
Republican Lawmaker – Riot in Baltimore is Because of Gay Marriage – Audio

While discussing the decay of society because of gay people getting married, a Texas House Republican lawmaker dropped this little nugget on Wednesday while talking to Tony Perkins of the very conservative Family Research Council…

But before I expose the nugget, a little background. The fight going on at the Supreme Court these days is whether gays or LGBT people should have the right to marry each other. No question where Perkins stand on this issue as he flatly chalks up much of the problems in today’s society to the breakdown of traditional marriage and families.

“A lot of these problems are created by the breakdown of the family, which the redefinition of would only accelerate,” Perkins said.

That’s when the Texas Republican lawmaker, Bill Flores, offered his two cents.

“You’re exactly right, Tony,” Flores said. “Let’s talk about poverty for instance… The single best indicator of whether or not a child is going to be in poverty or not is whether or not they were raised by a two-parent household or a single-parent household. And so the breakdown of the family has contributed to poverty.”

He continued;

“You look at what’s going on in Baltimore today, you know, you see issues that are raised there. And healthy marriages are the ones between a man and a woman because they can have a healthy family and they can raise children in the way that’s best for their future, not only socially but psychologically, economically, from a health perspective.”

“There’s just nothing like traditional marriage that does that.”


marriage equality Politics Womens Right

Exploring the sex obsession within right wing politics.

Hello Ezkool readers, thank you for reading my first blog post here.  I have been promising Ezra an article for a while and am happy to finally get this online.  Please note, I write long and as such like to source my articles where best I can.  Which is why you will see numbers after quotes and at the bottom of the article sources.  There are also a number of sources linked directly within the piece.


Two comments caught my attention over the past few days. The first came from Tea Party favourite Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) who linked ‘gay marriage’ with bestiality:

“It’s kind of like marriage when you say it’s not a man and a woman any more. Then why not have three men and one woman, or four women and one man, or why not somebody has a love for an animal? There is no clear place to draw the line once you eliminate the traditional marriage.” [1]

And the other came from Oscar winning actor Jeremy Irons who wondered in gay marriage would see fathers marry their sons to avoid inheritance taxes:

“Could a father not marry his son?” Even when it was pointed out to him that incest is illegal Irons carried on unabated “It’s not incest between men”, because “incest is there to protect us from inbreeding, but men don’t breed.”

I’m not sure of the political affiliation of Mr Irons, but his comments are widely held beliefs by many outspoken right wing politicians/supporters, when trying to defend against the right of gay men and women to be included under the umbrella of marriage and equal human rights. What both Irons and Gohmert fail to, or don’t bother to see is that marriage is seen to be the bonding of a relationship between consenting adults – the impetuous being on “consenting“. So Gohmert’s slippery slope argument that same sex marriage will suddenly see people marrying their dogs is false – a dog can not consent. And in cases of incest, it is often the case that there is a level of abuse and therefore not consensual. That and the fact that is taboo.

As a marriage equality advocate – and a happily married straight woman, I have never seen any of my friends or fellow advocates, make the argument that if we have so-called “gay marriage” the next step is incest, bestiality, pedophilia, polygamy, etc acceptance. The reason being is, sensible, common sense individuals understand that what we advocate is the civil rights of consenting adults and never the abuse of animals, children or society. Yet, from DOMA’s first inception, throughout Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Prop 8, and the recent Supreme Court cases, without fail, so called traditional marriage advocates can not help themselves with going from consensual adults to marrying your dog or child etc.

In no state or country where “gay marriage” or “equal rights” have been made law of the land has bestiality and pedophilia become recognized and legal in law.  This argument seems to be solely the twisted mindset of certain people with anti-gay agendas.  Which leads me to ask the question, are these people actually safe to have in society with that kind of sickness running around their heads?

The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart berated the Republicans who always seem to go from gay sex to bestiality on his show this week:

“What is it with you people and the animal-fucking?… I don’t understand how your minds always go there. Like, then they’ll just remove the law of fucking animals. Is that the only thing that has been holding you back? ‘Oh, wow, look at that goat, if only I wouldn’t get in trouble.”

Since the new rise of the extreme right, there has been without fail, an almost weekly sex based obsession in legislation – take for example the “war on Women” which at it’s root again is about sex. Case in point, Sandra Fluke. Her testimony about the the Conscience Clause exceptions in healthcare, to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, prompted talk show host Rush Limbaugh to launch a multi-day campaign of hate, which included labelling Fluke as a “slut” for what he saw as contraceptive pills, equating sex:

“[Fluke] essentially says that she must be paid to have sex—what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She’s having so much sex she can’t afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex.” [3]

The fact is, Fluke never said such a thing. Her testimony centered around a friend who needed contraceptive pills to help with polycystic ovary syndrome, and the the lack of contraception coverage in Georgetown University. But it didn’t stop the onslaught and thus a myth was born, which carries on to this day – to many on the right, especially those with influence (politicians, talk show hosts, writers etc), the debate about contraceptive healthcare became about sex. As Rachel Maddow put it in an amusing rebuttal “I think that Rush Limbaugh thinks you take a birth control pill to avoid getting pregnant each time you have sex, so the more times you have sex the more birth control pills you need,” She explained further. “You just take one pill every day …. It’s a prescription deal … you don’t need more birth control to keep you not pregnant for more sex.” [4]

But as far as the right were concerned, contraceptives meant ‘slut’. Contraceptives meant you were sleeping with people left, right and center, and basically had no control over yourselves except to satisfy your slutty urges.

Continuing on the vein of the “War on Women” are the increasingly oppressive state laws being enacted by Republicans, to limit abortion access. I might like to remind readers, abortion access is and remains protected under the Constitution, something that Republican led states might want to remember in their selective love of the Constitution. Their laws are also motivated by bizarre ideas about sex.

The main argument from abortion deniers, or so called “pro-lifers” is women who get abortions are sluts, who can’t keep their legs crossed even those who are pregnant through rape or incest. Todd Atkins who was deposed in November 2012, is infamous for claiming “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” [5] The emphasis should be dear reader, on “legitimate rape”, with the underlying current of suggestion being if it’s rape you wouldn’t get pregnant, therefore if you are pregnant, and seeking an abortion, you must be lying about being raped and a slut. Atkin’s comment fed into the idea of victim blaming, where people often think a rape victim – and more so in the cases of female victims of rape – that they somehow “asked for it”. For example, if the victim was drunk, she asked for it, the victim had more than one past sexual experiences, she is a slut therefore asked for it, or if the victim wore a skirt with a length shorter than the knee (okay a little sarcasm there), she asked for it.

Atkin was not alone in his thinking – Vice President hopeful Paul Ryan saw rape as another method of conception: “I’m very proud of my pro-life record, and I’ve always adopted the idea that, the position that the method of conception doesn’t change the definition of life.” [6] Pennsylvania Senate candidate Tom Smith, equated consensual sex with rape, when his daughter became pregnant out of wedlock.[7]

What each case showed, was an obsession to debase the argument down to a level which distorts the true issue. It also showed a very worrying and unhealthy way the right wing viewed sex.

Which brings me back to the arguments used against same sex marriage and homophobia in general.

In 2010, I wrote a piece for my opinion blog I had at the time, in which I looked at the “obsession with sex especially with DADT” [8] The article is still online so feel free to read the full argument. However to summarize for this piece, I was looking at how those who supported keeping DADT, would use slippery slope arguments, often based on a notion that gay men and women were uncontrollable sexual animals, just waiting for DADT to be repealed in order to jump on their poor, unsuspecting straight comrades. As a gay friend of mine said at the time “What is it with this idea that homophobic people have, that we are looking to jump their bones? Talk about being so full of themselves!“.

In the blog post I wrote then, I pointed out about DADT “The Right seem to me to be especially caught up on the sexual element of gay relationships instead of what this is really about – not having to lie about who you are, not having to make up a story about your partner, just so you don’t get kicked out of the job you have decided to do.”

The Family Research Council, designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center for their anti gay rhetoric, said at the time, gay inclusion in the military would lead to gays raping straights. FRC Senior Fellow for Policy Studies Peter Sprigg, was heard to say “We are today releasing an analysis of publicly available documents which show that homosexuals in the military are three times more likely to commit sexual assaults than heterosexuals are relative to their numbers,” Sprigg said. “We believe this problem would only increase if the current law against homosexuality…were to be repealed.” [9]

Forget the fact that gay men and women have always served in the military, just at that time without the ability to do so openly, the idea proposed by FRC was gay people can’t control themselves. It’s something the FRC use even today when it comes to frankly anything to do with gay men and women. Here’s just a smattering of quotes:

“This is another attempt by the homosexual lobby to indoctrinate children as young as kindergarten in the homosexual lifestyle. Young people who are sexually confused need the facts about homosexuality. They need to know that research shows they aren’t `born gay,”

Gaining access to children has been a long-term goal of the homosexual movement.”

Acceptance Of Homosexuality Will Result In More Unwanted Pregnancies.

All the above statements – and more – can be found at Media Matters Political Correction here: and Right Wing Watch:

Slippery slope arguments are nothing new. It is disturbing how the same or rather similar agreements were used to protest against interracial marriages and relationships. The idea that marriage would be somehow debased, watered down or loose it meaning were used up until the case of Loving went to the Supreme Court. These arguments are still used today, this time for gay marriage.

There are many on the right who believe that gay people are defined by the sex they have, unlike straight people who’s partnerships are defined by the relationships they have and sex – what they do in the bedroom – is by the by.  Anti-gay advocates believe gay men and women are incapable of day to day relationships.  I’m not sure in this instance if the rhetoric is pushed by homophobic ideology or jealousy of the constant sex they believe gay men and women are always having.  And this is without even beginning to look at the points they make that gay people are not created by God, but woe betide anyone who suggests heterosexuals choose their “lifestyle”. Or that if gay men and women are permitted to “marry” straight men and women will be tripping over themselves to take part in this “fad” just because they can.  And lets remember to play a violin for all those straight marriages which will crumble under the weight of “gay marriage” and not be able to survive the supposed “redefinition” – and of course all that gay sex – you know the anal only gay men and women partake in (Anal Sex More Popular Than Possibly Expected Among Heterosexual Couples).

The simple fact is, relationships are not defined by sex, and neither will gay rights mean an onslaught of laws legalizing bestiality, pedophilia etc.  Women use contraception for more means than just preventing pregnancy and just because a woman gets an abortion does not make her a slut.  Neither is a woman asking for it in any way shape or form.  Gay people are not chomping at the bit to hump their straight friends/colleagues or comrades in war, and neither is sex all that defines their relationship.  It is not the left and equal rights advocates who obsess about the sex lives of people, nor is it equal rights advocates who suggest that once we get “gay rights” will we be advocating the rights of NAMBLA – yes I’m looking at you Dr Ben Carson.












Analysis: Supreme Court Will Not Budge On Same Sex Marriage

If the country is rushing headlong toward full-throated endorsement of same-sex marriage, the Supreme Court apparently didn’t get the memo.

Over two days of oral arguments on what has been described as the civil rights issue of the 21st century, the justices spent more time addressing mundane matters of states’ rights and judicial standing than threshold issues of equality and morality.

The result still may be at least incremental progress for the gay rights movement, but it’s likely to come more with a whimper than a bang — and with substantial regrets about the way the two cases were presented, argued and decided.

The best guess at this point is that the court, controlled by Justice Anthony Kennedy, its swing vote, will leave California’s gay marriage ban in the hands of that state’s courts, which already have struck it down. That would legalize gay marriage in the nation’s largest state — no small matter — but would not implicate similar bans in 37 other states.

And even on the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which offered a fatter target for the court because it denies financial and other benefits to legally married same-sex couples, the court fretted more over the government’s jurisdiction than matters of morality.


Obama on Same Sex Marriage – “I think that same sex couples should be able to get married””

WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama said Wednesday that he supports gay marriage, reversing his position on a controversial social issue just six months before the November election and adopting a stance fraught with political implications.

Mr. Obama had been under intense pressure this week to lay out a clear stance on gay marriage after several of his top advisers endorsed it. Mr. Obama said he “personally” believes gays and lesbians should have the right to marry, a position he came to after several years of talking to friends and family and thinking about gay members of the military and of his staff who are raising children together in monogamous relationships.

“I’ve been going through an evolution on this issue. I’ve always been adamant that gay and lesbian Americans should be treated fairly and equally,” Mr. Obama said in an interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America” anchor Robin Roberts. “At a certain point, I just concluded that for me, personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think that same sex couples should be able to get married.”

Mitt Romney Politics

Romney on Same Sex Marriage – ” I do not favor marriage between people of the same gender”

(CBS News) FORT LUPTON, Colo. – Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney on Wednesday said he unequivocally opposes “marriage between people of the same gender,” drawing a contrast to President Obama’s “evolving” position on the issue.

In an interview with Denver-based KDVR-TV, Romney was asked about the failure of a ballot measure that would have allowed same-sex civil unions in Colorado. “I indicated my view, which is I do not favor marriage between people of the same gender, and I do not favor civil unions if they are identical to marriage other than by name,” Romney said. “My view is the domestic partnership benefits, hospital visitation rights, and the like are appropriate but that the others are not.”

Romney, in another interview Wednesday, told CBS affiliate KCNC in Denver: “My position is the same on gay marriage as it’s been well, from the beginning, and that is that marriage is a relation between a man and a woman. That’s the posture that I had as governor and I have that today.”

However, it’s still early in the election season. Check back later to see if Romney’s position changes. Most likely, it will.

New York Politics

Circus Clown Rick Perry Does His Juggling Act On Gay Marriage

It is so confusing working in a circus. For Texas governor, and possibly another Republican savior for the 2012 Presidential election, Rick Perry keeps dropping the balls as he juggles his statements. Today, he says one thing, tomorrow, it’s a different story.

Forgetting his previous statement that he agreed with New York’s decision to allow gay marriages, Mr. Perry suddenly remembered that he may run for president, and would need the votes of the Christian Conservatives. In his interview with Family Research Council’s president, Perry did try to juggle, but he just couldn’t keep all his balls up in the air:

After initially telling reporters that it’s “fine with me” if states like New York legalize same-sex unions through their own legislature, Perry is pulling a 180 and calling for a Federal Marriage Amendment…

“I probably needed to add a few words after that ‘it’s fine with me’ and that it’s fine with me that a state is using their sovereign rights to decide an issue,” he said. “Obviously gay marriage is not fine with me. My stance hasn’t changed.”

Perry said he supported changing the Constitution in order to ban gay marriage, a position that he characterized as supportive of states’ rights even as it would overrule New York’s own decision on the matter.

These people will say and do anything to get a potential vote, but once in office, their Corporate masters dictate the policies.

Anthony Weiner New York Politics Republican

Republicans Against Republicans In New York

There’s some wild political in-fighting going on in New York, and no, we’re not talking about the Anthony Weiner saga. This time it’s Republicans against Republicans and the fight’s about legalizing gay marriage, which Andrew Cuomo, the Democratic governor of the state, is doing all he can to push to legalize.

“This state has a proud tradition and a proud legacy as the progressive capital of the nation,” he said Friday. “We led the way, and it’s time for New York to lead the way once again.”

However, not all the legislatures see things Cuomo’s way. The state’s Republican politicians have been the main stumbling block and they’ve been on a mission to see that the Democratic efforts to legalize gay marriage fails. But there are cracks showing up in the united Republican’s stonewall against it, and one Senator has jumped ship and is calling his party out. His name is Roy McDonald, a 64-year-old Senator and this is what he said;

“You get to the point where you evolve in your life where everything isn’t black and white, good and bad, and you try to do the right thing. You might not like that. You might be very cynical about that. Well, fuck it, I don’t care what you think. I’m trying to do the right thing. “I’m tired of Republican-Democrat politics. They can take the job and shove it. I come from a blue-collar background. I’m trying to do the right thing, and that’s where I’m going with this.”

Of course, Republicans will now go out of their way to make sure Roy looses his seat next election, but like Roy said, he’s “trying to do the right thing.” Good to know there’s still some Republicans who will put party politics aside, and do what’s right.

Go Roy!

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