Oklahoma Racial profiling

Black Veteran Dies in Custody as Cops Accused Him of Faking his Injury

Elliott Williams, a 37 year old veteran who suffered with mental illness, was taken into custody in Tulsa County Oklahoma. He somehow suffered a broken neck while in custody and spent the last five days of his life in torment as his captors relentlessly taunted him and accused him of faking his injuries before he died.

At one point, jailers dumped Williams’s limp body into a shower and left him there for an hour. The dying inmate “would not stand up but we did give him a shower anyway,” a captain later testified, according to a sheriff’s office internal report.  

Another officer saw Williams face down in the shower, screaming, “Help me!” according to the internal report.

In the days that followed, Williams’s father tried in vain to contact his son. He was denied visitation “because of Elliott’s condition.”

“He’s acting like he’s paralyzed, but we know he’s not,” a mental health worker told Williams’s dad, court papers allege.

Detention officers, nurses, and even a jail psychiatrist accused Williams of “faking” an illness. His family says they declined to administer medical care or transport Williams to a hospital—until it was too late.

Cops arrested the Army vet, who had a history of mental illness, at a Marriott hotel on Oct. 21, 2011. Hotel staff called the cops after Williams, who was with his parents, appeared to have a mental breakdown in the lobby. At the time, his only alleged crime was misdemeanor obstruction.

But he paid with his life.

“This guy went almost six days and never got taken to the hospital with a broken neck,” Daniel Smolen, an attorney for Williams’s family, told The Daily Beast. “They’re throwing food at him and making fun of him in the cell while he’s going through a horrific death. You wouldn’t do that to an animal or any living thing.”

Most of the horrors Williams endured in the jail were captured on the facility’s surveillance footage. The shocking video was released in 2013, two years after the Williams family filed a federal lawsuit against then-Sheriff Stanley Glanz.

The complaint also targeted employees of the private healthcare company contracted to operate the jail’s medical services. The firm, Correctional Healthcare Management, settled out of court two years ago, but the county didn’t. Smolen expects the Williams case to go to trial.

“It’s a slow, torturous death,” Smolen said, adding that Williams’s case is the worst civil rights violation he’s seen captured on film. “You’re cognizant of it the whole time. It’s like a nightmare.”

The Tulsa County sheriff’s office told The Daily Beast it would not comment on cases that are pending litigation and about to go to trial. But in one court filing for the Williams case, Sheriff Glanz’s attorney Corbin Brewster claimed, “Williams was surrounded by people in the jail who thought they were taking care of him.

“Despite medical staff’s incorrect diagnoses of Mr. Williams before his death, the undisputed evidence is that the medical professionals who examined and treated Mr. Williams sincerely believed he was faking paralysis,” Brewster wrote.

Featured Oklahoma

Oklahoma Man Beheads One Woman, Brutally Stabs Another

“This suspect was angry about some sort of incident that happened at the business,” Sgt. Jeremy Lewis of the Moore Police Department said. “These women really had nothing to do with that. He was just acting out against them. They are the first people he came in contact with.”

Alton Nolen, who recently converted to Islam and was actively trying to convert his fellow co-workers, was fired from his job at Vaughan Foods in Moore, Oklahoma. Shortly after being fired, Nolen returned to the location and brutally beheaded the first person he saw, 54-year-old Colleen Hufford.

The 30-year-old Nolen then brutally and repeatedly stabbed another woman 43-year-old Traci Johnson, before he was shot by Mark Vaughan, the Chief Operating officer at Vaughan Foods.

“He’s a hero in this situation,” Lewis said of Mark Vaughan. “It could have gotten a lot worse.”

Nolen did not know either victim.

“They just happened to be in his way as he came in upset,” Lewis said.

Nolen was taken to a nearby hospital and expected to survive, police said. He has not yet been charged with a crime.

Johnson was in stable condition and also expected to recover.


Healthcare ObamaCare Oklahoma

Obamacare Working Miracles for Republicans in Oklahoma

The state is of course run by Republicans, but the law does not discriminate. And I would bet my hard earned money that if you ask the average Oklahoman, they would tell you that Obama is the worse thing Kenya ever produced for this country. And I would also be that person is benefiting greatly from Obamacare.

According to a newly released report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the average premium for Oklahomans who used a tax credit to buy healthcare is $75.00 a month. Oklahoma residents who enrolled in the marketplace set up by the law passed by Mr. Obama, are paying less than the national average of $82.00 according to the report.

“What we’re finding is that the marketplace is working for Oklahomans,” said Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell in a released statement. “Consumers have more choices, and they’re paying less for their premiums. When there is choice and competition, everybody benefits.”

The federal health insurance marketplace was created through the Affordable Care Act, the federal health reform law passed in March 2010.

About 79 percent of Oklahomans who selected plans through the marketplace used tax credits.

Overall, Oklahomans paid below the national average, which was $82 among states with federally facilitated marketplaces.

In Oklahoma, 74 percent of enrollees who selected marketplace plans with tax credits had premiums of $100 a month or less, and 47 percent had premiums of $50 a month or less after tax credits, according to the report.

Oklahoma Politics Television

John Oliver – Why The Death Penalty Is Like a McRib – Video

With a backdrop like what happen in Oklahoma last Tuesday with the botched execution, media outlets far and wide are making their feelings and opinions known about the death penalty. But I’m choosing to highlight the thoughts and ideas of a comedian.

Why? Because the ideas expressed I think, best represent where this country should go in regards to the death penalty.

The comedian is John Oliver. The show is Last Week Tonight.

Oklahoma Politics

Oklahoma Republican – Feed Prisoners to Lions, I Don’t Care!

Just days after Oklahoma demonstrated the most effective way to botch an execution, a Republican Representative in that state who is also a Protestant Christian, said that he doesn’t care how inmates are killed, as long as they are killed. Even if it means opening up the Dens under the prison and allowing the lions to rip their flesh apart.

In an interview with the Associated Press, Christian said, “I realize this may sound harsh, but as a father and former lawman, I really don’t care if it’s by lethal injection, by the electric chair, firing squad, hanging, the guillotine or being fed to the lions.”

Mike Christian so love the death penalty, he even wanted to impeach the judges who tried to halt the execution.

Featured News Oklahoma

Botched Execution Left Man in 40 Minutes of Agony Before He Died

A death row inmate spent forty minutes writhing in agony before dying of a heart attack following a new cocktail of drugs administered in a lethal injection on Tuesday night.

Oklahoma prison officials halted Clayton Lockett’s execution after the  left the man writhing and clenching his teeth on the gurney.

The 38-year-old, who was found guilty of shooting a woman and watching his friends bury her alive, was declared unconscious ten minutes after the first of the state’s new three-drug lethal injection combination was administered.

Three minutes later, though, he began breathing heavily, writhing, clenching his teeth and straining to lift his head off the pillow.

It later emerged his vein had ruptured.

The blinds were eventually lowered to prevent those in the viewing gallery from watching what was happening in the death chamber, and the state’s top prison official eventually called a halt to the proceedings.

Lockett died of a heart attack a short time later, the Department of Corrections said.

Local media present said Mr Lockett sat up and said ‘something’s wrong’ 13 minutes into the procedure.

‘It was a horrible thing to witness. This was totally botched,’ said Lockett’s attorney, David Autry.


6:23 p.m. – The injection process begins. Lockett has heavy, slow blinks, laid still

6:29 p.m. – Consistently closed his eyes

6:30 p.m. – First check of consciousness; still conscious

6:33 p.m. – Announced Lockett was officially unconscious

6:34 p.m. – Lockett started to move his mouth

6:36 p.m. – Lockett began convulsing and mumbling

6:37 p.m. – Lockett sat up and said ‘something’s wrong’

6:39 p.m. – Prison officials lowered the blinds

7:06 p.m. – Lockett dies of massive heart attack

Read more: DailyMail

Oklahoma Politics

Republican Restaurant Owner Refuse To Serve “freaks”, “faggots” or The Disabled

Yep. The owner of the restaurant is a Republican. I know. You expected that. And I can assure you, now that this story is made public, the other racist nuts in Oklahoma will gladly patronize the restaurant. 

Welcome to 2014. People like this makes Ron and Rand Paul proud.

Gary James, owner of Gary’s Chicaros, said, “I’ve been in business 44 years, I think I can spot a freak or a faggot.”

He added, “I don’t deal with these people walking down the street with no jobs on welfare.”

James said, “If I reached over there and slapped the sh** out of you, you should be offended. But to call someone a ‘chink’ or someone call me a bigot, that doesn’t bother me.”

Now, a wave of comments on Facebook claim James refuses to serve African-Americans, Hispanics and people with disabilities, like Matt Gard.

Gard said, “He doesn’t like certain people of race, color, ethnicity.”

Gard was a regular at Gary’s Chicaros restaurant for years.

He said he turned a blind eye to the owner’s choice of customers, until recently.

Gard said, “Now, he tried to find a weak excuse not to let me in with my wheelchair or the weak excuse of having loud people with me.”

After getting turned away for a steak dinner, Gard said it’s about his disability.

James claimed that’s just not the case.

James said “He created an issue. You only have one time here. You create an issue, you’re out forever.”

Gard and at least 140 others posted on a Facebook page that said James’ attitude has crossed the line to discrimination.

Even the business’ t-shirt is viewed as offensive.

The shirt features derogatory slogans against homosexuals, it has the N-word on the front and threatens violence against Muslims, minorities and democrats.

James said he is proud to wear that shirt.

He said, “I really don’t want gays around. Any man that would compromise his own body would compromise anything.”

Gard said, “The people who still go back and patronize his business are condoning his behavior in how he treats others.”

James said, “Well if you work, you own a business, pay your taxes, you’re more than welcome here. If you’re on welfare, stay at home and spend my money, there.”

Strong words in a small town where no one has challenged his business practices.

The Office of Civil Rights Enforcement is a division of the Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office which investigates cases of discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodation based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability and age.

If you feel that you are the victim of civil rights discrimination, you are asked to contact the Oklahoma Attorney General’s office.

Featured Oklahoma

Man Kills Stepfather by Giving Him a Wedgie

OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters) – A 33-year-old Oklahoma man has been charged with killing his stepfather by giving him an “atomic wedgie,” that caused the victim to suffocate on his own underwear.

Brad Lee Davis was charged with murder in the death of 58-year-old Denver St. Clair in a drunken family fight at a residence just east of Oklahoma City, the Pottawatomie County Sheriff’s Office said in an arrest affidavit obtained on Wednesday.

Police arrested Davis on Tuesday. The affidavit said he “grabbed St. Clair’s underwear and gave him an ‘atomic wedgie.’ Davis allegedly pulled the elastic waistband of St. Clair’s underwear over his head and around his neck.”

Oklahoma Medical Examiner spokeswoman Amy Elliott said the cause of death was asphyxiation and blunt force trauma.

Pottawatomie County Sheriff Deputy Travis Palmer said Davis and St. Clair were drinking beer on the night of December 21 at the older man’s residence when St. Clair began speaking ill about his wife, who is Davis’ mother.

Investigators said St. Clair’s elastic waistband was stretched over his head and that it left ligature marks around his neck. Blood splatter was also found in the kitchen, the living room and on the living room ceiling.

Davis was being held in Pottawatomie County without bond. His lawyer was not immediately available for comment.

News Oklahoma

Killer’s Last Words Before Being Executed? “I Love you Momma!”

Oklahoma on Tuesday executed a 48-year-old man convicted of the 1998 stabbing death of a horse trainer from Ringling.

Johnny Dale Black was pronounced dead at 6:08 p.m. Tuesday at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary in McAlester after telling his mother he loved her.

He was the second inmate executed by the state in the past two weeks and the sixth put to death in Oklahoma this year.

Black was convicted of first-degree murder for fatally stabbing Bill Pogue, 54, during a roadside attack near the southern Oklahoma town that left Pogue with 11 stab wounds, broken ribs and punctured lungs. Pogue’s son-in-law, Rick Lewis, was also attacked. Lewis suffered more than a dozen wounds but later recovered.

He had been looking for someone else, according to court documents.

Black was one of five men who went out hunting for a man who had threatened one of the five because he had been having an affair with the man’s soon to be ex-wife, according to court documents.

The group was looking for the man’s black sport-utility vehicle and instead encountered Pogue, who had gone to a convenience store with his son-in-law, Richard Lewis, to buy chewing tobacco and was driving home in a black SUV.

The group of five men stopped their compact car in front of the SUV and attacked Pogue and Lewis, beating them and stabbing them more than 10 times each, according to court documents.

Abortions Oklahoma Politics

Oklahoma Republican Asks: “What Happened To The Republican Party I Joined?”

Oklahoma state Rep. Doug Cox (R), published a piece today in The Oklahoman. The article discussed the Republican’s unforgiving stance on abortions and not providing contraceptives to women. And in the piece, Mr. Cox asked what happened to the party he joined and wondered if his fellow Republican colleagues lives in “the real world.”

As a practicing physician (who never has or will perform an abortion), I deal with the real world. In the real world, 15- and 16-year-olds get pregnant (sadly, 12-, 13- and 14-year-olds do also). In the real world, 62 percent of women ages 20 to 24 who give birth are unmarried. And in the world I work and live in, an unplanned pregnancy can throw up a real roadblock on a woman’s path to escaping the shackles of poverty.

Yet I cannot convince my Republican colleagues that one of the best ways to eliminate abortions is to ensure access to contraception. A recent attempt by my fellow lawmakers to prevent Medicaid dollars from covering the “morning after” pill is a case in point. Denying access to this important contraceptive is a sure way to increase legal and back-alley abortions. Moreover, such a law would discriminate against low-income women who depend on Medicaid for their health care.

But wait, some lawmakers want to go even further and limit everyone’s access to birth control by allowing pharmacists to refuse to fill prescriptions for contraception.

What happened to the Republican Party that I joined? The party where conservative presidential candidate Barry Goldwater felt women should have the right to control their own destiny? The party where President Ronald Reagan said a poor person showing up in the emergency room deserved needed treatment regardless of ability to pay? What happened to the Republican Party that felt government should not overregulate people until (as we say in Oklahoma) “you have walked a mile in their moccasins”?

Oklahoma Politics

President Obama Will Visit Oklahoma on Sunday

President Barack Obama will travel to tornado-ravaged Moore, Okla., on Sunday.

That’s according to a White House official, who wasn’t authorized to publicly discuss the trip ahead of the official announcement and requested anonymity.

A monstrous tornado barreled through the Oklahoma City suburb Tuesday afternoon, demolishing an elementary school and reducing homes to piles of rubble. State authorities say two infants were among the 24 people who perished in the twister.

The town of Moore is a community of 41,000 people located about 10 miles from Oklahoma City.

Oklahoma Politics

High Definition Video Of Tornado in Moore Oklahoma

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by the recent tornado in Moore Oklahoma. The latest count as of 11PM eastern was 51 people killed.

Basehunters provided this video.

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