ban all muslims Donald Trump Politics

Muslim Congressman Gets Death Threat After Trump’s “Ban All Muslims” Statement

The same day the leader of the Republican party, and current Republican presidential leader, Donald Trump, proposed banning all Muslims from entering the United States, even Muslims born in America and those overseas fighting in America’s wars, one of the only two Muslims in Congress called Trump’s comment “asinine.” That same day, the congressman, Rep. Andre Carson, received a death threat.

Rep. Andre Carson, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, denounced Trump’s comments, saying, “Today, Donald Trump once again proved he lacks the judgement to serve as Commander in Chief of this great nation. It is unbelievable that a candidate for President of the United States has made such an asinine comment.”

Carson’s office said the Congressman received the death threat and it was immediately forwarded on to Capitol Police.

Politics Republican

The Nerve. Allen West Thinks This Is Reprehensible?

Allen West, the only Republican member of the Congressional Black Caucus, thinks something a fellow caucus member said was “very reprehensible.”

West appeared on Fox News and spoke about a comment Democratic Representative André Carson made about the Teaparty. Carson previously said that some Teaparty members of Congress “would love to see us as second-class citizens” and would love to see blacks “hanging on a tree.”

Asked for his response to Carson, Allen West had this to say;

“When you start using words such as lynching, that’s a very reprehensible word and I think we should move away from using that type of language.”

Yes, lynching used in any form is reprehensible. But Allen West, acting as the water boy for morality is simply laughable. West was the same Republican moral figure who entered the crazy zone and threatened a female member of congress, telling her “you want a per­sonal fight, I am happy to oblige.”

But West didn’t stop there with his attacks on Debbie Wasserman-Schultz . He went on to say, “you are the most vile, unpro­fes­sional ‚and despi­ca­ble mem­ber of the US House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives. If you have some­thing to say to me, stop being a cow­ard and say it to my face, oth­er­wise, shut the heck up.”

Reprehensible, indeed Mr West. You and the things you say are reprehensible!

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