Featured Republican United States

Republicans Now Bringing Back School Segregation

We”ve all heard the cries from Republicans and Teapartiers claiming that they “want their country back!” Have you ever wondered what exactly was meant by the phrase? Well, here’s one way they’re trying to take back their country… Republicans in Minnesota want their school system segregated, and they’re in the final phases of funding a bill that will do just that.

The language in the bill, appears in the “Repealer” section of the bill on page 53, and was discovered by Aaron Klemz at the Cucking Stool. The language itself is a bunch of jargon, you know… political language that the average person may overlook. It says;

(b) Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 124D.86, subdivisions 1, 1a, 2, 4, 5, and 6; and Minnesota Rules, parts 3535.0100; 3535.0110; 3535.0120; 3535.0130; 3535.0140; 3535.0150; 3535.0160; 3535.0170; and 3535.0180, are repealed.

Aaron Klemz looked into this and discovered the following:

It’s well-known that Republicans would target school integration aid, which is the subject of Section 124D.86. But the repeal of the regulations under part 3535 would literally remove “Minnesota’s commitment to the importance of integration in its public schools” from Minnesota regulations. Additionally, it would eliminate regulations requiring collection of data about segregation and requiring action to integrate racially segregated schools.

So what excuse are Republicans running with? Rep. Pat Garofalo (R-Farmington) who chairs the committee drafting the legislation told the City Pages;

“Desegregation is an important goal, but a more important goal is reading, writing, and arithmetic. Candidly, I think it’s somewhat insulting to say that in order for a black child to be learning he needs to be sitting next to a white child.”

The assumption by Garofalo that desegregation in schools benefits a black child because that child is “sitting next to a white child” seems ludicrous to me, and it shows the type of mentality that will foster and entertain the language in this legislation. Desegregation is a necessary step for racial integration in our society.

And this step backwards, or “taking the country back” is also a violation of the Constitution.

When the United States Supreme Court passed its landmark decision on Brown vs The Board of Education in 1954, the court decided that any state law establishing separate public schools for black and white students was unconstitutional, a direct violation of the Equal Protection clause mentioned in the 14th amendment of the Constitution. That clause states;

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

They proclaim their love and commitment to the Constitution of these United States, but commitment is more than just words… it’s deeds!


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Abortion House republicans Planned Parenthood Politics Republican

Scott Brown: Cutting All Funding For Planned Parenthood Goes Too Far

One of the ways Republicans propose to bring the budget under control, is the elimination of all funding for Planned Parenthood… ALL! However, one Republican/Teaparty senator, Scott Brown – representing Massachusetts, thinks this is going too far. After House Republicans voted and approved the cuts, Senator Brown had this to say;

“I support family planning and health services for women. Given our severe budget problems, I don’t believe any area of the budget is completely immune from cuts. However, the proposal to eliminate all funding for family planning goes too far. As we continue with our budget negotiations, I hope we can find a compromise that is reasonable and appropriate.”

Although the Hyde Amendment prohibits all public funding to be used for abortion services, Republicans have long argued that agencies like Planned Parenthood should not receive federal funding because it allows other funds to be made available for abortions. The cuts, if approved in February, would save $300 million. Republicans have promised their supporters and the Teaparty to cut as much as $61 billion from the federal budget.

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Is President Obama’s Military Action In Libya Impeachable?

As Muammar Qadhafi authorized his army and air force to board planes and drop bombs on protesters in his own country, the International community came together and decided that the only way to stop the massacre of innocent people was to create a ‘no-fly zone’ over Libya. President Obama joined European and Arab forces to enforce the no-fly zone, in an effort to ground Qadhafi’s bombers, thus stopping the killing of the Libyan people.

Seemed like the right thing to do at the time. The allied forces came together over the weekend and the ‘no-fly’ resolution they all agreed upon, was put into effect. Here in the United States however, although a new poll by CNN states that over 70%k of Americans are in favor of the resolution, Democrats and Republicans alike are now pondering whether or not President Obama should be impeached for violating the Constitution for declaring war on Libya.

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 of the United States Constitution is often referred to as the War Clause. It grants Congress the exclusive power to declare war, stating; “The Congress shall have Power to declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water”.

This power was given to Congress by the Framers of the Constitution and has certain exclusive authority – in addition to the declaration itself, Congress is also responsible for supplying the necessary funding to keep the war going. But the Constitution also grants exclusive authority to the President as Commander-In-Chief of the military forces, and determining which body should exercise their authority and when, is where the confusion comes in. It’s often referred to as “the zone of concurrent powers”.

In a piece called “Exploring Constitutional Conflicts,” the authors wrote;

In the zone of concurrent powers, the Congress might effectively limit presidential power, but in the absence of express congressional limitations the President is free to act.  Although on paper it might appear that the powers of Congress with respect to war are more dominant, the reality is that Presidential power has been more important–in part due to the modern need for quick responses to foreign threats and in part due to the many-headed nature of Congress.

Presidents have used their authority in this capacity for decades. The most recent, the Iraqi War by President George Bush, was done without initial congressional declaration. Slate documents other times Congressional declaration was not done in major conflicts;

That practice confirms that the president, under his commander-in-chief and other executive powers, has very broad discretion to use U.S. military force in the absence of congressional authorization. Presidents have done this, in military actions large and small, over 100 times, since the beginning of the republic.

The largest and most consequential unauthorized military action is the Korean War launched by President Truman in 1950. Another big conflict without congressional authorization—and, indeed, in the face of an overt congressional vote that declined to provide such authorization—was President Clinton’s Kosovo intervention in 1999.

Some less significant unilateral uses of military force in the past 30 years include Haiti (2004), Bosnia (1995), Haiti (1994), Somalia (1992), Panama (1989), Libya (1986), Lebanon (1982), and Iran (1980). The executive branch has issued public legal opinions explaining the constitutional basis for most of these actions.

Democratic congressman Dennis Kucinich told Raw Story;

“President Obama moved forward without Congress approving. He didn’t have congressional authorization, he has gone against the Constitution, and that’s got to be said.”

But Kucinich didn’t stop there. He then went on to question whether President Obama should be brought up on impeachment charges. In the interview, he told the site, “And I’m raising the question as to whether or not it’s an impeachable offense. It would appear on its face to be an impeachable offense.”

President Obama, in a letter to congress explained his actions;

Dear Mr. Speaker:

At approximately 3:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, on March 19, 2011, at my direction, U.S. military forces commenced operations to assist an international effort authorized by the United Nations (U.N.) Security Council and undertaken with the support of European allies and Arab partners, to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe and address the threat posed to international peace and security by the crisis in Libya. As part of the multilateral response authorized under U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973, U.S. military forces, under the command of Commander, U.S. Africa Command, began a series of strikes against air defense systems and military airfields for the purposes of preparing a no-fly zone. These strikes will be limited in their nature, duration, and scope. Their purpose is to support an international coalition as it takes all necessary measures to enforce the terms of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973. These limited U.S. actions will set the stage for further action by other coalition partners.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 authorized Member States, under Chapter VII of the U.N. Charter, to take all necessary measures to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack in Libya, including the establishment and enforcement of a “no-fly zone” in the airspace of Libya. United States military efforts are discrete and focused on employing unique U.S. military capabilities to set the conditions for our European allies and Arab partners to carry out the measures authorized by the U.N. Security Council Resolution.

And the President states his constitutional authority as Commander In Chief;

The United States has not deployed ground forces into Libya. United States forces are conducting a limited and well-defined mission in support of international efforts to protect civilians and prevent a humanitarian disaster. Accordingly, U.S. forces have targeted the Qadhafi regime’s air defense systems, command and control structures, and other capabilities of Qadhafi’s armed forces used to attack civilians and civilian populated areas. We will seek a rapid, but responsible, transition of operations to coalition, regional, or international organizations that are postured to continue activities as may be necessary to realize the objectives of U.N. Security Council Resolutions 1970 and 1973.

For these purposes, I have directed these actions, which are in the national security and foreign policy interests of the United States, pursuant to my constitutional authority to conduct U.S. foreign relations and as Commander in Chief and Chief Executive.

This is not a new issue. This question has been asked before, and chances are, after President Obama’s tenure is over, it will be asked again. The President, as Commander In Chief is legally and constitutionally within his rights to take the actions that are underway in Libya.

If Dennis Kucinich and his Democratic and Republican congressmen feel that the actions of the President were unconstitutional, the Constitution gives them the authority to cut off funding to the military. And that too, would be legal. How far will they take this?

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Michelle Obama Politics Republican United States

There Must Be Meth Addicts In The Republican Congress…

Bill Maher is considered by many on the right as a far left ideologue. But when you consider the things he says, although said in a humorous way, you have to admit that he’s usually on the money.

Take for example what he said a few days ago about the Republican party and how they govern:

“Governing this country with the Republicans is like rooming with a meth addict. You want to address real-life problems like when the rent is due, and they’re saying, ‘How could you even think of that stuff when there’s police scanner voices coming out of the air conditioning unit?!'”

Again, what he said is funny, but think about it. This economy is  trying to make its way out of what many  consider the second Great Depression. There are over 14 million Americans who’ve lost their jobs over the last 4 years, families are losing their homes at an alarming rate, middle class Americans are still continuing a downward slide into poverty – a slide that began under the Bush Administration, and there’s a war going on… not the one in Libya, but a war against the middle class and their pursuit of the “American Dream.”

But instead of focusing on these issues and coming up with policies that will get the American economy back on its feet, Republicans have focused on things like defunding NPR, taking away union rights from the middle class, eliminating funding for planned parenthood and voting to take away America’s health care reform initiatives. These are the kinds of issues that Republicans are focusing extreme energy on.

Maher says todays Republican’s style of governing is full of  “fantasies.” He went on to say, “fantasies are for sex, not public policy.” Again, funny and true. He spoke about another non-issue that many Republicans love to indulge in, this one involved Michelle Obama, and her efforts to promote  healthier eating habits for America’s youths. Maher gives this example;

“Michelle Obama’s war on desserts. For Christ’s sake, she’s just trying to get you to eat a carrot, not stick it up your ass.”

After laughing, think…

See the video here.


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God Martin Luther King Jr Politics

Who Are We…Really?

The perception of who we are matters greatly in what comes from ourselves. Whether consciously or subconsciously, the woman or man that perceives themselves as ‘great’ carries themselves in a manner which reflects their state of mind. Whether their ‘great’ self perception is agreed upon by others is relative to what comes from the individual, be it the great energy he or she brings to the environment or actual works of accomplishment.

WHO-ARE-WE-REALLY1-240x300 Who Are We...Really?
Who Are We… Really?

Just like our individual selves, our communities, our homes, our nation, our very planet and its condition reflects the world communities perception of who and what we are collectively. Whether by the ‘ACTIVE WILL’ of those bold enough to forge ahead and accomplish (for better or worse), or by the ‘PERMISSIVE WILL’ of those who sit in the back of the bus while others drive the bus…. “any resemblance of circumstances in recent memory is NOT a coincidence”.

From those who control international agendas to the common sheep-oh-uh, I mean person….we ALL have our energy stain and fingerprints on the now bubbling cauldron that is our world. So who are we really? What is our perception of ourselves as a nation? What can we tell about our collective state of mind by what our nations hands have shaped?

As we sit at the precipice of yet another military action, this time on the African nation of Libya, we need to think consciously, “is THIS who I am?” As we watch while our political leaders spend billions of our dollars a month on wars that cost the lives of young soldiers only to enrich the coffers of über wealthy contractors and corporations while schools close and educators become jobless, we need to contemplate with a clear mind, “is THIS who I am?”

Its so easy to change the personal pronoun “I” for the pronoun “they,” but as long as we sit on the back of this bus and just go along for the ride… “WE ARE THEY”.

The honorable Dr. Martin Luther King in his illustrious speech in Montgomery Alabama 1965 said, “The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice”. And I say to you today that WHO WE ARE IN ALL TRUTH IS… we are living, breathing, thinking, functional parts of the whole system of life in all its order and glory. We are one with the universe in mind, body and spirit, and as the universal law of justice inevitably drops its gavel… let us strive to be who WE REALLY ARE in our original universal garments of freedom, justice and equality.

As we saw in the recent tsunami in Japan, when its time for nature to express herself there is no army to stand between us and her. When its time for the harvesting of sown seeds, Sarah Palin’s scripted bumper sticker type punch lines won’t be a sufficient distraction for those in need to continue to tune out reality.

Before we were intoxicated by the modern day ‘Pharos magicians’ dazzling our minds with shiny objects of illusion, an independent thought did not seem so far fetched. Before the new Jordan’s, Brooks brothers suits and sagging jeans, we were clothed in the attire of universal order. Prior to tel-li-vision’s lies, where the tv tells lies to our vision, we actually saw each other. Do we really see each other now… as we are? Who are we … really?

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Benjamin Netanyahu Republican Sarah Palin Tid Bits United States

Sarah Palin Starring as The Joker! – Pic

Maybe this is the only real role Sarah Palin should play, and although I’m not a fan, I will definitely campaign for her to star in the Batman movie… as The Joker! But then again, she might quit that too!

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Politics Republican United States

Ron Paul: Republicans Think They’re Such Great Fiscal Conservatives

Libertarian Ron Paul, who caucuses with the Republicans in Congress, criticized the Republicans push this week to defund NPR – National Public Radio. He said that Republicans would be satisfied with $10 million savings, which would do nothing for the budget, but will allow them to “go home and brag about how they’re such great fiscal conservatives.”

“There’s a serious question of whether [eliminating NPR funding] will even cut one penny, but at least the fiscal conservatives are going to be overwhelmingly in support of slashing NPR, go home and brag about how they’re such great fiscal conservatives.”

“The very most they might save is $10 million. That’s their claim to fame for slashing the budget. At the same time they won’t consider for minute cutting a real significant amount of money.”

Republicans have promised their Teaparty members that they will cut over $60 billion from the budget. They have proposed cuts in areas like nutrition for infants and pregnant women. Economists from both political sides of the aisle have predicted that if these cuts go through, the American people will suffer.

The Washington Post:

Zandi, an architect of the 2009 stimulus package who has advised both political parties, predicts that the GOP package would reduce economic growth by 0.5 percentage points this year, and by 0.2 percentage points in 2012, resulting in 700,000 fewer jobs by the end of next year.

Ron Paul said it best – what these Republicans are doing is just for bragging rights.

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Barack Obama Republican Sarah Palin Sarah Palin United States

Palin Criticizing The President At A Time Of War Is Unpatriotic

We all remember when Republicans and conservatives criticized the patriotism of anyone who talked negatively of the President at a time of war particularly when that president was on foreign soil. Well evidently, someone forgot to tell Sarah Palin.

In her recent campaign trip to… India, Palin couldn’t help but get in some digs directed at  the present administration. Speaking about Obama’s green energy initiatives, Palin referred to it as “social engineering.” She said;

This push for ‘green’ at the expense of ‘conventional, reliable’ sources is not a credible energy policy or economic policy. It’s “Social Engineering” by Central Government Planners. And it leads to nothing but more debt & more job loss. And taxpayers will be stuck subsidizing the failure and paying more for energy.

Palin also accused the government of “manipulating the energy supplies,” and that the President’s desire to explore other means of clean energy instead of depending primarily on oil, was  a ‘ utopian fairytale’;

I warn Americans so often: it’s a ‘false, utopian fairytale’ told that would want you to believe we don’t need to drill for oil today. No, government manipulating energy supplies? Manipulating any aspect of an economy – it leads to more people becoming more dependent upon government to meet needs – it is social engineering, it’s immoral, & it’s a problem we-the-people must be brave enough to take on.

I guess not criticizing a President in a time of war, only applies if the president is a Republican.

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House of Representatives Politics Republican

N.P.R. In Republican’s Crosshairs

In a move that is nothing short of attempting to silence any and all political opposition from wherever it may come, the Republican led House of Representatives passed a bill that will cut funding to NPR – National Public Radio. The vote was held along party lines, with only seven Republicans voting with Democrats to continue funding. It passed, with a vote of 228 – 192.

If the bill becomes law, it would mean that other stations could not buy programming from NPR or any other source using the $22 million they get from the federal government.

Democrats saw the move by Republicans as strictly a political move, and the Republicans way of appeasing the Teaparty. “Why are we wasting valuable floor time on an ideological battle?” said Representative Louise Slaughter of New York.

The bill is not expected to reach the Senate, but if it does, it is not expected to pass. Democrats have a slight 51-47 majority vote in the Senate.

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Anthony Weiner Featured New York United States

The Wrestling Match Between Anthony Weiner, Sean Hannity and Michele Bachmann

You have to hand it to Anthony Weiner, Democratic Representative from New York. He appeared on a FOX show hosted by Sean Hannity and got double teamed by the host and his other guest, Michele Bachmann.

What made this video most enjoyable was seeing the obviously transparent ways the right winged host, who is supposed to practice  “Fair and Balanced” journalism,  attacks Mr. Weiner. Needless to say, Weiner didn’t get to say much, but he eventually realized what was happening and advised the host;

Sean, make it three on one next time. Make it three on one or four on one next time. I’m ready for you.

The “Fair and Balanced” host shot back with a personal attack on his guest, telling Mr. Weiner, “You’re a star, just don’t look in the mirror.” Mr. Weiner replied with a laugh, saying “I love these balanced debates.”

How this  ‘organization’  is  allowed to bear the name “news”  in its title is still beyond my understanding.


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EPA Politics Republican United States Environmental Protection Agency

Republican Attack On The Air Your Breathe

Okay… all those who are tired of breathing semi-decent air, raise your hands. Now if you prefer to be breathing air that is completely polluted, raise your hands. Funny, I’m not seeing any hands being raised, but if Republicans get their way, breathing in pollutants would be the norm.

On Tuesday, a bill drafted by Republicans in the House of Representatives which will strip the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) passed the House Energy and Commerce Committee by a vote of 34-19, with all Republicans supporting the measure, and three Democrats in favor. The bill now moves to the general House floor for a final vote. ClimateBiz Reports;

The House bill, also known as H.R. 910, would repeal the agency’s finding that greenhouse gases are pollutants that endanger public health. The bill introduced last week would also repeal the mandatory reporting of greenhouse gases and restrict the EPA from granting federal waivers for stricter fuel standards for vehicles made in 2017 or after, as it has previously done for California.

“This really is a shocking attack on states’ rights and on public health,” Stanley Young, spokesman for the California Air Resources Board, told the San Francisco Chronicle in a story published Monday. Young estimated H.R. 910 estimated could roll back upcoming cuts in pollution and petroleum consumption by 25 percent nationwide.

Bill co-sponsor Fred Upton (R-Mich.) initially billed the legislation as a job-saver and antidote to rising gas prices, a statement debunked by PolitiFact. Republicans have promised a full House vote before the Easter recess. Though passage seems likely in the House, its fate in the Senate is uncertain.

Of course, this is all in an effort to keep businesses and Corporations unregulated. You see, Republicans believe that the less regulations on a Corporation, the more profit that corporation can puts into the pockets of CEO’s. It’s the EPA’s job  to regulate these Corporations, providing them with an “acceptable” amount of pollutants they’re allowed to emit into the atmosphere. Conflict of interests here.

So, continuing with the Republican’s mantra of businesses and Corporations first, who cares if a few thousands or even a few million people die in the process. Heck, who cares if the entire globe suffocates? Someone, somewhere will be making a bonus if the EPA can’t regulate!

Read the rest of ClimateBiz’s Report here

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Democratic democrats Politics Republican United States White House Wisconsin

When Money Talks…

So is this really the example that Republican Party leaders want to leave for posterity–the New Politics 101?  The idea that future politicians can and will sell their souls to the highest Corporate bidders? And that once in office, they’ll no longer have to concern themselves with their constituents who had seemingly gone through a finely honed democratic process to elect an official who’ll represent them in Congress, only to find out that the entire process was a farce, a smoke screen, a diversion?

And yeah–I hear you, Democrats are no angels either. But there’s no comparing the fourteen Democrats who left the state in order to stonewall against Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s threat to pass a bill that proposed to dismantle the collective bargaining of unions, with the eight Republicans and their governor who trampled on the very Constitution they consistently claimed to honor and protect, by voting on and passing the bill under the farce of cutting the state’s deficit. Comparing the causes behind both groups’ actions shows who the real representatives of the people were; big Corporate payoffs for Republican frontmen vs upholding the constitutional rights of Wisconsinites by Democrats.

No comparison.

Republicans have rallied together to continue the Bush tax cuts for the uber-rich, playing down the fact that an increase in their taxes will reduce the deficit by generating $678 billion, and will be a lot more effective, productive and expedient toward the goal of cutting the deficit, then nickel and dime-ing the working class.

There is an evil agenda at work here, and thats to bring the country down in hopes that Americans, out of frustration and fear, will vote for The GOP in 2012. The thinking is that Americans will forget why they voted the Obama Administration into the White House in the first place. Forget that this all started under a Republican–Bush, and will rush to vote into office the very party that has been covertly–and now out in plain sight–whittling away our rights as valued, productive, thriving citizens of this country.

The middle class and the poor (and don’t be arrogant enough to disassociate with the poor, who most folks in the middle class are just one paycheck away from) are under siege. And if we aren’t careful in 2012, we will vote ourselves right into slavery. And as some of us know, that ain’t a fun place to be.

The companies that have out-sourced all of those U.S. jobs in the service, telecommunications and manufacturing industries to various foreign countries, where their products are manufactured by low income workers, will not make their obscene profits by hiring workers they have to pay, at the very least, a minimum wage.  It’s just not gonna happen folks.

As the 2012 elections approach,  we must remember the lessons we are slowly learning  today.

And Never Forget.

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