would say this was planned by some racist madman to destroy the black community.”

Then when somebody comes along to comment on that damage, the leftists all scream “racism.”

“I think it’s time somebody started to recognize the racism that exists in its effects – the hard leftist ideology using the black community for their sacrificial lamb, for their sick ideology. It’s time we called them what they are.

“Now it’s racist to point it out.”

Politics Racism racist Republican

Republicans and Cliven Bundy are One And The Same – Video

Yesterday in my piece on the racist Cloven Bundy and his views about the “negro” people, I touched on the reason why Republicans and their media machine especially Fox News, are so easily drawn to the Bundy types. My conclusion in the piece was that Bundy exemplifies the dog whistle message these Republicans preach every day – that the lazy blacks are coming to take whatever you have, so be fearful, be very fearful… and buy more guns!

It’s the whole “birds of a feather flock together” mentality, so the flocking with Bundy was just the natural reaction for these folks.

However, Bundy’s true colors came to light yesterday when the New York Times published an interview where Bundy expressed some extremely racist views about black people and naturally, the same Republicans who crowned him King Bundy – leader of the Republican cause against the government and the second coming of Ronald Reagan – are now tripping over themselves in a mad dash to distance themselves from the crazy man brave enough to say the things they all feel inside. In the Times interview, Bundy did not blow the dog whistle with subliminal messages like the other Republicans do, he just spoke the message.

In recent weeks, Sean Hannity of Fox News was practically in bed with Cliven Bundy, stroking Bundy’s ego every chance he got. But now, Hannity is besides himself and has joined the mass exit.

This is what Hannity said in a statement.

Allow me to make myself abundantly clear. I believe those comments are downright racist, they are repugnant, they are bigoted and it’s beyond disturbing. I find those comments to be deplorable and I think it’s extremely unfortunate that Cliven Bundy holds those views.

On The Ed Schultz show yesterday, guest Mike Papantonio and M. Maxwell further explained the birds of a feather mentality in the Republican party.


Black people Featured Politics racist

A Democrat Mentioned Bundy on Fox, Fox Host Immediately Cuts Him Off – Video

You all know the story that the New York Times broke, a brand new story that showed Cliven Bundy to be an in your face racist. Fox News, as I’m sure you know, has been defending Bundy from day one, with multiple interviews on the so-called “news” network and promoting his story as if he’s the second coming of Christ. But since the Times story broke, Fox News has avoided the story like it’s the plague.

Today, Fox tried to avoid Bundy and continue their usual talking points sharing any and all stories about Obama and what they think are Obama’s failures. They had a panel and a topic – The Keystone Pipeline and the fact that Obama is not working fast enough to approve the darn thing.

Among the panelists was Joe Trippi, a non apologetic Democrat who, after making his statement on the Pipeline tried to throw in a comparison to the racist Cliven Bundy, but before he could finish his statement, the Fox Host was tripping all over herself trying to keep the story from getting out to their Fox audience.

Trippi pointed out that delays in approving the pipeline were connected to a court case in Nebraska.

“And the same people, by the way, who argue about Bundy ranch that the feds are coming in…” was all that Trippi could say before being cut off by Carlson.

“Alright, let’s not bring that into this discussion,” she said reflexively. “I don’t want to bring that into this discussion!”

At that point, she turned to the conservative guest to get the segment back on track.


Politics Racism racist

Cliven Bundy Educates The World About Those “Negro” People – Video

And now it’s all coming together. If you were wondering why Fox News and Republican leaders like Rick Perry were so adamant in their support for the land stealing, law breaking rancher from Nevada, maybe this little nugget from the New York Times could explain their undying support.

In an interview with the Times, Cliven Bundy explained a few things that allowed us to see exactly who the man is and why his appeal with right-wingers is so strong.

One of those identifiers is his vast knowledge of the “negros” and his willingness to share that knowledge with the rest of the world.

From The Times.

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

Court records show that Bundy owes around $1 million dollars in fees to the government for illegally grazing his cattle on federal lands. Despite being warned to remove his cattle and pay the fines, Bundy continued grazing on the lands for another 20 years without paying what he owed, and today he has extended his illegal grazing to include even more federally owned lands.

In other words, Bundy is a taker, a moocher who is robbing taxpaying Americans and making huge profits along the way. He is a law breaker who is fattening his wallet on the government’s dime. But still, he has the nerve to broadcast his dumb stereotype about an entire group of people, insinuating that black people sit on their porch all day, waiting for their government handouts. You know, the same underlying message Fox News push in their media outlets, the same message Congressional Republicans include in their policies – be afraid of the lazy black people coming to take your staff!

Now we see why they agree with Bundy’s law-breaking ways. Birds of a feather I guess…


BLM Politics

Rick Perry Approves of Bundy’s Fight Against the Law

How can we as a nation move forward, when our leaders are siding with criminals instead of the law as interpreted by our courts.

It is okay if Sean Hannity on Fox News insist that Cliven Bundy is correct in refusing to obey multiple court orders, but when Republican governors take that very same position, then the criminals have won.

Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry is now convinced that taking up arms against government employees trying to enforce a court order, is the right thing to do.

In a recent interview on Fox News, Rick Perry said that Cliven Bundy were force into picking up arms against BLM workers because the Bureau of Land Management were acting outside the law. Yes, the same law that authorized them through a court order to take the steps they took when they began confiscating Bundy’s cattle.

Said Perry;

Well, here’s here’s the bigger issue…I have a problem with the federal government putting citizens in the position of having to feel like they have to use force to deal with their own government. That’s the bigger issue.


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