Donald Trump Politics

The New Hampshire Union-Leader Retracts its Chris Christie Endorsement

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie obviously did not win the Republican nomination for president, as the loser candidate dropped out a couple of weeks ago. But while he ran, some were fooled into thinking Christy had what it takes to be President.

Boy were they wrong. And that is exactly what one of Christie’s top endorser is saying now after Christie endorsed Donald Trump.

The New Hampshire Union-Leader just published an editorial on Monday titled “Christie was our bad choice,” it said it made a poor decision.

In its endorsement, the paper said that Christie had conservative values and could take down Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

“Boy, were we wrong,” Monday’s editorial begins.

The Union-Leader says despite the governor’s “baggage,” the paper thought he had the skills and experience necessary to take the presidency — and the best chance to take down Trump.

It then went on to slam Christie for his recent endorsement of Trump — something he said he’d never do, the editorial said.

“Watching Christie kiss the Donald’s ring this weekend — and make excuses for the man Christie himself had said was unfit for the presidency — demonstrated how wrong we were,” the editorial said.

“Rather than standing up to the bully, Christie bent his knee. In doing so, he rejected the very principles of his campaign that attracted our support.”

Donald Trump Politics

New Hampshire Union Leader – Trump Wants Hillary to Win The Presidency – Video

After the dust-up today between Donald Trump and the New Hampshire Union Leader – a dust-up that materialized because the paper endorsed Chris Christie in November then wrote an editorial entitled, “Trump campaign insults NH Voters’ intelligence,” – Donald Trump responded in his usual kindergarten way, calling the paper’s editor “a lowlife” and later calling the paper, “a pile of garbage.”

On MSNBC’s Chris Hayes tonight, Grant Bosse of the very conservative New Hampshire Union Leader, continued his paper’s editorial point, saying that Trump’s name-calling on the paper’s editor was “expected.”

“We were kind of expecting this for a while,” Bosse said. “Frankly, whenever anything doesn’t go Donald Trump’s way he attacks, so we knew this was coming for a while, it just happens to be today.”

Hayes asked Grant Bosse about Pat Buchanan, another Republican presidential candidate the newspaper endorsed on two previous occasions, and Hayes wanted to know if there was a difference between Buchanan and Trump, since both candidates campaigned on the same issues. Bosse answered that Buchanan knew what he was talking about while Donald Trump “just makes stuff up.”

“Well the big difference is that Pat Buchanan knows what he is talking about,” Bosse said. “He had decades of public policy experience. He was a top aide to presidents before he ran for president. He had some policy expertise and something behind what he said. Trump just makes it up off the top of his head.”

Later on in the interview, Bosse suggested that Trump is just running for president to make sure that Hillary Clinton gets elected president. “He’s been friendly with the Clintons for decades…Donald Trump has the ego to think that he should be president,” Bosse said. “But I think he got into to this thinking that he didn’t like some of the other Republican candidates and that if it was him or Hillary, well it’s no lose.”

“I find it strange that every single time Donald Trump attacks Hillary Clinton, it’s with the stupidest, least effective means possible. He attacked her for going to the bathroom, now he’s trying to remind Democrats of her more popular husband.”


Barack Obama Mitt Romney Politics Republican Party (United States) United States

Steven Colbert Disects Romney’s Peacetime Statement. Video

Mitt Romney recently made a statement that caused his opponents to question whether the Republican presidential wanna-be is ready for the demands of the office. Mr. Romney, questioned the spending of President Obama in an editorial he wrote for the Manchester Union Leader, saying “Barack Obama is facing a financial emergency…yet his approach has been to engage in one of the biggest peacetime spending binges in history.”

“Peacetime spending binges?” Who would have thought we were living in peaceful times? And this coming from the man Republicans want to take over the job as President Of The United States.

Steven Colbert gives his views on this. A must see…

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