Featured Iowa Newt Gingrich Republican United States

Republican Newt Gingrich Give $150,000 To Hate Group

The Associated Press reported this week that Newt Gingrich – the morality standard of the Republican party who broke the news to his first wife that he was leaving her for another woman while she lay in a hospital bed recovering from an illness- funneled $125,000 dollars to an organization classified as a hate group by Southern Poverty Law Center.

The group called American Family Association – whose director Bryan Fischer, has demonstrated a documented bias against gays, lesbians and American Indians – used the funds to successfully oust three supreme court judges in Iowa in the 2010 elections. The supreme court judges had previously voted to legalize same-sex marriage in Iowa.

Reporting from Southern Poverty Law Center:

The story of Gingrich’s below-the-radar assistance to Iowa for Freedom started to dribble out on March 3, when The Los Angeles Times reported that Gingrich helped the organization get its start, offering strategic advice and arranging a $200,000 gift from an anonymous donor. The remaining $150,000, the AP reported, was raised in the form of donations to Renewing American Leadership (ReAL), a nonprofit group Gingrich founded that promotes his books, TV appearances, and films. It was ReAL Action, an arm of ReAL, that reportedly gave $125,000 of that $150,000 to AFA Action, the political wing of AFA. The final $25,000 was given by ReAL Action to Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition. Both AFA Action and Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition then supported Iowa for Freedom’s efforts, the AP said

Newt is just keeping in line with what seems to be the accepted behavior of today’s Republican party. More to come…

Read the rest of the report here.

Featured Glenn Beck Pat Buchanan United States

Glenn Beck’s Link to the White Nationalists Movement

This is your leader. This is who you go to for news. This is someone who works under the banner of “Fair and Balanced.” This is Glenn Beck, a man who sees the need to “favorite” a link from a White Nationalist Website on his twitter account. Yes, it is his twitter account, and he’s definitely within his right to do whatever he chooses with it, but can he really be “fair and balanced” while thinking his race is superior to another?

Glenn Beck

The name of the particular group that got Beck’s attention is “Malevolentfreedom.” Like its name suggests, malevolent means wishing evil or harm to another or others, showing ill will, ill disposed and or malicious.

White Nationalist, as described by Samuel T. Francis is “a movement that rejects equality as an ideal and insists on an enduring core of human nature transmitted by heredity.”

It is the belief, according to Samuel P. Huntington, that any political society that does not adopt the white culture will lead to a people that are intellectually and morally inferior. They look at affirmative action, immigration and ghettoes as bi-products of racial integration, and in reference to immigration, White Nationalists believe that only white non Jewish Europeans should be allowed access to these United States of America.

The implied leader of the Teaparty has favored a link that leads to a website calling for white supremacy. This,according to a post on the Malevolent website;

“I really don’t give a damn about your religious beliefs, nor do I care about your political beliefs, because if you are a white nationalist as you claim, your race should come before anything else. You can call it a religious or political edict ordained from on high if you like, but that’s the plain, simple truth….. You see, to me, my race is everything.  Fighting for it, dying for it if needs be, but most importantly, living for my race is what drives me, compels me, and propels me onward.”

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