Birthers Birthers CNN Texas United States

Anderson Cooper Shoots Down Another Dumb Birther

Anderson Cooper visited Wolfson Children's Hos...
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Another marvelous example of a reporter/journalist “keeping them honest.”

Anderson Cooper of CNN‘s 360 has done this before, and is doing it again. He has brought another elected official on his show, and given him a chance to explain his position, or sink trying.

On the program, stamped November 30th, Mr. Cooper brought Texas State Representative, Leo Berman to discuss a bill that Mr. Berman said is needed because “we have a president that the American people don’t know whether he was born in Kenya or some other place.”

The conversation immediately goes into the reasons why Mr. Berman, an elected Representative in Texas believes the President is not a citizen of the United States. And like other times when false views are presented on his show, Anderson Cooper brought the facts and totally shows how dumb this Berman character and his birther believes really are.

Other so-called journalists should take a page from Mr. Anderson and his interview skills. News agencies are more concerned these days with ratings, rather than point out when their guest are wrong on basic issues.

Enjoy the smack down below.

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