Politics Republican

The Nerve. Allen West Thinks This Is Reprehensible?

Allen West, the only Republican member of the Congressional Black Caucus, thinks something a fellow caucus member said was “very reprehensible.”

West appeared on Fox News and spoke about a comment Democratic Representative André Carson made about the Teaparty. Carson previously said that some Teaparty members of Congress “would love to see us as second-class citizens” and would love to see blacks “hanging on a tree.”

Asked for his response to Carson, Allen West had this to say;

“When you start using words such as lynching, that’s a very reprehensible word and I think we should move away from using that type of language.”

Yes, lynching used in any form is reprehensible. But Allen West, acting as the water boy for morality is simply laughable. West was the same Republican moral figure who entered the crazy zone and threatened a female member of congress, telling her “you want a per­sonal fight, I am happy to oblige.”

But West didn’t stop there with his attacks on Debbie Wasserman-Schultz . He went on to say, “you are the most vile, unpro­fes­sional ‚and despi­ca­ble mem­ber of the US House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives. If you have some­thing to say to me, stop being a cow­ard and say it to my face, oth­er­wise, shut the heck up.”

Reprehensible, indeed Mr West. You and the things you say are reprehensible!


Boehner Listens To His Leader – Rush Limbaugh

The American people need jobs and they need them now. So there is literally no better  day to present a massive jobs proposal than on the first day Congress returns from their August vacation. President Obama requested a joint session of Congress to present his plan to create jobs, but Republicans have already decided to play politics with this issue… again!

The day the President is requesting is September 7th, the first day congress returns to work. But September 7th is also the day the Republican presidential misfits come together onstage and hold another debate. The President’s choice to use the first day congress comes back to announce his plan to get Americans working again, pissed off the leader of the Republican party, and he made his disgust known. No, we’re not talking about John Boehner, we’re talking about the conservative radio personality, Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh went on his radio show today, and demanded that Boehner deny the President the opportunity to make a joint address to present his jobs plan. Limbaugh, gasping for breath as he yelled into the microphone, said;

“Why should the Republicans grant the president a joint session of Congress to make a political campaign speech on any date? Why should the Republicans handcuff themselves that way?”

“Speaker Boehner must say no to this request. He can say no to this. It is up to the Speaker of House. The president just can’t say ‘I’m showing up. Put everybody in the audience, I’m coming over to make a speech.’ Boehner can say no to this. He should say no,”

So what’s a Boehner to do when his leader is demanding he stop his President from announcing his jobs plan? Like a good follower, Boehner did what was expected and wrote the President suggesting that the CIA will not be able to effectively do their job in sweeping the Chamber for security threats, and he asked the President to use September 8th instead. Boehner wrote;

“As the Majority Leader announced more than a month ago, the House will not be in session until Wednesday, Sept. 7, with votes at 6:30 that evening. With the significant amount of time, typically more than three hours, that is required to allow for a security sweep of the House Chamber before receiving a President, it is my recommendation that your address be held on the following evening, when we can ensure there will be no parliamentary or logistical impediments that might detract from your remarks.”

We all know that the President’s safety is not a concern for Boehner or his Republican friends. We also know that politics is at play here. If September 7th wasn’t a Republican debate, then this would not be an issue for Rush Limbaugh, and he wouldn’t have any reason to command Boehner to deny the President.

And just for the record, this would be the first time in our history that a President gets denied an opportunity to present a joint address.

Abortion Politics Texas

Federal Judge Strikes Down Parts of Rick Perry’s Abortion Law

A key provision of Rick Perry’s abortion law in Texas got struck down by a federal judge on Tuesday. The law – which would have required a sonogram of the fetus to be done, then an explanation of the results to a woman seeking the abortion – will go into effect on Thursday.

According to U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks, the sonogram provision of the law could still proceed, but requiring the doctor to give a description of the sonogram “compels physicians to advance an ideological agenda with which they may not agree, regardless of any medical necessity and irrespective of whether the pregnant women wish to listen.”

Sparks wrote;

“(It) is difficult to avoid the troubling conclusion the Texas Legislature either wants to permanently brand women who choose to get abortions, or views these certifications as potential evidence to be used against physicians and women,”

Rick Perry, who made this issue a primary part of his 2011 platform, basically proved the Judge’s point that Republicans are expecting doctors to push their ideological agenda when he said in a statement, “every life lost to abortion is a tragedy and today’s ruling is a great disappointment to all Texans who stand in defense of life.”

The New York-based Center for Reproductive Rights sued to get this policy blocked, and expressed their approval with the ruling, calling it a “huge victory for women in Texas and a clear signal to the state Legislature that it went too far when it passed this law.”

Perry and his Republican legislatures already said they will appeal the ruling.


Sean Hannity Thinks President Obama Is Not “That Smart”

So Called, FOX "News" Sean Hannity

An enraged Sean Hannity reacted to a controversial Politico article about Rick Perry’s intelligence by questioning President Obama’s intelligence for almost eight minutes.

The Politico piece had a blunt title: “Is Rick Perry Dumb?” Writer Jonathan Martin spent nearly 1,800 words pondering the question, essentially concluding that, while Perry is not an “ideas man,” he has a sharp and potent political mind and should not be underestimated. Hannity was incensed, though, seeing a clear case of liberal media bias.

“The question of intelligence is one the mainstream media never bothered to ask about President Obama,” he said. He then brought on Tucker Carlson and Democratic cable news mainstay Steve McMahon on to discuss just that.

Eventually, Hannity stated “Every liberal’s a genius that drives the economy into a ditch,” he concluded , “…I don’t think he’s that smart.”


Source: The Huffington Post

Barack Obama George Bush Politics

Debunking The Fox And Limbaugh Lie Machine

George Bush

I like the way Dave Johnson started his article on this subject.

He gathered the following three charts from the  Budget of the United States Government: Historical Tables Fiscal Year 2012, and advised us that the next time “your right-wing brother-in-law” who “…is plugged into the FOX-Limbaugh Lie Machine, and keeps sending you emails about “Obama spending” and “Obama deficits” and how the “Stimulus” just made things worse…”,  these are the charts you should show him.

Keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best. Although you will be presenting that person with the facts, the FOX-Limbaugh Lie Machine is very effective. Most, subjected to their daily dose of lies, don’t even know they’re infected.

Here goes!

Chart 1 – Spending

  • Under George Bush, spending increased by 88%.
  • Under Barack Obama, spending increased by 7.2%. Yet, this President is being blamed by the right for massive spending.

Chart 2 – Deficit

  • On the left of this chart, we see Bush increases the deficit by $1.4 trillion. This was after taking office with a $128 billion surplus from his predecessor, Bill Clinton.
  • On the right of this chart, we see Barack Obama temporarily increasing the deficit, mainly because when he came into office, George Bush’s fiscal policies were still in effect. For the remaining years of Obama’s term/s, deficit projection is expected to be at reduced levels, as compared to that of Bush.

Chart 3 – The Stimulus

  • This one is so simple, even Fox dedicated viewers could see what’s happening. When George Bush left office, as shown in the red, his policies caused a consistent job loss in the private market every month. After Obama took office, and after signing the stimulus into law, the blue lines shows fewer and fewer monthly job loss, eventually resulting in job gains. And as the chart says, July marked the 17th consecutive month of private sector job growth under President Obama.

But then again, if your brother-in-law is already brainwashed by the FOX-Limbaugh Lie Machine, charts like this showing the truth are not what he’s looking for. For him, it may already be too late. But try anyway.

democrats God Politics

Right Wing Says Hurricane Irene Was God Trying To Change Government

Chuck Pierce, head of the right winged Religious group Global Harvest Ministries, has a message for Americans, primarily those working for the Government in Washington. God sent Irene to change the government.

Mr. Pierce wrote about a message he claimed he got from God back in July. The message, according to Chuck went something like this;

‘Watch Washington, D.C., for there will come upon the place a physical storm. This storm will be a sign. This sign is necessary and cannot be prevented. This physical storm will rest down and when the storm descends – the scroll for the government of this land will be unlocked.

‘I will unwind a structure that has gotten intertwined with the enemy’s plans. I will reinstitute law in this land that has been removed. I am sending angels in at My command based upon the revelation that is being spoken now, and from those angelic hosts, a land and its governments will be changed.'”

We can only assume that the enemy mentioned in Chuck’s piece is Barack Obama.

But why would God use a Hurricane – which killed up to 40 people so far – to send a political message about changing the government, especially since Mr. Obama and the Democrats have been the ones doing the work for the less fortunate. In this economy, they have tried to provide unemployment checks to the unemployed. They have tried instituting health care for the middle class and poor alike and among the many other things they have done to help the people, Mr. Obama and the Democrats have tried to provide for Education and the EPA, which in itself, guarantees a better life through cleaner air, clean water and a safer environment.

Republicans have been against the President and the Democrats every step of the way. So why would God want to change Mr. Obama and the Democrats when they are the ones seemingly doing His will?

Or maybe, Mr. Chuck confused the message. If God had a political preference, wouldn’t He want to change those who have decided against helping the less fortunate, like Congressional Republicans?

Abortion Politics Republican Party Texas

Abortion, As Seen Through The Eyes Of Rick Perry

Republicans have used their massive gains in the 2010 midterm elections to implement a lot of bills and legislation against middle class America. And most these bills are directed towards women and against their reproductive rights.

Enter Rick Perry.

What can we look forward to in a Rick Perry America? An article by Amy Bingham of ABC News details some of the more bizarre laws in Perry’s Texas. But one that caught my attention, although I’m really not surprise considering the GOP’s attack on women, is Perry’s abortion law. From Bingham’s article;

[Rick Perry] played an integral role in creating a law that requires women seeking abortions to have a sonogram at least 24 hours prior to the procedure. The bill also requires doctors to describe the fetus, including details about internal organ and limb development. They must also make the image and heart beat available for the woman to see and hear.

Perry, who called the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision a “tragedy,” pushed for the bill to get emergency status so it could be fast-tracked through the state Legislature and not have to wait the requisite 60 days for a vote.

The constitutionality of the bill is currently being reviewed by a federal judge, who is expected to pass down a ruling before Thursday, when the bill is set to take effect.

So much for small government.


This Is A Leader – Watch President Obama At F.E.M.A Headquarters

Remember Hurricane Katrina and the Bush disaster that was created when his FEMA organization sat back and watch people suffer while others died? Well that was a complete failure in leadership, starting at the FEMA level and moving all the way up to President Bush himself.

“This is not a FEMA operation. I haven’t seen a single FEMA guy”, said New Orleans’s emergency operations chief Terry Ebbert. “FEMA has been here three days, yet there is no command and control. We can send massive amounts of aid to tsunami victims, but we can’t bail out the city of New Orleans.”

Contrast that to the new head of FEMA, W. Craig Fugate and his boss, President Obama. Before Hurricane Irene touched land in North Carolina, President Obama cancelled the last day of his vacation and headed back to Washington. The President and Mr. Fugate spoke with the various govornors along the states in Irene’s way, and already began placing FEMA relief efforts in place.

The video below prompted the following twitter comment, comparing the two Presidents response to these disasters. This comment was retweeted multiple times, as other twitter users agreed with what was said;

See the video of a true Commander in action.

Mitt Romney Politics presidential Republican

Breaking News: Is Muammar Gaddafi A Republican?

It is a match made in Heaven, and it is something we should have all expected. It seems NATO and the band of rebels in Libya have called off their search for Gaddafi. Apparently, he was found announcing his intention to run for the Republican nomination in 2012. Here’s the report;

CONCORD, NH – The mystery surrounding Col. Muammar Gaddafi’s whereabouts was resolved today as the dictator announced his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination in a town hall meeting in Concord, New Hampshire.

In announcing his candidacy, the Libyan madman joins a Republican field which is believed to number in excess of seven hundred candidates.

While some New Hampshire Republicans seemed surprised to see Col. Gaddafi shaking hands and kissing babies at the Concord town hall, an aide to the Libyan strongman said his transformation to GOP candidate made perfect sense.

“In those final days in Tripoli he was becoming increasingly disconnected from reality,” said the aide.  “So I think he’ll fit right in.”

Okay, okay… But think about it. If this were true, would you be totally surprised? I wouldn’t.

The present Congressional Republicans and their presidential candidates are doing their best to destroy this country, with their irresponsible blockade against everything the Democrats and President Obama does. They are on a mission, the same mission Gaddafi is on – trying to bring America to its knees.

Politics Republican

This Republican Appeared Naked On Gay Website

We all remember the massive uproar Republicans and the media had when Anthony Weiner was literally caught with his pants down. Republicans immediately harped on the bandwagon demanding that Weiner cover up and leave his job in the House of Representatives. So naturally, when a Republican is caught with his pants down showing his ass, other Republicans will immediately demand him to step down, right?


His name is Roberto Arango, and he is the Republican Senator from Puerto Rico. In 2004, Arango co-chaired the George W. Bush’s 2004 Puerto Rico campaign. Last Friday, naked pictures of him surfaced online. In one picture, found on a gay website, Arango is seen showing his cheeks, and we’re not talking about his pretty smile either.

But have no fear, Arango has a reason.

You know I’ve been losing weight. As I shed that weight, I’ve been taking pictures. I don’t remember taking this particular picture but I’m not gonna say I didn’t take it. I’d tell you if I remembered taking the picture but I don’t.

And you thought he was taking naked pictures of himself and posting them on gay websites. Take your mind out of the gutter! He said he was just documenting his weight-loss!

Of course! Don’t you take these type of pictures when you’re documenting your weight-loss?

Roberto Arango - Smiling


In A Ron Paul Administration, Disaster Victims Are On Their Own

Ron Paul is running for President on the Republican ticket. Let’s just say for argument’s sake, that Ron Paul wins his party’s nomination and goes on to win the Presidency in 2012. I know, it’s far-fetched, but let’s just say… If Ron Paul becomes president, his government will not help out when there are natural disasters.

With Hurricane Irene quickly approaching the east coast, this report was filed concerning Paul’s plan to handle such disasters;

After a lunch speech today, Ron Paul slammed the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, and said that no national response to Hurricane Irene is necessary.

“We should be like 1900; we should be like 1940, 1950, 1960,” Paul said. “I live on the gulf coast, we deal with hurricanes all the time. Galveston is in my district.

“There’s no magic about FEMA. They’re a great contribution to deficit financing and quite frankly they don’t have a penny in the bank. We should be coordinated but coordinated voluntarily with the states,” Paul told NBC News. “A state can decide. We don’t need somebody in Washington.”

FEMA is a Federal Emergency Management Agency whose job is to  assist local governments when they need help recovering from disasters. But according to Paul, FEMA is a “great contribution to the deficit.” Pay no attention to the real American lives this agency saves all the time.

And Ron Paul is not the only Republican who believes in money over human lives. Eric Cantor also shares Paul’s views, and even said that if any monies are spent to save or help Americans in the recent Earthquake and the upcoming Hurricane, then that money must be offset by spending cuts.

So to conclude, your home, your livelihood and even your life may hang in the balance, but Cantor will need to go to Washington first, figure out how much to cut from another program, preferably Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid, then apply those newly cut funds to helping disaster victims.

Paul on the other hand, would prefer the government to just sit on its hands and watch the citizens suffer.

Welcome to a Republican controlled America. Good thing its just make believe.

Politics Texas Wall Street

Rick Perry Tried To Gain Benefits From Dead Texans

This is as slime-ball low as slime-ball low goes. A story in the Huffington Post details a scheme by Governor Rick Perry of Texas to make money off the dead.

The scheme, according to the report, spoke about an arrangement the Perry administration proposed, where Wall Street investors would bet on how long retired teachers would live. Perry’s administration would act as the middle man, introducing the insurance provider USB to the unsuspecting retired teacher. Wall Street would then bet on that teacher’s longevity, and upon their passing, Perry would take the insurance money and reward the winning investor. The state of Texas would get a percentage for introducing USB insurance, The Wall Street investor and the deceased.

The family of the deceased, predictably, will not get anything from this arrangement

According to the notes, which were authenticated by a meeting participant, the Perry administration wanted to help Wall Street investors gamble on how long retired Texas teachers would live. Perry was promising the state big money in exchange for helping Swiss banking giant UBS set up a business of teacher death speculation.

All they had to do was convince retirees to let UBS buy life insurance policies on them. When the retirees died, those policies would pay out benefits to Wall Street speculators, and the state, supposedly, would get paid for arranging the bets. The families of the deceased former teachers would get nothing.

Calling Perry a slime ball is wrong. My apologies to the real slime-balls of the world. You wouldn’t sink this low.

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