Barack Obama gun Politics United States

Glenn Beck Insinuates Shooting President Obama

These days, it’s hard to be surprised by Glenn Beck’s antics. But his most recent attempt to grab the spotlight on his last few days at Fox News, really had me scratching my head. This is the same guy who once, when referring to congressional Democrats, told his viewers to “shoot them in the head.”

Well in this second attempt to incite some nut-job in his audience to commit the unthinkable, the Fox News host took to the television waves and after ranting about guns and his suggestion that the government is coming after gun owners, Beck asked the question, “why would you get a gun?” He then turns and points at a picture of President Obama.

Amazing that this idiot is still on television, or on any public media for that matter!

Michelle Obama Politics

Obama – My Family Is Fine With One Term

In an interview with NBC’s Today show, President Obama states that his wife and daughters would have been okay if he had decided not to run for a second term, saying;

“Michelle and the kids are wonderful in that if I said, `You know, guys, I want to do something different,’ They’d be fine. They’re not invested in daddy being president or my husband being president.”

The President said that the First Lady would be the first one to encourage him to do something “a little less stressful” if she didn’t believe that what he was doing was best for the country.

Newt Gingrich Politics Republican United States

Newt Gingrich’s Moral Dilemma Number 866

Picture this for a second…

You start a non-profit charity that deals mostly in religion and faith issues. You then write a book for profit, then get your non-profit charity to buy your books and DVD’s. The non-profit charity that you started, then paid $220,000 to another for-profit company, a company that you also started.

Well, if you’re like me, you’ll see something very wrong here. Your non-profit company giving your for-profit company $220,ooo just seems to be breaking – if nothing else – some moral ethical barriers. But apparently, if you’re a Republican running for President of the United States, and if your name is Newt Gingrich, this behavior is not only accepted, but welcomed.

The charity, Renewing American Leadership, not only featured Gingrich on its website and in fundraising letters, it also paid $220,000 over two years to one of Gingrich’s for-profit companies, Gingrich Communications. It purchased cases of Gingrich’s books and bought up copies of DVDs produced by another of the former House speaker’s entities, Gingrich Productions.

“The spirit of operating a non-profit organization is to work for the public good regardless of the politics that are involved,” said Daniel Borochoff, president of the American Institute of Philanthropy, in an interview with ABC News. “I believe it violates that spirit.”

Asked about the allegations this morning prior to a speech in New Hampshire, Gingrich urged an ABC News reporter to focus on his speech.

“I’m not concerned about that. The American people aren’t concerned about that. Try covering the speech,” Gingrich said as he left a campaign event. When the reporter tried to follow up, Gingrich got in his waiting car and slammed the door.

And all Anthony Weiner did was send texts to different ladies, and he’s being ask to resign? Really?

Republican Wisconsin Wisconsin Union Bashing

Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Scott Walker

The victory in the lower court was short-lived. Today, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that Scott Walker’s union busting bill did not break any laws, in essence, voiding a previous ruling by a lower court. The ruling claims;

The court ruled that Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi’s ruling, which had held up implementation of the collective bargaining law, was void ab initio, or invalid from the outset.

In its decision, the state’s high court concluded that “choices about what laws represent wise public policy for the state of Wisconsin are not within the constitutional purview of the courts.”

The court concluded that Sumi exceeded her jurisdiction, “invaded” the Legislature’s constitutional powers and erred in halting the publication and implementation of the collective bargaining law.

The court added that its role is limited to determining whether the Legislature employed a “constitutionally violative process in the enactment of the act. We conclude that the Legislature did not violate the Wisconsin Constitution by the process it used.”

And with that, Scott Walker’s wish to bust the unions of Wisconsin and take away the collective bargaining of public workers is back in effect. The newly controversially re-elected Justice – Republican David Prosser – also found in favor of Scott Walker and his Republican allys.

Barack Obama CNN Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich Politics Republican United States

Republican Mice Played In Debate While Democratic Cat Was Away

Remember the old saying, ‘when the cat’s away, the mouse will play?’ Well last night’s Republican presidential “debate” showed seven, count ’em… seven mice running around the stage in New Hampshire, having a grand ole time. And with the cat – President Obama – out of town on a fundraising event, all seven mice took turns at attacking the cat, instead of showing the differences among themselves. After all, was it not a debate?

The lead mouse, Mitt Romney answered just about every question asked with the same answer: that President Obama “has failed to lead.” Mr. Romney, what is your answer to the economic crises we’re in right now? “Mr. Obama has failed to lead.” Mr. Romney, what will you do about jobs? “Mr. Obama has failed to lead.” Mr. Romney, what color is your tie? “Mr. Obama has failed to lead.” To be more exact, Romney said;

“This president has failed, and he’s failed at a time when the American people counted on him to create jobs and get the economy growing.”  Any one of the people on this stage would be a better president than President Obama.”

And the people, or other mice that Romney referred to? Rick Don’t Google His Name Santorom, Michele Don’t know American History Bachmann, Ron Against The Civil Rights Act Paul, Herman Pizza-man Cain, Tim Super Dork Pawlenty and Newt Flipp Flopper Gingrich. So there they were, seven mice running around the stage, each trying to prove that while the cat was away doing his fundraiser, they are more than capable of carrying the biggest piece of cheese.

The blame game continued.

Herman Cain, when asked what his administration would do to create jobs?  “The thing we need to do is to get this economy boosted. This economy is stalled. It’s like a train on the tracks with no engine. And the administration has simply been putting all of this money in the caboose.”

Rick Santorom, picking up where Herman Cain left off, chimed in with, “Yeah, I think we need a president who’s optimistic, who has a pro-growth agenda.”

Question for Tim Pawlenty – talk about your economic plan. Pawlenty’s answer? ” This president is a declinist. He views America as one of equals around the world.” Then Mitt Romney continued the love-fest… sorry, debate. “This president has failed. And he’s failed at a time when the American people counted on him to create jobs and get the economy growing. And instead of doing that, he delegated the stimulus to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, and then he did what he wanted to do: card-check, cap-and-trade, Obamacare, reregulation.” Not to be left out in the cold, Newt Gingrich added, “The Obama administration is an anti-jobs, anti-business, anti- American energy destructive force.”

Ron Paul, asked by the moderator if there was anything nice he can say about the president, replied, “No, no, I can’t think of anything.”

But the biggest cheese carrier of the night has to go to Michele Bachmann, who, among other things, claimed that the Teaparty “is really made up of disaffected Democrats, independents, people who’ve never been political a day in their life.” Funny as that statement was, Bachmann opened her mouth again and this claim fell out, “we need everybody to come together because we’re going to win. Just make no mistake about it. I want to announce tonight. President Obama is a one-term president.”

Yes, Michele, we will take your word on that… just like we believed you when you claimed that the Founding Fathers “worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States.”

We won’t tell anyone the little truth that the Founders were all dead by the time slavery was abolished. Just our little secret Michele.

Politics Ronald Reagan United States

Bachmann Lies – Blames Carter And Clinton For 2008 Recession

Republican Michele Bachmann thinks Jimmy Carter is responsible for the 2008 financial recession and the state of today’s economy. In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, the 2012 presidential hopeful was asked to explain the 2008 financial meltdown, to which she said;

“There were a lot of bad actors involved, but it started with the Community Reinvestment Act under Jimmy Carter and then the enhanced amendments that Bill Clinton made to force, in effect, banks to make loans to people who lacked creditworthiness. If you want to come down to a bottom line of ‘How did we get in the mess?’ I think it was a reduction in standards.”

Just for reference, Jimmy Carter was the 39th President of the United States, and served from 1977 to 1981 when he was succeeded by Ronald Reagan. Bill Clinton was the 42nd President – who, when he left office had created over 22 million jobs during his eight years and left a budget surplus of $127 billion, – served from 1993 to 2001 when George Bush took over. Both Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton were Democratic presidents, and Ronald Reagan and George Bush were Republicans.

So not surprisingly, Mrs. Bachmann’s blame will be placed on last the two Democratic presidents over the last 35 years. She didn’t include Barack Obama, because he was sworn in in 2009. But are there any truths to this claim? According to an article written on Bloomberg’s Business Week back in 2008, the answer is “no”. Bachmann’s claim of putting the blame of the 2008 economic mess on Carter and Clinton and the Community Reinvestment Act is totally inaccurate. In fact, Bloomberg’s article called Bachmann’s claim, “silly.”

The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), passed in 1977, requires banks to lend in the low-income neighborhoods where they take deposits. Just the idea that a lending crisis created from 2004 to 2007 was caused by a 1977 law is silly. But it’s even more ridiculous when you consider that most subprime loans were made by firms that aren’t subject to the CRA. University of Michigan law professor Michael Barr testified back in February before the House Committee on Financial Services that 50% of subprime loans were made by mortgage service companies not subject comprehensive federal supervision and another 30% were made by affiliates of banks or thrifts which are not subject to routine supervision or examinations. As former Fed Governor Ned Gramlich said in an August, 2007, speech shortly before he passed away: “In the subprime market where we badly need supervision, a majority of loans are made with very little supervision. It is like a city with a murder law, but no cops on the beat.”

No surprise here. Bachmann is still pushing false statements that were debunked over 3 years ago. And the fact that she didn’t include Ronald Reagan and George Bush in her blame game shows the true meaning of her claim – politics as usual.

Not only is Ronald Reagan’s trickle down economics one direct reason for what this economy is going through today, but consider the video below,  George Bush’s interpretation of the Community Reinvestment Act, where he asked, in fact demanded, that home ownership be increased by millions “by the end of this decade.” George Bush even went as far as to say that everyone, regardless of their income, should be able to own a home no matter the price, saying “the first time home buyers, the low income home buyer can have just as nice a house as anybody else.”

Bachmann is trying to get your vote. She is interested in running for President of the United States in 2012. Shouldn’t Americans stand up and demand that these candidates tell the truth, no matter what the politics of the moment dictates?

democrats fail Politics

Cartoon: One Builds, The Other Destroys

An accurate depiction of what is happening in Washington today. With the economy in shambles, all elected officials should come together to find a common solution. Instead, GOP party politics are at play.

breakdown Cartoon: One Builds, The Other Destroys

Cartoon by Monte Wolverton

Elections Iowa Newt Gingrich Politics Republican South Carolina United States

Gingrich Campaign Falling Apart

This is a big LOL! moment. The Huffington Post is reporting that Republican Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich has a major problem – his campaign staffers are heading for the door in droves.

WASHINGTON — Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich’s campaign manager, senior strategists and key aides in early delegate-selection states all resigned on Thursday, a mass exodus that leaves his hopes of winning the Republican nomination in tatters.

Rick Tyler, Gingrich’s spokesman, said he, campaign manager Rob Johnson and senior strategists had resigned, along with aides in the early primary and caucus states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Other officials said Gingrich was informed that his entire high command was quitting in a meeting earlier in the day. They cited differences over the direction of the campaign but were not more specific.

Maybe they all saw something shiny on the outside and decided to go investigate. How easily they get distracted.

Gingrich said he is determined to continue his campaign. At this rate, he may be doing it all by himself.

Barack Obama Chrysler Democratic Party Mitt Romney Politics Republican United States

Romney Called For Detroit Bankruptcy, Now Panders For Their Votes

Mitt Romney was one of the main opponents to President Obama’s auto bailout, a bailout that has brought back the United States auto industry and saved thousands of jobs nationwide, especially in Detroit Michigan, the major producer of automobiles. So strong were his disagreements with the bailout, Romney suggested that Detroit and the auto industry should “go bankrupt.”

Today however, Romney made his way back to Detroit as a Republican presidential candidate for the 2012 elections, hoping to sell his economic policies, but the people of the motor-city have not forgotten about Romney’s stance on the auto bailout.

Below is their Welcome Message for Mitt Romney.

Politics Republican United States Wisconsin

Please Don’t Remind Republican Scott Walker Of The Poor

It’s a painting that was placed in the Wisconsin Governor’s mansion for a reason – to remind the leaders, whoever he or she might be, of their obligation to the homeless and the poor people of the state. Scott Walker, the Republican governor who recently tried to enact a bill to dismantle collective bargaining rights of the Wisconsin public worker, had the painting removed.

The painting called, Wishes in the Wind, was done by Wisconsin artist David Lenz. It depicts three children – one African-American, one Hispanic and one Caucasian – playing with bubble wands on a Milwaukee street. Lenz explained that he carefully chose the characters in the piece because of the importance of their life stories. The African-American girl was featured in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel in an article done about homelessness. She and her mother spent three months at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. The Caucasian boy’s father was killed by a drunk driver in 2009 and the Hispanic girl is a member of the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Milwaukee.

Governor Walker’s decision to remove the painting sent a strong message to Lenz. He said

“The homeless, central city children and victims of drunk drivers normally do not have a voice in politics, this painting was an opportunity for future governors to look these three children in the eye, and I hope, contemplate how their public policies might affect them and other children like them.”

I guess that was a conversation Governor Walker did not want to have.”

And in a direct reference to Scott Walker’s proposed budget cuts in state’s funding for Milwaukee schools services, Lenz said, “This seems symbolic, you would think we could all agree on the need to support the hopes and dreams of children.”

Walker’s excuse for removing the painting? In a press released, this explanation was given;

In recognition of the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, Governor Scott Walker and First Lady Tonette Walker are pleased to announce the addition of Civil War themed artwork and artifacts to decorate the interior of Wisconsin’s Executive Residence.

The painting Wishes in the Wind, which was previously on display in the Drawing Room, is on loan to the Central Library in Milwaukee where 560,000 visitors each year will see it, learn about its significance and continue the discussion about providing hope and optimism for the least privileged in our society. By comparison, the Executive Residence hosts approximately 15,000 visitors each year.

Anthony Weiner Democratic New York Tid Bits twitter

Anthony Weiner Leans Left. His Naked Weener Pic Revealed

It was bound to happen. Andrew Breitbart, the same guy who just a few days ago claimed that he wanted to protect Anthony Weiner by not releasing this photo of the congressman’s erect penis, went on Opie and Anthony’s radio show today and passed the picture on his cellphone around for all to see.

According to the description  given to explain how the photo was captured, a video camera in the studio caught the image, and voilà – it is spreading on the internet for all to see, and yes, it seems that the congressman – an avid left leaning Democrat – leans left in more ways than one.

The official explanation of how the photo was captured is shown in the video below:

And below is the picture, as captured by the camera in the studio.

Politics Ronald Reagan Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin Gets Dissed By Margaret Thatcher

Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, the former Prime Minister of The United Kingdom, were considered close allies. So Sarah Palin, in an effort to show her conservative Republican followers that she is the ultimate ‘ Reagan’ candidate, expressed her desire to meet with Mrs. Thatcher.

Palin told Christina Lamb in the Sunday Times about an upcoming trip she’s planning;

I am going to Sudan in July and hope to stop in England on the way. I am just hoping Mrs. Thatcher is well enough to see me as I so admire her.

But it seems this admiration is a one-way-street. Mrs Thatcher has other plans and according to the report, she is really not very fond of Sarah Palin.

It would appear that the reasons go deeper than Thatcher’s frail health. Her allies believe that Palin is a frivolous figure who is unworthy of an audience with the Iron Lady. This is what one ally tells me:

“Lady Thatcher will not be seeing Sarah Palin. That would be belittling for Margaret. Sarah Palin is nuts.”

Thatcher will show the level she punches at when she attends the unveiling of a statue of Ronald Reagan outside the US embassy in Grosvenor Square on Independence day on 4 July. This is what her ally told me:

“Margaret is focusing on Ronald Reagan and will attend the unveiling of the statue. That is her level.”

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