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Glenn Beck Tells His Followers, “Shoot Them In The Head!”

At what point must a civilized society stand up and say enough is enough? Or is the argument of freedom of speech enough to allow someone of influence to go on television, or radio, or the internet for that matter, and tell his audience, “you are going to have to shoot them in the head!”

Shouldn’t our intellect dictate a more enlightened response to someone you disagree with, rather than advising your followers to “Shoot them in the head?”  Well, Glenn Beck evidently prefers to resort to the his more primitive side in some matters.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to say that the political atmosphere had nothing to do with the shooting in Arizona, where 6 people were killed and 19 more injured. and where congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in her head.

Yes, it is becoming increasingly difficult indeed…

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