Church Religion Satan satanic worship

Satanic Members Asked to Sign Away Their Soul to The Devil

They are Satan worshippers, so in a sense that have already signed away their soul to the devil. But what happened in Detroit over the weekend required members to put it on paper.

The organizers of a ceremony to unveil a statue to Satan asked everyone attending the ceremony to sign the contract giving the devil their soul. According to the organizers, the contract was to make sure that secret Christian protesters wouldn’t attend.

“I agree that by signing this document under any name, given or adopted, actual or pseudonymous, I am hereby avowing my soul to Satan (aka Abbadon, aka Lucifer, aka Beelzebub, aka The Antichrist),” the contract read.

“I do so knowing that He (aka The Fallen One, aka The Father of Lies) or any of His representatives may choose to collect my eternal soul at any time, with or without notice. I understand that my signature or mark representing any name, real or made up, upon these papers constitutes a lasting and eternal contract, and that there will be no further negotiations on the matter of my eternal soul.”

What is this world coming to?

Church Politics shooting

Watch President Obama’s Full Statement on The Massacre in South Carolina – Video

The 21-year-old coward who went to a predominately black church in Charleston South Carolina on Wednesday and murdered 9 people as they prayed in what was supposed to be a peaceful sanctuary, was captured toady in North Carolina and has since been extradited back to South Carolina. Below is President Obama’s statement on these senseless killings.


Church Featured shooting

Gun Accidentally Discharges in Church – Yes, In Church!

That they cannot see something is terribly wrong and contradictory with bringing their guns to Church, shows just how mentally deranged these gun – fanatics really are.

In the middle of Sunday services, where God is supposed to be praised and where love is celebrated, a gun stored in someone’s pocket went off, grazing another man’s head… in church… during Sunday services!

The firearm’s safety was off and the trigger caught on the man’s pocket, firing off a shot and grazing the man’s hand, according to television station WTAE.

“I immediately took a step back and was about to take cover,” Jason Wagler, who was attending service at Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, told the station.

“You never know if you’re safe anymore in this world. It’s a shame to know you can’t go into church without having something like this happen,” he said.

Wagler caught video on his phone of one man sat in a pew, flanked by two women appearing to care for him.

He said he also noticed that the man handed the gun off to someone else, who attempted to conceal the weapon in a church booklet amid the chaos.

“He immediately concealed it in a white program, so I took pictures of the gun inside this program,” Wagler said.

Authorities have not released the name of the man they suspect mistakenly fired the gun. WTAE reported that he was driven to to hospital.

Church Featured shooting

Church Gives Away AR-15s to “get more people to follow Jesus.”

The church claims that this is their way of bringing people to Christ. For those who know what the Bible says in reference to bringing people to Christ, giving them AR-15s was not on the list. From what I remember,  the Bible says to “preach the Gospel to every creature.”

Apparently this church is tired of the preaching. Time to bring out the heavy artillery.

In Joplin, Missouri, the pastor of the church told the Joplin Globe, “We’re just dudes,” adding, “If we can get more people to follow Jesus, I’ll give away 1,000 guns. I don’t care.”

Birthers Church Featured racist Sports

Can He Be Converted? Donald Sterling Attends Black Church Service

Donald sterling recently made news for telling his girlfriend not to bring black people to his basketball games. The owner of the Clippers was quickly rebuked by the NBA find, and is now being forced to sell his team.

Last Sunday, Sterling,  known now for his racist statements and actions against minority, went to Zion Missionary Baptist Church – a predominantly black church in South Los Angeles. The invitation came from the pastor of the church and reports say Sterling was warmly welcomed by the congregation.

When asked what he thought of the service, Sterling said it was “beautiful.”

Although God works miracles, converting this lifetime racist may be a lost cause.

Church Featured sex

Couple Caught Having Sex on Church Lawn

Some people go weddings and express their happiness for the couple with tears of joy. Others bring gifts to mark the special occasion. But for a 60-year-old woman and a 56-year-old man, engaging in sex acts on the church lawn was the way to go.

A Salt Lake City Police Department cop was summoned to Sacred Heart Catholic Church around 6 PM by a wedding guest who “ran into the road to stop” a passing police cruiser being driven by Officer Rich Stone.

Stone then approached Sandra Kruser and Wilson Benally, who were laying on the church lawn. “I walked over to the couple and I physically saw the sex act,” Stone reported. Specifically, the cop noted, Benally “had his tongue and finger inside of Ms. Krusen’s vagina.”

The Kruser-Benally tryst was viewed by, among others, “four children in the wedding party,” according to a police report.

When Stone confronted the couple, they initially ignored orders to stop having sex. Kruser and Benally–who were not invited to the nuptials–eventually had to be pried apart by Stone.

Seen in the above mug shots, Kruser and Benally were arrested for gross lewdness and public intoxication. Benally was also charged with criminal trespass. Kruser and Benally remain locked up in the Salt Lake County jail, where Kruser is being held in lieu of $2093 bond, while Benally will have to post $2313 to secure his release. 

Church Featured

Come As You Are – Going to Church In The Nude

If you’re Christian and like going to services but have always been bummed out by the whole clothing-mandatory element of most churches, then you need to learn about this place in Ivor, Virginia. WWBT NBC 12 News is reporting on the White Tail Chapel, a congregation that does their thing in the buff.

So why pray naked? Pastor Allen Parker told WWBT it’s, “about baring his soul to Christ and leading his flock down that path of righteousness, no matter what they’re wearing.” He also told the station, “There’s not a feeling that you have to be better than one another, physically. We’re humans, we have scars, we have what we have…it’s learning to love and accept that.”

It seems like there is a devoted group of people who regularly attend, not minding the chilly winter weather. Katie and Robert Church are two of those regulars. Katie emphasized that the church has a strong sense of community. Robert pointed out that by stripping down, people become equal, “There are people that have great means, great wealth, there’s people that don’t. But, you wouldn’t know, and everybody treats everybody, you know, equally. You could really say the naked Churches enjoy this naked church.

The church is located on a nudist resort in Ivor. WWBT mentioned that during the summer, it gets so crowded that services are often standing room only.

Church Featured South Africa

Pastor Makes Congregation Eat Grass “to be closer to God” – Pics

No, his name is not Jim Jones the second, his name is Pastor Lesego Daniel of Rabboni Centre Ministries, and with a simple command, his congregation runs outside, drops to their knees, lay on the ground and eat grass. His ministries is in South Africa and his ministry is reminiscent of Jim Jones.

His controversial methods have drawn criticism from thousands of people although members of his congregation swear by his methods – he is said to have claimed that humans can eat anything to feed their bodies and survive on whatever they choose to eat.

‘Yes, we eat grass and we’re proud of it because it demonstrates that, with God’s power, we can do anything,’ Rosemary Phetha told South Africa’s Times Live.
The 21-year-old law student says she had been battling a sore throat for more than a year, but it was healed after she ate the grass.

Doreen Kgatle, 27, of Ga-rankuwa, suffered a stroke two years ago.

‘I could not walk but soon after eating the grass, as the pastor had ordered, I started gaining strength and an hour later I could walk again,’ said Kgatle.

Photos on the Rabboni Centre Ministries Facebook page show the followers eating the grass as well as Mr Daniel walking across them as they spread out on the floor.

Photos that follow show dozens of people getting sick in the toilets – an image of the bathrooms show women clutching their stomach, while the men are vomiting in the sink.

The pastor’s actions during the service prompted a series of online complaints.

One outraged commentator said ‘Is this a scene in a movie…this can’t be real. God created animals to chew grass and made human beings to dominate over animals. Any person who reduces human beings to animals is definitely not of God.’

While another person wrote: ‘Why is he stepping on people? This is inhumane. Shocking.’
The Times Live reported that during a service of at least 1,000 people in a marquee Daniel screamed ‘sleep’ and six people went to sleep.

He ordered other congregants to slap and trample on them, tut the sleepers remain rigid and unresponsive until he ordered them to wake up.

‘You can leave them like this for six months. I love this, I don’t want to be bored. You can even make police go to sleep when they come to arrest you,’ he said.

Although Daniel has not responded to the backlash yesterday he posted on Facebook: ‘God is at work and His people are testifying right now st the farm. TO GOD BE THE GLORY.’

Pastor Lesego Daniel of Rabboni
Church Politics Racism

Mississippi Church Issues Appology For Refusing to Marry Black Couple

You expect racism from a certain segment of the Society. A segment that thinks they are superior to others, that they are better, that the blood that flows through their veins comes directly from the Almighty while that of the other ‘inferior beings’ comes from primates, preferably monkeys.

The ironic thing about racism however, is that although the racists think they are superior, they are often the ones stuck in a primitive stage of development, refusing to accept Biblical and basic scientific facts that we are all the same. And they are usually the first ones to justify their hate and ignorance with something from the Bible – another irony… quoting scriptures to validate their hate.

Which brings us to this story about a pastor in Mississippi who refused to marry a black couple simply because…the couple was black.

Te’Andrea and Charles were members of First Baptist Church of Crystal Springs. They were told by their pastor that he couldn’t perform their ceremony at the church because church member would disapprove of a black couple getting married in their sanctuary. The couple moved their wedding to another church, causing a huge backlash in the community and the rest of the Nation.

Today, weeks after their July 21st ceremony, First Baptist Church is offering an apology.

In a statement read at its service and posted online on Sunday, First Baptist Church of Crystal Springs said it never should have asked Te’Andrea Henderson Wilson and Charles Wilson to relocate their July 21 ceremony.

The couple had been told their wedding plans made some congregants uncomfortable at the church in southern Mississippi, a state with a long history of racial divisions.

‘As a church, we express our apology to Te’Andrea and Charles Wilson for the hurt that was brought to them in the hours preceding their wedding and beyond,’ the statement read.
‘We are seeking forgiveness and reconciliation with our Lord Jesus Christ, Te’Andrea and Charles, family and friends of the Hendersons and Wilsons, our church family, and our community for the actions and attitudes that have recently occurred.’

The church said it strives to be open to all people, and its members will continue to pray about the matter.

The church’s decision to move the nuptials stirred racial tensions and drew condemnation from across the globe, as well as reaction from government and religious leaders.

Mississippi Republican Governor Phil Bryant called it ‘unfortunate,’ as did recently elected Southern Baptist Convention President Fred Luter, who is black.

Charles Wilson said yesterday he was not satisfied with the apology because it was not delivered directly to him or his wife.

It also failed to explain why the church denied them a wedding ceremony based solely on their race, he said.

‘As far as this apology, we haven’t heard anything,’ Mr Wilson said. ‘It was stated that they read the apology to the congregation.

‘We were not in their services, so they did not apologise to us … They have not sent us a letter. They have not tried to contact us.’

Mr Wilson said the couple no longer attend the church. They have been invited to join several others in the area and are in the process of visiting them.

Boston Church Mitt Romney Politics

Did Mitt Romney Force A Mother To Give Up Her Baby?

From Yahoo News:

Mitt Romney’s Mormon faith, long considered a potential issue in his presidential campaign, came under scrutiny this week whenVanity Fair published excerpts from an upcoming book that delves into Mitt’s history as a lay leader in the church. The Real Romney, authored by Boston Globe reporters Michael Kranish and Scott Helman, suggests that Mitt once threatened a single mother with excommunication if she didn’t give her soon-to-be-born baby up for adoption — an account the Republican frontrunner denies. Here, a brief guide to this unsettling story:

In the early 1980s, Romney was serving as bishop of a Mormon congregation near Boston. Peggie Hayes, a 23-year-old divorced single mother, became pregnant with her second child. Knowing she needed help, Romney arranged for Hayes to get odd jobs from other church members. But as bishop, Romney also bore the responsibility of briefing Hayes on church doctrine. As quoted in the book, she claims he showed up at her apartment and encouraged her to give her baby to the church’s adoption agency. According to Hayes, Romney said: “This is what the church wants you to do, and if you don’t, then you could be excommunicated.”

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