
Woman “Sunbathes” By Hanging Her Naked Butt Outside Her Window – PIC

An amazing pic of a woman in Novosibirsk Russia, although some of her neighbors find her actions offensive, that they started a petition to have the woman stopped, but that petition ultimately failed.

Everyday, weather permitting, the woman can be seen sunbathing from her second floor window by hanging her legs and butt outside her window. Her hours of operation are usually between 10am and 1pm and according to some, her legs and butt are not the only body parts the woman hangs out the window.



Model Walks The Streets Totally Nude Just Because… – Pics

Just because she can, apparently.

“It’s basically a photographic project that started in Barcelona and continued in Buenos Aires,” Paula Brindisi, a model and artist in Argentina explained to Central European News. “It picks up the reactions that people have when seeing someone naked doing the same things as people wearing clothes.”

Acting in a totally “normal attitude” and “without being sexual,” the 30-year-old nude activist said she stripped down and stepped out in the Argentinian capital and Spanish city as her photographer friend snapped pictures of her visiting local businesses.

“No one had anything against it,” Brindisi recalled. “People told us we made their morning nicer and we even received two rounds of applause. They understood it as art.”


Miley Cyrus Bares her Bare Nipples on Instagram – PIC

You see, she’s on a new magazine cover and she wants you to buy it. So here are the nipples!

Order your issue of @vmagazine now #dirtyhippie photography @cheythom fuckkkkkk yasssssss

A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on

Celebrities dancing Featured

American Apparel Founder On Video, Dancing with his Penis Dangling

Click to view video.

The video above shows the founder of American Apparel, dancing in front if two female employees, fully naked with his dingerling dangling.

The Video, originally published by Viddme, and then later confirmed by Gawker, shows the American Apparel creator having a conversation on the phone while dancing around the room, clearly missing the fig leaf that would have covered his protruding member. At one point in the video, Mr. American Apparel, also known as Dov Charney, tried to pull one of the fully clothed females to join him in his joyous celebration. She was clearly not impressed.

After the video surfaced, Mr. Charney was fired from the company he founded.

Church Featured

Come As You Are – Going to Church In The Nude

If you’re Christian and like going to services but have always been bummed out by the whole clothing-mandatory element of most churches, then you need to learn about this place in Ivor, Virginia. WWBT NBC 12 News is reporting on the White Tail Chapel, a congregation that does their thing in the buff.

So why pray naked? Pastor Allen Parker told WWBT it’s, “about baring his soul to Christ and leading his flock down that path of righteousness, no matter what they’re wearing.” He also told the station, “There’s not a feeling that you have to be better than one another, physically. We’re humans, we have scars, we have what we have…it’s learning to love and accept that.”

It seems like there is a devoted group of people who regularly attend, not minding the chilly winter weather. Katie and Robert Church are two of those regulars. Katie emphasized that the church has a strong sense of community. Robert pointed out that by stripping down, people become equal, “There are people that have great means, great wealth, there’s people that don’t. But, you wouldn’t know, and everybody treats everybody, you know, equally. You could really say the naked Churches enjoy this naked church.

The church is located on a nudist resort in Ivor. WWBT mentioned that during the summer, it gets so crowded that services are often standing room only.

Entertainment Tid Bits

Mario Lopez Went “Streaking” In The Streets With Almost No Clothes On

Apparently, Mario Lopez lost a bet. Instead of choosing for the Ravens to win the Super Bowl, Lopez went for the San Francisco 49ers. The outcome was him running through in the streets with nothing on but a Ravens helmet and his little purple undies.

Politics sex

Why Are Republicans So Easily Prone To Ethic Violations?

We all know that politics breeds corruption, there’s no two ways about that. And there’s really no exception to the rule, as both Democrats and Republicans have been exposed in the past for their fraudulent deeds.

But why are Republican politicians more overwhelmingly attracted to corruption? Its almost as if Capital Hill is a magnetic field that, once they’re there, Republicans get sucked into the world of insider trading, unscrupulous behavior and greed, with special interests padding their campaign and personal bank accounts. And its all done in the name of The American People!

An increasing number of House Republicans are getting wrapped up in allegations of ethics violations ahead of the November elections, handing Democrats easy campaign fodder and putting the GOP in an unexpected bind.

Republican leaders in the lower chamber pledged to run an ethically sound ship when they took control last year. But as the second session gets under way, nearly a dozen GOP lawmakers are being questions on a wide array of their financial dealings, and House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has not publicly admonished them.

By next Monday the House Ethics Committee is slated to decide whether to formally investigate Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-Fla.). Moreover, allegations arose over this past weekend that Rep. Michael Grimm (R-N.Y.) might have accepted illegal campaign donations, according to The New York Times.

Additionally, there are the three Republicans — Reps. Pete Sessions (Texas), Buck McKeon (Calif.) and Elton Gallegly (Calif.) — who earlier this month were referred to the House Ethics Committee for taking part in Countrywide’s VIP mortgage program, aimed at gaining special favor from lawmakers.

Anthony Weiner Democratic New York Tid Bits twitter

Anthony Weiner Leans Left. His Naked Weener Pic Revealed

It was bound to happen. Andrew Breitbart, the same guy who just a few days ago claimed that he wanted to protect Anthony Weiner by not releasing this photo of the congressman’s erect penis, went on Opie and Anthony’s radio show today and passed the picture on his cellphone around for all to see.

According to the description  given to explain how the photo was captured, a video camera in the studio caught the image, and voilà – it is spreading on the internet for all to see, and yes, it seems that the congressman – an avid left leaning Democrat – leans left in more ways than one.

The official explanation of how the photo was captured is shown in the video below:

And below is the picture, as captured by the camera in the studio.

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