Anthony Weiner MSNBC Politics Slut

Ed Shultz – The Pot Calling The Weiner Black

Fresh off his very own one week suspension for calling Laura Ingraham a “Slut,” Ed Shultz – host of the nightly 10PM time slot on MSNBC called The Ed Show – tore into Anthony Weiner, demanding that the congressman retire his seat in House of Representatives, telling his audience on Monday night’s show, Anthony Weiner lied, and his constituents may no longer trust the congressman.

Now, as an American worker put yourself in the Congressman’s position. He’s tweeting pictures to a girl half his age on company time and lying about it to the boss. By the way, you’re the taxpayer. You’re the boss. Do you think you would survive that in your workplace?

Maybe you would. Maybe that’s just the way America and society is now. I have no interest in Congressman Weiner’s private life. He and his wife, I think, have got quite a bit to deal with and work out at this point. He made this a public issue. He did it. When he lied repeatedly during a media tour that lasted a week.

This is about trust. Do you trust what he says now? This is about character. And this is about the people and what the people of this country deserve in elected officials. All of the people that have gotten in trouble before I’ve advocated them resigning because the taxpayers deserve total focus. Congressman Weiner, if you believe in yourself, you will resign and you will come back and run again in 2012 because that’s what the taxpayers deserve.

Ed spent the majority of his show talking about Rep. Anthony Weiner and asking his many guests whether they believe the congressman should retire. None of the guest including Rev. Al Sharpton supported Shultz’s call for Weiner to step down.

Even a telephone poll conducted on the show showed strong disagreement with Ed’s position, with over 67% wanting Weiner to continue as Representative of New York, and just 33% siding with Mr. Shultz.

This is one time Ed should listen to his viewers.

Anthony Weiner has always been one of the loudest voices in Congress when it comes to fighting for the middle class American worker. He has represented New York well. He has never claimed to be an angel, and neither is Ed Shultz. Ed calls Ingraham a “slut”, apologized, and maintains his job. Weiner sent half nude photos of himself, apologized, but Ed wants him to quit.

Come on Ed, you cannot be more wrong on this matter.

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Anthony Weiner Democratic Politics twitter

Weiner Will Forever Be Remembered As Sending His Covered Weener On Twitter

The unfortunate part of this whole Weiner episode is that now, he will forever be remembered as the man who sent a picture of his covered weener on Twitter, instead of being remembered as the great Democratic voice in Congress.

Will Anthony Weiner survive this? No. We expect another press conference where Weiner will announce his resignation.

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Politics Republican Rick Santorum twitter United States

What Will You Find If You Google “Santorum?”

Today, another Republican joker pitched his hat in the ring, telling America that he is going to run for President in 2012. And immediately after Rick Santorum made it official, social network sites like Twitter went crazy. It seems that everyone has an opinion on whether or not Santorum should run, and most of the “tweets” were asking Americans to know their candidate, advising them to use google, like the tweet shown below:

google-1 What Will You Find If You Google "Santorum?"

So in an effort to shed a little more light on the subject, I took @paulfreid up on his challenge and googled “Santorum.” What I found was indeed scary! Below is part of the unbelievable results Google returned:

Comparing Gay Sex to Man-On-Dog and Sodomy.

In an interview with the Associated Press, as reported in USATODAY, the question of outlawing homosexuality was asked;

AP: I mean, should we outlaw homosexuality?

SANTORUM: I have no problem with homosexuality. I have a problem with homosexual acts. As I would with acts of other, what I would consider to be, acts outside of traditional heterosexual relationships. And that includes a variety of different acts, not just homosexual. I have nothing, absolutely nothing against anyone who’s homosexual. If that’s their orientation, then I accept that. And I have no problem with someone who has other orientations. The question is, do you act upon those orientations? So it’s not the person, it’s the person’s actions. And you have to separate the person from their actions.

AP: OK, without being too gory or graphic, so if somebody is homosexual, you would argue that they should not have sex?

SANTORUM: We have laws in states, like the one at the Supreme Court right now, that has sodomy laws and they were there for a purpose. Because, again, I would argue, they undermine the basic tenets of our society and the family. And if the Supreme Court says that you have the right to consensual sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything. Does that undermine the fabric of our society? I would argue yes, it does. It all comes from, I would argue, this right to privacy that doesn’t exist in my opinion in the United States Constitution, this right that was created, it was created in Griswold — Griswold was the contraceptive case — and abortion. And now we’re just extending it out. And the further you extend it out, the more you — this freedom actually intervenes and affects the family. You say, well, it’s my individual freedom. Yes, but it destroys the basic unit of our society because it condones behavior that’s antithetical to strong healthy families. Whether it’s polygamy, whether it’s adultery, where it’s sodomy, all of those things, are antithetical to a healthy, stable, traditional family.

Every society in the history of man has upheld the institution of marriage as a bond between a man and a woman. Why? Because society is based on one thing: that society is based on the future of the society. And that’s what? Children. Monogamous relationships. In every society, the definition of marriage has not ever to my knowledge included homosexuality. That’s not to pick on homosexuality. It’s not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be. It is one thing. And when you destroy that you have a dramatic impact on the quality —

AP: I’m sorry, I didn’t think I was going to talk about “man on dog” with a United States senator, it’s sort of freaking me out.

SANTORUM: And that’s sort of where we are in today’s world, unfortunately. The idea is that the state doesn’t have rights to limit individuals’ wants and passions. I disagree with that. I think we absolutely have rights because there are consequences to letting people live out whatever wants or passions they desire. And we’re seeing it in our society.

AP: Sorry, I just never expected to talk about that when I came over here to interview you. Would a President Santorum eliminate a right to privacy — you don’t agree with it?

Rick then went on the Glenn Beck Show and defended his man-on-dog claims.

There’s more. We advise you to take @paulFreid’s advise and google Santorum.

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Climate change Mitt Romney Politics Republican

Mitt Romney Believes In Global Warming – Republicans Do Not!

It’s just another reason why many Republicans and Conservatives are against the Mitt Romney run for the 2012 Presidential candidacy. The politically charged issue that has become a big decision maker in recent elections, with Republicans taking the stance that Global Warming is a myth, steamrolled by Democrats to make money.

But apparently, Mitt Romney breaks away from the Republican way of thinking on this matter, which is another reason most Republicans and Conservatives will vote for a lobotomy performed by Joe the Plumber, instead of casting that vote for Romney in the primaries or in 2012.

While announcing his decision to run for President, Romney was asked about his stance on Global Warming. He replied;

“I don’t speak for the scientific community, of course, but I believe the world’s getting warmer. I can’t prove that, but I believe based on what I read that the world is getting warmer. And number two, I believe that humans contribute to that . . . so I think it’s important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may well be significant contributors to the climate change and the global warming that you’re seeing.’’

Romney might be the only one in the Republican party that thinks it is important to cut emission pollutants and greenhouse gases. His potential Republican rival, Sarah Palin, just said how she loves the smell of emissions. If she doesn’t run, don’t look for a Palin endorsement of Mitt Romney.

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Democratic Politics Republican Wisconsin

Wisconsin Republicans Sue Because They Were Wrong

Something must be wrong with these Republicans. It seems that when they do things in the dark, everything is fine. But when these things are brought to the light, Republicans want to sue the person who turns on the light switch.

Oh the nerve of these Wisconsin Republicans.

In a secretly taped conversation recently released and first reported by the La Crosse Tribune , Wisconsin Republicans were overheard talking about planting a spoiler Democrat into the recall elections of Republican Sen. Dan Kapanke.

On the recording, Julian Bradley – the La Crosse County Republican Vice Chairman is heard recalling a conversation he had with Wisconsin Executive Director of the State’s Party, Mark Jefferson. Here’s what was said;

“We are actively keeping our ears to the ground and if anybody knows anybody for a candidate that would be interested on the Democratic side in running in the primary against Jennifer Shilling … if anybody knows any Democrats who would be interested, please let us know.”

The recall election for Republican Dan Kapanke –  one of the Senators that voted for the controversial law that will take away the collective bargaining rights of Wisconsin union members – is scheduled for July 12th. Republicans were attempting to plant this spoiler Democratic challenger into the race to delay the recall election, as primary elections will be held first. A scenario, they believe, will cost Democrats more money. The official Democratic challenger in the recall election against Dan Kapanke is state Rep. Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse).

But what’s even more unbelievable is the proposed law-suit. Yes, the party that has fabricated information and videos against Democrats are now planning to sue the person who secretly recorded the Republican meeting. The report claims,

The La Crosse County Republican Party plans to sue the person who made a secret recording of the group’s monthly meeting last week, when party officials discussed running a spoiler candidate against Democrat Jennifer Shilling.

Party chairman Bill Feehan said he met with an attorney Friday and would file a suit soon.

“I had to seek legal counsel regarding the illegal taping of our meeting,” Feehan said. “We’ve now been told it’s a violation of a state statute regarding wire tapping.”

You do right and you should have nothing to worry about. But the nerve…! You do wrong, and you want to file suit because your wrong-doing was brought to light?

Simply amazing!!!

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Anthony Weiner New York twitter Wisconsin Wisconsin Union Bashing

Weiner Pulls Out… of Scheduled Wisconsin Event

Democratic congressman from New York, Anthony Weiner has had enough, so instead of going to a scheduled event in Wisconsin this weekend and being faced with more questions about the picture of a man’s bulging private parts, sent from his twitter account to a 21-year-old, Weiner has decided that spending time “with his family” is the best thing to do.

The report from the Milwaukee Journal states,

Graeme Zielinski, party spokesman, confirmed the cancellation and said the decision was Weiner’s, and that the party’s invitation to him was still good.

“It’s understandable, considering what’s going on,” Zielinski added.

Weiner, an outspoken liberal voice in Congress, has been in the midst of a controversy over a photo of a male crotch in underpants sent to a female Twitter follower of his.

Weiner has denied sending the photo and says his Twitter account was hacked, but he has not denied  the photo might be of him. The story has occupied much of the political world for the past few days.

Weiner was to be one of the main speakers at the convention, which starts today at the Frontier Airlines Center. Another main speaker: Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), chair of the Democratic National Committee.

Zielinski said Weiner “opted to stay in New York . .. with his family,” and added, “We’re looking forward to a visit in the future” from Weiner.

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New Jersey Politics Republican

Chris Christie – Fiscally Conservative In Words Only, Not Deeds

Chris Christie, the Republican governor of New Jersey – has been much in the news over the last few months. Republicans have been searching for a presidential candidate for the 2012 elections to go up against President Obama, and Christie matched the fiscally conservative ideals Republicans claim to believe in.

For example, the governor, in an effort to save some extra cash for the state of New Jersey even went as far as cutting education spending and necessary funding for teachers. What else was he expected to do? The state needed money and teachers make too much. So cutting their take home pay is what this fiscally conservative governor did.

But now, it would seem that New Jersey is bringing home the dough. You know, rolling in cash… like flushing it down the toilet or something. Jersey apparently has so much money, that the fiscally conservative Republican governor saw no problem with taking the quick way to his son’s baseball game – using the State’s Police Helicopter that was purchased with $12 million of New Jersey’s taxpayer’s dollars.

Right before the lineup cards were being exchanged on the field, a noise from above distracted the spectators as the 55-foot long helicopter buzzed over trees in left field, circled the outfield and landed in an adjacent football field. Christie disembarked from the helicopter and got into a black car with tinted windows that drove him about a 100 yards to the baseball field.

And who exactly will have to cover the bill for the pilot and crew, and the fuel for Christie’s trip? Well the people of New Jersey of course. They’re making enough money, remember? They’re good.

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democrats Michele Bachmann Republican Sarah Palin United States

Hold Your Laughter – Bachmann Says Democrats Are Afraid Of Her

Okay. This post is not going to be very long. Get this… hold your laughter… Michele Bachmann thinks Democrats will be “terribly afraid of a Michele Bachmann candidacy for president of the United States.”

The Associated Press is reporting the Bachmann claim came after the Republican presidential wannabe toured the New Hampshire Statehouse. Bachmann then headed for a “Road to the White House” interview at WXKL-FM radio station, where she said this;

“I think that comparison shows me very favorable compared to the current president of the United States,” she said.

If she runs, Bachmann said she will emphasize how her background as a lawyer, business owner and mother makes her most qualified to turn the economy around.

“I’ve got that background, of being a person who worked my way through college,” she said. “We’re self-made people — I get it.”

Okay, now you can laugh!

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BLM Politics United States

Transcript Of President Obama’s Memorial Message At Arlington Cemetery

Thank you. Thank you so much. Please be seated.

Thank you, Secretary Gates, and thank you for your extraordinary service to our nation. I think that Bob Gates will go down as one of our finest Secretaries of Defense in our history, and it’s been an honor to serve with him. (Applause.)

I also want to say a word about Admiral Mullen. On a day when we are announcing his successor as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and as he looks forward to a well-deserved retirement later this year, Admiral Mullen, on behalf of all Americans, we want to say thank you for your four decades of service to this great country. (Applause.) We want to thank Deborah Mullen as well for her extraordinary service. To Major General Karl Horst, the commanding general of our Military District of Washington; Mrs. Nancy Horst; Mr. Patrick Hallinan, the superintendent of Arlington National Cemetery, as well as his lovely wife Doreen. And to Chaplain Steve Berry, thank you for your extraordinary service. (Applause.)

It is a great privilege to return here to our national sanctuary, this most hallowed ground, to commemorate Memorial Day with all of you. With Americans who’ve come to pay their respects. With members of our military and their families. With veterans whose service we will never forget and always honor. And with Gold Star families whose loved ones rest all around us in eternal peace.

To those of you who mourn the loss of a loved one today, my heart breaks goes out to you. I love my daughters more than anything in the world, and I cannot imagine losing them. I can’t imagine losing a sister or brother or parent at war. The grief so many of you carry in your hearts is a grief I cannot fully know.

This day is about you, and the fallen heroes that you loved. And it’s a day that has meaning for all Americans, including me. It’s one of my highest honors, it is my most solemn responsibility as President, to serve as Commander-in-Chief of one of the finest fighting forces the world has ever known. (Applause.) And it’s a responsibility that carries a special weight on this day; that carries a special weight each time I meet with our Gold Star families and I see the pride in their eyes, but also the tears of pain that will never fully go away; each time I sit down at my desk and sign a condolence letter to the family of the fallen.

Sometimes a family will write me back and tell me about their daughter or son that they’ve lost, or a friend will write me a letter about what their battle buddy meant to them. I received one such letter from an Army veteran named Paul Tarbox after I visited Arlington a couple of years ago. Paul saw a photograph of me walking through Section 60, where the heroes who fell in Iraq and Afghanistan lay, by a headstone marking the final resting place of Staff Sergeant Joe Phaneuf.

Joe, he told me, was a friend of his, one of the best men he’d ever known, the kind of guy who could have the entire barracks in laughter, who was always there to lend a hand, from being a volunteer coach to helping build a playground. It was a moving letter, and Paul closed it with a few words about the hallowed cemetery where we are gathered here today.

He wrote, “The venerable warriors that slumber there knew full well the risks that are associated with military service, and felt pride in defending our democracy. The true lesson of Arlington,” he continued, “is that each headstone is that of a patriot. Each headstone shares a story. Thank you for letting me share with you [the story] about my friend Joe.”

Staff Sergeant Joe Phaneuf was a patriot, like all the venerable warriors who lay here, and across this country, and around the globe. Each of them adds honor to what it means to be a soldier, sailor, airman, Marine, and Coast Guardsman. Each is a link in an unbroken chain that stretches back to the earliest days of our Republic — and on this day, we memorialize them all.

We memorialize our first patriots — blacksmiths and farmers, slaves and freedmen — who never knew the independence they won with their lives. We memorialize the armies of men, and women disguised as men, black and white, who fell in apple orchards and cornfields in a war that saved our union. We memorialize those who gave their lives on the battlefields of our times — from Normandy to Manila, Inchon to Khe Sanh, Baghdad to Helmand, and in jungles, deserts, and city streets around the world.

What bonds this chain together across the generations, this chain of honor and sacrifice, is not only a common cause — our country’s cause — but also a spirit captured in a Book of Isaiah, a familiar verse, mailed to me by the Gold Star parents of 2nd Lieutenant Mike McGahan. “When I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here I am. Send me!”

That’s what we memorialize today. That spirit that says, send me, no matter the mission. Send me, no matter the risk. Send me, no matter how great the sacrifice I am called to make. The patriots we memorialize today sacrificed not only all they had but all they would ever know. They gave of themselves until they had nothing more to give. It’s natural, when we lose someone we care about, to ask why it had to be them. Why my son, why my sister, why my friend, why not me?

These are questions that cannot be answered by us. But on this day we remember that it is on our behalf that they gave our lives — they gave their lives. We remember that it is their courage, their unselfishness, their devotion to duty that has sustained this country through all its trials and will sustain us through all the trials to come. We remember that the blessings we enjoy as Americans came at a dear cost; that our very presence here today, as free people in a free society, bears testimony to their enduring legacy.

Our nation owes a debt to its fallen heroes that we can never fully repay. But we can honor their sacrifice, and we must. We must honor it in our own lives by holding their memories close to our hearts, and heeding the example they set. And we must honor it as a nation by keeping our sacred trust with all who wear America’s uniform, and the families who love them; by never giving up the search for those who’ve gone missing under our country’s flag or are held as prisoners of war; by serving our patriots as well as they serve us — from the moment they enter the military, to the moment they leave it, to the moment they are laid to rest.

That is how we can honor the sacrifice of those we’ve lost. That is our obligation to America’s guardians — guardians like Travis Manion. The son of a Marine, Travis aspired to follow in his father’s footsteps and was accepted by the USS [sic] Naval Academy. His roommate at the Academy was Brendan Looney, a star athlete and born leader from a military family, just like Travis. The two quickly became best friends — like brothers, Brendan said.

After graduation, they deployed — Travis to Iraq, and Brendan to Korea. On April 29, 2007, while fighting to rescue his fellow Marines from danger, Travis was killed by a sniper. Brendan did what he had to do — he kept going. He poured himself into his SEAL training, and dedicated it to the friend that he missed. He married the woman he loved. And, his tour in Korea behind him, he deployed to Afghanistan. On September 21st of last year, Brendan gave his own life, along with eight others, in a helicopter crash.

Heartbroken, yet filled with pride, the Manions and the Looneys knew only one way to honor their sons’ friendship — they moved Travis from his cemetery in Pennsylvania and buried them side by side here at Arlington. “Warriors for freedom,” reads the epitaph written by Travis’s father, “brothers forever.”

The friendship between 1st Lieutenant Travis Manion and Lieutenant Brendan Looney reflects the meaning of Memorial Day. Brotherhood. Sacrifice. Love of country. And it is my fervent prayer that we may honor the memory of the fallen by living out those ideals every day of our lives, in the military and beyond. May God bless the souls of the venerable warriors we’ve lost, and the country for which they died. (Applause.)


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Barack Obama Donald Trump Donald Trump Mitt Romney Politics Republican Sarah Palin United States Wisconsin

Obama Looking Safer In Wisconsin

Those are not my words, it is actually a new headline coming from a new Public Policy Polling. The poll finds that when compared to a previous poll taken in February 2011 when the President approval in Wisconsin “was looking a little more vulnerable,” the new poll shows “increased margins over Romney and the rest of the remaining [GOP] crew.”

The president’s approval rating is up to 52%, with 44% disapproving, double the margin of his 49-45 spread in the previous poll. Meanwhile, all his potential opponents tested have cratered in popularity, with the worst being newly official candidate Newt Gingrich.Gingrich was already at a 26-49 favorability spread in February, but now measures at 15-67, a 29-point decline, and now worse than Sarah Palin’s 32-63.

Romney now trails the president, 51-39, and Gingrich has fallen six points from that same mark to 53-35, just a point better than Palin’s 55-36 deficit. The president wins with independents by 11 to 24 points, but still has room to improve; respondents report voting for him over McCain by only nine points.

The talk now within the conservative media is that Donald Trump actually worked for the President. Conservatives/Republicans have come up with the theory that President Obama sent Trump out with one mission – say the most outrageous things possible, get the Republicans to buy into the nonsense and let the rest of America see how easily gullible and crazy these Republicans are.

But my question to the conservative media is, why stop with Trump? When you look at these results and the huge favorably numbers for the President in Wisconsin, maybe, just maybe the Wisconsin governor Scott Walker is also on the Obama payroll. Maybe President Obama told Walker to implement the most radical union busting policies in Wisconsin, thus, turning the people against the Republicans and in effect, improving the President’s numbers.

And could it be possible that the other Republican governors nationwide are also on the President’s payroll? We’ve all seen the backlash from Americans in Republican led states, thus leading to better approval numbers for Democrats. Could it be? Could it really be?

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Barack Obama Featured United States

142 Dead In Joplin, But Fox News Concerned About “Obama’s Gum Chewing”

It is quite obvious now that FOX News is not really a news network, and among the many proofs we have of this fact, came this other little nugget this past weekend. President Obama went to pay his respect to the survivors of the tornadoes in Joplin last weekend, but all Fox News could report to their herd, was whether or not the President was chewing gum.


Forget the President surveying the damages, comforting the residents and promising the survivors that, “we’re going to be here long after the cameras are gone. We’re not going to stop until Joplin jumps back on its feet.And who cares about the 142 dead victims of the tornado? Not “FOX NEWS!” On the Fox-Fix nation website, this was their observation;

Earlier today President Obama spoke at a memorial service in Joplin, MO honoring those who lost their lives to the destructive tornado that stuck the region last week. Seen at the last seconds of this video clip it appears as though President Obama was chewing gum. What do you think?

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Republican Sarah Palin Sarah Palin United States

Palin Prefers The Smell of Motor Cycle Emissions In The Morning

In another blatant and apparent attempt to pander to the motor-cycle community, Sarah Palin opened her mouth and her foot jumped in. Asked by a FOX reporter if all her stops along her bus tour will be as rowdy as the motor-cycle event Palin crashed, the Alaskan governor quitter answered that she loves the smell of “emissions.”

“Ohhh, it would be a BLAST if they were this loudy, and if they smelled this good. I love that smell of the emissions!”

I love motor-cycles, but quite frankly, I prefer the smell of a nice, freshly brewed cup of coffee in the morning. I can’t help but wonder how the Tea Party  feels knowing that Sarah’s preferred smell in the morning is motor-cycle emissions… and not tea. And wondering even more, is Mrs. Palin going to be strapped to the back of her bus for the great smell?

Or maybe, just maybe she will have a hose strapped to her tour bus’ exhaust pipe to bring that wonderful smell directly into the bus. Can we ask that all the windows stay shut? Would that be asking too much?

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