Anthony Weiner New York Politics Republican

Republicans Against Republicans In New York

There’s some wild political in-fighting going on in New York, and no, we’re not talking about the Anthony Weiner saga. This time it’s Republicans against Republicans and the fight’s about legalizing gay marriage, which Andrew Cuomo, the Democratic governor of the state, is doing all he can to push to legalize.

“This state has a proud tradition and a proud legacy as the progressive capital of the nation,” he said Friday. “We led the way, and it’s time for New York to lead the way once again.”

However, not all the legislatures see things Cuomo’s way. The state’s Republican politicians have been the main stumbling block and they’ve been on a mission to see that the Democratic efforts to legalize gay marriage fails. But there are cracks showing up in the united Republican’s stonewall against it, and one Senator has jumped ship and is calling his party out. His name is Roy McDonald, a 64-year-old Senator and this is what he said;

“You get to the point where you evolve in your life where everything isn’t black and white, good and bad, and you try to do the right thing. You might not like that. You might be very cynical about that. Well, fuck it, I don’t care what you think. I’m trying to do the right thing. “I’m tired of Republican-Democrat politics. They can take the job and shove it. I come from a blue-collar background. I’m trying to do the right thing, and that’s where I’m going with this.”

Of course, Republicans will now go out of their way to make sure Roy looses his seat next election, but like Roy said, he’s “trying to do the right thing.” Good to know there’s still some Republicans who will put party politics aside, and do what’s right.

Go Roy!

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Politics Rick Scott United States

Granny Dumping Now Legal In Florida

Republican governor Rick Scott signed a new Medicaid Reform Law in Florida that contains a provision making “granny dumping” legal, according to Florida elder law attorney Ellen Morris.  “Granny dumping” is the term used to force seniors out of nursing homes.

This policy could result in a practice known as “granny dumping,” and force Florida seniors out of nursing homes, elder law advocates told members of the Agency for Health Care Administration at a hearing Tuesday night in West Palm Beach, FL, according to The Palm Beach Post.

The law aims to move three million Medicaid recipients into a managed care program after July 1, 2012, and transition thousands of nursing home residents back into home or community settings. Individuals who are developmentally disabled, or those in the juvenile justice and mental health institutions are exempt from the privatization program, while nursing home residents are not.

Wherever there’s a Republican governor, the people of that state will be under attack.

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Mitt Romney Politics Republican Sarah Palin

Bachmann Lied About “Raising” 23 Kids

The only quality I’ve appreciated about Michele Bachmann is slowly beginning to erode. On many occasions, Mrs. Bachmann has claimed that she raised 23 foster kids along with her 5 children, but new reports being released tell a different story. Bachmann didn’t raise 23 foster kids. Some of these kids only stayed in her home for a few weeks. How is that raising them?

Kris Harvieux, who worked as a senior social worker in the foster care system in Bachmann’s county said at least some of Bachmann’s placements were likely short-term.

“Some of them you have for a week. Some of them you have for three years, some you have for six months,” he said. “She makes it sound like she got them at birth and raised them to adulthood, but that’s not true.”

According to Goldberg, the Minnesota Department of Human Services reports that Bachmann’s foster care license allowed her to care for at most three children at any one time; she had the license for 7 1/2 years.

Bachmann’s feeble attempt to explain the misunderstanding was to say that the length of time the children stayed in her care “varied, depending on the child.” Yea, but how is this “raising” 23 kids?

Michele Bachmann is another Republican candidate trying to get the Republican’s nomination to run the White House in 2012, yet she can’t get her story straight about what happens in her own home.


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MSNBC Politics rachel maddow

Olbermann To Rachel Maddow – You’re Welcome At Current T.V.

Making his rounds to the various television shows, Keith Olbermann dropped a bomb on The Jimmy Fallon show. Asked if he spoke to any of his fellow MSNBC hosts, Olbermann replied that they have all been busy since his departure.

As Rachel put it the other day on another program, we’ve both been kinda busy, so we haven’t spoken but that doesn’t mean we’re not speaking. It’s just, you know, as you just alluded to when I left, perhaps there was a little… friction.

Olbermann then dropped the bomb;

Someday I’ll really like Rachel to come and work with me at Current, when legally she’s available to do so.

Fallon then suggested that MSNBC will be very mad if Rachel left and joined Olbermann at Current TV, to which Olbermann replied, “tough!”

See the clip below, it begins around the 16 minute mark.

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Barack Obama CNN Mitt Romney Politics Republican Party (United States)

Tim Pawlenty Is No Punk, Just Don’t Tell Romney!

Tim Pawlenty showed his punkass side again. Last Sunday, Pawlenty went on Fox News and criticized his fellow Republican Mitt Romney and the health care bill Romney approved in Massachusetts. Funny thing is, when Pawlenty was given the opportunity to confront Romney at the CNN debate one day later, he punked out and showed the nation that he has no backbone.

Well that was then and this is now. Realizing that he crumbled while Romney was on stage with him, Pawlenty is trying to regain the ‘tough-guy’ front he never really had. So today, in the comforting confine of his own living room, and in front of his big bad computer, little Timmy went online and became ballsy tweeting to all who cared to listen, that he is once again willing to take on Romney.

After looking around the room and making sure Romney wasn’t there, Pawlenty took to twitter and tweeted the following;

pawlenty-tweet Tim Pawlenty Is No Punk, Just Don't Tell Romney!

But on CNN, and with Mitt Romney standing just a few feet away from him, Little Timmy emerged and the tough-guy persona he exhibited on Fox was gone.
Video below;

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New Jersey Piers Morgan Politics Republican United States

G.O.P. Chris Christie Is A Pompous Ass

This is what you get when you vote for someone to run your state, and that person has no regard for the people of the state, because that person answers to a higher calling – Corporations.

Case on point:  Republican Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey. Apparently, Christie’s interpretation of being a public servant means that the public has no right to ask him any questions based on his flawed policy decisions, and thinks it appropriate to tell his employers – the people who voted him into office – to mind their own business!

Christie appeared on a PBS program and took questions from the residents of his state. One constituent correctly pointed out that Christie sends his kids to private school, but turns around and cuts funding to New Jersey’s public school. The public servant became absolutely livid.

Below is his response.

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MSNBC Tid Bits

Countdown With Keith Olbermann – Uncensored – Official Ad

Countdown with Keith Olbermann starts on June 20th, and Keith just released his official video promoting the show. In what could be considered a slap-in-the-face to his previous network, MSNBC, the video shows Olbermann talking about the corporate spin that dictates what gets on television under the guise of  “news.”

As Keith talks, a censor is placed over his mouth, but Keith simply moves to the side and continues;

The free flow of information has been thwarted, dissenting voices silenced, and for every story there’s a flurry of heavily biased corporate-sponsored spin that can distract even the most engaged viewer. And every day we’re left with a bit less clarity. Until now.

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Anthony Weiner Democratic House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi Politics Republican United States

David Vitter Has A Job, But Anthony Weiner Decides To Retire

We called it here first. Moments after Anthony Weiner went infront of the podium and proclaimed that he was responsible for the tweet that started the so-called Weinergate – where his apparent sin was texting, then lying to the almighty press, claiming he didn’t have any idea who sent the personal text messages to different women –  we predicted that the next time Weiner gives a press conference, it will be to state his resignation.

Meanwhile, Republican David Vitter, the man who paid for sex from prostitutes while still a member of congress, still has a job as a member of congress.

Although we hoped to be wrong on that prediction, reports out today suggests we were right. Anthony Weiner is getting ready to announce his retirement from the House of Representatives. Chalk this one up as a win for the Republicans.

There was only so much Mr. Weiner could take. Pressure to retire was coming from both sides of the political divide, and his Democratic “friends” and leaders in congress all but turned their backs on their out-spoken Democratic congress member. From Leader Pelosi, who announced her intention to investigate Weinergate, to a Republican freshmen who called Weiner a “distraction,” to political talking heads like Ed Shultz, who seemed to be on a personal mission to get Mr. Weiner to resign.

But when President Obama earlier this week joined the chorus and suggested that “if it were me, I would resign,” Mr. Weiner saw the writing on the wall and realized that his fate was sealed.

We said it before and we’ll say it again. Losing Anthony Weiner is a major blow to the Democratic voice in Congress. He was an out-spoken member, and stood his grounds for the people of his district and for America’s middle class in general. Yes, chalk this one up for the Republicans, their job to eliminate the middle class without objection just got a little easier with Weiner out of the picture.

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Politics Tax

Tim Pawlenty’s Policies Makes Bush Tax Cuts Look Liberal

Tim Pawlenty came out with his economic proposal, a financial calamity that would make the Bush Tax cuts look as if it was proposed by former Representative and ultra liberal Alan Grayson. Some of the numbers in the Pawlenty plan are:

  • Reducing the top individual income tax rate from 35% to 25%
  • Reducing the top Corporate tax rate from 25% to 15%
  • Completely eliminate capital gains taxes, taxes on dividends and interest, and the estate tax
  • Having just two income tax brackets, 10 percent and 25 percent

These drastic steps by Pawlenty are supposed to reduce the federal deficit, but according to the Tax Policy Center, the Congressional Budget Office and the IRS, even if all Pawlenty’s figures add up, revenue generated would be just 13.6 percent of GDP from 2013-2021, and equals a tax cut of $11 trillion over the same time. In comparison, the Bush’s tax cuts were three times smaller than what Pawlenty is proposing.

To put things into perspective, the nice folks at The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities did their research and came up with the following chart.

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Barack Obama gun Politics United States

Glenn Beck Insinuates Shooting President Obama

These days, it’s hard to be surprised by Glenn Beck’s antics. But his most recent attempt to grab the spotlight on his last few days at Fox News, really had me scratching my head. This is the same guy who once, when referring to congressional Democrats, told his viewers to “shoot them in the head.”

Well in this second attempt to incite some nut-job in his audience to commit the unthinkable, the Fox News host took to the television waves and after ranting about guns and his suggestion that the government is coming after gun owners, Beck asked the question, “why would you get a gun?” He then turns and points at a picture of President Obama.

Amazing that this idiot is still on television, or on any public media for that matter!

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Michelle Obama Politics

Obama – My Family Is Fine With One Term

In an interview with NBC’s Today show, President Obama states that his wife and daughters would have been okay if he had decided not to run for a second term, saying;

“Michelle and the kids are wonderful in that if I said, `You know, guys, I want to do something different,’ They’d be fine. They’re not invested in daddy being president or my husband being president.”

The President said that the First Lady would be the first one to encourage him to do something “a little less stressful” if she didn’t believe that what he was doing was best for the country.

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Newt Gingrich Politics Republican United States

Newt Gingrich’s Moral Dilemma Number 866

Picture this for a second…

You start a non-profit charity that deals mostly in religion and faith issues. You then write a book for profit, then get your non-profit charity to buy your books and DVD’s. The non-profit charity that you started, then paid $220,000 to another for-profit company, a company that you also started.

Well, if you’re like me, you’ll see something very wrong here. Your non-profit company giving your for-profit company $220,ooo just seems to be breaking – if nothing else – some moral ethical barriers. But apparently, if you’re a Republican running for President of the United States, and if your name is Newt Gingrich, this behavior is not only accepted, but welcomed.

The charity, Renewing American Leadership, not only featured Gingrich on its website and in fundraising letters, it also paid $220,000 over two years to one of Gingrich’s for-profit companies, Gingrich Communications. It purchased cases of Gingrich’s books and bought up copies of DVDs produced by another of the former House speaker’s entities, Gingrich Productions.

“The spirit of operating a non-profit organization is to work for the public good regardless of the politics that are involved,” said Daniel Borochoff, president of the American Institute of Philanthropy, in an interview with ABC News. “I believe it violates that spirit.”

Asked about the allegations this morning prior to a speech in New Hampshire, Gingrich urged an ABC News reporter to focus on his speech.

“I’m not concerned about that. The American people aren’t concerned about that. Try covering the speech,” Gingrich said as he left a campaign event. When the reporter tried to follow up, Gingrich got in his waiting car and slammed the door.

And all Anthony Weiner did was send texts to different ladies, and he’s being ask to resign? Really?

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