Featured Stupid

Study Finds that Watching Foxnews Makes You Stupid!

Image via Wikipedia

This is not the left winged media trying to mislead you. No, this is an actual study of FOX viewers and their knowledge of what is actually going on in the world today. These viewers were then compared to other network viewers and the result was not shocking, but confirmed what is already known – that watching FOX makes you stupid!

In the questions below, Fox News viewers placed first in the percentage of those who were misinformed (they placed second in the question on TARP).

The group conducting the study, World Public Opinion found the following:

  • Though the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) concluded that the stimulus legislation has saved or created 2.0-5.2 million jobs, 92% of viewers believed the Stimulus lost jobs
  • Though the CBO concluded that the health reform law would reduce the budget deficit, 53% thought the health reform law increased the deficit.
  • Though the Department of Commerce says that the US economy began to recover from recession in the third quarter of 2009, 55% thought the economy is still getting worse.
  • Though the National Academy of Sciences has concluded that climate change is occurring, 45% of voters thought most scientists think climate change is not occurring.

Other key points of misinformation among voters were:

  • 40% of voters believed incorrectly that the TARP legislation was initiated under Barack Obama, rather than George Bush
  • 54% believed that there were no tax cuts in the stimulus legislation
  • 86% wrongly assumed their taxes had gone up instead of going down under President Obama
  • 53% thought that the bailout of GM and Chrysler occurred only under Obama, though it was initiated under Bush

The report also finds that Republicans are generally more stupid than Democrats. When the following questions were asked across party lines, respondents replies were as followed;

  • Is the American Economy getting worst? – 72% of Republicans said yes. For Democrats on the other hand, only 36% said yes, the economy is getting worst.
  • Is Health Care reform going to increase the deficit? – 73% of Republicans said yes. For Democrats on the other hand, only 31% said yes, Health Care will increase the deficit.
  • Were there Tax Cuts included in the Stimulus? – 67% of Republicans said No. For Democrats on the other hand, only 42% said no, tax cuts were not included in the Stimulus.
  • Is there an agreement among scientists that Global Warming is occurring? – 62% of Republicans said no. For Democrats on the other hand, only 26% said no, scientists don’t agree on Global Warming.
  • Was President Obama born in the United States? – 64% of Republicans said No. For Democrats on the other hand, only 17% said no, President Obama was not born in the United States.

The conclusion?

Fox so-called-news will be more believable if they change their name and call themselves the Pinocchio Network. But even if they change their name, there will be  those viewers who will continue to watch, unable to decipher the lies and misinformation from the lies and misinformation.

CNN Featured Glenn Beck Terrorism

Did Glenn Beck Just Call for Fareed Zakaria to be Killed?

It all started with Beck’s bogus claims that there are 157 million muslim terrorists. Beck first made the claim in a 2003 book, to which he gained very little press. He then recently repeated the claim and on Sunday, Fareed Zakaria, host of CNN’s GPS took up the Beckster and called his claims “total nonsense.”

“Beck wondered why this wasn’t receiving any media coverage, well, let me suggest one reason. It is total nonsense. A figure made up by Glenn Beck with absolutely no basis in fact.”

Fareed then suggested that by his very actions, Glenn Beck himself could also be considered a terrorist. Basing his question on Beck’s claims, Fareed asked the following question, saying if violent actions against someone’s government could be considered a terrorist act, then “how would one describe a man who has been fueling such anger against the American government on television daily for the last two years? How, in other words, would one describe Glenn Beck?”

Glenn Beck, the golden child of FOX unbiased NEWS network shot back;

“If I said to Fareed Zakaria, ‘Fareed, I’m not going to kill you, but I support the people who do want to kill you,’ am I a problem, Fareed? Yes! Yes, I would be a problem! If you said to somebody, ‘Hey Glenn, I’m not going to kill you myself, but man… I don’t have any problem with anybody who wants to take their bare hands and snap your neck’–excuse me?”

So now we wait… either for the unthinkable actions of  some crazy nut who decides to take Glenn up on his careless suggestive words, or for the authorities like the FCC to finally realize the loose lips of Glenn Beck has once again, for the millionth time, gone too far.

We wait…!

Birthers Birthers CNN Texas United States

Anderson Cooper Shoots Down Another Dumb Birther

Anderson Cooper visited Wolfson Children's Hos...
Image via Wikipedia

Another marvelous example of a reporter/journalist “keeping them honest.”

Anderson Cooper of CNN‘s 360 has done this before, and is doing it again. He has brought another elected official on his show, and given him a chance to explain his position, or sink trying.

On the program, stamped November 30th, Mr. Cooper brought Texas State Representative, Leo Berman to discuss a bill that Mr. Berman said is needed because “we have a president that the American people don’t know whether he was born in Kenya or some other place.”

The conversation immediately goes into the reasons why Mr. Berman, an elected Representative in Texas believes the President is not a citizen of the United States. And like other times when false views are presented on his show, Anderson Cooper brought the facts and totally shows how dumb this Berman character and his birther believes really are.

Other so-called journalists should take a page from Mr. Anderson and his interview skills. News agencies are more concerned these days with ratings, rather than point out when their guest are wrong on basic issues.

Enjoy the smack down below.

Barack Obama North Korea Sarah Palin Sarah Palin United States White House

Sarah Palin Calls North Korea an Ally – Twice!


Kim Jong Il – Sarah Palin’s Ally


Words that should never be used in the same sentence – “North Korea is our ally!”

Everyone knows North Korea is not our ally and would not even harbor that thought in their mind. But Sarah Palin, who went to five different colleges to get one degree and criticizes President Obama for everything from his handling of the September 11th 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, to his handling of the Great Depression of the 1930’s – is under the impression that Kim Jong Il of North Korea is an ally of the United States.

The revelation of our new friends in North Korea was made in a friendly interview on the Glenn Beck Show. Throwing soft ball questions to the presidential hopeful, Glenn asked a question that any 5th grader would be able to answer in a more coherent manner than the presumed 2012 Republican presidential candidate, Sarah Palin. What would she do differently than the president in reference to North Korea’s aggression to the South?

The college hopper, the Republican political goddess answered, and in two separate instances, referred to North Korea as our ally. The first occasion;

 “We’re not having a lot of faith that the White House is going to come out with a strong enough policy to sanction what it is that North Korea is going to do,”

Sanction in this case refers to giving approval. The dictionary’s meaning is: authoritative permission or approval, as for an action.

So to summarize Palin’s first statement, she is asking for the White House to approve the actions of North Korea. Beck didn’t correct her here, so Sarah Palin continued;

 “Obviously, we gotta stand with our North Korean allies.”

Beck, now realizing that his future president is referring to Kim Jong Il as our ally, quickly jumped in and corrected her, telling her that South Korea is our ally, not North.

Calling North Korea our ally once is a mistake. Doing it twice means something is seriously wrong with you.

For now, Republicans are pushing to get the Palin elected president. We will of course worry about our North Korea ally later.


Crime Domestic Policies Featured Republican Senate United States

G.O.P David Vitter Likes Prostitution, But Not Prosecution

Talk about a double-standard! GOP Senator from Louisana, David Vitter was caught in a prostitution ring back in 2007. The prostitute was arrested for her crimes, but Mr. Vitter, who carried the GOP’s banner of  “family values” high for all to see, has yet to answer any questions concerning his role in the sting.

GOP David Vitter

This story must make all the “johns” angry.

We’ve seen so many Dateline episodes where officers acting as prostitutes trap unsuspecting johns for solicitation, where just passing money to a prostitute is all that’s needed for an arrest. In Mr. Vitter’s case, a little more than money was passed.

On the video below, one of the prostitutes spoke of an encounter with The Family Values Guy, and details him coming to the hotel room, taking a shower and 15 minutes later…..well, we all know what happened in that time period.

Why is Vitter still skating below the radea? A crime was committed and one party to the crime was arrested. Last time I checked, prostitution involved at least two people. If the prostitute was arrested and later took her own life, Mr. Vitter should at least be expected to answer some questions on his extra-marital affairs.

Barack Obama Featured Newt Gingrich Republican United States

G.O.P accuses Obama of having a “Six Sense.” He sees Dead People!

This is not a joke. Really, it’s not, and President Obama not only see dead people, he joins them in conversation and even takes orders from them, including what policies to implement in the governing of America.

Barack Obama Sr.

According to the kooks in the Republican party, America is not being run by Barack Obama. The nut-jobs are now trying to convince us that the person truly in charge of all decision-making in this country is Barack Obama’s father, the deceased Obama Sr. Again, this is not a joke. They want us to believe that America is being run now by a ghost!

The article, which is being quoted by right-winged extremist like Newt Gingrich, is a 3393 word rambling diatribe, written by right winged extremist, Dinesh D’Souza. In the article, President Obama is criticized for trying to carry out policies that were once in effect before George Bush took office.

The entire premise of the article – from it’s very first sentence that “Barack Obama is the most anti-business president in a generation,” to its outlandish conclusion that President Obama must be sneaking off into the darkness of the White House with his Ouija board to get governing instructions from his dead father – is all about one thing. The GOP’s battle cry: Tax Cuts for the wealthy.

Ok. Well maybe the words, “Ouija board” weren’t used, but they were definitely implied. To quote from the article;

“Incredibly, the U.S. is being ruled according to the dreams of a Luo tribesman of the 1950s. This philandering, inebriated African socialist, who raged against the world for denying him the realization of his anticolonial ambitions, is now setting the nation’s agenda through the reincarnation of his dreams in his son. The son makes it happen, but he candidly admits he is only living out his father’s dream. The invisible father provides the inspiration, and the son dutifully gets the job done. America today is governed by a ghost.”

The one sided article points to certain passages in Barack Obama’s book – Dreams From my Father, and the laughable effort to make the connection that President Obama takes orders from his father, is made.

The article states;

“his dream is his father’s dream. Notice that his title is not Dreams of My Father but rather Dreams from My Father. Obama isn’t writing about his father’s dreams; he is writing about the dreams he received from his father.”

On and on the article goes, trying to tell Americans that President Obama is channeling his father’s wishes. This channeling evidently, is apparently being done through a secret CIA program set up in the dungeons of the White House with specific orders to communicate with dead people.

So then, what exactly is Obama’s dead father’s wish for America? Well have no fear; the right winged loonies have an answer for that too.

You see, according to the article, the deceased Obama Sr. wanted to distribute wealth in Africa, from the rich to the poor. The article quotes a passage written by Obama Sr. in 1965, where he said, “Is it the African who owns this country (Africa)? If he does, then why should he not control the economic means of growth in this country?”

The quote stated in the article as belonging to Obama Sr. in 1965, was a reference to Africa’s resources being consumed by western countries, and how those resources were making these countries richer, while the citizens of Africa suffered. So according to the author of the article, Dinesh D’Souza, when Obama Sr. asked the question “why should Africans not be in control of their own economic means of grow” in their country, this question demonstrated an anticolonial ideology. And it’s this ideology that’s being channeled and instituted in America by President Barack Obama Jr.

No, this is not a joke! Mr. Dinesh D’Souza goes on, drawing far-reaching conclusions where there aren’t any, then he tries to tie the deceased Obama Sr. with the president by suggesting that eliminating the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy is where President Obama demonstrates his anticolonial ideology. Mr. D’Souza claims;

“If Obama shares his father’s anticolonial crusade, that would explain why he wants people who are already paying close to 50% of their income in overall taxes to pay even more.”

Although there were many, one of the most outlandish claims of this article was that Neil Armstrong too, somehow shared the anticolonial ideology when he landed Apollo 11 on the moon on July 20th, 1969. After taking his first steps on the moon, Mr. Armstrong said, “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

Neil Armstrong “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

That statement according to Dinesh D’Souza, was not a giant leap for mankind, but a win for America, because America and Russia were in a race to land the first man on the moon. So this sharing of the victory with “mankind” was an example of the anticolonial ideology. And furthermore, D’Souza claims Obama’s policies with NASA was his way of agreeing with Neil Armstrong. This, according to Dinesh, was President Obama’s way of taking away America’s victory in reaching the surface of the moon, and sharing it with mankind all over the world.

In a last show of desperation to create a connection or a commune or communication between the father and son, D’Souza quotes a recollection President Obama wrote about when he visited his father’s grave in Kenya. This recollection D’Souza claims, is the “climax of Obama’s narrative.”

In his book, President Obama wrote:

“When my tears were finally spent, I felt a calmness wash over me. I felt the circle finally close. I realized that who I was, what I cared about, was no longer just a matter of intellect or obligation, no longer a construct of words. I saw that my life in America–the black life, the white life, the sense of abandonment I’d felt as a boy, the frustration and hope I’d witnessed in Chicago–all of it was connected with this small piece of earth an ocean away, connected by more than the accident of a name or the color of my skin. The pain that I felt was my father’s pain.”

This is not a joke!

I’m not sure of Mr. D’Souza’s character, but if I’m left to judge him based solely on this article, I will say he is not too deep and has allowed his politics to dictate his reality, or lack thereof. What I can say however, is that basing his ridiculous theory that the deceased Obama Sr. is governing America through his living son is nothing short of ludicrous.

President Barack Obama

It might also be a safe bet to conclude that D’Souza have not suffered the passing of a loved one. Or never went to a grave site and remembered the life that was lost. Shed a tear, or remembered the memories that was shared. Maybe D’Souza never spent time at that grave, feeling a sense of comfort and remembering how things were and how they could have been better.

The views expressed in President Obama’s books showed a man who longed for identity. He felt abandoned by his father and expressed a need to know more about his roots. For the millions who grew up not knowing about their roots, this feeling is very familiar, very understandable.

However, when it comes to President Obama, that familiarity goes out the window and is quickly replaced by conspiracy theories of the right winged kooks. It no longer becomes a son wishing he’d known more about his deceased father and weeping at his grave, no! A son visiting the grave of his father must now be interpreted by the crazies as and labeled unusual, foreign and crushing America’s economy to fulfill his father’s wishes.

So the latest theory now is Obama Sr., an economist who died in 1982 at the age of 46, was an anticolonial enthusiast. He was a man who believed that the citizens of a country should be the ones who benefit from the resources of their country. Somehow, these right-winged nuts are trying to tie this apparent horrendous belief to President Obama, and they are using the expiration of the Bush Tax Cuts to label President Obama as a man who wants to take away the riches of the wealthy and spread that wealth around to the rest of the country’s citizenry.

It should be noted that these tax cuts were scheduled to expire after 10 years, and President Obama wants to put them back to what they were under the leadership of President Bill Clinton.

It is clear to see that Dinesh D’Souza is a certified nut. It is fine to disagree with the president’s policies, but the theories put forth in his article reminds me of a mad scientist locked away in his basement, trying out different mixtures and equations to come up with something sensible. Along the way, there will be mistakes.

This article was not a success, but a huge failure. It’s back to the drawing board for this nutjob.

Featured Glenn Beck Pat Buchanan United States

Glenn Beck’s Link to the White Nationalists Movement

This is your leader. This is who you go to for news. This is someone who works under the banner of “Fair and Balanced.” This is Glenn Beck, a man who sees the need to “favorite” a link from a White Nationalist Website on his twitter account. Yes, it is his twitter account, and he’s definitely within his right to do whatever he chooses with it, but can he really be “fair and balanced” while thinking his race is superior to another?

Glenn Beck

The name of the particular group that got Beck’s attention is “Malevolentfreedom.” Like its name suggests, malevolent means wishing evil or harm to another or others, showing ill will, ill disposed and or malicious.

White Nationalist, as described by Samuel T. Francis is “a movement that rejects equality as an ideal and insists on an enduring core of human nature transmitted by heredity.”

It is the belief, according to Samuel P. Huntington, that any political society that does not adopt the white culture will lead to a people that are intellectually and morally inferior. They look at affirmative action, immigration and ghettoes as bi-products of racial integration, and in reference to immigration, White Nationalists believe that only white non Jewish Europeans should be allowed access to these United States of America.

The implied leader of the Teaparty has favored a link that leads to a website calling for white supremacy. This,according to a post on the Malevolent website;

“I really don’t give a damn about your religious beliefs, nor do I care about your political beliefs, because if you are a white nationalist as you claim, your race should come before anything else. You can call it a religious or political edict ordained from on high if you like, but that’s the plain, simple truth….. You see, to me, my race is everything.  Fighting for it, dying for it if needs be, but most importantly, living for my race is what drives me, compels me, and propels me onward.”

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