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As seen on America The Not So Beautiful

July 18, 2014

By Mike Caccioppoli

I really really really hate writing about the ongoing, never ending, never will end, “crisis” in the middle east. We have so many problems here at home that need fixing yet we, or should I say they (the mainstream media) push those troubles aside whenever something violent happens in that area of the world cause..well..violence gets dicks hard I guess.

This is also the reason why the murders on both sides of the conflict will continue. Both sides are excited by the blood shed. Both sides cheer when little children on the opposing side are killed. They all love it now. They love the violence and the retribution and the killings. They all get off on it now, the rebels, the establishment, the politicians, the suicide bombers, all of them. It’s a cycle they have grown used to and it’s why the USA should have no involvement at all. None. Zero.

OK I got that out of my system. The issue now is with NBC news and their removal of a pretty good reporter, Ayman Mohyeldin, from the Gaza strip. Mohyeldin had reported on the killing of four young boys who were playing on the beach by the Israeli military. He said he had just been playing with these boys shortly before they were murdered. Yes they were MURDERED, not merely KILLED.

NBC claims he was pulled because of “security concerns” but that doesn’t jive because they soon placed Richard Engel into the same position. Also these reporters are constantly in harms way, every single minute of every single day, so it’s obvious NBC is lying. The question is why? Why pull Mohyeldin? And why lie about it?

It’s no secret that there are many Jews in this country who are, for some strange reason, blindly sympathetic to Israel. Some of them have been to Israel but most of them have not. I’m always confused as to why they care so much. And if so why not relocate to Israel and join the fight? I’m half Jewish and half Italian. Yes I know I’m combining a religion with a nationality but that’s how we do it in New York so get over it. Many Jews consider me to be totally Jewish since it’s my mother’s side that is Jewish. However I have no connection to Israel at all, never been there. I have been to Italy just once. If Italy were to get into a conflict with a neighboring country I would have no vested interest in it at all. I would choose to look at it from a totally objective point of view. Mostly I just hate war and conflict and would hope it would all end quickly.

The problem we have in this country is that too many people see the Israel-Palestine conflict from an extremely biased point of view. They overwhelmingly support Israel. That is simply a fact. It’s also a fact that there are more Jews in important positions of power in our mainstream media than Palestinians. No this isn’t a stupid anti-Semitic “Jews run the world” paranoia rant, it’s simply fact. Therefore it’s obvious that some of those people and those who might answer to them don’t like it when Israelis are shown in a negative light. They will give the Palestinians some sympathy but just enough to try and keep people like myself off their backs, their hearts really aren’t in it.

Oh I really hate writing about this shit. I know liberals are mixed on this issue. Maybe some of you have been wondering what my beliefs were. But now we have this chicken shit move by NBC news. They have been known to slant to the left but that didn’t matter in this case. In these matters it rarely does. There are people with money who live in this country who don’t want to see Israelis look like murderers. But some of them ARE murderers as are some Palestinians. I have always seen the Israelis as the big rich bullies with the expensive weapons and the Palestinians as the kids who are fighting back anyway they can. Sometimes their ways are horrific and grotesque. Both sides see little reason to come to an agreement because the killing and the revenge and the never ending cycle of this shit seems so normal and feels so right to them now.

What we CAN control in this country is how we cover this conflict. What NBC did was just simply wrong just as it would be wrong to pull a reporter for covering the Palestinians killing Israeli children. That hasn’t happened though..has it?

This is why the mainstream media in the USA sucks. Money as with everything else in this Capitalism on steroids society, rules all. It trumps good reporting, it trumps fair reporting, it trumps right over wrong. This is why we can’t get “fair and balanced” news anymore. There is always an executive who is shitting in his or her pants over that one call they might get from a rich, angry advertiser.

So Ayman Mohyeldin gets pulled from doing his job. A job he does well.

NBC news should be ashamed of themselves.


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