Abortion CNN Herman Cain Rape Rick Santorum

Herman Cain – The Woman Should Have The Right To Choose Abortions

Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain believes that life begins at conception. He is totally against abortions, no matter how the pregnancy happened. It could be rape or incest, it doesn’t matter. Herman Cain believes that abortion should never, ever be allowed.

Well, except if its his daughter or granddaughter who gets raped, then he believes the decision to get an abortion has to be made by the family and rape victim, and if she decides to get an abortion, well… so be it! That’s her decision.

In an interview with CNN’s Piers Morgan, Cain said, “I believe that life begins at conception. And abortion under no circumstances.” But when Morgan asked if it were his daughter who had gotten raped, Cain changed his no-abortion stance.

So what I’m saying is it ultimately gets down to a choice that family or that mother has to make.

Not me as president, not some politician, not a bureaucrat. It gets down to that family. And whatever they decide, they decide. I shouldn’t have to tell them what decision to make for such a sensitive issue.

Herman Cain just justified the beliefs of pro-choice groups like Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL). But don’t just take my word on it, even Rick Santorum, another Republican candidate for president, who believes that a rape or incest victim must, not should, but must have the child, says;

“Herman Cain said that he believes life begins at conception, but that it’s up to the individual to decide whether or not to terminate that life, and I find it gravely troubling that Herman believes it’s a life, but that he doesn’t consider it a life worth fighting for.”

“You cannot be both personally against abortion while condoning it – you can’t have it both ways. We must defend the defenseless, period!”

CNN Mitt Romney Politics republican debate

Mitt Romney Is A Gangster – Manhandles Rick Perry

There’s no doubt about it. How else would you explain his actions last night, when in the middle of a heated discussion with Rick Perry – where punches were almost thrown – Romney initiated contact with his rival by putting his hand on Perry’s shoulder? That’s a no-no. People have died doing stuff like that. In the middle of an argument, you just don’t touch your opponent.

I know people in Brooklyn who got a good beating just for looking at a rival during an argument.

The issue? Undocumented  immigrants, or as the Republicans like to call them – illegal aliens. Rick Perry and his sinking poll numbers, needed to bring everything he had to the debate. He needed to knock Romney off his pedestal. So what did Perry do? He brought up a story that Rudy Giuliani tried in the last presidential debate. A story about Romney hiring “illegals” to work on his lawn.

Yes, it was a weak attack. When Rudy Giuliani brought it up in the last presidential election, the accusation had more of an effect. People wanted to know what was happening with Romney, the landscaping company he hired and the undocumented workers they sent to cut his lawn. And many people believed Giuliani’s attack caused irreparable damage to Romney, thus contributing to his failed campaign.

But that was 2008 and Romney was ready this time around. As the words began falling from Perry’s mouth, Romney began replying and a shouting match ensued.

“I’m speaking, I’m speaking!” Romney said, as the two yelled back and forth. At this point, Romney did the unthinkable and made contact. “Are you just going to keep talking?” Romney asked Perry, standing  just a couple of feet to his left. “Are you just going to keep talking?”

“Have at it!” Perry replied, obviously upset that Romney had the nerve to touch him.

Romney then dug into Perry again, calling him “testy” because of  his dismal past debates, to which the audience began applauding, signaling their approval of the way Romney manhandled Perry. In my imagination, I could see Romney gesture off stage, then cousin Vinnie appeared heading towards Rick Perry with one goal – to take him out, and I’m not talking a dinner date. But that didn’t happen, at least not in last night’s debate. I cannot guarantee the thought did not cross Romney’s mind though.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, the Gangster was in the house last night, and he is leading the way for the Republican nomination!

Imagine that!

CNN Iowa Politics State of the union

No Worries In Bachmann Camp. Everything Is Under Control *wink wink*

The Michele Bachmann campaign has hit a bump in the road… a rather big bump indeed. A bump so big, that the beleaguered congresswoman may not be able to power her herself over it, and the media is taking note.

Appearing on CNN’s State Of The Union, Bachmann was asked about her disappearing acts in recent polls and debates, and if her campaign for the Republican presidential nomination is coming to an end. The candidate saw things differently, denying that her campaign was in any trouble. If fact, listening to Bachmann, you will be lead to believe her campaign is going according to plan;

“I think we are doing a good job getting our message out on job growth and on turning the economy around. That’s what we’re working on.

We’re not focusing on the day-to-day. Because as you have seen with many of the other candidates, candidates go up, candidates go down and what we’re very concerned about is making sure that the message gets out there, because it is not about any one of us, it is about turning the economy around and creating jobs.”

In must be something in the water. The Latest poll released on Monday and conducted by Washington Post/Bloomberg has Bachmann coming in at fifth place. She received a grand total of 4% of respondents wanting her to win.

But have no fear Teaparty fans, everything is under control. Again, Bachmann on State Of The Union:

“We’re just starting a kick-off today of four days here in New Hampshire and we’ve got a wonderful experience in Iowa and we’ve been in South Carolina, Florida, we’ve worked very hard and we have very strong numbers in those states and we’re looking forward to continuing that.”

And at the end of September, Bachmann appeared at the evangelical Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., and likened herself to the “comeback kid.”

“She’s in a position where delusion is presenting itself as the only opportunity, and it exists only in her mind,” said Chris Ingram, a Republican strategist not working for any of the GOP candidates. “Whenever you’re in the position to start referring to yourself as the comeback kid, that’s an acknowledgement that things aren’t going real well.”

Yes folks, everything is under control!

CNN Herman Cain

Herman Cain Makes Ad Calling Blacks Lazy, Unpatriotic Cheats

The hits just keeps on coming.

Recently, Herman Cain called blacks “brainwashed” because a huge majority vote Democrat. But that wasn’t all Cain said about the black community.

In another ad made in 2006, Herman Cain through his high-profile role at AmericaPAC, allowed what can easily be one of the most vile, despicable political ads ever! An ad, whose only perceivable intent is to put down an entire group of people. Herman Cain (who is black in case you haven’t noticed and referred to as “the face of AmericaPAC”) kept the ad that quotes almost all the stereotypes used to insult the black community.

And in 2012, if he makes it that far, Cain wants your vote.

Barack Obama CNN James Carville Politics White House

James Carville Happy Again With President Obama

James Carville, the often outspoken liberal commentator, is feeling much better about President Obama. Last week, Carville, a CNN political pundit and former lead strategist for the Clinton administration, wrote a piece on CNN saying that it is time President Obama “panic” and called on the President to fire some of his staff.

After much rebuke from other liberal leaning media outlets, Carville suddenly found favor in the President again. Appearing on Good Morning America, he expressed his pleasure in the President’s speech about raising taxes for millionaires, saying “the White House is listening.” He also said, “I think he fired his old negotiating philosophy which was a pretty good start.”

I guess we have Carville to thank for this???

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CNN Health Care Politics

Ron Paul Knew The Man Who Died With No Health Care

The question Wolf Blitzer of CNN asked Republican presidential candidate, Ron Paul seemed hypothetical. But as fate would have it,  Paul knew how real the question was. In 2008 when he ran for president, one of his campaign chairman died at the age of 49, owing $400,000.00 in healthcare cost because he had no insurance when he died.

The question Mr. Blitzer asked Mr. Paul was what should happen to a young man who couldn’t afford health insurance, but finds himself in a hospital needing intensive care. Ron Paul began his answer, “…that’s what freedom is all about: taking your own risks. This whole idea that you have to take care of everybody…” at which point, members of the Teaparty audience began applauding. After Blitzer asked again if “society should just let him die,” members of the audience answered, “yeah!” and “let him die!”

His name was Kent Snyder, and the report was filed by Gawker;

Back in 2008, Kent Snyder — Paul’s former campaign chairman — died of complications from pneumonia. Like the man in Blitzer’s example, the 49-year-old Snyder (pictured) was relatively young and seemingly healthy* when the illness struck. He was also uninsured. When he died on June 26, 2008, two weeks after Paul withdrew his first bid for the presidency, his hospital costs amounted to $400,000. The bill was handed to Snyder’s surviving mother, who was incapable of paying. Friends launched a website to solicit donations.

And Ron Paul has an answer.

According to other answers Paul provided on this issue, he thinks that churches and other charitable organization should pick up the tab for those who cannot afford life saving health care. Although what happened to the Snyder family is unfortunate, maybe Mr. Paul should direct them to some of these churches.

After all, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal, Mr. Kent Snyder was the driving force behind Paul to run for President in 2008. The least Paul could do, would be to provide the names of the churches and charitable organizations that would handle the $400,000.00 hospital bill.

And while he’s at it, there’s another 45,000 Americans who die each year because they cannot afford health care. Why not provide them and their families with this information? Maybe Paul could publish the names of these churches on his website. That will help!

CNN Featured Piers Morgan

Conservatives Slam Christine O Donnell. Call Her A “Buffoon”

So Christine O’Donnell wrote a book. Allow that to digest for a second. Okay, so now that you’re able to contain your laughter, let’s continue.

Christine O’Donnell wrote a book, and in her effort to do some promotion, Miss O’Donnell, the 2010 loosing Republican/Teaparty candidate who became famous for saying, “I am not a witch,” went on CNN’s Piers Morgan Show and later walked off the show in the middle of an interview because Mr. Morgan asked her questions about some statements she once made.

It was natural for Liberals and Progressives to get on Christine for her immature actions, but when Conservatives began getting on her case, then it became obvious that Christine’s antics had opened up a free-fall that we had to get in on.

L. Brent Bozell is the president of  Media Research Center, a conservative media watchdog organization. This is what he had to say about O’Donnell’s behavior;

In short, O’Donnell’s behavior was beyond indefensible. It was downright bizarre.

The questions Piers Morgan put forward may have been trite, even seemingly silly, but given to whom they were being posed, they were not inappropriate. He asked if in her heart O’Donnell has committed lust.

He asked her views on gay marriage. He asked her views on witchcraft and on masturbation. Titillating questions? Sure, but O’Donnell has staked out public opinions on all these fronts and it is those public statements she’s made that invite questions like his. She had to know she’d be asked these things when she accepted the interview invitation. If she didn’t then she’s living in a parallel universe. Moreover, Morgan was neither Chris Matthews rude nor Keith Olbermann offensive. He simply asked the questions.

O’Donnell had no right to reject the questions. Even worse, in declaring them inappropriate she made an ass of herself.

Bozell continued;

 She declared she was there to “talk about the issues I chose to talk about in the book,” and when asked by Morgan, “Do you answer that question in the book?” she answered, “I talk about my religious beliefs, yes. I absolutely do.” But she wouldn’t answer his question about gay marriage, and instead accused him of being rude to her.

Nonsensical is too kind. She is a buffoon.

O’Donnell had no right to walk off the set. But in a sense I’m glad she did — if it means she’ll never come back. Conservatives do themselves no favors by defending this woman and she is doing conservatives no favors by going on national television programs to talk about — God only knows what she’ll talk about, or not talk about, next. Please, Christine O’Donnell, call it a day.

Read the rest of Bozell’s article here.

Barack Obama CNN Politics

Fareed Zakaria Spoke The Truth. Liberals Cry Foul

For whatever reason, this story is big today, with both Liberals and Conservatives joining together and speaking as one voice. I, a self-prescribed liberal, beg to differ with the majority, and I’m taking Fareed Zakaria’s side on this one.

What’s all the fuss about?

On his CNN show, Fareed Zakaria said these words: ” I think liberals need to grow up!” He was referring to the criticism Liberals have hauled on President Obama over the last few weeks, in response to his compromising with Republicans to keep the nation from going into default. Zakaria points out that Liberals seem to think the President’s soaring speeches alone are enough to pass legislation. And also, that because President Obama finds himself compromising with the Republicans, he is to be blamed for the way Washington works.

Both sides of the political spectrum apparently disagree with Fareed. The Conservative Newsbusters said, “Maybe this “recurring liberal fantasy” was fostered by folks like Zakaria that presented Barack Obama to the American people as a messiah. If the public has a Hollywood-like view of this president, it’s because the media put him on a pedestal like nobody before him.”

And the liberal leaning site Crooks And Liars said;

No, Liberals aren’t upset that he doesn’t make more heartwarming speeches. Liberals are upset that Obama’s tactics to negotiate in the conditions Zakaria describes is to start out giving the other side more than 50% of what they want and move further to the right from there. But that’s a much harder position to defend, so Chait and Zakaria create a strawman to make liberals look unreasonable. Further, there is no indication–as Zakaria asserts–that Americans are concerned with jobs AND deficit spending. Americans care about their jobs and the economy vis a vis whether they’ll have a job in the foreseeable future.

And even Mediaite started their piece about the story by saying, “Hey, Fareed, so’s yer face!”

Well, sometimes the truth hurts. No one is expecting a full endorsement to everything this president does, but what these Liberals don’t understand is that the constant beating up on the president when it’s unwarranted serves one purpose only – it legitimizes the daily criticism from the Conservatives, whether they be true or not. President Obama is not a one-man team, and the Constitution did not grant him the authority to make policies. Those powers are given to Congress, and right now, that Congress is divided with one side determined to go against everything the President is for.

So preach on Fareed, someone has to point out to these Liberals that what they’re doing amounts to shooting themselves in the foot.

CNN Politics

Multiple Polls Say – Raise Taxes Before Spending Cuts

Two polls, conducted on the same day showed the same thing – Americans, by a margin of 2 to 1, prefer raising taxes to address the deficit instead of spending cuts alone. The Gallop poll, conducted on 8/10/2011, shows 66% supports raising taxes, while 33% prefers spending cuts, and the CNN poll conducted on the same day mirrors the Gallop results, with 63% for more taxes, and 36% for more spending cuts.

Another poll conducted a day before on 8/9/2011 by another polling agency called McClatchy/Marist, showed the same results. In that poll, 68% of Americans think raising taxes is the way to go, as opposed to the 29% who want more spending cuts.

If you think there’s a pattern here, there is. Over 23 different polls dating back to December 12th, 2010 found the same thing – Americans prefer raising taxes to combat the deficit problem over cutting spending to programs that help people.

See the full table here.


CNN Politics Republican United States washington

Republicans And Their Jim Crow Ways

Former President Bill Clinton just figured out what the Republicans are doing. In a speech to a liberal group at the Campus Progress’s annual conference in Washington on Wednesday, Mr. Clinton broke the news – the Republicans are trying to disenfranchise minority voters.

“I can’t help thinking since we just celebrated the Fourth of July and we’re supposed to be a country dedicated to liberty that one of the most pervasive political movements going on outside Washington today is the disciplined, passionate, determined effort of Republican governors and legislators to keep most of you from voting next time.

“There has never been in my lifetime, since we got rid of the poll tax and all the Jim Crow burdens on voting, the determined effort to limit the franchise that we see today.

“They [Republicans] are trying to make the 2012 electorate look more like the 2010 electorate than the 2008 electorate,” Clinton added, referencing the dip in youth voter turnout in the 2010 elections. “Are you fighting? You should be fighting it.”

Jim Crow laws were enacted in the United States for almost 100 years, from 1876 to 1965. The laws were responsible for what was called, “separate but equal,” – a doctrine that demanded separate facilities be set up for blacks and whites, from restaurants to restrooms to drinking fountains to schools and other public places. Jim Crow laws also implemented stiff fines and fees, designed to keep blacks from voting.

So far, 13 Republican governed states have changed their voter registration laws, including Wisconsin, Ohio, Florida and Texas. And although these Republican governors wouldn’t admit to it, the reasoning for making voting more difficult in these states is to discourage the minority vote.

But Clinton is not the first to call out the Republicans on their Jim Crow-like efforts to keep the minority vote away from the polls. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Democratic Committee Chairman told CNN back in June that Republicans “want to literally drag us all the way back to Jim Crow laws.”

Mrs. Schultz eventually apologize for using the words “Jim Crow,” what she called, ” the wrong analogy to use,” but the fact still remains the same – trying to make voting more difficult for a particular group of people, whether its 1911 or 2011, whether it’s through fines or changing voting laws to disenfranchise this group, the words Jim Crow in my view, are very appropriate.

CNN Politics

Ed Henry Says Goodbye To C.N.N., Joins Fox News

CNN has lost their Chief White House Correspondent. Ed Henry abruptly sent in a letter to the network, advising them that he has “landed a terrific opportunity elsewhere,”  that he was ” absolutely thrilled about”.  Although Ed didn’t say where this opportunity was, Mediaite has confirmed that his new gig will be with Fox News.

Henry will be Fox’s new Chief White House Correspondent.

With all we know about Fox and their obvious need to lie and manufacture stories intended to shed a bad light on the Obama Administration,  one can’t help but wonder if Ed Henry subscribes to the Fox playbook. Or maybe, his decision to move to the Republican network is his way of fighting the obvious bias in the network. We will just have to wait and see how his role at Fox plays out.

Below is Ed Henry’s letter to CNN.

I will never forget that day. But it was just one of many thrilling moments on this beat for CNN, which makes my decision now to leave this network so difficult. It would be easy to say good-bye if I didn’t care about the people or the mission, but I am still a passionate supporter of both.

So after seven years at CNN it is bittersweet for me to say I’ve landed a terrific opportunity elsewhere that I am absolutely thrilled about. But first I just want to say thank you for what has been a wild ride for me, from the beginning of my tenure when I was in the anchor chair when Robert Novak walked off-set — right up until the night a few weeks ago I raced from a Capitals playoff hockey game to the White House to report through the night on the killing of Osama bin Laden. I’m still getting grief for the polo shirt I wore on the North Lawn that night but what can I say, I was trying to Rock the Red.

Before I depart at the end of the week, I want to express my deep appreciation for anchors like Wolf Blitzer, Judy Woodruff (CNN Emeritus), Candy Crowley, John King, Anderson Cooper, Ali Velshi, Kyra Phillips, TJ Holmes, Don Lemon, Robin Meade and so many others who have made me a better journalist.

More importantly, I want to thank the real stars around here — all of the amazing producers and photojournalists here who have made me not just a better journalist, but a better person too.

To some people, our former Washington Bureau Chief David Bohrman is remembered as a tech wiz who rolled out Magic Walls and holograms — not to mention that shelf full of Emmys and Peabodys. I prefer to think he’s best known for making ME his first hire in Washington when I left Roll Call!

David left behind big shoes to fill but the talented Sam Feist will take things to whole new heights. Trust me though when I say the secret to Sam’s success in the days ahead will be the person who runs our newsroom, the classy, hard-working friend I have named Edith Chapin.

But Bohrman might never have hired me if Wolf had decided to sleep in on the campaign trail early in 2004. True story: Wolf found himself exercising in a New Hampshire hotel gym next to Roll Call’s Mort Kondracke. As Wolf tells it, while he was on a treadmill he pressed Mort on whether I was ready to make the jump to TV and next thing you know a long-stalled personnel move at CNN was unstuck and I was hired as the new Congressional correspondent. Thanks to Wolf — and Jim Walton too — for taking a chance on a kid from print. I also owe a big debt of gratitude to the rest of the WolfPack.

King is a reporter’s reporter and it has been an honor to be one of the go-to people for he and Michelle Jaconi, first at State of the Union and then at JKUSA. John may not remember this but back in March 2004 his advice about transitioning from print to TV included this: “Listen to your cameramen. They’ll tell you when you suck.” His point was the photojournalists have seen it all and can tell when a reporter genuinely has new information or is just going through the motions — so check your ego at the door and listen to their feedback.

John could not have been more accurate about the photojournalists’ knowledge — or their willingness to tell you you’re awful! I kid because the banter and friendships with the photojournalists has been awesome, starting with the guys who did my very first live shot, Khalil Abdallah and Martin Dougherty. I love them, and every single other PJ I have worked with throughout the world, including the gone-but-never-forgotten Jerry Thompson.

I found the same kind of selflessness where I started on Capitol Hill. I didn’t win the Dirksen Award on my own — it was because of the hard work of Ted Barrett, Steve Turnham, Deirdre Walsh, Laura Bernardini, Evan Glass, and Craig Broffman.

And the standard of excellence was just as high in the White House unit, where I won the Merriman Smith Award because of great people like Steve Redisch, Tim McCaughan, Stacia Deshishku, Emily Schultze, Becky Brittain, Jamie Crawford, and Julian Styles. A special word about my primary producer Shawna Shepherd — she has been indispensable and invaluable every day of our time together and I adore her. Dan Lothian is a consummate professional and a trusted partner. My only regret about my new opportunity is it does not allow me to spend more time working alongside Brianna Keilar — the future is so bright for her.

Covering two presidential campaigns for CNN was great fun, especially because of remarkable friends throughout the entire political unit, especially Mark Preston. And then there’s Paul Steinhauser, the producer who was talking into my earpiece when Novak walked off. After saying “oh my God” and some other things I can’t repeat, Paul delivered the most terrifying news: “Ed, sorry but you have three more minutes until the next commercial break.” Somehow James Carville and I stalled.

Candy is such a class act, so getting to fill in for her on Sundays has been a highlight, not to mention working with her team led by the truly legendary Tom Bettag.

I have been lucky to work with a terrific group of correspondents in DC but a special mention of Dana Bash. She warned me to think twice about getting into this crazy business over dinner at DC Coast oh so many years ago. And as always her reporting and analysis of the situation were dead-on. And despite me ignoring that warning, she has been a cherished colleague.

Working with Anderson has been unbelievable, especially because of the remarkable Charlie Moore. And while I never thought I would say I enjoyed waking up at 4am, the team at American Morning is stellar. I could never forget the dozens upon dozens of people in Atlanta who have been so great to work with across all of the platforms of and CNN Radio, as well as fabulous colleagues at CNN International, HLN, and CNN Espanol.

But forgive me for being biased when I say the absolute best producer in any bureau is Shirley Henry by a mile. Before I met her, she literally almost lost her life in Iraq doing what CNN does best — reporting on a story with immense global ramifications. I thank God every day he allowed her to survive so I could be lucky enough to eventually meet her and then convince her to be my own “executive producer” — the most loving wife and stepmother a man could ever have.

Last but not least — or perhaps least is the word I am searching for — there’s my pal Ali Velshi. There are no two guys I’d rather be covering a big story with — or heading to Atlantic City with — than Ali and our mutual friend Darius Walker.

Ali and I have had so much fun with “The Stakeout” segment — kudos to his executive producer Kelly Frank for that idea — I have been thinking maybe the Bromance is what I will miss more than anything. But I thought it over and realized — no offense to Ali — the truth is that it is really just one of many friendships here I will quite simply cherish forever. Kindest personal regards, Ed

Barack Obama CNN Mitt Romney Politics Republican Party (United States)

Tim Pawlenty Is No Punk, Just Don’t Tell Romney!

Tim Pawlenty showed his punkass side again. Last Sunday, Pawlenty went on Fox News and criticized his fellow Republican Mitt Romney and the health care bill Romney approved in Massachusetts. Funny thing is, when Pawlenty was given the opportunity to confront Romney at the CNN debate one day later, he punked out and showed the nation that he has no backbone.

Well that was then and this is now. Realizing that he crumbled while Romney was on stage with him, Pawlenty is trying to regain the ‘tough-guy’ front he never really had. So today, in the comforting confine of his own living room, and in front of his big bad computer, little Timmy went online and became ballsy tweeting to all who cared to listen, that he is once again willing to take on Romney.

After looking around the room and making sure Romney wasn’t there, Pawlenty took to twitter and tweeted the following;

But on CNN, and with Mitt Romney standing just a few feet away from him, Little Timmy emerged and the tough-guy persona he exhibited on Fox was gone.
Video below;

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