
Hillary Clinton Gets Testy In NPR Interview on Gay Marriage

(AP Photo/Richard Drew)

Just lay off the lady already. NPR got the chance to interview the potential 2016 candidate, Hillary Clinton, and things kinda got out of hand. The NPR interviewer pushed and pushed Mrs Clinton to the point where the former Secretary of State had to put her foot down and explain that if her position changed on gay marriage, it wasn’t done for political reasons like was being implied.

“I have to say, I think you are being very persistent, but you are playing with my words and playing with what is such an important issue,” Clinton said.

“I’m just trying to clarify so I can understand …” Gross said.

“No, I don’t think you are trying to clarify,” Clinton snapped back. “I think you’re trying to say I used to be opposed and now I’m in favor and I did it for political reasons, and that’s just flat wrong. So let me just state what I feel like you are implying and repudiate it. I have a strong record, I have a great commitment to this issue, and I am proud of what I’ve done and the progress we’re making.”

The exchange comes the same week that Clinton began her book tour and accompanying media rollout, during which there has already been at least one other rocky moment: When she said that after leaving the White House, she and former President Bill Clinton were “dead broke,” a remark she has since sought to clarify.

A recording of the NPR interview was shared with POLITICO by America Rising, a Republican research group that’s spent the majority of its time focused on Clinton. “Fresh Air” is a favorite program among progressives.

“I did not grow up even imagining gay marriage, and I don’t think you probably did, either,” Clinton said to Gross. “This was an incredibly new and important idea that people on the front lines of the gay rights movement began to talk about and slowly, but surely, convinced others of the rightness of that position. And when I was ready to say what I said, I said it.”

Clinton was lauded at the State Department for focusing on LGBT issues related to agency personnel and also in other countries. But she formally stated her support for gay marriage only after a number of prominent Democrats, such as New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, and even some Republicans, such as Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, had already done so.

Her allies have attributed her timing to the need for her to stay apolitical while at the State Department.

“You know, somebody is always first, Terry,” Clinton said. “Somebody is always out front, and thank goodness they are. But that doesn’t mean that those who join later, in being publicly supportive or even privately accepting that there needs to be change, are any less committed. You could not be having the sweep of marriage equality across our country if nobody changed their mind, and thank goodness so many of us have.”

Politics Republican taxes

Juan Williams – This Republican Party “Looks Like A 1950’s Oldsmobile.”

Remember Juan Williams? He’s the same writer/Fox News contributor who used to work for NPR, but made some remarks about Muslims and lost job there. Fox News immediately jumped on NPR for firing Juan, and that began the Republican push to defund NPR – one of the most trusted news sources in the land.

Well, because of some of Jaun’s views, we usually don’t see eye to eye. But something Mr. Williams wrote on Fox’s website caught my attention. Williams wrote an article about the recent Republican presidential debate, a piece he titled, “Debate Shows GOP Is Out Of Step With Realities Of Today’s America.” For me, that topic was all I needed to read a little further.

The first few paragraphs of Mr. Williams piece summed up the Republican party perfectly. It said;

Last night’s debate put on display a Republican Party that still looks like a 1950s Oldsmobile as they prepare to run against one of the hip, new hybrids coming out the multi-national car companies that now run Detroit.

Despite his troubles, President Obama looks sleek, fast and so very hip as compared the Republicans on view in Iowa. The President remains the mixed-race, son-of-an immigrant, in touch with the under 30 crowd that makes up about half of 2011 America.

It was not just the absence of dynamic people of color and women at the GOP debate that rankle young Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Blacks, working women, and immigrants. The answers coming from the candidates felt like the voice of your grandfather’s GOP.

And on the question of taxes, where all the Republican presidential candidates in the debate said they will not raise taxes no matter what the circumstances, even if it is a 10 to 1 ratio for spending cuts vs. tax hikes, Williams said this;

One of the most astounding parts of the debate for me was when the moderators polled the candidates and asked if they would oppose a deficit reduction package that included government spending cuts to tax increases by a ratio of 10:1. Every single candidate on the stage raised their hand in opposition. No tax increases under any circumstances.

This puts the candidates out of step with the realities of America today, and American public opinion. As a CBS/New York Times poll from last week showed, a majority of Americans – in both political parties – want to see tax increases on the wealthiest Americans in addition to spending cuts. By taking the no-new-taxes-pledge the candidates are even in disagreement with a majority of the Republicans – the very people who will choose the nominee.

Nuff said. You really don’t have to read anymore, that says it all and this reflects the points Mr. Williams laid out throughout the rest of the article. It also summarizes perfectly this Republican party and their intent to “bring America back…” Back to a year they’re more comfortable with, the 1950’s.

If you want to read the rest of Juan Williams’ article, you can find it here.

House of Representatives Politics Republican

Republicans Say Boehner Created 216,000 Jobs In March

The recent employment figures show 216,000 jobs were created in March, allowing the unemployment rate to fall from 8.9% to 8.8%. And according to David Dreier, Republican Chairman of the House Rules Committee, John Boehner is the one responsible for these newly created jobs.

Contain your laughter!!!

Mr. David Dreier praised John Boehner, saying;

Speaker Boehner has consistently been saying not only, “where are the jobs,” and we’re all gratified that the positive signs of getting our fiscal house in order played a big role in creating 216,000 non-farm, payroll jobs last month and brought the unemployment rate from 8.9 down to 8.8%.

So what exactly is Mr. Dreier talking about when he says “getting our fiscal house in order?” Well, to answer that question, we have to look at what House Republicans have concentrated on in the last 2 months since they took control of the House of Representatives.

  1. House Republicans have voted to repeal President Obama’s health care law. According to a report by David M. Cutler, repealing healthcare would “slow job growth by 250,000 to 400,000 annually.” The report also show an increase in medical spending by $125 billion by the end of this decade, and another $2,000 increase in yearly insurance premiums for families.
  2. Republicans in the House have also voted to defund NPR. Exactly how many jobs will this create? Zero. But it will take away $22 million dollars from the organization. Sigh!
  3. Repealing Planned Parenthood…. Jobs created? Another big ZERO, as per The Huffington Post
  4. House Republicans are intent on cutting $61 billion from the budget. This must be where the 216,000 jobs came from! Well, let’s take a look. The Senate hasn’t agreed on this $61 billion cut, so in essence, this budget cut, called H.R 1 is not law. Jobs created? Zero. In fact, many economists agreed, that if the Republican’s budget cuts detailed in H.R. 1 go into effect, hundreds of thousands of jobs will be lost.

And so the confusion continues. If the bills that House Republicans have voted on haven’t created any jobs, then how exactly is Mr. Dreier crediting John Boehner with creating 216,000 of them last month?

Well, Dreier knows he is lying. But its something Republicans have been doing for some time now. It’s called the power of persuasion – you say something often enough, eventually, although it may be a lie, it will be accepted as truth by many.

Michelle Obama Politics Republican United States

There Must Be Meth Addicts In The Republican Congress…

Bill Maher is considered by many on the right as a far left ideologue. But when you consider the things he says, although said in a humorous way, you have to admit that he’s usually on the money.

Take for example what he said a few days ago about the Republican party and how they govern:

“Governing this country with the Republicans is like rooming with a meth addict. You want to address real-life problems like when the rent is due, and they’re saying, ‘How could you even think of that stuff when there’s police scanner voices coming out of the air conditioning unit?!'”

Again, what he said is funny, but think about it. This economy is  trying to make its way out of what many  consider the second Great Depression. There are over 14 million Americans who’ve lost their jobs over the last 4 years, families are losing their homes at an alarming rate, middle class Americans are still continuing a downward slide into poverty – a slide that began under the Bush Administration, and there’s a war going on… not the one in Libya, but a war against the middle class and their pursuit of the “American Dream.”

But instead of focusing on these issues and coming up with policies that will get the American economy back on its feet, Republicans have focused on things like defunding NPR, taking away union rights from the middle class, eliminating funding for planned parenthood and voting to take away America’s health care reform initiatives. These are the kinds of issues that Republicans are focusing extreme energy on.

Maher says todays Republican’s style of governing is full of  “fantasies.” He went on to say, “fantasies are for sex, not public policy.” Again, funny and true. He spoke about another non-issue that many Republicans love to indulge in, this one involved Michelle Obama, and her efforts to promote  healthier eating habits for America’s youths. Maher gives this example;

“Michelle Obama’s war on desserts. For Christ’s sake, she’s just trying to get you to eat a carrot, not stick it up your ass.”

After laughing, think…

See the video here.


Politics Republican United States

Ron Paul: Republicans Think They’re Such Great Fiscal Conservatives

Libertarian Ron Paul, who caucuses with the Republicans in Congress, criticized the Republicans push this week to defund NPR – National Public Radio. He said that Republicans would be satisfied with $10 million savings, which would do nothing for the budget, but will allow them to “go home and brag about how they’re such great fiscal conservatives.”

“There’s a serious question of whether [eliminating NPR funding] will even cut one penny, but at least the fiscal conservatives are going to be overwhelmingly in support of slashing NPR, go home and brag about how they’re such great fiscal conservatives.”

“The very most they might save is $10 million. That’s their claim to fame for slashing the budget. At the same time they won’t consider for minute cutting a real significant amount of money.”

Republicans have promised their Teaparty members that they will cut over $60 billion from the budget. They have proposed cuts in areas like nutrition for infants and pregnant women. Economists from both political sides of the aisle have predicted that if these cuts go through, the American people will suffer.

The Washington Post:

Zandi, an architect of the 2009 stimulus package who has advised both political parties, predicts that the GOP package would reduce economic growth by 0.5 percentage points this year, and by 0.2 percentage points in 2012, resulting in 700,000 fewer jobs by the end of next year.

Ron Paul said it best – what these Republicans are doing is just for bragging rights.

House of Representatives Politics Republican

N.P.R. In Republican’s Crosshairs

In a move that is nothing short of attempting to silence any and all political opposition from wherever it may come, the Republican led House of Representatives passed a bill that will cut funding to NPR – National Public Radio. The vote was held along party lines, with only seven Republicans voting with Democrats to continue funding. It passed, with a vote of 228 – 192.

If the bill becomes law, it would mean that other stations could not buy programming from NPR or any other source using the $22 million they get from the federal government.

Democrats saw the move by Republicans as strictly a political move, and the Republicans way of appeasing the Teaparty. “Why are we wasting valuable floor time on an ideological battle?” said Representative Louise Slaughter of New York.

The bill is not expected to reach the Senate, but if it does, it is not expected to pass. Democrats have a slight 51-47 majority vote in the Senate.

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