Donald Trump Politics

MTV Debunks Trump’s “Thousands and Thousands” Celebrating Comment – Video

Donald Trump and his fellow Republicans have been busy lately, trying to prove Trump’s claim that there were “thousands and thousands” of people celebrating in the streets of New Jersey when the World Trade Centers fell on September 11th.

One of the places they got information from was a post written in May of 2013 by Debbie Schlussel, a conservative blogger. In her piece, the blogger referenced reporting from MTV News and MTV’s interview of a woman who said she saw people celebrating in the streets in New Jersey.

That post from Schlussel seems to be the origin of Trump’s “thousands and thousands” lie, and MTV, being thrust in the middle of Trump’s presidential campaign, dug in their archives and found the video in question. They also did a followup with the woman they interviewed back then and, once again, debunked Trump’s false claims that “thousands and thousands” of people were celebrating in New Jersey.


Barack Obama New York Osama bin Laden Politics United States

Americans To Bin Laden – Can You Hear Us Now?

Moments after President Obama declared in a nationally televised speech on Sunday that the mastermind of September 11th, Osama Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan, George Bush give the following statement;

“Earlier this evening, President Obama called to inform me that American forces killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of the al Qaeda network that attacked America on September 11, 2001. I congratulated him and the men and women of our military and intelligence communities who devoted their lives to this mission. They have our everlasting gratitude.

This momentous achievement marks a victory for America, for people who seek peace around the world, and for all those who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001. The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done.”

Mr. Bush, in his capacity as President went to “ground zero,” in New York after the World Trade Center was demolished, and promised America and the world that the responsible parties will be brought to justice. And although it didn’t happen under his administration, Americans of all political affiliation – Democrats, Republicans and Independents – should come together and celebrate the fact that the most wanted man in the world is dead.

Like Bush said back then;

I can hear you, the rest of the world can hear you and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon.

And although it took 10 years, the people who knocked down those buildings can hear us now. I’m sure!

Barack Obama CNN dead Osama bin Laden Politics twitter United States Wall Street

President Obama – We Have Custody Of Osama Bin Laden’s Dead Body

I was just doing my usual Sunday routine, watching CNN, browsing the internet, getting ready for my Monday morning commute when Don Lemons of CNN broke in to say that President Obama will be making a major announcement. A major announcement? On a Sunday?

And so–the speculations began on Twitter. At about 10:40 PM, John King of CNN stated, that according to his sources, the news President Obama was getting ready to broadcast to the world was that Osama bin Laden is dead!

I stared at the television as the words left King’s mouth, and I felt the news, this particular news, should have been given by the President himself. But as the initial shock wore off, a sense of relief came over me…and then the flashback.

On  September 11, 2001, I was working on Wall Street. No, not as a broker, but in another capacity. And I remember the havoc and horror as I stood, with thousands of people, literally three  blocks from The World Trade Center on the corner of Broadway and Pine Street, not sure what was happening, but sure that whatever it was, something major was taking place. We all stood together trying to make sense of the scenes taking place all around us.

Then the second plane hit and we all knew, collectively, that we were under attack. People began leaving the area. Others, like myself, continued to stay and watch. Downtown Manhattan was in chaos. I remembered looking up, way up, and saw what I thought were debris falling down from the WTC. I later realized that what I thought was debris, were in fact people.

And as  news began to circulate that other planes were hijacked we became angry. Then the first tower came down. We ran, knowing that many lives were lost.

Two more towers fell and 3,000 more innocent lives were lost.

And now, 10 years later, President Obama at about 11:35PM, announced that on his command, American troops entered Pakistan and killed Osama Bin Laden, the man responsible for the attacks on America in 2001.

It’s a joyous time here in America and around the world!

Birthers Canada Donald Trump quotes Republican United States White House

Donald Trump: “I’m A Liberal On This One…!”

Back when all American presidents were automatically considered “American” because… they just were, and no one questioned whether birth certificates were authentic, Donald Trump made his first run for the White House. The year was 1999, and he ran as a Republican. After losing, The Donald saw a way to make some cash and wrote a book called, “The America We Deserve.” In it, The Trump took some very interesting positions. Here’s some of them;

  • “I really believe the Republicans are just too crazy, right?” he told Tim Russert onMeet the Press. “I mean, just what’s going on is just nuts.”
  • “We must have universal healthcare. I’m a conservative on most issues but a liberal on this one. We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by healthcare expenses.”
  • The goal of health care reform… should be a system that looks a lot like Canada. Doctors might be paid less than they are now, as is the case in Canada, but they would be able to treat more patients because of the reduction in their paperwork.
  • The Canadian plan also helps Canadians live longer and healthier than Americans.
  • We need, as a nation, to reexamine the single-payer plan, as many individual states are doing.
  • And on his criticism of George Bush and the Iraqi invasion, The Trump said, “He’d go into a country, attack Iraq, which had nothing to do with the World Trade Center, and just do it because he wanted to do it.”

Back then, those were the more popular positions to have so naturally, the opportunistic Donald took advantage. Today, however, he’s jumped on a different bandwagon that puts him in total opposition to his stance in ’99… one he considers fashionably popular – Birtherism.

Look out for Trump’s next book, coming in 2013!

Anthony Weiner Democratic Politics Republican United States

Anthony Weiner expose G.O.P’s Bull. (Video)

The GOP is doing all they can to make sure that President Obama and the democrats fail at governing. This is not news, everyone knows it, except those viewers of Fox News and listeners of conservative radio shows. And yes, there is a way to behave on the congress floor. But Anthony Weiner has had it up to here, and he ain’t gonna take it no more!

Rep. Anthony Weiner

The GOP Filibusters are now the norm in Congress. Even the bills and legislations they wrote, or once voted in favor of, are now filibuster to death simply because the Democrats are proposing these legislations.

The most recent filibuster by the GOP or the party of NO was their effort to stop a proposed tax cuts to small businesses, but it was their attempted filibuster of the 9/11 Health Compensation Act that got Mr. Weiner riled up.

The 9/11 Health Compensation Act would:

  • Provide long-term federal funding for:
    • Medical monitoring and treatment of those affected by 9/11
    • Scientific research about 9/11-related health conditions
  • Re-open the September 11 Victim Compensation Fund for people exposed to the World Trade Center (WTC) disaster.

We see the state of the economy, but for these Republican politicians, politics comes first. Americans can go to hell in a paper bag for all they care, as long as they win the next election.

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