Politics Republican taxes

Juan Williams – This Republican Party “Looks Like A 1950’s Oldsmobile.”

Remember Juan Williams? He’s the same writer/Fox News contributor who used to work for NPR, but made some remarks about Muslims and lost job there. Fox News immediately jumped on NPR for firing Juan, and that began the Republican push to defund NPR – one of the most trusted news sources in the land.

Well, because of some of Jaun’s views, we usually don’t see eye to eye. But something Mr. Williams wrote on Fox’s website caught my attention. Williams wrote an article about the recent Republican presidential debate, a piece he titled, “Debate Shows GOP Is Out Of Step With Realities Of Today’s America.” For me, that topic was all I needed to read a little further.

The first few paragraphs of Mr. Williams piece summed up the Republican party perfectly. It said;

Last night’s debate put on display a Republican Party that still looks like a 1950s Oldsmobile as they prepare to run against one of the hip, new hybrids coming out the multi-national car companies that now run Detroit.

Despite his troubles, President Obama looks sleek, fast and so very hip as compared the Republicans on view in Iowa. The President remains the mixed-race, son-of-an immigrant, in touch with the under 30 crowd that makes up about half of 2011 America.

It was not just the absence of dynamic people of color and women at the GOP debate that rankle young Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Blacks, working women, and immigrants. The answers coming from the candidates felt like the voice of your grandfather’s GOP.

And on the question of taxes, where all the Republican presidential candidates in the debate said they will not raise taxes no matter what the circumstances, even if it is a 10 to 1 ratio for spending cuts vs. tax hikes, Williams said this;

One of the most astounding parts of the debate for me was when the moderators polled the candidates and asked if they would oppose a deficit reduction package that included government spending cuts to tax increases by a ratio of 10:1. Every single candidate on the stage raised their hand in opposition. No tax increases under any circumstances.

This puts the candidates out of step with the realities of America today, and American public opinion. As a CBS/New York Times poll from last week showed, a majority of Americans – in both political parties – want to see tax increases on the wealthiest Americans in addition to spending cuts. By taking the no-new-taxes-pledge the candidates are even in disagreement with a majority of the Republicans – the very people who will choose the nominee.

Nuff said. You really don’t have to read anymore, that says it all and this reflects the points Mr. Williams laid out throughout the rest of the article. It also summarizes perfectly this Republican party and their intent to “bring America back…” Back to a year they’re more comfortable with, the 1950’s.

If you want to read the rest of Juan Williams’ article, you can find it here.

Medicare Mitch McConnell paying taxes Politics Republican

Remember When McConnell Said The Rich Should Pay Their Taxes?

It was not that long ago, but when you look at what he said then and compare it with what he’s saying now in Washington, Mitch McConnell’s statement sounds like it came from a different dimension.

The year was 1990, and Mitch McConnell – the present Senate Republican Minority Leader – was in his campaign mode when he made a political ad referring to taxes, saying, ” Unlike some folks around here, I think everyone should pay their fair share, including the rich.” But McConnell didn’t stop there. He went on and took a position on Medicare that, when taken in conjunction with his taxing-the-rich statement, it prompted the Associated Press to say that he sounded like a “populist Democrat.” He called for the protection of Medicaid recipients.

Here is the transcript of Mitch McConnell’s full ad.

I’m sure you’ve been watching this mess in Washington.

I’d like you to know how I feel about it.

I haven’t voted for one of these lousy budget packages for years and I won’t vote for this one.

It would raise taxes on the wrong people.

Unlike some folks around here I think everyone should pay their fair share. Including the rich.

We need to protect our seniors from Medicare cuts too.

I don’t care if the President or Congressional leaders twist my arm. I won’t support any deal that isn’t a fair deal for the working families of Kentucky.

Those were the days when Democrats and Republicans were afraid to make their true motives known, and although they may have felt differently, putting the people first was always  the politically correct thing to do.

Today however, McConnell and his band of Congressional Republicans have made a pledge to Grover Norquist to never raise taxes on the rich, and they are in the midst of instituting some of the biggest spending cuts in our nation’s history. And yes, McConnell now wants to cut Medicare into non-existence.

Iowa Mitt Romney Politics Republican

Romney Is Laughed At In Iowa – Video

Mitt Romney, the leader for the 2012 Republican nomination for president has bought into the Conservative ruling of the Supreme Court that corporations are people. Speaking at an event in Iowa, someone asked Mr. Romney why should Social Security be a part of the deficit reduction plan, since it does not contribute to the debt.

Romney’s answer was that “Corporations are people too my friend.” What does one thing have to do with the other? I don’t know, but Romney seems to think there’s a reason to remind the crowed about the court’s decision.

The crowd is heard laughing at his nonsense!

Mitch McConnell Nancy Pelosi Politics Republican

Polls Show Americans Are Really Disgusted With Congressional Republican

John Boehner brags in all his interviews that he got 98% of what he wanted in the debt ceiling debate, but this new poll by CNN proves that what the Republican House Speaker wanted, was not what Americans want.  The poll was conducted after the debt ceiling debacle in Washington, and it finds that overwhelmingly, Americans really don’t like Congressional Republicans.

A lot of that anger seems directed toward the GOP.  According to the survey, favorable views of the Republican party dropped eight points over the past month, to 33 percent. Fifty-nine percent say they have an unfavorable view of the Republican party, an all-time high dating back to 1992 when the question was first asked.

The poll indicates that views of the Democratic party, by contrast, have remained fairly steady, with 47 percent saying they have a favorable view of the Democrats and an equal amount saying they hold an unfavorable view.

“The Democratic party, which had a favorable rating just a couple of points higher than the GOP in July, now has a 14-point advantage over the Republican party,” adds Holland, CNN’s polling director.

Americans are also disgusted in the Republican leaders themselves. Both John Boehner and Mitch McConnell’s unfavorable numbers have increased, and those supporting the two leaders have dropped since the debt ceiling fight.

House Speaker John Boehner’s favorable rating has dropped 10 points, and his unfavorable rating is up to 40 percent, a new high for him.  On the Senate side, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell isn’t faring much better – his unfavorable rating is 39 percent, a seven-point increase since July.

The poll also shows that Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have maintained the level of favorable and unfavorable support they had before the debt ceiling began.

Politics Republican

Michele Bachmann – All Talk And No Action

Michele Bachmann told a crowd at a political rally in Iowa on Saturday, that she is not a talker, but a doer. This was apparently her response to Tim Pawlenty’s claim that she hasn’t done anything since being elected to congress.

Here are the two sides: Michele Bachmann

 ‘I pledge to you, I’m not a talker. I’m a doer,’ she said, in what seemed to be a response to rival GOP presidential contender Tim Pawlenty’s recent hints that Iowans shouldn’t let themselves be mesmerized by her soaring rhetoric.

Asked what he thought about Bachmann’s candidacy for President: Tim Pawlenty

 “I like Con­gress­woman Bach­mann, I’ve cam­paigned for her, I respect her,” said Paw­lenty on the pro­gram. “But her record of accom­plish­ment in Con­gress is nonex­is­tent. It’s nonex­is­tent. And so we’re not look­ing for folks who, you know, just have speech capa­bil­i­ties, we’re look­ing for peo­ple who can lead a large enter­prise in a pub­lic set­ting and drive it to con­clu­sion. I’ve done that, she hasn’t.”

Here’s the facts: Politico’s Research

Now in her third House term, Bachmann has never had a bill or resolution she’s sponsored signed into law, and she’s never wielded a committee gavel, either at the full or subcommittee level. Bachmann’s amendments and bills have rarely been considered by any committee, even with the House under GOP control. In a chamber that rewards substantive policy work and insider maneuvering, Bachmann has shunned the inside game, choosing to be more of a bomb thrower than a legislator.

My take: – the record is clear, the facts are indisputable. Michele Bachmann is all talk, no action.


Barack Obama MSNBC Pat Buchanan Politics racist Republican

Pat Buchanan Refers To President Obama As “your boy!”

Why is this guy on MSNBC?

Republican Pat Buchanan went on the wrong show tonight and chose the wrong words to describe the President of the United States. Speaking about the debt ceiling deal and whether or not the President would allow tax revenue to go up on the rich, Buchanan said to the Rev. Al Sharpton;

… and let me tell you something, your boy Barack Obama caved in 2010, and he will cave in again and again!

Al Sharpton, who marched and fought in many civil rights battles became livid. “My what?!? My President Barack Obama… what did you say?”

Buchanan, thinking what he just said was funny, continued laughing and repeated what he said, “he’s your boy in the ring!”

“No, he’s nobody’s boy!” Al Sharpton shot back at the laughing Buchanan. Mr. Sharpton then continued to put Buchanan in his place.

Twitter and other social networks immediately began calling for Pat Buchanan’s job, demanding that MSNBC end his contract. This will be a good test for the network. They suspended Keith Olbermann for making a donation. Let’s see if they will make Buchanan apologize for his insensitive and racist remarks.

Watch the unbelievable video below.

Barack Obama Politics Racism Republican

Republican Racism At Its Worst

There have been a lot of racist things said about this President, but one of the most vile and despicable comments made so far, must be attributed to Doug Lamborn, a Republican Representative from Colorado

While discussing the debt ceiling debate on a local radio show, the Republican congressman said this:

“Even if some people say, ‘Well the Republicans should have done this or they should have done that,’ they will hold the President responsible. Now, I don’t even want to have to be associated with him. It’s like touching a tar baby and you get it, you’re stuck, and you’re a part of the problem now and you can’t get away.”

Since his statement made news on the main stream media, the congressman issued a letter to the president, offering his “apology.” A statement on his website said, “Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) today sent a personal letter to President Barack Obama apologizing for using a term  some find insensitive.”

He apologize for using a term “some” find insensitive?

Some history from the Huffington Post.

The term “tar baby,” with origins that stretch back to an 1881 Uncle Remus story from writer Joel Chandler Harris, can be used to imply that a situation is difficult to solve. But in more recent history, the term has developed more derogatory connotations related to describing African-Americans.

I guess where Mr. Lamborn is from, a reference to a black person as “tar baby” is a normal, everyday occurrence. This is what ‘some’ Americans  mean when they say, “I want my country back.” Welcome to Doug Lamborn’s 1811 America.


Barack Obama Democrat Politics Republican

The Deal – Is The Cup Half Empty or Half Full?

I just don’t get what all the fuss is about. I have criticized this president on many occasions, but listening to the backlash from liberal radio and television personalities about the proposed deal, you’d think the world as we know it was coming to an end.

Based on the framework of the deal worked out between Democrats and Republicans, I lean towards agreeing with the President on this one. Yes, Mr. Obama did say that he preferred “a balanced approach” to reducing the debt, and he called for revenue through closing of the tax loopholes that benefit the rich. And although that didn’t happen up front, as far as I can tell, revenues are part of the deal.

Let’s break it down;

The first thing we must acknowledge is, this deal avoids a catastrophe. Although this so-called crisis was totally manufactured by Republicans, the fact remains the same – if America goes into default and is not able to pay on it’s financial obligations, there would be a worldwide negative effect. The potential was there to cause irreparable damage. Ours and many of the world’s economies would have suffered. So yes, avoiding this default is a good thing.

With that said, many would think that avoiding default does not mean we settle for anything, and that too would be correct. But that way of thinking is more about politics than sound reasoning. Democratic pundits on radio and television are harping on one fact; that this deal cuts too much from spending.

Again, this is true, but look at the bigger picture – according to the structure of the deal, about $1 trillion dollars would be cut this year. The agreement was to then put into place a “super congress” whose job will be to propose another $1.5 trillion in cuts to begin in 2013, and phase in over a 10 year period. But that’s not all – this “super congress” will also find revenue through taxes.

Again, from the framework:

 The deal is designed to achieve bal­anced deficit reduc­tion, con­sis­tent with the val­ues the Pres­i­dent artic­u­lated in his April Fis­cal Frame­work. The dis­cre­tionary sav­ings are spread between both domes­tic and defense spend­ing. And the Pres­i­dent will demand that the Com­mit­tee pur­sue a bal­anced deficit reduc­tion pack­age, where any enti­tle­ment reforms are cou­pled with revenue-raising tax reform that asks for the most for­tu­nate Amer­i­cans to sacrifice.

So entitlement reforms would be on the table, but so would raising revenue through taxes. From the framework:

 The Pres­i­dent did not agree to any enti­tle­ment reforms out­side of the con­text of a bipar­ti­san com­mit­tee process where tax reform will be on the table and the Pres­i­dent will insist on shared sac­ri­fice from the most well-off and those with the most inde­fen­si­ble tax breaks.

Okay. Now I’m hearing some of you say that the President could have raised the debt ceiling through the 14th amendment, thus avoiding spending cuts all together. Yes, that could have happened, but keep in mind that Republicans in Congress would impeach this particular President just for being the president if they could. They are looking for every and any chance to signal impeachment.

Also keep in mind that the Supreme Court, which is where this case would end up, consists of a conservative majority. In the middle of a re-election campaign, do you really want Mr. Obama spending his time defending his decision to invoke the 14th amendment?

The overall picture is this: This country has really gotten off the beaten track. Regardless of your political affiliation, you have to admit that our debt and deficit cannot amount to anything good if we continue on the trajectory we’re presently on. Something must change, and we must figure out a way to both, cut spending and increase taxes on the rich. If we sit back and really look at this framework, we must admit that a balance approach is on the table.

And based on all the dissension still going on now, the 14th amendment may still be a last resort. Both Democrats and Republicans in Congress are suggesting that they will not vote for the deal. The deal must pass both the House of Representatives and the Congress, then signed into law by the president before August 2nd.

Democratic Mitch McConnell Politics Republican

McConnell Signals President Will Give Up More For A Deal

We’ll hope not, but hearing McConnell’s statement today, and seeing his jubilant mannerism is telling. The message I gather from his and Boehner’s press conference is that the President and Democratic Congressional members are beginning to give up even more to the Republican minority.

The press conference happened about 3:45PM today, and it featured Boehner and McConnell making a brief statement about their commitment on ‘no compromise’. But when McConnell took the podium, he broke the news that he’d been talking to President Obama “within the past hour.”

Of course, that could be a  good thing, but when McConnell, in the midst of telling reporters how strongly he feels about holding his ground and criticizing the plan the Democrats have brought forward, then says he has spoken to the President and is “optimistic” that a deal is going to happen real soon, it is hard not to think the President is again, going to yield to the minority demands.

Meanwhile, news broke that the President summoned Democratic Senate Leader Harry Reid and Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to the White House for a private meeting.

With 3 days left before a deal is reached, we will find out exactly what McConnell knows about this “deal” that’s making him so happy.

Politics Republican

Tell Eric Cantor To Work For Ordinary Americans – Ad

A progressive group has began targeting certain members of the Republican Party who stand in the way of raising the nation’s debt ceiling.

Below is the ad being run in Eric Cantor’s district. Good stuff!

If Congress doesn’t act by Tuesday, America won’t be able to pay all of its bills,” says the narrator in the ads. “Social Security checks, veterans benefits, military pay –all could be at risk –because Congressman Eric Cantor and congressional Republicans want to protect tax breaks for millionaires, oil companies and corporate jets. So if the check you, or your family, depends on doesn’t arrive –thank Congressman Cantor. Tell Congressman Cantor to stop holding the interests of ordinary Americans hostage.

Donald Trump Donald Trump Politics Republican

Trump To Republicans – Let The Nation Go Into Default

Donald Trump just wont go away quietly. In order to make himself seem relevant still, The Donald had a little advice for the Republicans in Congress trying to negotiate a plan with the President to raise the debt ceiling. What was Mr. Hairpiece’s advice? Don’t compromise, do not make any deals. Let the nation go into default!

Donald Trump is willing to watch America lose its triple A ratings, to allow our economy and possibly the world’s economy to spiral out of control. Why? Because that way, President Obama would not be re-elected. The Donald had this to say on Fox and Friends;

“Frankly the Republicans would be crazy unless they get 100 percent of the deal that they want right now to make any deal. If this happens, for instance if this stuff is going on prior to an election, he can’t get reelected. He possibly can’t get elected anyway … The fact is, unless the Republicans get 100% of what they want, and that may include getting rid of Obamacare, which is a total disaster, then they should not make a deal other than a minor extension which would take you before the election which would ensure Obama doesn’t get elected, which would be a great thing.”

When the show’s host told him of a poll that shows Americans would blame Republicans if the nation defaults, Trump added this little nugget;

“I don’t care about polls! When it comes time to default, they’re not going to remember any of the Republicans’ names. They are going to remember in history books one name, and that’s Obama.”

They just don’t know when to stop the politics and do what’s best for the country.

Barack Obama Politics Republican Steve King

Republicans Suggest Impeaching Obama If Nation Defaults

President Obama has tried just about every conceivable angle, to convince these Republicans that a “balanced approach” is what’s needed to address the nation’s debt. That balanced approach being, spending cuts plus raising revenue. But Republicans have been defiant. They have maintained their original “no compromise” position on allowing some of the loopholes for the wealthy to end, and in effect, kept the stalemate going on how the debt ceiling should be raised.

And now this… Republican Steve King of Iowa, has turned the tables on the President. King is now suggesting that President Obama should be impeached if the nation defaults. Let that marinate!

So Republicans have refused to work with the President and Democrats on any plausible solution towards avoiding a default, but at the same time, they’re now calling for the President’s impeachment if we do?

Picture this:

The ship called The Economy just sank, and Republicans are safely in the only life boat. President Obama is in the water trying to save as many as he can. Both his hands are already full, but there’s still more to be saved. He turns to the Republicans and asks for their help…and they throw him an anvil.

Then from within the safe confines of the life boat, Steve King shouts out, ” and make sure you save everybody… and don’t let that anvil sink!”

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