Osama bin Laden Politics Terrorism

Pentagon Release New Videos of Osama Bin Laden

The Pentagon has released videos seized from the Bin Laden raid last week. In the four videos released, Osama Bin Laden is seen sitting on the floor with a remote control in his hand, watching a small television showing images of himself.

The videos were offered as further proof, that the most wanted man in the world was killed last Sunday by United States Navy Seals.

Osama bin Laden Politics

Besides Getting Osama Bin Laden, What Else Did The President Do This Week?- Video

So you think getting Osama Bin Laden was the only thing on President Obama’s plate this past week? Well you’re wrong. An historic week it was, but what else did the President have to deal with, while getting the most wanted man in the world?

This video explains.

Barack Obama Featured Osama bin Laden Republican Sarah Palin United States

George Bush Not Concerned About Osama Bin Laden – Video

Osama Bin Laden, the mastermind of September 11 and the man who financed the killing of almost 3000 men, women and children on America soil – was hunted by the Bush Administration. But after the first few months of trying to find Bin Laden, George Bush got tired. To hear him say it;

We hadn’t [sic] heard from him in a long time, and the idea of focusing on a person is um, really indicates to me people don’t understand the scope of the mission. Terror is bigger than one person, and ah, he’s just… he’s, he’s, he’s a person that’s been marginalized.

So I don’t know where he is, nor, you know. I just don’t spend much time on it. I’ll be honest with ya.

We hadn’t heard much from him. And ah, I wouldn’t necessary say he’s at the center of any command structure. And again, I don’t know where he is. I ah, I, I, I repeat what I said, I truly am not concerned about him.

And now that Bush is out of office and another president was sworn in, Osama Bin Laden is dead, mainly because we this other president was concerned enough to make Bin Laden’s capture a top priority. That president, according to top figures in the Republican party, is not President Obama, but former President, Mr. George Bush.

Sarah Palin for example, would not even mention President Obama by name, but she made sure to thank Mr. Bush. This report from yahoo news;

A day after Osama bin Laden’s death, Sarah Palin offered measured praise to President Obama for his role in approving the operation to kill the 9/11 mastermind, though she didn’t once mention the Commander-in-Chief by name.

Speaking at a tribute to military veterans in Colorado, the former Alaska governor credited Obama’s “decisive leadership” in the mission–referring to him as “the president.”

But she notably praised former President George W. Bush by name, insisting he had laid the groundwork for the successful operation. “We thank President Bush for having made the right calls to set up this victory,” she said.

The capture and killing of the most wanted man in the world, and Republicans are trying to take credit. If you listen to them, George Bush himself kicked down the door to Bin Laden’s room and pulled the trigger.

Condoleezza Rice Iraq Osama bin Laden United States

Condoleezza Rice Still Drinking Bush Tea – The Interview

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice sat down for an exclusive interview with Lawrence O’ Donnell last night, and continued her defense of the Bush administration and their decisions to invade Iraq. She also credits Mr. Bush for the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden, saying that a lot of the things Bush did, directly lead to Bin Laden’s demise.

When Lawrence pointed out that the decision to go into Iraq was wrong and based on a flawed report, Miss Rice got irritated and threatened to walk out on the interview.

Five months after September 11th 2001, the Bush administration shifted focus from Afghanistan and zeroed in on Iraq. One would think that after this interview, the reasons would be more clear. One would be wrong to think that.

Barack Obama Donald Trump Osama bin Laden Politics White House

President Obama – The Ultimate Poker Player

Leave it up to Keith Olbermann to decipher the White House’s reasoning behind the release of the long form birth certificate. If true, it is a brilliant move on behalf of the President.

I know a lot of you will be thinking, why would you let the Republicans know the reasoning behind the President’s decision? I asked myself the very same question while Keith laid it all out on the table. But then I remembered – these are Republicans, you know, they wouldn’t know the truth if it… well, they wouldn’t know the truth!

Featured Osama bin Laden Politics Racism United States

Ding-Bat Fox Employee Calls President Obama A Murderer

Judge Napolitano of Fox News should be fired, but don’t hold your breath for that to happen, Fox openly demands that their employees make the kind of remarks Napolitano made yesterday. The Fox News ding-bat accused the President of “illigally killing” Osama Bin Laden. All this, because the President is not a Republican, and possibly because he’s black.

The Fox News Napolitano went on the propaganda machine better known as Fox Network, and basically called the president a murderer, saying, “this business of the president deciding to kill people is very dangerous and very unlawful.” He continued;

“Where will it stop. Who will President Obama kill next? Can the president now send the seals to kill colonel Qhadaffi? President Assad? Prime minister Putin? Fidel Castro? Hugo Chavez or Kim Jon Il? Can he kill whomever is an obstacle to his purposes?

Can he kill Bradley Manning or Juliane Assange? Or Khalid Sheikh Mohammed? Could he kill Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or me? Can the president kill anyone who was once a friend but became our enemy?

Although the Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh or “me” question may be a valid one in some circles, Napolitano’s rant, is of course, based purely on capturing some political ground for Republicans lost after Obama gains over the last week. And of course theres the racial element thats always present.

According to his own diatribe, Osama Bin Laden was the most wanted man in the world. He wasn’t wanted because of his pleasant ways and wonderful mannerism at the dinner table, he was wanted because he personally went on a mission to kill as many American citizens as he possibly could. And because of his hate and contempt for Americans, Osama Bin Laden was sought after by multiple administrations including that of Bill Clinton, who the Republicans, including Fox News, blamed for the attacks on September 11th. According to the Republican’s theory, if Bill Clinton had killed Bin Laden when “he had the chance to,” then September 11th, 2001 would not have happen.

George Bush tried to find and kill Bin Laden – a search that lasted about an hour. He sent in troops to drop bombs in known caves in Pakistan and Afghanistan, with the hope of killing Bin Laden. Drone attacks were often used but most of the time resulted in other terrorists being killed. “We want him dead or alive” was the famous Bush line. Judge Napolitano didn’t see the need to question these drone attacks or the other bodies they provided, but he now has issues with President Obama accomplishing what previous administrations couldn’t.

The Fox News employee suggests the only time a President is “legally” allowed to kill someone is, “in self defense, in war on a battlefield or after a verdict by a jury for the death penalty. ” Well it seems to me that two of the three reasons given, were present in the case of Osama Bin Laden.

  1. Bin Laden began the war on America when he recruited and paid for members of his army to board planes to New York and Washington that would kill over three thousand Americans. Ground Zero was a battlefield and America had no choice but to respond.
  2. Self defense –  Self defense is not only when you have word of an eminent attack, but also after you’ve actually been attacked. America was attacked on September 11th, and our retaliation was, and is, in self defense.

And keeping with the mindset of Fox News, Mr. Napolitano lied to his sheeple, telling them that there are no pictures, just Obama’s word. Of course we know this to be a lie. There are pictures and a video of the mission. But even if there were none, how does Napolitano explain the survivors who were present in the mansion with Bin Laden? According to all the news reports and Pakistan officials, Bin Laden’s wife was shot in her leg, there were other dead bodies from the mission and there were children on the compound. If you are to believe Napolitano’s “all we have is Obama’s word,” then you will have to believe that Bin Laden’s wife volunteered to be shot in the leg, and the dead bodies are not really dead. You will have to believe that all the children found at the compound were paid off, probably with candy, to perpetrate afraud.

The whole point here is that Fox News and their sicko employees can’t accept the fact that a Democratic President – wait a minute, Bill Clinton was a Democratic President and they wanted him to kill Bin Laden – strike that… They can’t accept the fact that a black Democratic President accomplished what other administrations tried, and failed to do.

Osama bin Laden Politics

The Killing Of Bin Laden In Pictures

No, the official death pictures of Osama Bin Laden are not out yet, but as soon as they come out, we’ll post them here at EzKool. 🙂 In the meantime, enjoy the photos montage leading up to the daring mission that captured and kill Osama Bin Laden.

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Barack Obama Featured Osama bin Laden Terrorism United States

Fox Employee Says “President Obama Is Dead!”

Yes, we can certainly understand a slip of the tongue, mistaking “Obama” for “Osama,” but not coming from a reporter or someone who is supposed to know the difference, whose job is to know the difference. And not when this reporter put the title of “president” in front of the name.

But then again, we are talking about Fox News.

Right after President Obama delivered the news on Sunday that Osama Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan, the Fox News anchor said that “President Obama is in fact dead.”

Where do they find these people?

Osama bin Laden Politics

For President Obama, It’s A Promise Kept

“If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won’t act, we will.”

That line was given in a speech by President Obama in 2008 while he was campaigning for office as President of The United States. Since becoming president, Mr. Obama has not only lived up to this promise, but has authorized more drone attacks in Pakistan than the previous administration ever had. It’s been reported that these attacks, although Bin Laden was the ultimate target, resulted in other terrorists being killed.

According to a recent report by The Washington Times, “CIA drone attacks in Pakistan killed at least 581 militants last year [2009], according to independent estimates. The number of those militants noteworthy enough to appear on a U.S. list of most-wanted terrorists: two.” The report goes on to question the wisdom of these increased attacks, stating “despite a major escalation in the number of unmanned Predator strikes being carried out under the Obama administration, data from government and independent sources indicate that the number of high-ranking militants being killed as a result has either slipped or barely increased.”

But it will appear now, that the Administration was acting on “actionable intelligence.” And on Sunday, that intelligence paid off;

“Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan,” Mr. Obama said. “A small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability. No Americans were harmed. They took care to avoid civilian casualties. After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body.”

I’ve heard it said that while the rest of the political pundits and talking heads play checkers, the President is actively engaged in a game of chess. Chalk this one up as a checkmate against Osama Bin Laden.

Barack Obama Osama bin Laden Politics Terrorism United States

Is Bin Laden Dead? No Man Is An Island

Now that it’s has been reported that Osama Bin Laden has been killed, we must bear in mind that Bin Laden–the individual– represented ‘an ideology‘ to thousands, possibly millions of people in several nations and in the Afghan region in particular. No man is an island, the man represents the state of mind of the people for which he speaks or acts on behalf of.

Over the years of seeing the televised reports on Al-Qaeda, it was easy to see the enthusiasm of the young people shown around Osama Bin Laden.  The more idealistic among us are saying that “this is an end to all the violence”. I hasten to remind the naive among us that martyrdom is a serious thing and Osama Bin Laden is now a martyr.

To some, Osama Bin Laden is a monster who is responsible for atrocities across the span of several continents. To others Osama Bin Laden is an inspiring figure who stood against imperialism and outsmarted “the beast” for years. For those of us who are peace loving American citizens, let us remember that peace starts at home.

We must continue to impress upon our fellow citizens that people are people, all worthy of the common decency and respect that we would want for ourselves. Our country is truly great…truly great in terms of the constitutional ideas in which we aspire to. BUT!  This country’s hands are not clean, we live in the biggest international war mongering nation in the history of all mankind.

We have long become the ‘military industrial complex’  that President Eisenhower warned we would become, where our war machine has become a disproportionate part of our country’s budget and  an unfortunately a significant part of our existence. Covert operations of deposing leaders of other countries and installing puppet regimes have been a common occurence at our hands.

Let us not forget who armed and trained Osama Bin Ladin… if you dont know, look in the mirror. Let us not forget who installed one time “friend” and later named ‘boogie man’, Manuel Noriega, when it was convenient. Let us not forget Saddam Hussein was armed by billions of  U.S. taxpayers dollars to fight against Iran in the 80’s, Hussein later named ‘boogie man’, was incarcerated and hung when it was convenient.

Let us not forget that we have a long way to go to live up to our country’s great potential. Let us not forget  that no man stands alone. We may have just made 10,000 more Bin Ladins by his reported assassination. His body allegedly was immediately “buried at sea”…sure…whatever.

The minds and emotions of the masses are but a marionette. Believe what you must, but  let us love and enjoy an individual and collective peace, and as we digest these current reports we should do so consciously and with a mindset that recognizes the fact that we are under the universal law of ’cause and effect’. Our actions and indeed our thoughts are creative and for better or for worse they are productive. And let us not forget that we are all connected and that ‘no man is an island’.  For those that have an ear…let him/her hear.

Son of Man

Barack Obama New York Osama bin Laden Politics United States

Americans To Bin Laden – Can You Hear Us Now?

Moments after President Obama declared in a nationally televised speech on Sunday that the mastermind of September 11th, Osama Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan, George Bush give the following statement;

“Earlier this evening, President Obama called to inform me that American forces killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of the al Qaeda network that attacked America on September 11, 2001. I congratulated him and the men and women of our military and intelligence communities who devoted their lives to this mission. They have our everlasting gratitude.

This momentous achievement marks a victory for America, for people who seek peace around the world, and for all those who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001. The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done.”

Mr. Bush, in his capacity as President went to “ground zero,” in New York after the World Trade Center was demolished, and promised America and the world that the responsible parties will be brought to justice. And although it didn’t happen under his administration, Americans of all political affiliation – Democrats, Republicans and Independents – should come together and celebrate the fact that the most wanted man in the world is dead.

Like Bush said back then;

I can hear you, the rest of the world can hear you and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon.

And although it took 10 years, the people who knocked down those buildings can hear us now. I’m sure!

Barack Obama CNN dead Osama bin Laden Politics twitter United States Wall Street

President Obama – We Have Custody Of Osama Bin Laden’s Dead Body

I was just doing my usual Sunday routine, watching CNN, browsing the internet, getting ready for my Monday morning commute when Don Lemons of CNN broke in to say that President Obama will be making a major announcement. A major announcement? On a Sunday?

And so–the speculations began on Twitter. At about 10:40 PM, John King of CNN stated, that according to his sources, the news President Obama was getting ready to broadcast to the world was that Osama bin Laden is dead!

I stared at the television as the words left King’s mouth, and I felt the news, this particular news, should have been given by the President himself. But as the initial shock wore off, a sense of relief came over me…and then the flashback.

On  September 11, 2001, I was working on Wall Street. No, not as a broker, but in another capacity. And I remember the havoc and horror as I stood, with thousands of people, literally three  blocks from The World Trade Center on the corner of Broadway and Pine Street, not sure what was happening, but sure that whatever it was, something major was taking place. We all stood together trying to make sense of the scenes taking place all around us.

Then the second plane hit and we all knew, collectively, that we were under attack. People began leaving the area. Others, like myself, continued to stay and watch. Downtown Manhattan was in chaos. I remembered looking up, way up, and saw what I thought were debris falling down from the WTC. I later realized that what I thought was debris, were in fact people.

And as  news began to circulate that other planes were hijacked we became angry. Then the first tower came down. We ran, knowing that many lives were lost.

Two more towers fell and 3,000 more innocent lives were lost.

And now, 10 years later, President Obama at about 11:35PM, announced that on his command, American troops entered Pakistan and killed Osama Bin Laden, the man responsible for the attacks on America in 2001.

It’s a joyous time here in America and around the world!

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