Barack Obama Energy Politics United States weekly address

Tax Cuts For The Rich – Not Right, Not Smart, Must End – Obama

President Obama in his weekly address;

Now, I don’t have a problem with any company or industry being rewarded for their success. The incentive of healthy profits is what fuels entrepreneurialism and helps drives our economy forward. But I do have a problem with the unwarranted taxpayer subsidies we’ve been handing out to oil and gas companies–to the tune of $4 billion a year. When oil companies are making huge profits and you’re struggling at the pump, and we’re scouring the federal budget for spending we can afford to do without, these tax giveaways aren’t right. They aren’t smart. And we need to end them.

Barack Obama Birthers Reverend Al Sharpton United States

Republicans Have Put The President On The Rhetorical Slave Auction Block

We’ve already heard the outcry from many Americans about the shame they felt when they watched President Obama succumb to the racism of the Birthers movement. The Reverend Al Sharpton and Professor Michael Eric Dyson expressed their thoughts on The Ed Show. And Mr. Dyson said it best;

Here is a man, Barack Obama. As brilliant as they come, as smart as any president has ever been, as articulate as any man has ever been to occupy that office. As well trained and well educated, and yet, well mannered, well behaved, civil. He has not been defensive, or nasty or vicious, and yet this man has been brought to the bar so to speak, to prove his humanity.

He’s been put up on the rhetorical auction block of Republican slave thinking, to be made to appear again as a victim to be examined, to see if he’s worthy or not of the legitimacy that they can confer.

See the full video below.

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Medicare MSNBC Politics Republican United States

Ron Paul Will End Medicare, Medicaid And Social Security

Ron Paul, the Libertarian who caucuses with Republicans in Congress, wants to get rid of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security… and he’s running for President of the United States in 2012 with those cuts on his agenda.

Mr. Paul appeared on MSNBC and was interviewed by Host Cenk Uygur. Mr. Uygur asked Mr. Paul whether or not he will “transition” out of Medicare and Social Security if he became president, to which Paul answered;

“Well, you know, if I can get the people to agree and Congress to agree, yea, that will be my program. It’s to transit out, because this one has failed.”

We pretty much know how the people will respond to having their health care “transitioned out.” A recent poll shows that Americans overwhelmingly oppose cuts to these programs. Among registered voters, 80% oppose cutting these Medicare and Medicaid. Among Democrats, 92% oppose. 73% of Republicans also oppose cutting these programs and for Independents, 72% oppose the cuts.

And how does the Teaparty feel about these cuts Mr. Paul speaks of? 75% of Teaparty supporters oppose these cuts. Seems Ron Paul is already off on the wrong foot for 2012.

Mitt Romney Politics South Carolina

Mitt Romney May Be Violating Federal Elections Rules

Democrats have filed a complaint with the FEC — Federal Elections Commission — against Mitt Romney,  accusing Mr. Romney and his election campaign office of funneling “soft money” into his presidential bid. According to the report;

Strict limits exist under the Federal Election Campaign Act on contributions an individual can make to a federal election campaign, compared with the unlimited funds that can be sent to a PAC by individuals or corporations.

“Credible evidence suggests laws may have been broken by Romney using ‘soft money’ corporate, unlimited donations to fund (his) presidential campaign,” the party said.

Romney has been an aggressive fundraiser in recent years through his national Free and Strong America PAC, based in Lexington, Massachusetts, and state PACs nominally located in Alabama, New Hampshire, Iowa, Michigan, and South Carolina.

The complaint was filed on Friday April 29th.


Donald Trump Drops Multiple F-Bombs In Vegas Speech

Cover Your kids Ears, Donald Trump Is Talking!

It takes a very special audience to applaud this speech, and my use of the word “special” is a reference to an audience who has more than a few screws loose.

In a speech yesterday, the hero of the KKK, and the Republican’s apparent choice for their 2012 Presidential candidate, showed just how much respect he had for his audience, and the limitations of his presidential skills and vocabulary, when he dropped the F-Bomb in the middle of his speech, and on more than one occasion.

When he spoke about schools;

“We build a school, we build a road, they blow up the school, we build another school, we build another road they blow them up, we build again, in the meantime we can’t get a f***ing school in Brooklyn,” Trump says.

To his audience’s approval, he spoke on oil prices;

“We have nobody in Washington that sits back and said, you’re not going to raise that f****ing price,” he says.

And finally, while speaking about taxing Chinese goods.

“Listen you mother f***ers we’re going to tax you 25 percent,” Trump says.

This video is not censored.

Barack Obama Birthers Donald Trump Donald Trump United States

David Letterman – I Think Donald Trump’s Actions Are Racist

Although Dr. Phill tried to defend his “friend” Donald Trump, on last night’s Late Night with David Letterman, the host did not feel Trump’s actions and choice of words over the last few months were appropriate. Mr. Letterman labeled Trump’s statements and actions as that of a racists, and suggests that Trump may not get any further invites to appear on his show, without first issuing an apology.

Responding to Phill’s claim that Donald Trump doesn’t “have a racist bone in his body,” Letterman says;

It’s not a pleasure to watch, and I would think that if he comes back on this show, and I’m not sure if we’ll want him back on the show under those circumstances, he ought to be prepared to apologize.”

Featured Oklahoma Oklahoma City Republican

Republican Representative Says Blacks Don’t Work As Hard As Whites

And now, this Republican Representative is using the floor of the House to give her expertise on why more blacks are in prisons. Her reason? Blacks don’t work as hard as whites do in school.

Her name is Sally Kern, the Republican Representative in Oklahoma.

It is just because they’re black that they’re in prison, or is it because they didn’t want to work hard in school? And white people often times want to work hard in school or Asians often times. But a lot of times, that’s what happens, and I taught school for 20 years, and I saw a lot of people of color who didn’t want to work as hard, they just want it given to them.

Congratulations to the Representative in the audience, who, after hearing the dumb nonsense coming from his co-worker, got up and walked out. Kudos to you sir!

Update: Realizing what she said, Mrs. Kern issued an apology.

“I want to humbly apologize for my statements last night about African-Americans and women,” Kern, R-Oklahoma City, said in the statement. “I believe that our government should not provide preference based on race or gender. I misspoke while trying to convey this point last night during debate.”

House Speaker Kris Steele, R-Shawnee, said he called Kern to express his concerns, but said he will not ask her to step down.

“I told her I disagree with her comments,” Steele said. “She’s done the right thing in issuing that apology.”

Barack Obama Birthers Domestic Policies Donald Trump Donald Trump Racism United States

To Shame Our President Is To Shame Our Nation – Video

A very emotional response to the unbelievable disrespect that the most powerful man in the world, the President Of The United States, suffered yesterday. Being subjected to the obvious racism of a small minority of so-called Americans, who simply cannot accept the fact that a black man won the presidential election and now, is the leader of the free world.

They think they’ve shamed the President, but in fact, these Birthers and racists, have shamed this nation… again!

Barack Obama Mitt Romney Politics Republican Party (United States) United States

Steven Colbert Disects Romney’s Peacetime Statement. Video

Mitt Romney recently made a statement that caused his opponents to question whether the Republican presidential wanna-be is ready for the demands of the office. Mr. Romney, questioned the spending of President Obama in an editorial he wrote for the Manchester Union Leader, saying “Barack Obama is facing a financial emergency…yet his approach has been to engage in one of the biggest peacetime spending binges in history.”

“Peacetime spending binges?” Who would have thought we were living in peaceful times? And this coming from the man Republicans want to take over the job as President Of The United States.

Steven Colbert gives his views on this. A must see…

Barack Obama Donald Trump Donald Trump Featured Republican United States

Rand Paul To Donald Trump: Are You A Registered Republican?

“I’ve come to New Hampshire today because I’m very concerned,” Rand Paul, the freshman Teaparty winner in Kentucky said. “I want to see the original long-form certificate of Donald Trump’s Republican registration.”

There was light laughter in the room, when Mr. Paul made the request during a breakfast speech on Thursday at the Merrimack County Republican Committee. Hearing the laughter, Mr. Paul added, “Seriously, don’t you think we need to see that?”

One day after Mr. Obama released his long-form birth certificate from the state of Hawaii – a move that was followed by Mr. Trump’s claim, during a visit to New Hampshire, that he believes he deserves credit for the president’s decision – Mr. Paul sought to turn-the-table on Trump. He gently urged Republicans to take notice that Mr. Trump has contributed money to Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader, and many other Democrats.

“I’m going to believe it when I see his embossed seal to his Republican registration,” said Mr. Paul, a rising figure in the Republican Party who is visiting New Hampshire this week during the Congressional recess. He spoke with a smile, but his words marked one of the first times that a leading Republican has challenged Mr. Trump’s ties to the party.

Your move chump, oops, I mean Trump!

Barack Obama Birthers Donald Trump Featured Republican United States

Lawrence O’Donnell – “Orly Taitz Is A Crazy Person” – Video

The crazy woman who started the whole Birther movement, Orly Taitz,  appeared on The Lawrence O’Donnell Show last night. She was given a chance to apologize for the lie she successfully began, convincing almost half of all Republicans into believing that President Obama was born in Kenya, but instead side-stepped the question, creating a showdown between her and  O’donnell. And let me just say that my opinion of her as a crazy person is not mine alone, even O’ Donnell admitted to that fact after the interview abruptly ended, saying

“She’s crazy! I invited a crazy person on the show to see, if a crazy person faced with the thing that the crazy person was trying to get for 2 and a half years, could say something responsive, something new to the document that was released today. Something she’s never seen in her life. And she wants to play with all of her other kids toys, all of her other crazy documents.”

Well Lawrence, why would you expect anything else from a crazy person? She’s crazy for crying out loud!

arrested Politics Republican United States

Nicole Sandler Arrested For Asking Questions At Town Hall Meeting

Who would have thought attending an event as American as apple pie, could wind up getting you thrown in the slammer!

Nicole Sandler, a former Air America radio host and a regular fill in for progressive radio host Randi Rhodes, seems to have made that mistake. She went to her congressman’s town hall earlier in the week and did what most would expect at town hall meeting– she asked questions. Apparently her congressman, Republican Allen West was not in the mood to be bothered by his constituents and their silly questions. He was there to lecture and to let them know what was on his mind, not to respond to their nonsense!

So Sandler was arrested, and as she puts it, “… spent last night in jail and, thanks to the sickeningly awful people at the Broward County Jail was subjected to three hours in solitary confinement in a 7×10 room, and then maced.”

Americans going to town hall meetings to interact with their representative? Oh no, not here! That’s just not how it might go down in this, the land of the free!

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