Mitt Romney Politics Republican United States

Why Does Michele Bachmann Lie So Much?

Honestly speaking, we don’t know. What we do know, is that Bachmann will say anything and everything, despite what everyone knows to be the truth, if it means there is a slight chance she may advance herself politically with the extremely far right and Teaparty

We can point back to just about any interview Bachmann has given since jumping into the spotlight, but right now we will focus on a recent one she did  Sunday while the 2012 Republican presidential hopeful made her rounds on the cable news networks. Ladies and gentlemen, please direct your attention to CBS’s Bob Schieffer.

In the interview, Schieffer questions Bachmann about a lie she keeps repeating, that President Obama only issued one offshore oil drilling permit. Of course, the truth is that when Bachmann originally made that statement, the Obama Administration had already issued 270 permits. Here’s Mr. Schieffer;

SCHIEFFER: I want to ask you about something else. A lot of your critics say you have been very fast and loose with the truth. You know, the po– PolitiFact, which is a website that won a Pulitzer, did an analysis of 23 statements that you made recently. Of these 23, only one they said was completely true. Seven they call pants on fire kind of falsehoods. Four were barely true and two were half truths. How do you answer that criticism? Because here’s one of them, you know, you said on the record there had been only one offshore oil drilling permit during the Obama administration and, in fact at that time there had been 270.

How do you explain that?”

Michele Bachmann, who claims she accepted Christ at the age of 16 years old and lives a Christian life, decides to continue lying – right there on cable television, with the cameras recording her every word.

BACHMANN: Well, you know, I think that what is clear more than anything is the fact that President Obama does — has not been issuing the permits, that he should have been issuing on offshore drilling that’s…”

SCHIEFFER: Well, it’s more than three hundred now. At… at that time there had been two hundred and something. And you said there had been only one.

BACHMANN: But as far as drilling goes, we hadn’t been drilling what we need to– that’s why we just this week blah blah blah blah…

BACHMANN: No, I haven’t misled people at all. I think the question would be asked of President Obama. When you told the American people that if we borrow a trillion dollars from other countries and spend it on a stimulus that we won’t have unemployment go above eight percent and today as we are sitting here, it’s 9.1 percent and the economy is tanking. That is what’s serious. That’s a very serious statement that the President made. Did he mislead the American people? Not only did he mislead the American people, he’s caused our economy to go down.

Given the opportunity to set the record straight, Bachmann tried to twist and turn and reroute the misleading claim even more, pointing fingers at President Obama and suggesting that old childish excuse – you know, the “he did it too” routine.

Then, expectantly, to wheedle out of the oil permit lie, Michele lies again! This time, claiming that President Obama promised that the stimulus would keep unemployment below 8%.

The truth of the matter is, and according to Politifact – the very same fact-checking organization Schieffer referenced in pointing out Bachmann’s lie – President Obama never made such a claim. Politifact found the following;

“Obama warned upon taking office that if “dramatic action” were not taken, “the unemployment rate could reach double digits,” with the recession lasting years. But neither we, nor our colleagues at PolitiFact’s Washington, D.C. bureau, could find evidence of anyone in the administration making a public pledge along the lines of “if we pass the stimulus, we promise unemployment will stay below 8 percent.”

Why does Michele Bachmann lie so much? Again – we’re just not sure, but we do see that lying is something that has been perfected by Republicans. Yes, Democrats do it too, but Republicans like Bachmann have mastered the art.

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Chris Wallace Politics

Michele Bachmann, Are You A Flake?

Fox News Chris Wallace lost the debate to Jon Stewart last week, so in his Sunday interview of Republican Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, Wallace asked the question every sane American has asked about Michele:  “Is she for real, or is she “a flake?”

“The rap on you here in Washington is that you have a history of questionable statements, some would say gaffes . . . are you a flake?”

The question caught Mrs. Bachmann off-guard, to which she answered that she was “insulted” that Wallace would ask her such a question. Realizing that this was going to be his second loss in 2 weeks, Wallace issued the following apology.

“A lot of you were more than perturbed, you were upset and felt that I had been rude to her. And since in the end it’s really all about the answers and not about the questions. I messed up, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any disrespect.”

Although Wallace buckled under the pressure from his bosses at Fox and apologized, his question was actually a good one. Considering all the numerous incorrect statements the presidential candidate has made in recent weeks, we are all wondering the same thing. Is this Republican presidential candidate for real?

And based on her lack of knowledge where basic American history is concerned, I’ll even venture to say that she’s a flake, who cut classes when the subject was taught.

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Politics Republican

Legal Marijuana Coming To A Store Near You?

If you are like a majority of people who believe that marijuana should be legalized, then you might take pleasure in this bit of news.

Democrat Barney Frank and Republican/Libertarian and candidate for the 2012 Republican Presidential nomination Ron Paul, are coming together amd drafting a piece of legislation that will legalize the herb.

Salon writes,

It is being billed as “bipartisan legislation” but obviously Ron Paul is the only Republican co-sponsor. According to the Marijuana Policy Project: “The legislation is the first bill ever introduced in Congress to end federal marijuana prohibition.”

On this, the (disputed) 40th anniversary of the War on Drugs, basically every thinking person agrees that marijuana prohibition is an expensive failure. But this will probably not even get a floor debate in the House of Representatives. Or maybe I’m wrong! We’ll see!

The wisdom of Ron Paul. Running for president in 2012 and supporting this piece of legislation is a sure way to get votes. His joining the effort to legalize marijuana will be all some will need to decide who to vote for.

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Osama bin Laden Politics United States

President Obama’s Speech On Troop Withdrawal In Afghanistan – Transcript

Good evening. Nearly ten years ago, America suffered the worst attack on our shores since Pearl Harbor. This mass murder was planned by Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda network in Afghanistan, and signaled a new threat to our security one in which the targets were no longer soldiers on a battlefield, but innocent men, women and children going about their daily lives.

In the days that followed, our nation was united as we struck at al Qaeda and routed the Taliban in Afghanistan. Then, our focus shifted. A second war was launched in Iraq, and we spent enormous blood and treasure to support a new government there. By the time I took office, the war in Afghanistan had entered its seventh year. But al Qaeda’s leaders had escaped into Pakistan and were plotting new attacks, while the Taliban had regrouped and gone on the offensive. Without a new strategy and decisive action, our military commanders warned that we could face a resurgent al Qaeda, and a Taliban taking over large parts of Afghanistan.

For this reason, in one of the most difficult decisions that I’ve made as President, I ordered an additional 30,000 American troops into Afghanistan. When I announced this surge at West Point, we set clear objectives: to refocus on al Qaeda; reverse the Taliban’s momentum; and train Afghan Security Forces to defend their own country. I also made it clear that our commitment would not be open-ended, and that we would begin to drawdown our forces this July.

Tonight, I can tell you that we are fulfilling that commitment. Thanks to our men and women in uniform, our civilian personnel, and our many coalition partners, we are meeting our goals. As a result, starting next month, we will be able to remove 10,000 of our troops from Afghanistan by the end of this year, and we will bring home a total of 33,000 troops by next summer, fully recovering the surge I announced at West Point. After this initial reduction, our troops will continue coming home at a steady pace as Afghan Security forces move into the lead. Our mission will change from combat to support. By 2014, this process of transition will be complete, and the Afghan people will be responsible for their own security.

We are starting this drawdown from a position of strength. Al Qaeda is under more pressure than at any time since 9/11. Together with the Pakistanis, we have taken out more than half of al Qaedaâ??s leadership. And thanks to our intelligence professionals and Special Forces, we killed Osama bin Laden, the only leader that al Qaeda had ever known. This was a victory for all who have served since 9/11. One soldier summed it up well. The message, he said, is we don’t forget. You will be held accountable, no matter how long it takes.

The information that we recovered from bin Laden’s compound shows al Qaeda under enormous strain. Bin Laden expressed concern that al Qaeda has been unable to effectively replace senior terrorists that have been killed, and that al Qaeda has failed in its effort to portray America as a nation at war with Islam thereby draining more widespread support. Al Qaeda remains dangerous, and we must be vigilant against attacks. But we have put al Qaeda on a path to defeat, and we will not relent until the job is done.

In Afghanistan, we’ve inflicted serious losses on the Taliban and taken a number of its strongholds. Along with our surge, our allies also increased their commitments, which helped stabilize more of the country. Afghan Security Forces have grown by over 100,000 troops, and in some provinces and municipalities we have already begun to transition responsibility for security to the Afghan people. In the face of violence and intimidation, Afghans are fighting and dying for their country, establishing local police forces, opening markets and schools, creating new opportunities for women and girls, and trying to turn the page on decades of war.

Of course, huge challenges remain. This is the beginning but not the end of our effort to wind down this war. We will have to do the hard work of keeping the gains that we have made, while we drawdown our forces and transition responsibility for security to the Afghan government. And next May, in Chicago, we will host a summit with our NATO allies and partners to shape the next phase of this transition.

We do know that peace cannot come to a land that has known so much war without a political settlement. So as we strengthen the Afghan government and Security Forces, America will join initiatives that reconcile the Afghan people, including the Taliban. Our position on these talks is clear: they must be led by the Afghan government, and those who want to be a part of a peaceful Afghanistan must break from al Qaeda, abandon violence, and abide by the Afghan Constitution. But, in part because of our military effort, we have reason to believe that progress can be made.

The goal that we seek is achievable, and can be expressed simply: no safe-haven from which al Qaeda or its affiliates can launch attacks against our homeland, or our allies. We will not try to make Afghanistan a perfect place. We will not police its streets or patrol its mountains indefinitely. That is the responsibility of the Afghan government, which must step up its ability to protect its people; and move from an economy shaped by war to one that can sustain a lasting peace. What we can do, and will do, is build a partnership with the Afghan people that endures one that ensures that we will be able to continue targeting terrorists and supporting a sovereign Afghan government.

Of course, our efforts must also address terrorist safe-havens in Pakistan. No country is more endangered by the presence of violent extremists, which is why we will continue to press Pakistan to expand its participation in securing a more peaceful future for this war-torn region. We will work with the Pakistani government to root out the cancer of violent extremism, and we will insist that it keep its commitments. For there should be no doubt that so long as I am President, the United States will never tolerate a safe-haven for those who aim to kill us: they cannot elude us, nor escape the justice they deserve.

My fellow Americans, this has been a difficult decade for our country. We have learned anew the profound cost of war — a cost that has been paid by the nearly 4500 Americans who have given their lives in Iraq, and the over 1500 who have done so in Afghanistan men and women who will not live to enjoy the freedom that they defended. Thousands more have been wounded. Some have lost limbs on the field of battle, and others still battle the demons that have followed them home.

Yet tonight, we take comfort in knowing that the tide of war is receding. Fewer of our sons and daughters are serving in harm’s way. We have ended our combat mission in Iraq, with 100,000 American troops already out of that country. And even as there will be dark days ahead in Afghanistan, the light of a secure peace can be seen in the distance. These long wars will come to a responsible end.

As they do, we must learn their lessons. Already this decade of war has caused many to question the nature of America’s engagement around the world. Some would have America retreat from our responsibility as an anchor of global security, and embrace an isolation that ignores the very real threats that we face. Others would have America over-extend ourselves, confronting every evil that can be found abroad.

We must chart a more centered course. Like generations before, we must embrace America’s singular role in the course of human events. But we must be as pragmatic as we are passionate; as strategic as we are resolute. When threatened, we must respond with force but when that force can be targeted, we need not deploy large armies overseas. When innocents are being slaughtered and global security endangered, we don’t have to choose between standing idly by or acting on our own. Instead, we must rally international action, which we are doing in Libya, where we do not have a single soldier on the ground, but are supporting allies in protecting the Libyan people and giving them the chance to determine their destiny.

In all that we do, we must remember that what sets America apart is not solely our power it is the principles upon which our union was founded. We are a nation that brings our enemies to justice while adhering to the rule of law, and respecting the rights of all our citizens. We protect our own freedom and prosperity by extending it to others. We stand not for empire, but for self-determination. That is why we have a stake in the democratic aspirations that are now washing across the Arab World. We will support those revolutions with fidelity to our ideals, with the power of our example, and with an unwavering belief that all human beings deserve to live with freedom and dignity.

Above all, we are a nation whose strength abroad has been anchored in opportunity for our citizens at home. Over the last decade, we have spent a trillion dollars on war, at a time of rising debt and hard economic times. Now, we must invest in America’s greatest resource our people. We must unleash innovation that creates new jobs and industry, while living within our means. We must rebuild our infrastructure and find new and clean sources of energy. And most of all, after a decade of passionate debate, we must recapture the common purpose that we shared at the beginning of this time of war. For our nation draws strength from our differences, and when our union is strong no hill is too steep and no horizon is beyond our reach.

America, it is time to focus on nation building here at home.

In this effort, we draw inspiration from our fellow Americans who have sacrificed so much on our behalf. To our troops, our veterans and their families, I speak for all Americans when I say that we will keep our sacred trust with you, and provide you with the care, and benefits, and opportunity that you deserve.

I met some of those patriotic Americans at Fort Campbell. A while back, I spoke to the 101st Airborne that has fought to turn the tide in Afghanistan, and to the team that took out Osama bin Laden. Standing in front of a model of bin Ladenâ??s compound, the Navy SEAL who led that effort paid tribute to those who had been lost brothers and sisters in arms whose names are now written on bases where our troops stand guard overseas, and on headstones in quiet corners of our country where their memory will never be forgotten. This officer – like so many others I have met with on bases, in Baghdad and Bagram, at Walter Reed and Bethesda Naval Hospital spoke with humility about how his unit worked together as one depending on each other, and trusting one another, as a family might do in a time of peril.

That’s a lesson worth remembering that we are all a part of one American family. Though we have known disagreement and division, we are bound together by the creed that is written into our founding documents, and a conviction that the United States of America is a country that can achieve whatever it sets out to accomplish. Now, let us finish the work at hand. Let us responsibly end these wars, and reclaim the American Dream that is at the center of our story. With confidence in our cause; with faith in our fellow citizens; and with hope in our hearts, let us go about the work of extending the promise of America for this generation, and the next. May God bless our troops. And may God bless the United States of America.

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Health Care Politics Repeal United States

Only In America – Rob A Bank To Get Health Care

Every warm-blooded American – Democrats, Republicans and Independents – should hang our heads in shame when we have fellow Americans, fellow human beings, who are pushed to such limits that they feel that their last resort for getting healthcare is to go to jail.

That is the story of James Richard Verone, a 59-year-old man who worked for the  Coca-Cola Company for 17 years. Verone prided himself for his work and his dedication to the company, but after he lost his job 3 years ago, he  had to take other work to make ends meet. His last job as a convenience store clerk was a strain and magnified the different ailments Verone suffered from. His back hurt and problems with his left foot caused him to limp. He suffered from arthritis in his fingers and carpal tunnel syndrome. He soon lost that job because he was physically unable to perform his duties and then the reality of his situation set in… Verone was unemployed, no savings and no healthcare.

With his options reduced, Verone turned to the government, but all he qualified for was food stamps. The triggering point was when he noticed a growth on his chest. He had a plan, and began implementing it.

As his bank account depleted and the day of execution got closer, Verone sold and donated his furniture. He paid his last month’s rent and gave his notice.

He moved into the Hampton Inn for the last couple of days. Then on June 9 he followed his typical morning routine of getting ready for the day.

He took a cab down New Hope Road and picked a bank at random — RBC Bank.

Verone didn’t want to scare anyone. He executed the robbery the most passive way he knew how. He handed the teller a note demanding one dollar, and medical attention.

“I didn’t have any fears,” said Verone. “I told the teller that I would sit over here and wait for police.”

The teller, however, did have some fears even though Verone never showed a weapon. Her blood pressure shot up and once Verone was handcuffed by police, the teller was taken to Gaston Memorial Hospital to be checked out. Verone said he was sorry for causing the woman any pain.

He has a lot to say on the subject of socialized medical care. He suspects he wouldn’t be talking to a reporter through a metal screen wearing an orange jumpsuit if such an option were available in the U.S.

“If you don’t have your health you don’t have anything,” said Verone.

The man has high hopes with his recent incarceration.

He has seen several nurses and has an appointment with a doctor Friday.

It’s something we say all the time when we want to show America’s exceptionalism – only in America. “Only in America is my story possible,” we would say… or “only in America will you find all these opportunities.” But the ‘only in America’ phrase is also true for Verone’s story, for no other advanced nation on earth would have citizens who have to commit a crime to get health care. Only in America.

Meanwhile, Republicans are promising to repeal health care reform…

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Iowa Politics Republican Sarah Palin South Carolina

Sarah Palin Quits Again – We’re Not Surprised

The Quitter from Alaska has struck again. This time, Sarah Palin has walked out on her “One Nation” bus tour, leaving her most trusted aides scratching their heads and wondering “what’s next?”. The conservative website, RealClearPolitics is reporting that the ex-governor – who also quit that position half way through her first term – left the bus tour before it rolled into Iowa and South Carolina, as was previously planned.

Though Palin and her staff never announced a timeline for the remaining legs of her trip, aides had drafted preliminary itineraries that would have taken her through the Midwest and Southeast at some point this month. But those travel blueprints are now in limbo, RCP has learned, as Palin and her family have reverted to the friendly confines of summertime Alaska, where the skies are currently alight for over 19 hours a day and the Bristol Bay salmon fishing season is nearing its peak.

You know what I always say… “Once a quitter, always a quitter!” Well…I don’t always say that, and I changed some of the words around, but you catch my drift.

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Barack Obama Politics Republican United States voter suppression

Maryland Republicans Indicted For Voter Suppression

Two aides to Maryland’s former Republican Governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr, were indicted on voter suppression charges last Friday. The two aides, Julius Henson and Paul Schurick conducted over 100,000 robo calls last mid-term elections, telling a predominantly black voting block in Maryland to stay home, because President Obama and the Democratic contender for governor Mr. O’Malley, had already won. The call stated;

“Hello. I’m calling to let everyone know that Governor O’Malley and President Obama have been successful. Our goals have been met. The polls were correct, and we took it back. We’re okay. Relax. Everything’s fine. The only thing left is to watch it on TV tonight. Congratulations, and thank you.”

Well, the call was right about one thing, O’Malley eventually won the election, but the intent of the robocall was as obvious – voter suppression, and for Henson and  Schurick’s role in the crime, the indictment awarded them the following;

Julius Henson and Paul Schurick each face three counts of conspiracy to violate Maryland election laws, one count of attempting to influence a voter’s decision and one count of failing to provide an authority line (on campaign material). Schurick also is charged with one count of obstruction of justice.

An arraignment in Baltimore Circuit Court is scheduled for July 18.

The indictment, handed up by a Baltimore City grand jury, came after an eight-month investigation by State Prosecutor Emmet Davitt into tens of thousands of robocalls that went out late on Election Day. A caller instructed voters in Democratic areas to stay home and “relax” because Democratic Gov. Martin O’Malley had already won. In fact, the polls were still open.

And even with this investigation and indictment, multiple Republican governors are trying the same stunt in their states for the 2012 elections. So far this year, six Republican controlled states are racing to carry out more restrictive laws ultimately geared towards voter suppression.

You would think its wise for one to learn from another’s mistakes, but these are Republicans. Their belief system is freedom – to make their own mistakes and decide if they should learn from or repeat their same mistakes again and again. One has to wonder at what point does that kind of freedom turn into just plain stupid?

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Barack Obama Michelle Obama Nelson Mandela Politics South Africa United States White House

How Smooth Is President Obama? – Video

Even with babies, the smoothness of President Obama soothes, and it’s evident in the following video, where First Lady Michelle Obama literally had her hands full with an unhappy baby. President Obama, standing nearby and observing the situation, stepped in, taking the little one, and immediately calming the situation.

Now, if only he could do the same thing with the Republican/Teaparty.

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Politics United States White House

Glenn Beck Punks Out On Van Jones’ Challenge

Glenn Beck is more than happy to sit behind the camera on Fox News or behind the microphone of his radio talk show, and debate himself. The scary part is when he declares himself the winner of those debates, something that happens more times than any sane person should admit to.

Beck was recently given a chance to have a real debate,  a “fight”, a “discussion”. He was given the chance to have an “argument”, a “battle of ideas” from his favorite political rival, Van Jones. Mr. Jones – who, in 2009 had to resign his job at the White House because of the constant lies and character assassinations told about him on Beck’s shows,  issued a challenge to Beck, saying;

I issue a personal challenge to my beloved brother Glenn Beck. I will debate you anytime, anywhere, at any point. I’ll give you an hour, you give me five minutes. And I will stand up for our values. But you would have to stop talking about us and start talking to us.

You got one week left before your show goes off. My phone is ringing. Call me! Call me, Glenn Beck! And let’s have this fight. Let’s have this discussion. Let’s have this argument. Let’s have this battle of ideas. Battle of ideas. And let’s fight for liberty and justice for all.

This would seem like the perfect opportunity for Beck to prove to his radio and television audiences that all the things he’s said about Jones were true. It would seem that Beck would finally have the opportunity to shed some real light on Jones’s true “communistic” character, and at the same time, prove to America that he (Beck) was not just pulling words out of thin air or making stuff up. It would seem like the right thing to do…

But what was Beck’s response?

He retreats back to the rubber room, comfort zone of his radio show where all that he says goes forever unchallenged, and spends 9 minutes continuing his smear campaign against Van Jones, calling him a “communist revolutionist” who formed a group to take over the government.

Yeah Beck, but are you going to accept the challenge? Back up what you say and join Mr. Jones in a debate.

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CNN Politics

Ed Henry Says Goodbye To C.N.N., Joins Fox News

CNN has lost their Chief White House Correspondent. Ed Henry abruptly sent in a letter to the network, advising them that he has “landed a terrific opportunity elsewhere,”  that he was ” absolutely thrilled about”.  Although Ed didn’t say where this opportunity was, Mediaite has confirmed that his new gig will be with Fox News.

Henry will be Fox’s new Chief White House Correspondent.

With all we know about Fox and their obvious need to lie and manufacture stories intended to shed a bad light on the Obama Administration,  one can’t help but wonder if Ed Henry subscribes to the Fox playbook. Or maybe, his decision to move to the Republican network is his way of fighting the obvious bias in the network. We will just have to wait and see how his role at Fox plays out.

Below is Ed Henry’s letter to CNN.

I will never forget that day. But it was just one of many thrilling moments on this beat for CNN, which makes my decision now to leave this network so difficult. It would be easy to say good-bye if I didn’t care about the people or the mission, but I am still a passionate supporter of both.

So after seven years at CNN it is bittersweet for me to say I’ve landed a terrific opportunity elsewhere that I am absolutely thrilled about. But first I just want to say thank you for what has been a wild ride for me, from the beginning of my tenure when I was in the anchor chair when Robert Novak walked off-set — right up until the night a few weeks ago I raced from a Capitals playoff hockey game to the White House to report through the night on the killing of Osama bin Laden. I’m still getting grief for the polo shirt I wore on the North Lawn that night but what can I say, I was trying to Rock the Red.

Before I depart at the end of the week, I want to express my deep appreciation for anchors like Wolf Blitzer, Judy Woodruff (CNN Emeritus), Candy Crowley, John King, Anderson Cooper, Ali Velshi, Kyra Phillips, TJ Holmes, Don Lemon, Robin Meade and so many others who have made me a better journalist.

More importantly, I want to thank the real stars around here — all of the amazing producers and photojournalists here who have made me not just a better journalist, but a better person too.

To some people, our former Washington Bureau Chief David Bohrman is remembered as a tech wiz who rolled out Magic Walls and holograms — not to mention that shelf full of Emmys and Peabodys. I prefer to think he’s best known for making ME his first hire in Washington when I left Roll Call!

David left behind big shoes to fill but the talented Sam Feist will take things to whole new heights. Trust me though when I say the secret to Sam’s success in the days ahead will be the person who runs our newsroom, the classy, hard-working friend I have named Edith Chapin.

But Bohrman might never have hired me if Wolf had decided to sleep in on the campaign trail early in 2004. True story: Wolf found himself exercising in a New Hampshire hotel gym next to Roll Call’s Mort Kondracke. As Wolf tells it, while he was on a treadmill he pressed Mort on whether I was ready to make the jump to TV and next thing you know a long-stalled personnel move at CNN was unstuck and I was hired as the new Congressional correspondent. Thanks to Wolf — and Jim Walton too — for taking a chance on a kid from print. I also owe a big debt of gratitude to the rest of the WolfPack.

King is a reporter’s reporter and it has been an honor to be one of the go-to people for he and Michelle Jaconi, first at State of the Union and then at JKUSA. John may not remember this but back in March 2004 his advice about transitioning from print to TV included this: “Listen to your cameramen. They’ll tell you when you suck.” His point was the photojournalists have seen it all and can tell when a reporter genuinely has new information or is just going through the motions — so check your ego at the door and listen to their feedback.

John could not have been more accurate about the photojournalists’ knowledge — or their willingness to tell you you’re awful! I kid because the banter and friendships with the photojournalists has been awesome, starting with the guys who did my very first live shot, Khalil Abdallah and Martin Dougherty. I love them, and every single other PJ I have worked with throughout the world, including the gone-but-never-forgotten Jerry Thompson.

I found the same kind of selflessness where I started on Capitol Hill. I didn’t win the Dirksen Award on my own — it was because of the hard work of Ted Barrett, Steve Turnham, Deirdre Walsh, Laura Bernardini, Evan Glass, and Craig Broffman.

And the standard of excellence was just as high in the White House unit, where I won the Merriman Smith Award because of great people like Steve Redisch, Tim McCaughan, Stacia Deshishku, Emily Schultze, Becky Brittain, Jamie Crawford, and Julian Styles. A special word about my primary producer Shawna Shepherd — she has been indispensable and invaluable every day of our time together and I adore her. Dan Lothian is a consummate professional and a trusted partner. My only regret about my new opportunity is it does not allow me to spend more time working alongside Brianna Keilar — the future is so bright for her.

Covering two presidential campaigns for CNN was great fun, especially because of remarkable friends throughout the entire political unit, especially Mark Preston. And then there’s Paul Steinhauser, the producer who was talking into my earpiece when Novak walked off. After saying “oh my God” and some other things I can’t repeat, Paul delivered the most terrifying news: “Ed, sorry but you have three more minutes until the next commercial break.” Somehow James Carville and I stalled.

Candy is such a class act, so getting to fill in for her on Sundays has been a highlight, not to mention working with her team led by the truly legendary Tom Bettag.

I have been lucky to work with a terrific group of correspondents in DC but a special mention of Dana Bash. She warned me to think twice about getting into this crazy business over dinner at DC Coast oh so many years ago. And as always her reporting and analysis of the situation were dead-on. And despite me ignoring that warning, she has been a cherished colleague.

Working with Anderson has been unbelievable, especially because of the remarkable Charlie Moore. And while I never thought I would say I enjoyed waking up at 4am, the team at American Morning is stellar. I could never forget the dozens upon dozens of people in Atlanta who have been so great to work with across all of the platforms of and CNN Radio, as well as fabulous colleagues at CNN International, HLN, and CNN Espanol.

But forgive me for being biased when I say the absolute best producer in any bureau is Shirley Henry by a mile. Before I met her, she literally almost lost her life in Iraq doing what CNN does best — reporting on a story with immense global ramifications. I thank God every day he allowed her to survive so I could be lucky enough to eventually meet her and then convince her to be my own “executive producer” — the most loving wife and stepmother a man could ever have.

Last but not least — or perhaps least is the word I am searching for — there’s my pal Ali Velshi. There are no two guys I’d rather be covering a big story with — or heading to Atlantic City with — than Ali and our mutual friend Darius Walker.

Ali and I have had so much fun with “The Stakeout” segment — kudos to his executive producer Kelly Frank for that idea — I have been thinking maybe the Bromance is what I will miss more than anything. But I thought it over and realized — no offense to Ali — the truth is that it is really just one of many friendships here I will quite simply cherish forever. Kindest personal regards, Ed

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Newt Gingrich Politics

Obama Kicked Off Stage For Dissing Republicans – Video

LOL! – Okay, okay… It wasn’t really President Obama, but he was a very good impersonator. His name is Reggie Brown, and he appeared at a Republican organized event, where bashing the President was on the menu. Republicans in the audience laughed at the sight of the president look-alike criticizing Barack Obama, but when Reggie turned the tables on the 2012 Republican presidential contenders, organizers quickly kicked Brown off stage.

Video below. 🙂

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Democratic Politics Republican United States Wisconsin

Wisconsin Republican Put 6 Impersonators In Recall Elections

And so the games in Wisconsin continue. It’s amazing that elected officials are allowed to act so immature, but these days in politics, this seems to be the norm.

Weeks after secret meetings where Republicans were trying to come up with ways to negatively affect the recall elections, they are now acting on what was discussed — to install false Democrats into the recall race, to prolong the elections and cost Democrats more in primary elections.

The Associated Press is reporting that as much as six false Democrats are being used by Republicans to run against official Democratic candidates.

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — State election officials have finalized the list of candidates who are challenging six Republican state senators in recall elections this summer.

The Government Accountability Board said Friday it had received the necessary paperwork from 12 challengers. None of the nomination papers was challenged, so the GAB has now locked in the election dates.

All six races will start with a Democratic primary on July 12. According to the final paperwork, each primary will include one Democratic candidate and a “fake” Democrat, part of a Republican strategy that forces Democrats to spend more resources per race.

The primary winner will face the Republican incumbent in a general election Aug. 9.

Three Democratic state senators are also being targeted for recall. If there are primaries in those races they’d be on July.

Meanwhile, real Americans continue to lose jobs, homes, retirement investments… real Americans are paying the price!

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