BLM Politics Racism racist

Clarence Thomas Laments – “Liberals” Were Mean To Me, Not Southern Racists

When you’re a Supreme Court Justice, racism is not something you generally deal with and it is usually not directed to you. So when Justice Clarence Thomas spoke to a group on Tuesday, telling them that racism is more prevalent now than when he was a youngster growing up in a segregated south, you have to not only consider the message, but also the messenger.

The message, that an atmosphere where the KKK ruled, where blacks were never considered equal but subservient to whites, an atmosphere where regular lynchings, bombings, beatings and killings of men, women and children took place because of race, and where a justice and political system neglected to serve these people because of their skin color; to say that atmosphere was preferable to Justice Clarence is in itself bogus and utterly unbelievable.

Here is some of the nonsense the Supreme Court Justice said at the event in Palm Beach Atlantic University in West Palm Beach Florida.

“My sadness is that we are probably today more race and difference-conscious than I was in the 1960s when I went to school. To my knowledge, I was the first black kid in Savannah, Georgia, to go to a white school. Rarely did the issue of race come up. Now, name a day it doesn’t come up. Differences in race, differences in sex, somebody doesn’t look at you right, somebody says something. Everybody is sensitive. If I had been as sensitive as that in the 1960s, I’d still be in Savannah. Every person in this room has endured a slight. Every person. Somebody has said something that has hurt their feelings or did something to them — left them out.

That’s a part of the deal.

But this is how and where you can tell that Clarence Thomas is full of sh… the waste matter that discharge from the body. The conservative Republican activist Supreme Court Judge blamed, get this, Liberals for today’s “race and difference” conscienceness, even saying that northern liberals treated his “the absolute worst” he’s ever been treated! Ever!

“The worst I have been treated was by northern liberal elites. The absolute worst I have ever been treated. The worst things that have been done to me, the worst things that have been said about me, by northern liberal elites, not by the people of Savannah, Georgia.”

Consider yourself lucky Mr. Thomas. You survived the apparent love, friendship and caring you received from a hateful segregated south that obviously saw your true potentials and decided to protect and nurture you. But there were many more who suffered, many more who hung from trees, were beaten, were forced to sit at the back of buses and thrown in jails if they even thought about sitting up front. There were many more, some who went to church as little girls and never saw the light of day again because those loving folks who were so great to you, bombed the building.

Many sacrifice their lives in those dark days Mr. Thomas. Days that you apparently thought were filled with peaches and creme. And maybe you should instead thank them for their sacrifice. Chances are, those sacrifices paved the road you traveled, a road that led you all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States.


Somebody tell the GOP, “We Be Free!” – 12 Years A Slave: Chitwetel Ejiofor, Brad Pitt


12 Years a Slave starring Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Fassbender, Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Dano, Paul Giamatti, Lupita Nyong’o, SarahPaulson, Brad Pitt, and Alfre Woodard. In theaters Friday, October 18th.

“As a black person, I can honestly say I am exhausted and bored with these kinds of ‘dramatic race’ films. I’m convinced these black race films are created for a white, liberal film audience to engender white guilt…” — Orville Lloyd Douglas of TheGuardian

Based on a true story of one man’s fight for survival and freedom. In the pre-Civil War United States, Solomon Northup (Chiwetel Ejiofor), a free black man from upstate New York, is abducted and sold into slavery.

Facing cruelty as well as unexpected kindnesses, Solomon struggles not only to stay alive, but to retain his dignity. In the twelfth year of his unforgettable odyssey, Solomon’s chance meeting with a Canadian abolitionist alters his life forever.


But, Black journalist, Orville Lloyd Douglas of TheGuardian says he’s not too interested in catching this kind of film;

“As a black person, I can honestly say I am exhausted and bored with these kinds of ‘dramatic race’ films. I’m convinced these black race films are created for a white, liberal film audience to engender white guilt and make them feel bad about themselves. Regardless of your race, these films are unlikely to teach you anything you don’t already know. Frankly, why can’t black people get over slavery? Or, at least, why doesn’t anyone want to see more contemporary portrayals of black lives? ”

I can understand his point. No doubt that movies like this may elicit feelings of guilt in white people. I have white friends who ask me, “Why can’t black people just get over slavery? That was hundreds of years ago!”. And I can feel that they truly want to get past the ugly, shamefulness of people who looked like them relegating people who looked like me, a dear friend, to chattel. But it did happen.

And it happened in a place not far away but right here, in this place and space that we’re in right now. Four generations is not that long ago when you break it down from great-great grandparents to grandparents.

The African – American story is as important and as relevant a story as any other race’s in this country. Instead of guilt, try just respecting that heritage. And while were at it, respect the Native – American, Asian – American, Latino – American and every other dash American whose stories get minimized and trivialized when the history of the United States is told.

No one is naive enough to think that any hardcore racists will find their way into theatres to watch this movie. But maybe such ‘dramatic race films’ will cause people, black and white, who are ‘liberal’ mainly at face value — you know, the ones who think that blacks should just “get over that slavery stuff” — to utilize films like ’12 Years’ as an excercise to examine of the various ways in which racism is entrenched in this country, and understand how it draws parallels with how things are right now. Particularly over the last 5 years, as many Americans continue to have a difficult time ‘adjusting’ to the idea of an African-American as POTUS.

But that of course is your prerogative. No guilt, no pressure.

democrats Politics

What We Know: The Calm After the Election

Oh, that 20/20 hindsight. Now that the election’s over, didn’t we just know it was going to end the way it did? Wasn’t it painfully obvious that President Obama was going to be reelected and win every swing state by recount-resistant margins? Elizabeth Warren? Claire McCaskill? Heidi Heitkamp? Marriage equality?

Of course not. That’s the fun of a campaign. But the polls were right and the right was very wrong. And the sweetness of the Democrats’ victories will stay with progressives until the reality of the fiscal cliff descends on the country.

What did we learn from this election? So many lessons.

Obama’s Osawatomie speech in December, 2011 set the tone for his campaign. He staked himself out as a true Progressive and claimed the middle class for his own. Romney, meanwhile, was becoming “seriously conservative” while trying to outflank those political dynamos in the GOP nomination field.

Defining your opponent before they define themselves is an essential component of a victory. Obama was able to define Romney as a job-busting, China-outsourcing plutocrat while Mitt was still aglow from his primary victories. The lead that Obama built in the summer polls became a crucial buffer for him come the fall.

The Citizen’s United decision was a bad one, but it didn’t alter the race in ways that Democrats feared. As a matter of fact, the two parties raised about the same amount of money, but the Obama campaign was more frugal and strategic about how they spent it. Campaign finance laws still need to be amended and adjusted because the effect of all the money was just as corrupting and polluting as ever, but the spending gap never materialized.

Conventions still matter. The Democrats had a terrific convention that highlighted the right message and leveraged the speaking talent that resides in the party. It also helps to have a former President at your disposal who is far more popular now that he was when he left office. The Republicans, by contrast, had a terrible convention that didn’t highlight the candidate and was remembered more for an empty chair and Paul Ryan’s untruths than full-throated rhetoric.

Debates still matter. There was considerable chatter before the debates about how they don’t move the polls much. President Obama’s Denver performance proved that wrong as Mitt Romney got a nice bump out of the first debate, simply for showing up and being coherent. The great fallacy about the bump, though, was that it morphed into momentum. It did not. Romney’s bounce lasted approximately 3 days, then settled down with him still behind the president in both national and swing state level polls. The lead that Obama built with his summer advertising held even though Romney showed that he wasn’t quite the monster the Obama campaign asserted he was.

Debates still matter. Obama’s performance in the second and third debates not only stopped any movement to Romney, but actually provided the president with a bounce of his own. Obama won both debates, and he exposed Romney for having few ideas, few details and a woefully inadequate grasp of foreign policy. Romney also lost his cool, which had to turn off some voters who were giving him a second look.

Unscripted comments can derail a campaign. Romney’s 47% comment and the unconscionably disgraceful Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock are all you need to know.

The polls were right. I’ll repeat that. The polls were right. In fact, if you looked at the polls in July, you would see that it would take a mammoth effort by the Romney campaign just to make up the margin to achieve a tied race. Even Mitt’s debate bounce only brought him within one percent of the president in the poll aggregator’s computations. The right wing math deniers even came up with anti-math to show that Romney was going to win 315+ electoral votes. Meanwhile, real math people at fivethirtyeight, Pollster, Votamatic, Princeton Election Consortium, PPP, IBD and yours truly were analyzing and conducting polls that reflected exactly where the race was going, who would win, and by how much. Rasmussen and Gallup took the biggest lumps and will have two years to repair their reputations.

The campaign of ideas, promised by the right when Romney selected Paul Ryan to be his running mate, didn’t materialize. There was some initial talk about Medicare and the Ryan budget, but when both proposals turned out to be unpopular they disappeared from the discussion on a national level. In the same way, Barack Obama did not run a high-minded campaign of ideas as much as undertaking a slog that dragged Romney through the mud and segmented the country into gender, ethnic and racial groups. Obama won those groups. By a lot. That was the difference.

There was/is a gender gap. And a Latino gap. And an African-American gap. And all three went in Obama’s favor. Romney was left with a declining demographic of older white men and younger people without college degrees. If you wanted to chart the fall of a political party, like the Federalists or the Whigs, you couldn’t start with a more disastrous demographic time bomb. The Republican Party had better reorient itself quickly, though I doubt they can do it in time for 2016. In fact, some of the talk today is that Romney was not conservative enough to win. Evidently the GOP only wants to win 140 electoral votes next time around.

There are more lessons, but they are subjects for another day. It’s time to celebrate the victories and look forward to the next four years.

For more, go to and on Twitter @rigrundfest

Featured shooting

Conservative Preacher Says “Liberals To Blame for Aurora Shooting”

This is apparently how you win over souls for Christ. You go on your network and without any logical explanation, you condemn an entire group of people.

This is nothing new for Fischer. Why is he even considered a “Preacher” is beyond me. With Religious leaders like this, it’s only natural for the right-winged to be so misguided.

This one will be filed under Insanity!


Teapartier Andrew Breitbart To Liberals – Bring It On, We Have Guns

Last year when the so-called grassroots Teaparty started, multiple videos of them making threats against Liberals and Democrats began popping up online. The Teaparty however, tried unsuccessfully to maintain their civility towards the other side of the Political aisle, but the videos kept coming.

Well that was then. Today, The Teaparty is not even concerned about appearing violent. They openly praise Texas governor Rick Perry when he bragged about executing the most people in our nation’s history, and they applauded and called for the death of a person who has no health care insurance, but need extensive medical care.

And then this. Andrew Breitbart, a favorite Teaparty conservative media personality, addressed a Teaparty crowd and shared his innermost feelings towards Liberals and unions. Breitbart is heard saying, “we outnumber them in this country, and we have the guns.” After the audience began laughing, Breitbart exclaimed, “I’m not kidding!”

CNN Featured Piers Morgan

Conservatives Slam Christine O Donnell. Call Her A “Buffoon”

So Christine O’Donnell wrote a book. Allow that to digest for a second. Okay, so now that you’re able to contain your laughter, let’s continue.

Christine O’Donnell wrote a book, and in her effort to do some promotion, Miss O’Donnell, the 2010 loosing Republican/Teaparty candidate who became famous for saying, “I am not a witch,” went on CNN’s Piers Morgan Show and later walked off the show in the middle of an interview because Mr. Morgan asked her questions about some statements she once made.

It was natural for Liberals and Progressives to get on Christine for her immature actions, but when Conservatives began getting on her case, then it became obvious that Christine’s antics had opened up a free-fall that we had to get in on.

L. Brent Bozell is the president of  Media Research Center, a conservative media watchdog organization. This is what he had to say about O’Donnell’s behavior;

In short, O’Donnell’s behavior was beyond indefensible. It was downright bizarre.

The questions Piers Morgan put forward may have been trite, even seemingly silly, but given to whom they were being posed, they were not inappropriate. He asked if in her heart O’Donnell has committed lust.

He asked her views on gay marriage. He asked her views on witchcraft and on masturbation. Titillating questions? Sure, but O’Donnell has staked out public opinions on all these fronts and it is those public statements she’s made that invite questions like his. She had to know she’d be asked these things when she accepted the interview invitation. If she didn’t then she’s living in a parallel universe. Moreover, Morgan was neither Chris Matthews rude nor Keith Olbermann offensive. He simply asked the questions.

O’Donnell had no right to reject the questions. Even worse, in declaring them inappropriate she made an ass of herself.

Bozell continued;

 She declared she was there to “talk about the issues I chose to talk about in the book,” and when asked by Morgan, “Do you answer that question in the book?” she answered, “I talk about my religious beliefs, yes. I absolutely do.” But she wouldn’t answer his question about gay marriage, and instead accused him of being rude to her.

Nonsensical is too kind. She is a buffoon.

O’Donnell had no right to walk off the set. But in a sense I’m glad she did — if it means she’ll never come back. Conservatives do themselves no favors by defending this woman and she is doing conservatives no favors by going on national television programs to talk about — God only knows what she’ll talk about, or not talk about, next. Please, Christine O’Donnell, call it a day.

Read the rest of Bozell’s article here.

Barack Obama CNN Politics

Fareed Zakaria Spoke The Truth. Liberals Cry Foul

For whatever reason, this story is big today, with both Liberals and Conservatives joining together and speaking as one voice. I, a self-prescribed liberal, beg to differ with the majority, and I’m taking Fareed Zakaria’s side on this one.

What’s all the fuss about?

On his CNN show, Fareed Zakaria said these words: ” I think liberals need to grow up!” He was referring to the criticism Liberals have hauled on President Obama over the last few weeks, in response to his compromising with Republicans to keep the nation from going into default. Zakaria points out that Liberals seem to think the President’s soaring speeches alone are enough to pass legislation. And also, that because President Obama finds himself compromising with the Republicans, he is to be blamed for the way Washington works.

Both sides of the political spectrum apparently disagree with Fareed. The Conservative Newsbusters said, “Maybe this “recurring liberal fantasy” was fostered by folks like Zakaria that presented Barack Obama to the American people as a messiah. If the public has a Hollywood-like view of this president, it’s because the media put him on a pedestal like nobody before him.”

And the liberal leaning site Crooks And Liars said;

No, Liberals aren’t upset that he doesn’t make more heartwarming speeches. Liberals are upset that Obama’s tactics to negotiate in the conditions Zakaria describes is to start out giving the other side more than 50% of what they want and move further to the right from there. But that’s a much harder position to defend, so Chait and Zakaria create a strawman to make liberals look unreasonable. Further, there is no indication–as Zakaria asserts–that Americans are concerned with jobs AND deficit spending. Americans care about their jobs and the economy vis a vis whether they’ll have a job in the foreseeable future.

And even Mediaite started their piece about the story by saying, “Hey, Fareed, so’s yer face!”

Well, sometimes the truth hurts. No one is expecting a full endorsement to everything this president does, but what these Liberals don’t understand is that the constant beating up on the president when it’s unwarranted serves one purpose only – it legitimizes the daily criticism from the Conservatives, whether they be true or not. President Obama is not a one-man team, and the Constitution did not grant him the authority to make policies. Those powers are given to Congress, and right now, that Congress is divided with one side determined to go against everything the President is for.

So preach on Fareed, someone has to point out to these Liberals that what they’re doing amounts to shooting themselves in the foot.

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