
President Obama Officially Endorses Joe Biden for President – Video

The former president of the United States, Barack Obama formally endorsed his former vice president Joe Biden, for president today.

Why it matters: Obama, following in the footsteps of other recent former presidents, chose to let the crowded Democratic primary process play out and not offer an endorsement until voters chose their presumptive nominee.

  • Biden leaned heavily on his strong relationship with Obama and his record as vice president throughout the primary race while still acknowledging that he needed to “earn” Obama’s endorsement.
  • Obama’s endorsement comes one day after Biden’s final rival in the race, Bernie Sanders, offered his own endorsement.

Donald Trump Politics

Another Bush Official Endorses Clinton Because of Trump’s “flippancy” and “ignorance”

“Secretary Clinton has demonstrated her skills as Secretary of State, especially but by no means exclusively in helping other Asian countries counter Chinese bullying in the western Pacific…”For Republicans and Democrats alike, everything in national security requires clarity and steadiness, whether managing nuclear weapons or balancing great power rivalries.””

Those are the words of James Clad, the former deputy assistant secretary of Defense under Bush. Clad is just one of the former Republican president’s officials who have dumped the Trump ship and endorsed the Democrat in the race.

Clad talked about the importance of never losing sight of national interest. He said that is a “discipline which Secretary Clinton possesses in full measure.”

“Our adversaries must never hear flippancy or ignorance in America’s voice,” he added.



John McCain’s Granddaughter says – “I’m With Her”

Caroline McCain, the granddaughter of the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, John McCain, is a proud member of the “Never Trump” movement. In a post published by Medium, Caroline expressed her frustrations with the new leader of the Republican party, saying that Trump lost her support when he questioned her grandfather’s “war hero” status.

In a Medium post titled, “For this Republican, Never Trump means ‘I’m With Her,'” Caroline McCain writes that she became opposed to Trump last summer when he questioned her grandfather’s status as a war hero.

“I like people who weren’t captured,” Trump said at the time.

John McCain was held prisoner during the Vietnam War.

While the Arizona senator “responded with grace and forgiveness — as only a man who was held in captivity for years can,” Caroline McCain wrote, “I’ve been nursing a grudge ever since.”

“He insulted my grandfather and attacked the very qualities  —  loyalty, bravery and selflessness  —  that he and countless other POWs embody,” she added.

McCain wrote that Trump never won her over during his candidacy, calling him a “misogynist,” “racist” and “demagogue,” citing his remarks on women and minorities throughout his campaign.

She said she decided to support Clinton during the Democratic National Convention this week, where Democratic heavy-hitters touched on themes of American exceptionalism in an effort to win over reticent Republicans.

“The party I grew up in, the party I want to work in and change and push to be more inclusive, betrayed me and countless others,” McCain wrote.

“Loyalty to party can never trump loyalty to country. And loyalty to party means nothing when the party has been poisoned.”

Barack Obama Politics

“I’m With Her” – President Obama Endorses Hillary Clinton – Video

I still don’t agree with the way the media portrayed Bernie Sanders, painting him as a bothersome nobody who should have wrapped up his campaign on January 2nd and leave the stage. But Bernie got some respect today when he met with President Obama. It was a meeting that many Bernie fans respected and appreciated. After the meeting, the president’s expected endorsement of Hillary Clinton was made official.


Celebrities Donald Trump Donald Trump

Hollywood Crazies Come Out – Scott Baio Endorses Donald Trump – Video

I enjoyed “Charles in Charge” from back in the days. But never thought the actor who played “Charles” was crazy. With his new endorsement of Trump, I can now say that Scott Baio belongs in a mental asylum.

Scott Baio, of Happy Daysand Charles in Charge, became the latest celebrity to endorse a presidential candidate––and that candidate is Donald Trump. Baio joins an eclectic group of reality stars and other celebs (of varying success) who have come out for The Donald, ranging from Dennis Rodman and Tila Tequila to Gary Busey and Jon Voight.

After talking about how he campaigned for Ronald Reagan, Baio revealed his much coveted endorsement to Jeanine Pirro. He explained that he’s a conservative independent tired of the GOP who just wants to see Trump “go into Washington and blow it up.”

Watch the latest video at

Donald Trump Politics

The New Hampshire Union-Leader Retracts its Chris Christie Endorsement

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie obviously did not win the Republican nomination for president, as the loser candidate dropped out a couple of weeks ago. But while he ran, some were fooled into thinking Christy had what it takes to be President.

Boy were they wrong. And that is exactly what one of Christie’s top endorser is saying now after Christie endorsed Donald Trump.

The New Hampshire Union-Leader just published an editorial on Monday titled “Christie was our bad choice,” it said it made a poor decision.

In its endorsement, the paper said that Christie had conservative values and could take down Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

“Boy, were we wrong,” Monday’s editorial begins.

The Union-Leader says despite the governor’s “baggage,” the paper thought he had the skills and experience necessary to take the presidency — and the best chance to take down Trump.

It then went on to slam Christie for his recent endorsement of Trump — something he said he’d never do, the editorial said.

“Watching Christie kiss the Donald’s ring this weekend — and make excuses for the man Christie himself had said was unfit for the presidency — demonstrated how wrong we were,” the editorial said.

“Rather than standing up to the bully, Christie bent his knee. In doing so, he rejected the very principles of his campaign that attracted our support.”


DNC Vice Chair Steps Down – Endorses Bernie Sanders for President – Video

Just last month, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii and Chair of the DNC refused to say which of the two Democratic candidates she would support for president. Today, she stepped down from her job on the DNC and announced her support for Bernie Sanders for President.

“As a veteran, as a soldier, I’ve seen firsthand the true cost of war,” Gabbard said in her announcement. “As we look at our choices as to who our next commander-in-chief will be is to recognize the necessity to have a commander-in-chief who has foresight. Who exercises good judgment. Who looks beyond the consequences – who looks at the consequences of the actions that they are willing to take before they take those actions. So that we don’t continue to find ourselves in these failures that have resulted in chaos in the Middle East and so much loss of life.”



‘The Nation’ Endorses Bernie Sanders for President

“Sanders has used his insurgent campaign to tell Americans the truth about the challenges that confront us,” the editors at The Nation wrote. “He has summoned the people to a “political revolution,” arguing that the changes our country so desperately needs can only happen when we wrest our democracy from the corrupt grip of Wall Street bankers and billionaires.”

“We believe such a revolution is not only possible but necessary,” they continued. “And that’s why we’re endorsing Bernie Sanders for president. This magazine rarely makes endorsements in the Democratic primary (we’ve done so only twice: for Jesse Jackson in 1988, and for Barack Obama in 2008). We do so now impelled by the awareness that our rigged system works for the few and not for the many. Americans are waking up to this reality, and they are demanding change. This understanding animates both the Republican and Democratic primaries, though it has taken those two contests in fundamentally different directions.”


Bernie Sanders Picks Up Huge Liberal Group Endorsement

While he is totally ignored by the main stream media and treated like the black sheep by the Democratic party establishment, Senator Bernie Sanders continues to get substantial support from Democratic and liberal groups.

Democracy For America, the 1 million-member liberal group that helped stoke much of the pro-Elizabeth Warren movement early in the 2016 election cycle, is backing the independent Vermont senator after he earned 88 percent of the over 270,000 votes cast in the group’s online membership poll, compared with 10 percent for Clinton and 1 percent for both Martin O’Malley and the option not to endorse at all.

The move is significant given DFA’s high threshold for endorsing. The group has existed since 2004, and no candidate had ever previously made it past the two-thirds mark necessary for the nod — which will come with fundraising help and an on-the-ground organization in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada, DFA executive director Charles Chamberlain wrote in an email due to go to supporters on Thursday.

“This isn’t the first time DFA has stood side by side with Bernie Sanders. Our organization has been working with him to make progressive change happen for years,” wrote Chamberlain, announcing the results after all three candidates wrote DFA members letters asking for their support in recent weeks. “Together, we’ve run issue campaigns focused on raising the minimum wage, overturning Citizens United, and stopping the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership — and he has regularly chatted with our members on several DFA Live conference calls over the years.”


Nina Turner Changes Her Mind – Endorses Bernie Sanders Instead

The great progressive voice of Ohio and former state Senator, Nina Turner, dropped her support for Hillary Clinton on Thursday and wholeheartedly endorsed Bernie Sanders for president.

Turner and Sanders’ presidential campaign confirmed the endorsement Thursday.

“I’m very attracted by his message and his style — and that he has held pretty much strong on his beliefs and the world is catching up with him,” Turner said.

Turner added that Sanders’ positions on voting rightsand wage issues have stood out to her. While she is expected to be active in his campaign, a Sanders spokeswoman said whatever role Turner has will not be paid.

Turner spoke to by telephone before flying to Iowa, where she will attend Saturday’s Democratic debate featuring Clinton, Sanders and Martin O’Malley.

She also will introduce Sanders at his Monday rally at Cleveland State University’s Wolstein Center. The Vermont senator, who describes himself as a democratic socialist, has emerged as Clinton’s strongest Democratic primary rival.

“We are extremely, extremely humbled by the support of Sen. Nina Turner,” Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver said. “She is nationally known as a voice for voting rights, for workers’ rights and for marginalized people. The support of someone with that record of standing up for middle-income and working people is tremendously important.”


Bernie Sanders Gets National Nurses Union Endorsement… Not Hillary

 Democratic Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.,  (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

Well chalk another one up for Bernie Sanders. The Washington Post is reporting that Bernie has scored a major endorsement from the National Nurses Union, which essentially means that Hillary Clinton did not get their endorsement… essentially!

National Nurses United, which represents 185,000 nurses across the country, announced its pick at an event in Oakland attend by Sanders, the independent senator from Vermont who has emerged as Hillary Rodham Clinton’s chief rival for the Democratic nomination.

“He can talk about our issues as well as we can talk about our issues,” RoseAnn DeMoro, the union’s executive director, said in an interview, adding that “Bernie’s issues align with nurses from top to bottom.”

The endorsement was the first for Sanders from a national labor group. Last month, the American Federation of Teachers announced its support for Clinton, calling her “the champion working families need in the White House.”


Jon Stewart Has Endorsed Sen. Melvin Dickpic-Tweet for President in 2016 – Video

Now after carefully considering all the potential candidates for president in 2016, Jon Stewart settled on who he thought was the best person among the group of wannabes – Sen. Melvin Dickpic-Tweet.

For example, former Sen. Jim Webb, a Democratic hopeful, is defending more than $90,000 in payments from his PAC to his family members for work on his website.

“So you’re saying Jim Webb is embroiled in a scandal involving a website,” Stewart said. “It’s the most ironic fall from grace since Sen. Melvin Dickpic-Tweet.”

Stewart took a look at the field on both sides, including Sen. Bernie Sanders, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Fox News host and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and more. After carefully considering the candidates, Jon Stewart announced his pick for 2016.

Get those Dickpictweet ’16 bumper stickers ready…


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