Barack Obama Condoleezza Rice Dick Cheney Osama bin Laden Osama BinLaden Politics United States Waterboarding

Torture Had Nothing To Do With Finding Osama Bin Laden

We have all heard their claims, that former President George Bush is equally responsible for bringing down Osama Bin Laden as our current President, Barack Obama. And these Bush lovers credit the torturing and water-boarding of prisoners as the only pathway that led to Bin Laden.

Are they right? Is the Obama administration wrong for ending torture and abiding by the rules in the Geneva Convention – a treaty that America is a signatory to? A treaty that clearly states in Article 27;

Protected persons are entitled, in all circumstances, to respect for their persons, their honour, their family rights, their religious convictions and practices, and their manners and customs. They shall, at all times, be humanely treated, and shall be protected, especially against all acts of violence or threats thereof and against insults and public curiosity.

If we listen to the likes of Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice, we would be led to think that torture is the best thing since slice bread. But branch out a little and listen to others in the business of getting intelligence, and you’ll understand why torture or “enhanced interrogation,” loses its effect after a while.

Forbes today released an interview with a top United States interrogator in Afghanistan, who claimed that “torture played no role in locating Osama bin Laden.” According to the report, this interrogator refers to the support for torture made by former Bush administration officials as “propaganda [that] degrades our intelligence operations more than any other factor I can think of.”

He continues;

“Listen, water-boarding and/or other coercive techniques did nothing to contribute to our attempts to track down UBL (Usama bin Laden). What did succeed was weeks, months and years of diligent, laborious, and dedicated work – all within the bounds of legal and ethical boundaries…No torture, no waterboarding, no coercion – nothing inhumane – is considered a useful tool in our work.

I cannot even count the amount of times that I personally have come face to face with detainees, who told me they were primarily motivated to do what they did, because of hearing that we committed torture. Even the rumor of torture is enough to convince an army of uneducated and illiterate, yet religiously motivated young boys to strap bombs to their chests and blow themselves up while killing whoever happens to be around – police, soldiers, civilians, women, or children. Torture committed by Americans in the past continues to kill Americans today.”

But why would Cheney and Rice listen to anything an interrogator says? Torture was their policy. It had nothing to do with American exceptionalism, finding terrorists or saving the lives of American troops deployed abroad. It was their interrogation practice of choice.

Torture violates the very  moral fabric of who we are as Americans and admitting it was wrong means their policies were wrong as well. And that is what it all boils down to… politics 101.

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Donald Trump God Politics Racism racist United States

Donald Trump – I’m No Racist. A Black Dude Won My Show

Donald Trump keeps sinking deeper and deeper into his self-indulging sea of ignorance. This time, it was on his weekly Monday morning appearance on Fox And Friends. Trying to defend himself against the racist elements of his almost presidential campaign, Trump claimed that he is the “least racist person there is.” His reasoning? He cites a black person winning his “Apprentice” show, some six years ago!

Hush! Trump is talking again;

Well, you know, when it comes to racism and racists, I am the least racist person there is. And I think most people who know me would tell you that. I am the least racist, I’ve had great relationships. In fact, Randal Pinkett won, as you know, on The Apprentice a little while ago, a couple of years ago. And Randall’s been outstanding in every way. So I am the least racist person.

If it wasn’t so sad, his statement would be hilarious. Here we are in the year 2011, and a potential presidential candidate’s only justification for why he isn’t a racist? – a black person won on his show. Is this a qualifying attribute our nation needs in the next leader? Are we scrapping so far down in the barrel that a serious consideration for the highest office in the nation, is being given to someone who references a minority winner on a reality television show as their only claim to acceptance or even tolerance to other racial groups?

Well if this is where we find ourselves, God help us, and thank you Randal Pinkett!

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CNN Osama bin Laden Politics Republican

Rudy Giuliani Will Run For President, Or Maybe Not

The “Republican possible presidential candidate” plot thickens… well, sort of. This time, it’s the former mayor of New York and 2008 first round presidential drop out, Rudy Giuliani. On Meet The Press last Sunday, Giuliani opened wide the door to running, then closed it ever so slightly. Now, the door is just a little ajar.

GIULIANI: This was a risky decision to make. The president made it, he made it correctly, including the decision, I think, to dispose of bin Laden’s body so that wouldn’t become a cause célèbre. So I think these men, these firefighters and police officers that he met with, are men who exercise bravery every day in their lives, I think they admire that in the president.

GREGORY:  Does it impact at all, Mayor Giuliani, your thinking about running for president next year?

GIULIANI:  No.  Not in the slightest.  I separate the two things.  This was an American achievement.  Two presidents get great credit for it.  I also thanked President Bush this week because, no matter what, what about the debate, no matter what you come out on the debate of–about waterboarding, no doubt, all of the work he did and the changes he made in intelligence brought this about.  And President Obama’s improving that, and his decision-making brought it about.  It’s a great achievement for both presidents, both political parties, all Americans.

GREGORY:  And you’re still considering a run for the presidency?

GIULIANI:  Not, not right this minute, but, yes, I am.

You got to hand it to this group of misfits. They take a licking and somehow, keep on ticking.

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Newt Gingrich Politics Republican Rick Santorum twitter White House

Newt To Make Presidential Announcement This Week

In two days the wait will be over, for on Wednesday Newt Gingrich will make his official announcement concerning his run for the Presidency, and he plans to use the social media to state his plans.

The former House speaker will announce his presidential candidacy Wednesday on Facebook and Twitter, according to his spokesman. Rick Tyler posted Monday on Twitter that Gingrich will make it official, give his first interview as a White House candidate on Fox News and then speak to Georgia Republicans at their annual convention on Friday.

Minutes later, Gingrich himself took to Twitter. “Be sure to watch Hannity this Wednesday at 9pm ET/8pm CT,” he posted. “I will be on to talk about my run for President of the United States.”

If Newt announce that he will in fact, run for President in 2012, he will join a growing list of non-contenders thus far. Among the other Republican candidates are, little Timmy Pawlenty, the pizza-man Herman Cain, the professional presidential candidate Ron Paul and the 2006 Senate loser Rick Santorum. There is another guy who appeared in the Fox News Republican debate recently, but he left absolutely no impression on the audience and quite frankly, my mind has better things to do than to remember his name.

Of course, others are expected to join Newt and his ilk. We can hardly wait.

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Barack Obama Birthers Featured Osama bin Laden

First Truthers, Then Birthers. Now, They’re The Deathers

Anything this president does will always be criticized by Republicans and those calling themselves conservatives. These folks will criticize Mr. Obama to the point where they form groups and eventually command the attention of the national media. We saw it happen with the Truthers, and recently The Birthers. Now, the same is happening for those who question whether Osama Bin Laden is really dead. They’re calling themselves, The Deathers and yes, they have a facebook page.

Osama_FB First Truthers, Then Birthers. Now, They're The DeathersNow the average person with some common sense would question the sensibility of those who would join this group, but when you pay close attention to the comments of some of the members, one can’t help but wonder, either Republicans are really accomplishing their movement to dumb down Americans, or this is the biggest joke of the decade.

You decide for yourself!

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Donald Trump Politics Republican Sarah Palin White House

And The Worst Senator In The Country Goes To…

A new poll from Public Policy Polling confirmed what we already knew – that no one likes Donald Trump or Sarah Palin. But have you ever wondered who were the worst senators in Washington? Well according to this same poll, Senator John McCain comes in second to last, giving up that dubious distinction to… Senator Joe Leibermann of Connecticut.

Arizona Senator John McCain — who had a 40 percent approval rating in the firm’s January polling — now has a 34 percent approval rating, the second-lowest among U.S. senators in the nation.

“[McCain] has improved considerably with the GOP after a bruising primary battle last summer and his White House loss, but he is in the basement with everyone else,” the pollsters say in a statement.

The only U.S. Senator disliked more than John McCain is Independent Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman — with just 29 percent of Connecticut respondents approving of his job performance.

To be fair to McCain, Republican Nevada Senator John Ensign had a lower approval rating than The Maverick — but it doesn’t really count, since Ensign quit his post earlier in the week amid an ethics investigation.

The Maverick just can’t get a break. On both ends of the spectrum, he’s failing… He came in second in the 2008 Presidential election, then comes in second to last as the worst senator. Sometimes life can be so unfair!

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Abortion Featured Republican Texas

The Republican War Against Women Continues in Texas

A Law requiring doctors to take a sonogram of a fetus before performing an abortion, goes into effect as soon as Republican Governor Rick Perry of Texas signs the bill. It passed both the Texas House and Senate, and promise to be one of the most anti-abortion measures yet.

The framer of the bill – a man who could never understand the pain and reasoning behind the decision to have an abortion – Republican Representative Sid Miller from Stephenville, admits to the far-reaching intent of the bill, telling reporters; “this will be one of the strongest pieces of sonogram legislation in the nation.” He also predicted that the bill would “save numerous unborn lives.”

According to reporting from the New York Times;

“The bill requires a doctor to conduct a sonogram at least 24 hours before an abortion and to give the woman the opportunity to see the results and hear the heartbeat of the fetus. Though the woman can choose not to view the images and hear the heartbeat, the doctor must describe what the sonogram shows, including the existence of legs, arms and internal organs.”

Opponents of the bill say that this is just another attempt by “get-the-government-out-of-our-lives” Republicans to control the most intimate and personal decision an individual may make.

Other states have already begun or passed similar measures. A recent count reveals that since Republicans took over the House of Representatives in January, Republican controlled states all over this country have engaged on an all out assault against women, bringing some 916 bills against a women’s reproductive rights.

The promise by John Boehner, the Republican House Speaker to make “jobs jobs jobs” their number one priority has fallen on deaf ears, as the conservative ideology of “small government” apparently does not include their control over a woman’s right to choose.

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Mitt Romney Politics Republican Rick Santorum South Carolina

Brownie Points

Apparently all a Republican presidential candidate has to do to win crucial polling points is — just show up! Pennsylvania’s Rick Santorum, being the the only potential GOP candidate at a dinner held by south Carolina’s Republican party last Friday night, won 150 out of 408 votes cast by the attendees for a straw poll taken during the dinner. A no-show, Republican darling Mitt Romney, got whipped with just 61 votes.

Guess Romney’s invite must’ve “… got lost in the mail”…

Read how the other “candidates” fared, as reported by Huffpost Politics.






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Osama bin Laden Politics Terrorism

Pentagon Release New Videos of Osama Bin Laden

The Pentagon has released videos seized from the Bin Laden raid last week. In the four videos released, Osama Bin Laden is seen sitting on the floor with a remote control in his hand, watching a small television showing images of himself.

The videos were offered as further proof, that the most wanted man in the world was killed last Sunday by United States Navy Seals.

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Osama bin Laden Politics

Besides Getting Osama Bin Laden, What Else Did The President Do This Week?- Video

So you think getting Osama Bin Laden was the only thing on President Obama’s plate this past week? Well you’re wrong. An historic week it was, but what else did the President have to deal with, while getting the most wanted man in the world?

This video explains.

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Barack Obama Featured Osama bin Laden Republican Sarah Palin United States

George Bush Not Concerned About Osama Bin Laden – Video

Osama Bin Laden, the mastermind of September 11 and the man who financed the killing of almost 3000 men, women and children on America soil – was hunted by the Bush Administration. But after the first few months of trying to find Bin Laden, George Bush got tired. To hear him say it;

We hadn’t [sic] heard from him in a long time, and the idea of focusing on a person is um, really indicates to me people don’t understand the scope of the mission. Terror is bigger than one person, and ah, he’s just… he’s, he’s, he’s a person that’s been marginalized.

So I don’t know where he is, nor, you know. I just don’t spend much time on it. I’ll be honest with ya.

We hadn’t heard much from him. And ah, I wouldn’t necessary say he’s at the center of any command structure. And again, I don’t know where he is. I ah, I, I, I repeat what I said, I truly am not concerned about him.

And now that Bush is out of office and another president was sworn in, Osama Bin Laden is dead, mainly because we this other president was concerned enough to make Bin Laden’s capture a top priority. That president, according to top figures in the Republican party, is not President Obama, but former President, Mr. George Bush.

Sarah Palin for example, would not even mention President Obama by name, but she made sure to thank Mr. Bush. This report from yahoo news;

A day after Osama bin Laden’s death, Sarah Palin offered measured praise to President Obama for his role in approving the operation to kill the 9/11 mastermind, though she didn’t once mention the Commander-in-Chief by name.

Speaking at a tribute to military veterans in Colorado, the former Alaska governor credited Obama’s “decisive leadership” in the mission–referring to him as “the president.”

But she notably praised former President George W. Bush by name, insisting he had laid the groundwork for the successful operation. “We thank President Bush for having made the right calls to set up this victory,” she said.

The capture and killing of the most wanted man in the world, and Republicans are trying to take credit. If you listen to them, George Bush himself kicked down the door to Bin Laden’s room and pulled the trigger.

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Condoleezza Rice Iraq Osama bin Laden United States

Condoleezza Rice Still Drinking Bush Tea – The Interview

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice sat down for an exclusive interview with Lawrence O’ Donnell last night, and continued her defense of the Bush administration and their decisions to invade Iraq. She also credits Mr. Bush for the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden, saying that a lot of the things Bush did, directly lead to Bin Laden’s demise.

When Lawrence pointed out that the decision to go into Iraq was wrong and based on a flawed report, Miss Rice got irritated and threatened to walk out on the interview.

Five months after September 11th 2001, the Bush administration shifted focus from Afghanistan and zeroed in on Iraq. One would think that after this interview, the reasons would be more clear. One would be wrong to think that.

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