CNN MSNBC Politics


As seen on America The Not So Beautiful

July 18, 2014

By Mike Caccioppoli

I really really really hate writing about the ongoing, never ending, never will end, “crisis” in the middle east. We have so many problems here at home that need fixing yet we, or should I say they (the mainstream media) push those troubles aside whenever something violent happens in that area of the world cause..well..violence gets dicks hard I guess.

This is also the reason why the murders on both sides of the conflict will continue. Both sides are excited by the blood shed. Both sides cheer when little children on the opposing side are killed. They all love it now. They love the violence and the retribution and the killings. They all get off on it now, the rebels, the establishment, the politicians, the suicide bombers, all of them. It’s a cycle they have grown used to and it’s why the USA should have no involvement at all. None. Zero.

OK I got that out of my system. The issue now is with NBC news and their removal of a pretty good reporter, Ayman Mohyeldin, from the Gaza strip. Mohyeldin had reported on the killing of four young boys who were playing on the beach by the Israeli military. He said he had just been playing with these boys shortly before they were murdered. Yes they were MURDERED, not merely KILLED.

NBC claims he was pulled because of “security concerns” but that doesn’t jive because they soon placed Richard Engel into the same position. Also these reporters are constantly in harms way, every single minute of every single day, so it’s obvious NBC is lying. The question is why? Why pull Mohyeldin? And why lie about it?

It’s no secret that there are many Jews in this country who are, for some strange reason, blindly sympathetic to Israel. Some of them have been to Israel but most of them have not. I’m always confused as to why they care so much. And if so why not relocate to Israel and join the fight? I’m half Jewish and half Italian. Yes I know I’m combining a religion with a nationality but that’s how we do it in New York so get over it. Many Jews consider me to be totally Jewish since it’s my mother’s side that is Jewish. However I have no connection to Israel at all, never been there. I have been to Italy just once. If Italy were to get into a conflict with a neighboring country I would have no vested interest in it at all. I would choose to look at it from a totally objective point of view. Mostly I just hate war and conflict and would hope it would all end quickly.

The problem we have in this country is that too many people see the Israel-Palestine conflict from an extremely biased point of view. They overwhelmingly support Israel. That is simply a fact. It’s also a fact that there are more Jews in important positions of power in our mainstream media than Palestinians. No this isn’t a stupid anti-Semitic “Jews run the world” paranoia rant, it’s simply fact. Therefore it’s obvious that some of those people and those who might answer to them don’t like it when Israelis are shown in a negative light. They will give the Palestinians some sympathy but just enough to try and keep people like myself off their backs, their hearts really aren’t in it.

Oh I really hate writing about this shit. I know liberals are mixed on this issue. Maybe some of you have been wondering what my beliefs were. But now we have this chicken shit move by NBC news. They have been known to slant to the left but that didn’t matter in this case. In these matters it rarely does. There are people with money who live in this country who don’t want to see Israelis look like murderers. But some of them ARE murderers as are some Palestinians. I have always seen the Israelis as the big rich bullies with the expensive weapons and the Palestinians as the kids who are fighting back anyway they can. Sometimes their ways are horrific and grotesque. Both sides see little reason to come to an agreement because the killing and the revenge and the never ending cycle of this shit seems so normal and feels so right to them now.

What we CAN control in this country is how we cover this conflict. What NBC did was just simply wrong just as it would be wrong to pull a reporter for covering the Palestinians killing Israeli children. That hasn’t happened though..has it?

This is why the mainstream media in the USA sucks. Money as with everything else in this Capitalism on steroids society, rules all. It trumps good reporting, it trumps fair reporting, it trumps right over wrong. This is why we can’t get “fair and balanced” news anymore. There is always an executive who is shitting in his or her pants over that one call they might get from a rich, angry advertiser.

So Ayman Mohyeldin gets pulled from doing his job. A job he does well.

NBC news should be ashamed of themselves.


Visit America The Not So Beautiful

ObamaCare Politics

New Poll – Support for Obamacare Goes Up

The latest NBC/Wall Street Journal poll is just an endless horror show for Republicans. Obama’s approval is up; Republican Party approval is down; confidence in the economic recovery has plummeted thanks to the budget standoff; and voters blame Republicans for the government shutdown by a margin of 53-31.

Virtually everyone who’s not a hardcore dittohead blames the GOP. What’s more, 73 percent of the public thinks the shutdown is a serious problem and 31 percent have been personally affected.

But none of that is a big surprise. Here’s something that is: After a week of 24/7 media coverage about the problems with the rollout of Obamacare, its popularity has gone up. It’s still not doing gangbusters or anything, but it’s pretty interesting that an awful lot of people who previously had no opinion are now feeling pretty positive about it. Is this because they or someone they know has actually gone on line and discovered that there are pretty good deals available? I don’t know. But something has changed their minds

Iowa Mitt Romney Politics Republican

Tim Pawlenty Beats Up On Michele Bachmann…Side-steps Question About Romeny

One of the characteristics that describe Republican 2012 Presidential contender Tim Pawlenty among his fellow Republicans is timid. Some would even call him soft, so it was no surprise when he was given the chance today on Meet The Press to criticize his fellow Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, Pawlenty again side-stepped the question. But when the question turned to Michele Bachmann, Pawlenty didn’t bite his tongue, stating that the female Republican contender don’t have a record to stand on.

When host, David Gregory asked Pawlenty about Mitt Romney’s health care policies, the question was a straight forward one. “Are you saying he [Romney] cannot be the nominee, unelectable as, as the nominee of the party, because of his position on health care?”

Question: Can Romney be the Republican nominee? Is Romney unelectable? The answer should have been simple – yes he can be the nominee, or no, he cannot!

Instead, the softness of Pawlenty went on full display.

GOV. PAWLENTY: I think if you’re going to prosecute the political case against President Obama and one of the top three or four issues is going to be the direction of the country in health care, it’s going to be very difficult for our nominee to be one of the co-conspirators or co- designers of that.

MR. GREGORY: I know that’s the argument. I’m asking you what your conclusion is.

GOV. PAWLENTY: It’s going to be very difficult for him to be successful with that on his record.

MR. GREGORY: In other words, he can’t be the nominee if he’s got this background?

GOV. PAWLENTY: I think as we — it’s going to be difficult for him to beat the president with that on his record. And, you know, his record is beyond just health care. It’s also a question of how did he do on judicial appointments? Where did we stand on bail outs? So all of us are going to have to account for our record. I’ve got a record. Governor Romney’s got a record. All the other candidates have record. I’ve got the best conservative record in the race.

The question was left unanswered.

Then the question turned to the only female in the race so far, Michele Bachmann. Pawlenty was asked what he thought about Bachmann’s candidacy and to distinguish himself from Mrs. Bachmann. Another simple question and amazingly, Pawlenty had a simple answer.

 “I like Congresswoman Bachmann, I’ve campaigned for her, I respect her,” said Pawlenty on the program. “But her record of accomplishment in Congress is nonexistent. It’s nonexistent. And so we’re not looking for folks who, you know, just have speech capabilities, we’re looking for people who can lead a large enterprise in a public setting and drive it to conclusion. I’ve done that, she hasn’t.”

Although I agree with Pawlenty and the facts back up his statement that Michele Bachmann have no accomplishments in Congress, one can only wonder why when the question is asked about a male he chooses not to participate in pointing out that opponent’s deficiencies. But ask about his female opponent, and Pawlenty suddenly had a lot to say.

I actually looked up the meaning of “soft” in the dictionary, and no, Pawlenty’s picture was not there, but it’s still early. Give it some time…!

MSNBC Politics rachel maddow

Olbermann To Rachel Maddow – You’re Welcome At Current T.V.

Making his rounds to the various television shows, Keith Olbermann dropped a bomb on The Jimmy Fallon show. Asked if he spoke to any of his fellow MSNBC hosts, Olbermann replied that they have all been busy since his departure.

As Rachel put it the other day on another program, we’ve both been kinda busy, so we haven’t spoken but that doesn’t mean we’re not speaking. It’s just, you know, as you just alluded to when I left, perhaps there was a little… friction.

Olbermann then dropped the bomb;

Someday I’ll really like Rachel to come and work with me at Current, when legally she’s available to do so.

Fallon then suggested that MSNBC will be very mad if Rachel left and joined Olbermann at Current TV, to which Olbermann replied, “tough!”

See the clip below, it begins around the 16 minute mark.

Barack Obama China Donald Trump Donald Trump Politics Republican Sarah Palin United States

Donald Trump Has Decided To Run… In His Mind

In a telephone interview yesterday, Donald Trump broke the news that he will seek the presidency… in his mind that is.

In my mind, I have already decided,” Trump, 64, said in a telephone interview yesterday. “I am going to announce. But I can’t do anything until the show ends.

Trump said he will focus on “making our country rich and respected,” by creating jobs, boosting the economy and stopping China and the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries from taking advantage of the U.S.

Many people have already concluded that The Donald is not running. They call his stunt over these past few weeks, a sad and pathetic attempt to garnish more publicity for his show, Celebrity Apprentice and his many financial endeavors. They point to the fact that The Donald has pulled this stunt before as evidence that he is simply not serious.

But what if he is? What if Trump is intent on proving his detractors wrong and is hellbent on living up to the pompous, egotistical excuse for a man we’ve seen on exhibit in recent weeks and actually try his hand at running  for the most powerful position in the world? A position that he has absolutely no competency in ever performing?

The decision to run will be a liberal’s dream. We’re, quite frankly, not sure who will be more entertaining  – Palin, Trump or Bachmann?

Barack Obama Birthers CNN Donald Trump Hawaii Money bag United States

Trump To Reveal Some “Interesting Things” About The Guy In The White House

The Donald recently told NBC that he has his very own investigators in Hawaii, and their sole purpose is to find out the truth about President Obama’s place of birth. “I have people that have been studying it and they cannot believe what they’re finding,” Trump told NBC.

On Thursday, about a month after making the claim to NBC, Donald Trump was interviewed by CNN and when asked to comment on what his investigators found, all The Donald would say was, “We’re looking into it very, very strongly. At a certain point in time I’ll be revealing some interesting things,” Trump said on CNN’s American Morning.

So naturally, the speculations began on what these “interesting things” could be.

That the president played a lot of basketball growing up? Probably! That’s pretty interesting!

Was it that he took some drugs as a young man? We’d bet that’s it. We’re glad Trump is doing the country this tremendous public service. The news media has never looked into finding any details about Obama’s life, and it’s about time we learned a thing or two about his past.

According to our source close to Trump (a cartoon sack of gold coins with a dollar sign on it), President Obama may in fact be a black man, and his middle name probably starts with the letter “H.” Very interesting things.

Some people may think journalists have been following leads on Obama’s background for years. But that’s just not the case. For example, do we know how old Obama is? No. He’s probably in his mid-eighties, but it’s hard to tell, because the media doesn’t bother to look into these things.

Thanks to The Donald, for organizing this group of  “investigators” who will show and tell us what these “interesting things” are. We cannot wait to know who this guy in the White House really is.

Barack Obama Birthers Birthers Hawaii United States

Eric Cantor and The Birthers See Things Differently

He won’t call them crazy because according to Eric Cantor the Republican House Majority Leader:  “I don’t think it’s nice to call anyone crazy.” But Mr. Cantor did say that he believes the President is a citizen, and that the Birthers are wrong to think he’s not.

Mr. Cantor appeared on NBC’s Meet The Press on Sunday and stated that the question of President Obama’s birth is already settled with most Americans. He said, “I don’t think it’s an issue that we need to address at all. It is not an issue that even needs to be on the policy-making table right now whatsoever.”

Birthers, on the other hand, cannot give up their pointless fight. With no proof whatsoever, they have held onto the claim that the President is a foreigner, and thus unqualified to be president. And although Hawaii’s Health Director has confirmed the President’s original documents are on file in the state, Birthers will not be fooled with the facts. They believe the president is a foreigner and that’s all they need…A belief!

An attempt to explain the Birther’s point of view is seen in this video.

Barack Obama China Politics

Pres. Obama will now be called “The Angry Black Man”

In a time of turmoil – fighting two wars, going through the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, dealing with unemployment figures presently at 9.7% nationwide, the international issues regarding Israel and Palestine, China, Iran, Russia to name a few and now the Deepwater Horizon oil spill caused by BP –  president Obama has so far kept a cool head trying to navigate through all these obstacles. And that’s what is expected in times of trials and hardship, someone who knows the issues, has a plan to get past the issues and is keeping a calm head while navigating through the issues.

President Barack Obama

Conservatives however wants a screeming, crying and confused leader who gets distracted by every issue that comes up and start throwing a fit. They’re not concerned about the plans in place to deal with the issues. They’re only concerned about the theatrics of a president who drops everything and pop up in every television shot, crying about what’s going on and the Armageddon of the situation.

Well it seems that the president heard their cry for more emotions. He seem to have lost his “cool” in an interview with NBC’s Today Show host Matt Lauer. Mr Lauer asked the following question;

Critics are now talking about your style which is the first time I’ve heard that in a long time. And they’re saying,”here’s a guy who likes to be known as cool and calm and collected, and this isn’t the time for cool, calm and collected. That this is not the time to meet with experts and advisors, this is a time to spend more time in the Gulf and, I never thought I’ll say this to a president, but kick some butt.”

President Obama chuckles at the suggestion, then replied;

“I was down there a month ago, before most of these talking heads were even paying attention to the gulf,” he told Lauer. “A month ago I was meeting with fishermen down there, standing in the rain talking about what a potential crisis this could be. And I don’t sit around just talking to experts because this is a college seminar; we talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers, so I know whose ass to kick.”

They have accused President Obama of being too cool. Saying that he’s not showing enough emotions and because of that, they accuse him of being disconnected from the common folk. This group of people have put themselves opposite of President Obama on every single issue, so what will they do now that President Obama is taking a harder stance?

The Conservatives and Republicans will now called him the “angry black man.”

Watch the entire interview below.

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