Politics terrorist attacks

Rudy Giuliani Somehow Forgot the Terrorist Attacks on September 11th

He was the sitting mayor of New York when terrorists boarded two planes and took down both towers at New York’s World Trade Centers. On that same day, terrorists also boarded a plane and attacked The Pentagon, totally demolishing one side of the building. Still on September 11, 2001, even more terrorists hijacked another plane that crashed in Pennsylvania, killing everyone on board. These four attacks killed almost 3,000 people on American soil, and injured another 6.000.

But Rudy Giuliani, the sitting New York Mayor at the time of those four attacks, has gone bonkers. He has apparently forgot what happened under his watch and under the Republican leadership of George W Bush. Giuliani, an avid supporter of Donald Trump, lied to an audience before introducing Trump at a speech on national security, telling them that there were no “successful” terrorist attacks in the eight years before Obama took office.

“Under those eight years, before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack in the United States. They all started when Clinton and Obama got into office,” Giuliani said.

Again, almost 3,000 people died and another 6,000 were injured. If this is not the definition of “successful,” I don’t know what is.

Now I get the politics – cast the blame on Obama and hope your listeners can’t make the connection. But when you were the sitting mayor of a city that suffered the worst terrorist attack in its history, and when almost 3,000 people died under your watch, lying that there were no “successful” terrorist attack is extremely farfetched and absolutely delusional. Giuliani needs to go sit down somewhere.

Featured paris Politics Terrorism terrorist attacks

Marco Rubio – Terrorist Attacks are Part of God’s Plan – Video

Republican presidential candidate, Marco Rubio, was heard telling some of his followers at a campaign event in Iowa, that “God is telling us that no matter what happens, ‘It is part of my plan.'” Rubio was talking about the terrorist attacks on September 11th, and the recent terrorist attacks in Paris.

“We are biblically ordered not to be afraid,” Rubio told supporters. “You know why? Because God is telling us that no matter what happens, ‘It is part of my plan. I will give you the strength to endure it whether you like it or not.’”

“Everytime we fear, every time we are anxious about something, what we are basically saying is that ‘I know that God is very powerful but this problem is so big that not even God can solve it. It’s got to be up to me to solve it,'” Rubio said.

“I was asked this question the other night,” Rubio continued. “‘Where was God on 9/11? Where was God in Paris?'”

“I said, ‘God was where God always is – on the throne in Heaven.'”

“Because the question was, ‘How could God allow these bad things to happen?,'” Rubio explained.

“It always challenges us to understand that God’s ways are not our ways. What we may interpret as bad, and most certainly is in the case of Paris or 9/11, even that is part of a broader plan for the universe and for our lives that we are just not going to know the answer to. God’s ways are not our ways.”


George Bush jeb bush Osama bin Laden Politics

Clueless Jeb Bush Say George “Kept Us Safe”

Don’t really know how George did it, but for the second time in one month, Jeb Bush is claiming that his brother George, “kept us safe.”

He first made the outlandish claim in the second Republican debate on September 16th. At that time, Donald Trump had rightfully criticized George Bush for invading Iraq in a war that would lead to hundreds of thousands of lives lost, and trillions of dollars spent. Jeb pointed out to Trump and the rest of the world, that his brother “kept us safe!”


And mow today. In an interview with Bloomberg, Donald Trump went a step further and blamed George Bush for the September 11th attacks.

“He was President,” Trump said. “Blame him, or don’t blame him, but he was President. The World Trade Center came down during his reign.”

And again, Jeb chimed in saying his brother “kept us safe!”

Jeb should explain to the thousand of families that lost loved ones on September 11th how his brother “kept us safe!”

Politics terrorists weekly address

Weekly Presidential Address – Coming Together on September 11th

President Obama marks the eleventh anniversary of the September 11th attacks by remembering the innocent lives lost, and honoring the first responders and men and women in uniform who have served and sacrificed to keep our country safe.

In the difficult years following the attacks, the United States has come back stronger as a nation, decimated the leadership of al-Qaeda, ensured that Osama bin Laden will never attack America again, and strengthened our alliances across the world.

Dick Cheney Politics

Yes, Ron Paul Is Right

It’s not often I’ll agree with Ron Paul. The Republican/Libertarian has, by the very nature of his ideology, suggested that the only role government should have is an invisible one. He also criticizes the Civil Rights Act of 1964, fought for an end to all regulations on businesses, and as recently as the last Republican debate, suggested that airlines are best equipped to stop terrorism. All things I strongly disagree with.

But on his website, Ron Paul wrote about his feelings on the 10th year anniversary of September 11th, and something he said had me nodding in agreement. He said;

 We should never forget those in our government who used the worst terrorist attack in our nation’s history as an excuse to launch completely unrelated wars, to do unprecedented damage to Americans’ historic liberties, to run roughshod over the Constitution, and to betray the Founders’ vision by savaging some of our most deeply held values.

A clear swipe to the Bush Administration who, instead of using the opportunity of September 11th to get the terrorists responsible for killing almost 3,000 people, preached fear to the American people and began a war with Iraq, a country that had no link to the destruction caused by Osama Bin Laden.

The war in Iraq ended up costing the lives of thousands of American troops, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives, and over $1 trillion. But war is a business, and someone made millions from the decision to use September 11th as the reason to invade Iraq.

Dick Cheney – the Vice President in Bush’s Administration, and one of the most influential voices for the war in Iraq – was CEO of a company call Haliburton. Dick Cheney insisted that he severed all ties with Haliburton in 2000, but after the war started in Iraq, Haliburton was awarded no-bid contracts worth millions for “rebuilding Iraq.”

In 2004, Cheney appeared on Meet The Press and was asked about his relationship with his former company, to which more denials were given. But Time Magazine uncovered internal Pentagon emails proving that Cheney was not being the least bit honest. According to the report, the emails showed that these no-bid contracts were going through Cheney’s office. From the report;

The e-mail says Feith approved arrangements for the contract “contingent on informing WH [White House] tomorrow. We anticipate no issues since action has been coordinated w VP’s [Vice President’s] office.”  Three days later, the Army Corps of Engineers gave Halliburton the contract, without seeking other bids.

So yes, in this particular case, I wholeheartedly agree with Ron Paul. The war in Iraq was not one of necessity, but one of choice. There were billions of dollars to be made, and no-bid contracts by unscrupulous government officials was the way to do it.

And the lives lost in the process? Cheney recently said that if he had to do it all over again, he wouldn’t change a thing. In other words, in war you lose some then you lose some more. But the profits gained… priceless!

Osama bin Laden Politics

Besides Getting Osama Bin Laden, What Else Did The President Do This Week?- Video

So you think getting Osama Bin Laden was the only thing on President Obama’s plate this past week? Well you’re wrong. An historic week it was, but what else did the President have to deal with, while getting the most wanted man in the world?

This video explains.

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