Politics United States Westboro Baptist Church

Freedom Of Speech Gives Rights to Hate Church

It’s a case that started in the lower courts which awarded the plaintiff, Albert Snyder, a substantial award for his pain and suffering. Later, the ruling was overturned by the Supreme Court after it decided that the case of Snyder vs. The Westboro Baptiste Church,  did not break any laws.

Mr. Snyder brought the case against the 50 member ‘church’ because, according to the complainant, the members showed up at the funeral of his son Lance Cpl. Mathew A. Snyder, who was killed in the Iraqi war. Snyder accused the church of  “intentionally inflicting emotional stress,” because, as was the case in several other such funerals,  the church showed up with protest signs that read, “God hate fags” and “America is doomed.” The Supreme Court applied the First Amendment as its reasoning behind  siding with the “church.” Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote;

“Speech is powerful. It can stir people to action, move them to tears of both joy and sorrow, and — as it did here — inflict great pain.”

In addition to free speech, Justice Roberts suggests three more reasons why the church was within its rights to protest.

  1. Their protest was within the public’s interest. The Justice suggests that although the signs may have been inappropriate, “the issues they highlight — the political and moral conduct of the United States and its citizens, the fate of our nation, homosexuality in the military and scandals involving the Catholic clergy — are matters of public import.”
  2. The Justice wrote that the relationship between the church and the plaintiff was not one of a private grudge, and
  3. The church had a right to be where they were and were not breaking any state laws to hold the protest.
The Westboro Church is not new to controversies. They also protested at the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards, wife of presidential candidate John Edwards. Mrs. Edwards died of breast cancer in 2010, and had her funeral protested by Westboro group, who carried signs thanking God for her breast cancer. They also protested when congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in her head in January, where six people, including a nine year old girl was killed. Westboro thanked God for sending the gunman.

Although the ruling by the Supreme Court is understandable, it is groups like the Westboro Baptiste church, in my humble opinion, that makes it necessary to add a clause to the Constitution that would exercise some restraint in the use  of  the amendment when it comes to such cases. For example, so-called church groups that protest the funeral  of a soldier who died in the line of duty while defending their democratic right to freedom of speech and peaceful assembly, should not be protected under the first amendment.

Featured God Religion shooting Westboro Baptist Church

Church Says “Thank God For The Shooter” In Arizona

You can’t get much lower than this, no matter how  you try. This statement from a “church” in Kansas gives the word “vile” a new  meaning.

Following the shooting in Tucson, Arizona 10 days ago, where 6 people died including a Federal judge and a 9 year old girl, the Westboro Baptiste Church in Topeka, Kansas placed a flier on its website stating, “THANK GOD FOR THE SHOOTER,” then went on to say that they will “picket their funerals,” referring to the six victims killed by the gunman, Jarad Laughner.

The group, who also picketed the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards, wife of former presidential candidate, John Edwards, did not hold back their hate and extreme disgust for those killed in the shooting. The flier went on to say;

“Your federal judge is dead and your (fag-promoting, baby-killing, proud-sinner) Congresswoman fights for her life. God is avenging Himself on this rebellious house! 

Westboro Baptiste Church (WBC) continued, saying that a federal judge in Baltimore put the church on trial, and that congress “passed three laws against the WBC,” and that this was the  reason for the shooting. It was vengance. The flier states, “God sent the shooter to shoot you! And He’s sitting in Heaven laughing at you!”

When President Obama called for civility in his memorial speech after the shootings, this so-called “church”  turned a deaf ear to the message. They instead chose hate;

“WBC prays for your destruction–more shooters, more dead carcasses piling up, young, old, leader and commoner–all. Your doom is upon you!”

Below is the flier as it appears on their website.

WESTBORO-BAPTIST-CHURCH Church Says "Thank God For The Shooter" In Arizona

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