Entertainment fans

Justin Bieber Fans Cutting Themselves To Convince Beiber To Stop Smoking Weed

A few days ago, photos were released on the internet showing Justin Bieber smoking what appears to be weed. So Bieber’s fans, trying to show their displeasure in Bieber’s cannabis-loving ways, resorted to cutting themselves hoping that Bieber would see or maybe feel their pain and leave the weed alone.

justin-bieber-smoking-weed-blunt Justin Bieber Fans Cutting Themselves To Convince Beiber To Stop Smoking Weed

There is even a hashtag on Twitter (#Cut4Bieber).

As fans started tweeting pictures of themselves being cut, Miley Cirus headed to twitter trying to convince fans that this is not the way to go. “Don’t blame this on Justin, it’s his life no one else’s!” she initially wrote. “So stop with this #Cut4Bieber self harming is serious.”

And Michael Jackson‘s daughter Paris Jackson, also tried putting a stop to the madness. She tweeted;

No word from Bieber on whether he will satisfy his fans’ demand.

Medicare MSNBC Politics Republican United States

Ron Paul Will End Medicare, Medicaid And Social Security

Ron Paul, the Libertarian who caucuses with Republicans in Congress, wants to get rid of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security… and he’s running for President of the United States in 2012 with those cuts on his agenda.

Mr. Paul appeared on MSNBC and was interviewed by Host Cenk Uygur. Mr. Uygur asked Mr. Paul whether or not he will “transition” out of Medicare and Social Security if he became president, to which Paul answered;

“Well, you know, if I can get the people to agree and Congress to agree, yea, that will be my program. It’s to transit out, because this one has failed.”

We pretty much know how the people will respond to having their health care “transitioned out.” A recent poll shows that Americans overwhelmingly oppose cuts to these programs. Among registered voters, 80% oppose cutting these Medicare and Medicaid. Among Democrats, 92% oppose. 73% of Republicans also oppose cutting these programs and for Independents, 72% oppose the cuts.

And how does the Teaparty feel about these cuts Mr. Paul speaks of? 75% of Teaparty supporters oppose these cuts. Seems Ron Paul is already off on the wrong foot for 2012.

pixy Ron Paul Will End Medicare, Medicaid And Social Security
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