Featured Health Care

Republicans’ Radical Plan to End Medicaid

The shiny object that has our attention is the latest nonsense spewing from Trump’s mouth at any given time. And while the media is focus on Trump and the Republican’s talk about repealing Obamacare, a move that will take healthcare away from 32 million Americans, and while the media is captivated by Trump’s dictator-style treatment of them, the bigger story is the Republican’s radical plan to end Medicaid.

This radical plan has nothing to do with the ACA and everything to do with conservatives’ long-standing ideological goal to cap and cut federal Medicaid spending. Medicaid has been a pillar of our health-care system for 52 years and now insures nearly 1 in 5 Americans. A per-capita cap (sending a fixed amount to the states for each beneficiary) or a block grant (sending a fixed amount to the states for their entire program) would be an unprecedented abandonment of federal responsibility by giving states substantially less federal funding than they would get under Medicaid today, with the cuts growing larger each year. That would pass the buck to the states, our health-care safety net and all Americans — and deny care to the most vulnerable among us.

ObamaCare Politics

Mississippi Governor Refused Obamacare, Then Blames Obamacare For Increase in Uninsured

Phil Bryant

Mississippi Republican governor Phil Bryant has some nerve! Just like other Republican governors nationwide, Governor Phil Bryant has denied the people of his state any access to healthcare through Obamacare, and has refused to expand Medicaid through the provisions provided under Obamacare.

That is expected. He is after all, a Republican and as such, has put his political ideology above the health needs of the people he governs. After a WalletHub study of the uninsured in Mississippi found a 3.3% increase in the uninsured rate, Bryant is putting the blame squarely on Obamacare… the same Obamacare he refused to implement in Mississippi.

“If statistics show that the ill-conceived and so-called Affordable Care Act is resulting in higher rates of uninsured people in Mississippi, I’d say that’s yet another example of a broken promise from Barack Obama,” Bryant said. 

The nerve of this dude!

An estimated 137,800 people in Mississippi were left uncovered by health insurance because the state did not expand Medicaid. 

Rachel Maddow explains below.

Health insurance Planned Parenthood Politics Texas women

Rick Perry Eliminates Health Insurance for Poor Women in Texas

Thanks to a decision by Republican Governor Rick Perry, 130,000 low-income women in Texas just lost their health insurance coverage. A bill that was recently signed into law by Rick Perry, disqualified Planned Parenthood from receiving federal grants thus, ending the Medicaid program that provided necessary health benefits to the poorer residents of his state.

The Department of Health and Human Services announced on Thursday that it will cut off all Medicaid funding for family planning to the state of Texas, following Gov. Rick Perry’s (R) decision to implement a new law that excludes Planned Parenthood from the state’s Medicaid Women’s Health Program.

Cindy Mann, director of the Center for Medicaid and State Operations (CMSO), wrote Texas health officials a letter on Thursday explaining that the state broke federal Medicaid rules by discriminating against qualified family planning providers and thus would be losing the entire program, which provides cancer screenings, contraceptives and basic health care to 130,000 low-income women each year.

“We very much regret the state’s decision to implement this rule, which will prevent women enrolled in the program from receiving services from the trusted health care providers they have chosen and relied upon for their care,” she wrote. “In light of Texas’ actions, CMS is not in a position to extend or renew the current [Medicaid contract].”

The federal government pays for nearly 90 percent of Texas’ $40 million Women’s Health Program, and nearly half of the program’s providers in Texas are Planned Parenthood clinics. But the new law that went into effect earlier this month disqualified Planned Parenthood from participating in the program because some of its clinics provide abortions, even though no state or federal money can be used to pay for those abortions.

democrats Medicare Politics

Rick Perry Loses Support Since His Recent Social Security Gaffe

A new Poll conducted by PPP shows President Obama extending his lead over Republican Rick Perry. According to the results, the lead is now in the double figures, and is the direct result of Rick Perry’s recent claims that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme. PPP reports;

Only 20% of voters agree with Perry that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme to 70% who dissent from that statement.  Democrats (4/87) and independents (20/69) are pretty universal in their disagreement with Perry and even Republicans (39/49) don’t stand with him on this one. When it comes to the possibility of actually ending Social Security voters are even more unanimous – 82% oppose taking that step to only 10% who would be supportive of it.  If Perry ends up as the Republican nominee and Democrats can effectively convince the electorate that he does want to end Social Security it could be an extremely damaging issue for him.

Since bringing up the Ponzi scheme claim at the MSNBC Republican debate earlier this month, Rick Perry has already begun his campaign to distance himself from that remark. But could it already be too late? Is the damage already done? If these poll numbers hold up over the next few months, expect the Republican elites to start moving away from Perry, and back to Romney.

My prediction for the general election? It will be President Obama and Vice President Biden, going against Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty.

Medicare Politics

Final Debt Ceiling Plan – Democrats Cave To Republicans

In what will likely be the final plan offered to raise the nation’s debt ceiling from $14.3 trillion, Harry Reid offered the unofficial-official surrender for Democrats – a plan that cut spending by $2.7 trillion dollars, with zero, nada, zilch revenue increase – just what Republicans have asked for all along.

Harry Reid, the Democratic Senate Majority Leader revealed the plan late Sunday, and asked the Republicans to join in what he called a “compromise.”

“We hope Speaker Boehner will abandon his ‘my way or the highway’ approach, and join us in forging a bipartisan compromise along these lines,” Reid said

And if you think House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is objecting, think again. Mrs. Pelosi released a statement congratulating Reid for the new plan, saying;

“I applaud Senator Reid for putting forward an approach to reduce the deficit that protects Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries.”

Democrats and President Obama have pushed Republicans to raise the debt ceiling, with a “balanced approach” to attacking the nation’s debt. That “balanced approach” was an original plan requiring around $3 trillion is spending cuts, but also asked Republicans to close some of the tax loopholes that the rich have profited from for decades.

Republicans held their ground and demanded more spending cuts with no revenue increase and this white flag from Harry Reid and the Democrats give the Republicans their win.

And although Nancy Pelosi indicates that the Big 3 will be left in tact, in time we will know if Republicans will celebrate another victory with spending cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

Politics Rick Scott United States

Granny Dumping Now Legal In Florida

Republican governor Rick Scott signed a new Medicaid Reform Law in Florida that contains a provision making “granny dumping” legal, according to Florida elder law attorney Ellen Morris.  “Granny dumping” is the term used to force seniors out of nursing homes.

This policy could result in a practice known as “granny dumping,” and force Florida seniors out of nursing homes, elder law advocates told members of the Agency for Health Care Administration at a hearing Tuesday night in West Palm Beach, FL, according to The Palm Beach Post.

The law aims to move three million Medicaid recipients into a managed care program after July 1, 2012, and transition thousands of nursing home residents back into home or community settings. Individuals who are developmentally disabled, or those in the juvenile justice and mental health institutions are exempt from the privatization program, while nursing home residents are not.

Wherever there’s a Republican governor, the people of that state will be under attack.

Medicare MSNBC Politics Republican United States

Ron Paul Will End Medicare, Medicaid And Social Security

Ron Paul, the Libertarian who caucuses with Republicans in Congress, wants to get rid of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security… and he’s running for President of the United States in 2012 with those cuts on his agenda.

Mr. Paul appeared on MSNBC and was interviewed by Host Cenk Uygur. Mr. Uygur asked Mr. Paul whether or not he will “transition” out of Medicare and Social Security if he became president, to which Paul answered;

“Well, you know, if I can get the people to agree and Congress to agree, yea, that will be my program. It’s to transit out, because this one has failed.”

We pretty much know how the people will respond to having their health care “transitioned out.” A recent poll shows that Americans overwhelmingly oppose cuts to these programs. Among registered voters, 80% oppose cutting these Medicare and Medicaid. Among Democrats, 92% oppose. 73% of Republicans also oppose cutting these programs and for Independents, 72% oppose the cuts.

And how does the Teaparty feel about these cuts Mr. Paul speaks of? 75% of Teaparty supporters oppose these cuts. Seems Ron Paul is already off on the wrong foot for 2012.

Barack Obama Medicare Paul Ryan Politics Republican The Budget United States weekly address

President Obama Slams Ryan’s Budget… Again!

After President Obama presented his speech on reducing the federal debt, Republicans went on a crying spree, accusing the President of not playing fair, and “making a partisan speech.” All of a sudden, the very same Republicans who have stood in the way of every single piece of legislation the Obama administration has put forth, are now questioning why, as they see it, President Obama is not working with them and agreeing on the Paul Ryan budget.

So to make sure Republicans heard him the first time around, President Obama used his weekly address to put emphasis on his original points – that all, including the rich, must contribute their share to America’s future, and that Paul Ryan’s plan is not worth the paper it is written on.

The President:

Now, one plan put forward by some Republicans in the House of Representatives aims to reduce our deficit by $4 trillion over the next ten years. But while I think their goal is worthy, I believe their vision is wrong for America. It’s a vision that says, at a time when other nations are hustling to out-compete us for the jobs and businesses of tomorrow, we have to make drastic cuts in education, infrastructure, and clean energy – the very investments we need to win that competition and get those jobs.

It’s a vision that says that in order to reduce the deficit, we have to end Medicare as we know it, and make cuts to Medicaid that would leave millions of seniors, poor children, and Americans with disabilities without the care they need.

But even as this plan proposes these drastic cuts, it would also give $1 trillion in tax breaks to the wealthiest 2% of Americans–an extra $200,000 for every millionaire and billionaire in the country.

I don’t think that’s right. I don’t think it’s right to ask seniors to pay thousands more for health care, or ask students to postpone college, just so we don’t have to ask those who have prospered so much in this land of opportunity to give back a little more.

Health Care Medicare Medicare Part D Politics Repeal Sarah Palin United States

While Republicans Promise Repeal, More Health Benefits Go into Effect

Just days before its Republican enemies are officially sworn into office in the House of Representatives and Senate — armed with their zeal and desire to repeal it — major parts of the new Health Care law with a total of 21 provisions, will go into effect in 2011.

The areas of the law scheduled to take effect January 1st 2011, are geared towards consumer protection and as its purpose suggests, it should be very popular with the American people once the measures are fully implemented. Some of the measures scheduled to take effect on January 1st are:

  1. Rebates to Consumers if Insurance providers use less than 80% of premiums for clinical services. Providers would be required to use up to 80% of your premium to provide clinical services and quality of care to you. If they use less than this percentage, a rebate check covering the difference must be sent to you.
  2. Pharmaceutical manufacturers must provide a 50% discount on brand-name prescriptions filled in the Medicare Part D coverage. Also, federal subsidies for generic prescriptions kick in on January 1st.
  3. Eliminate cost-sharing for Medicare covered preventative services. Also, waives the Medicare deductible for colorectal cancer screening tests and authorizes Medicare coverage for a personalized prevention plan, including a comprehensive health risk assessment.
  4. Creates the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation to test new payment and delivery system, with the goal of reducing costs while maintaining or improving quality.
  5. Reduces the Medicare Part D premium subsidy for those with incomes above $85,000/individual and $170,000/couple. Also, freezes income requirements for medicare part B premiums at 2010 levels for the next 8 years.
  6. Creates a new Medicaid state option to permit certain Medicaid enrollees to designate a provider as a health home and provides states taking up the option with 90% federal matching payments for two years for health home-related services.
  7. Provides 3-year grants to states to develop programs to provide Medicaid enrollees with incentives to participate in comprehensive health lifestyle programs.
  8. Establishes a national, voluntary insurance program for purchasing community living assistance services and supports (CLASS program).

Republicans, however, are  promising to stop the progress of these reforms by cutting off all necessary funding. They will take over the agenda in the House of Representatives on January 5th, and will introduce more Republicans to occupy more seats in the Senate on that same day.

Polls suggests that Americans have mixed feelings about the new Health Care reform measures, mainly because they were misled by Republicans and a Conservative media. Some Republicans have even won awards for misleading or lying to the American people, like Sarah Palin’s winning Lie Of The Year Award for claiming the Health Reform contains “Death Panels” to “kill your grandma.”

Democrats claimed that they are up for the coming fight, as they try to keep their signature history-making policy alive. The rumble starts January 5th 2011.

Source: The Kaiser Family Foundation

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