Democratic Mitch McConnell pay Politics Republican United States Wall Street

GOP Payload Rolling in from Wall Street

Seems like Wall Street has found a friend in the Republican Party.  According to a research done by The Center for Responsive Politics, Wall Street has moderately increased its donations to Democrats, while drastically increasing the payout to Republicans in congress. The Boehners of the world are finally seeing the rewards of their fight against Financial Reform materialized.

The research, that focused on the 2009 and 2010 donations by Wall Street, found in 2009 when the talks about Financial Reform were just talks, Democrats received the majority of all donations from the Finance, Insurance and Real Estate Sectors.

The Center also looked into the donations of Commercial Banks and Securities and Investment companies, and found the same to be true. Democrats were happy in 2009.

Then 2010 rolled around, and so did Financial Reform legislations. And the GOP, led by the Boehner, increased their opposition to any regulations of Wall Street. In one of his more famous speeches, the Boehner told American Bankers Association to fight!

“Don’t let those little punk staffers take advantage of you and stand up for yourselves. All of us are hearing from our friends and constituents on lack of credit, you can’t get a loan, the more your government takes and taxes, the more regulations you have to comply with the more cost you have there and less amount you are going to have available to loan to customers.”

Boehner however, wasn’t the only GOP congressman working hard for his increased donations from Wall Street. Mike Pence, (R) for Indiana’s 6th Congressional District had this to say;

“This bill can be summed up in two words: ‘government control’ and it will serve as the latest piece of the president’s job-killing agenda.  This represents another defeat for Hoosier families, small businesses and family farms, who continue to wonder when Washington Democrats will set aside their big government programs and work with Republicans on ideas that can actually put Americans back to work.”

And Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate Minority Leader did not want the Senate to even talk about Wall Street Reforms. In one of his more mind boggling statement on the subject, McConnell said;

“We can solve this problem. But we wont solve the problem if we vote for cloture tonight. A vote for cloture is a vote that says we’re done listening to the American people on this issue. And a vote against ending this debate is a vote for bipartisanship.”

Huh? In other words, if we continue to filibuster this issue, we will somehow eventually became bipartisan or the Financial Reform issue will die. Either way, McConnell earned his pay-raise from Wall Street.

It’s a simple equation. Democrats voted for the American people and Financial reform and saw no real change in their donations. Republicans went to bat for Big Banks and Wall Street and received their pay in the form of huge donations from Big Banks and Wall Street.

The report shows the following:

2009/2010 – 1st Quarter: Financial Sector:-

  • Democrats donations from Financial, Insurance and Real Estate went from $10.1 million in 2009 to $10.5 million in 2010. In the same quarter, this sector’s payout to Republicans went from $5.1 million in 2009 to $16.9 million in 2010

Commercial Banks:

  • Democrats went from $747,000 to $862,000 while Republicans pay increased from $505,000 to $1.4 million


  • Democrats went from $2.8 million in 2009 to $3 million in 2010, while Republicans went from $881,000 in 2009 to $5 million in 2010

Download the full report here.

When Democrats fight for the American people, the American people win. When Republicans fight for Big Banks and Wall Street, Republicans win.

Featured Glenn Beck Pat Buchanan United States

Glenn Beck’s Link to the White Nationalists Movement

This is your leader. This is who you go to for news. This is someone who works under the banner of “Fair and Balanced.” This is Glenn Beck, a man who sees the need to “favorite” a link from a White Nationalist Website on his twitter account. Yes, it is his twitter account, and he’s definitely within his right to do whatever he chooses with it, but can he really be “fair and balanced” while thinking his race is superior to another?

Glenn Beck

The name of the particular group that got Beck’s attention is “Malevolentfreedom.” Like its name suggests, malevolent means wishing evil or harm to another or others, showing ill will, ill disposed and or malicious.

White Nationalist, as described by Samuel T. Francis is “a movement that rejects equality as an ideal and insists on an enduring core of human nature transmitted by heredity.”

It is the belief, according to Samuel P. Huntington, that any political society that does not adopt the white culture will lead to a people that are intellectually and morally inferior. They look at affirmative action, immigration and ghettoes as bi-products of racial integration, and in reference to immigration, White Nationalists believe that only white non Jewish Europeans should be allowed access to these United States of America.

The implied leader of the Teaparty has favored a link that leads to a website calling for white supremacy. This,according to a post on the Malevolent website;

“I really don’t give a damn about your religious beliefs, nor do I care about your political beliefs, because if you are a white nationalist as you claim, your race should come before anything else. You can call it a religious or political edict ordained from on high if you like, but that’s the plain, simple truth….. You see, to me, my race is everything.  Fighting for it, dying for it if needs be, but most importantly, living for my race is what drives me, compels me, and propels me onward.”

Anthony Weiner Democratic Politics Republican United States

Anthony Weiner expose G.O.P’s Bull. (Video)

The GOP is doing all they can to make sure that President Obama and the democrats fail at governing. This is not news, everyone knows it, except those viewers of Fox News and listeners of conservative radio shows. And yes, there is a way to behave on the congress floor. But Anthony Weiner has had it up to here, and he ain’t gonna take it no more!

Rep. Anthony Weiner

The GOP Filibusters are now the norm in Congress. Even the bills and legislations they wrote, or once voted in favor of, are now filibuster to death simply because the Democrats are proposing these legislations.

The most recent filibuster by the GOP or the party of NO was their effort to stop a proposed tax cuts to small businesses, but it was their attempted filibuster of the 9/11 Health Compensation Act that got Mr. Weiner riled up.

The 9/11 Health Compensation Act would:

  • Provide long-term federal funding for:
    • Medical monitoring and treatment of those affected by 9/11
    • Scientific research about 9/11-related health conditions
  • Re-open the September 11 Victim Compensation Fund for people exposed to the World Trade Center (WTC) disaster.

We see the state of the economy, but for these Republican politicians, politics comes first. Americans can go to hell in a paper bag for all they care, as long as they win the next election.

Carly Fiorina Mitt Romney Politics Republican Party (United States) United States

Is David Gregory A Republican Mole?

I’ve been watching David Gregory on Meet The Press for sometime now since he took over from the late, Tim Russert. And it seems like every Sunday, I’m left wondering what his political affiliation really is. And no, I don’t expect him to lean Democratic, but I don’t expect him to lean Republican either and “lean” is the appropriate word to describe the lope-sided Republican geared questions and talking points Mr. Gregory kicks out every Sunday.

MTP – David Gregory

Now there are many times on previous shows of Meet The Press where the point stated above could be seen, but the most recent show is what I’ll base my belief on – that he is a Republican mole.

In today’s Meet the Press, David Gregory had Carly Fiorina on among other guests. In his first question for Mrs. Fiorina, David Gregory read an entire talking point from GOP Mitt Romney where he criticizes President Obama’s leadership, then asked Carly if the criticism was fair.

The piece that David Gregory read in it’s entirety is from Mitt Romney’s Op-Ed in USA Today. The piece states;

 Has it come to this again? The president is meeting with his oil spill experts, he crudely tells us, so he knows “whose ass to kick.” We have become accustomed to his management style – target a scapegoat, assign blame and go on the attack. To win health care legislation, he vilified insurance executives; to escape bankruptcy laws for General Motors, he demonized senior lenders; to take the focus from the excesses of Government, he castigated business meeting in Las Vegas; and to deflect responsibility for the deepening and lengthening downturn, he blames Wall Street and George W. Bush. But what may make good politics does not make good leadership. And when a crisis is upon us, America wants a leader, not a politician

After reading the piece, Gregory asked another Republican,  Fiorina,  if a fellow Republican was “fair” to criticize the democratic president. Are you for real? You bring on a Republican, read an entire piece from a fellow Republican, and then asked the other Republican, “Do you think that’s fair?”

What did David expect Carly to say, “No, Mitt was completely wrong to write those words?” Maybe he thought she actually would have come on TV to publicly chastise her ally?

Meet the Press used to be a place where you could tune in for unbiased journalism. It seems that with the unfortunate passing of Tim Russert, they’ve thrown the ‘unbiased’  part out the window. Quite frankly, it seems the ‘journalism’ part died too and was buried along with Mr. Russert.

Barack Obama China Politics

Pres. Obama will now be called “The Angry Black Man”

In a time of turmoil – fighting two wars, going through the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, dealing with unemployment figures presently at 9.7% nationwide, the international issues regarding Israel and Palestine, China, Iran, Russia to name a few and now the Deepwater Horizon oil spill caused by BP –  president Obama has so far kept a cool head trying to navigate through all these obstacles. And that’s what is expected in times of trials and hardship, someone who knows the issues, has a plan to get past the issues and is keeping a calm head while navigating through the issues.

President Barack Obama

Conservatives however wants a screeming, crying and confused leader who gets distracted by every issue that comes up and start throwing a fit. They’re not concerned about the plans in place to deal with the issues. They’re only concerned about the theatrics of a president who drops everything and pop up in every television shot, crying about what’s going on and the Armageddon of the situation.

Well it seems that the president heard their cry for more emotions. He seem to have lost his “cool” in an interview with NBC’s Today Show host Matt Lauer. Mr Lauer asked the following question;

Critics are now talking about your style which is the first time I’ve heard that in a long time. And they’re saying,”here’s a guy who likes to be known as cool and calm and collected, and this isn’t the time for cool, calm and collected. That this is not the time to meet with experts and advisors, this is a time to spend more time in the Gulf and, I never thought I’ll say this to a president, but kick some butt.”

President Obama chuckles at the suggestion, then replied;

“I was down there a month ago, before most of these talking heads were even paying attention to the gulf,” he told Lauer. “A month ago I was meeting with fishermen down there, standing in the rain talking about what a potential crisis this could be. And I don’t sit around just talking to experts because this is a college seminar; we talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers, so I know whose ass to kick.”

They have accused President Obama of being too cool. Saying that he’s not showing enough emotions and because of that, they accuse him of being disconnected from the common folk. This group of people have put themselves opposite of President Obama on every single issue, so what will they do now that President Obama is taking a harder stance?

The Conservatives and Republicans will now called him the “angry black man.”

Watch the entire interview below.

Barack Obama Politics United States

So you want your Country back!

So you want your country back!

President George Bush

Evidently, you lost your country when Barack Obama won election, (a process where a majority of Americans decided he was the most fit and overwhelmingly decided with their vote that he should lead the country). That election paved the way for you to loose your country. Apparently, your country was stolen from you and the thief lives in the White House. His name it seems, is Barack Obama.

Restoring a Stolen Country.

Now that you feel your country was stolen, lets restore it back to what it was before Obama won the election. To do this, we’ll have to know what the country was like back on January 20th, 2009.

===> A projected deficit of $10.6 trillion: As per a CBS News report, when Obama took office on Inauguration Day, the Debt stood at $10.626 trillion. The report also stated that the deficit has increased by $1 trillion since Obama took office, but points out that much of this increase was in the pipeline from the previous Bush administration. About this $1 trillion increase, President Obama stated in a Town Hall Meeting in Bristol, VA  in August 2009;

“They basically handed me a bill for $1.3 trillion and said, ‘Here, fix it,’ and now they’re on TV saying, why haven’t you fixed it yet — in the middle of the greatest recession since the Great Depression.”

So to summarize, the country you want back was already in a $10.6 trillion deficit, with another $1.3 trillion schedule to happen in spite of Obama’s policies.

===> Fighting 2 wars with no end in sight: The Bush administration felt that even setting a time table will spell defeat. So they were prepared to stay in Afghanistan and Iraq for ever, regardless of how much lives were lost, or the financial burden this country will carry. Of these two wars, one was started because of the greatest terrorist attack on American soil, where almost 3000 lives were lost and the other war in Iraq simply due to the choice of the Bush Administration. It should also be noted that the cost of these two wars was never budgeted under the Bush administration.

At the time of Obama’s Inauguration, over 4200 servicemen have been killed in Iraq alone, with an estimated amount of over 100000 wounded.

So to summarize this point, the country you want back will spend unlimited lives and money in Iraq and Afghanistan, regardless of how far that country is dragged down the drain. This is the country you want back!

===>A country that lost all respect with the rest of the world: Never before in the history of this country have we lost the respect of the rest of the world to the point where our leader, the leader of the “free world”, was shoed! In a part of the world where seeing the souls of ones shoes was a sign of disrespect, having those shoes thrown at you meant that you’re lower than the scum of the earth. Our leader, the man who represented the rest of America, had two shoes hauled at him, and us!

So to summarize, you were so comfortable with being looked upon as the scum of the earth, that you will want that country back!

===>The Longest Post-World War II recession: Beginning in December 2007 and mainly due to George Bush’s economic policies or lack there of, the United States entered what would turn out to be the longest recession after World War II, causing Bush to add another $700 billion in TARP money to an already out-of-control deficit.

A Republican president, and so disgraced that even other Republicans and conservatives began turning their backs on the President.

So to summarize this point, the country you crave was in the middle of the second longest recession in it’s history, and had a president that even his own party dis-owned.

Going Forward

What’s been described so far is not the country I want. It’s not the country the majority of Americans want. We are a hard working people and proud of our accomplishment. We don’t want to be disrespected in the rest of the world, we want to be looked upon as leaders.

Under the leadership of President Obama, we have regained that standing. President Obama is now looked upon as the most respected leader in the world and representing Americans, we too share that distinction. We have stemmed the tide and due to the immediate actions of the new administration, we are now seeing improvments in the economy. We also have a time-table for the end of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the administration has taken concrete steps to bring down the deficit.

If you’re still insisting on wanting your country back, then the conservatives effort to dumb down Americans have worked and you’re a perfect example of that.


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