occupy wall street Politics

Occupy Oakland Approves General Strike On November 2nd

In what is sure to be the first of many, the general assembly for Occupy Oakland just approved a general strike for next Wednesday, November 2nd. The move is in retaliation of the recent episode of police hostility there, where a United States Veteran, after returning home from multiple tours in Iraq, was seriously injured by Oakland police and is presently hospitalized.


We as fellow occupiers of Oscar Grant Plaza propose that on Wednesday November 2, 2011, we liberate Oakland and shut down the 1%.

We propose a city wide general strike and we propose to invite all students to walk out of school. Instead of workers going to work and students going to school, the people will converge on downtown Oakland to shut down the city.

All banks and corporations should close down for the day or we will march on them.

While we are calling for a general strike, we are also calling for much more. People who organize out of their neighborhoods, schools, community organizations, affinity groups, workplaces and families are encouraged to self organize in a way that allows them to participate in shutting down the city in whatever manner they are comfortable with and capable of.

The whole world is watching Oakland. Let’s show them what is possible.

occupy wall street Politics Protest

New York Police Promise Lawsuits Against Occupiers

The protesters at Occupy Wall Street get their First Amendment rights violated on a regular basis. They’re rounded-up, thrown to the ground, punched and pepper sprayed like animals by the police.  Yet today, the New York Police Department is planning to sue any protester who “causes injury” to a police officer.

Reporting from the New York Post today quoted the president of NYPD’s Sergeant’s Benevolent Association as saying;

“In light of the growing violence attendant to the ‘Occupy’ movements across the country, particularly as evidenced by the recent events in Oakland, I am compelled to place these so-called ‘occupiers’ on notice that physical assaults on police officers will not be tolerated.”

Of course no one is advocating violence at any of the Occupy movement protests, and all the police departments across the country know this. Of all the thousands of protesters nationwide, it is almost impossible to find Occupiers demonstrating violence against the police. There may be a handful of incidents, but in the grand scheme of things, given the many thousands of protesters on the streets, two or three incidents nationwide is nothing to sue over.

So is this a plausible  argument by the New York Sergeant Benevolent Association? Of course not.

The unnecessary amount of arrests police departments nationwide have taken part in, have nothing to do with unruly protesters, but everything to do with police trying to suppress the people’s rights to protest. If the police will just do their jobs, instead of intentionally perpetrating violence against peaceful protesters, then for the most part, calmness will prevail.

Maybe the New York Sergeant Benevolent Association should look at the instigators instead, and realize that the violence begins, for the most part, inside their own ranks.

Egypt occupy wall street Politics

President Obama And Hillary Clinton On The Rights Of Peaceful Protesters

The following video features President Obama and Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton, speaking about the uprising of the people and their rights to peacefully gather and protest. They speak about the wrongful ways leaders of various countries have tried to suppress the voice of the people.

Although the President and the Secretary of State were talking about the uprisings in Egypt, Libya and  other countries where dictators are being overthrown, the parallels between the people of these nations and the Occupy Wall Street protesters are many.

While Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton demanded that the people of Egypt and Libya be allowed to assemble and  march peacefully in protest without being beaten or put in jail for exercising their human rights, we see the New York Police department viciously trying to stop the Occupy Wall Street movement from exercising their rights to peacefully gather and protest.

Yes, the President and Secretary of State are right. Governments around the world must recognize the rights of their citizens to  protest peacefully without harassment from law officials. This is true for the people for Egypt, it is true for the people of Libya, and it is especially true for the people of these United States – the 99% peacefully marching in New York and all around this country demanding economic fairness.


Barack Obama occupy wall street Politics Wall Street

Bachmann Booed For Disagreeing With Occupy Wall Street

Maybe Michele should stick to her talking points, like “I am going to repeal obamacare,” or “Obama’s family are illegal aliens,” or “I own a small business, I know how to create jobs.” The Republican presidential hopeful went to San Francisco for a discussion with some supporters, but got booed when she veered off track.

Bachmann spoke about a variety of issues, drawing applause from the audience when she suggested disbanding the Department of Education and vowed to repeal No Child Left Behind.

But the crowd began to boo when the subject turned to the recent Occupy Wall Street protests.

Calling the activity “tremendously counterproductive,” the Republican presidential hopeful noted with disgust a recent poll that stated 98 percent of Occupy Wall Street protesters believed in civil disobedience. When moderator Dan Ashley mentioned that the original Tea Party — a group that Bachmann is affiliated with — encouraged civil disobedience, Bachmann replied, “At least the Tea Party picks up their own trash.”

So does the Occupy movement Bachmann, and we’re trying to start with the trash in Congress.

hypocrisy hypocrite occupy wall street Politics

Jon Stewart On The Eric Cantor Occupy Wall Street Hypocrisy

Jon Stewart sums it up perfectly when showing the hypocrisy of the entire Republican party, especially that of Eric Cantor. Broadcasting Cantor’s call for the Teaparty to take to the streets in protest, Stewart then compares Cantor’s reaction to that of the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Stewart shows different clips of Cantor and other Republican leaders encouraging the Teaparty to march to “take the country back,” but when Occupy Wall Street began doing the same, they were called “mobs” by these same leaders.

Stewart then surmised that Cantor had to be the one kid on the playground who’d always throw the ‘yo mama’ jokes at everyone, you know, playing the dozens. Then as soon as another kid tried to respond, Cantor stops the kid and accuses him of  “dividing the playground.”

Yep, that’s Cantor for you!

occupy wall street Politics Protest

The Whole World Is Watching – Police Brutality In San Francisco

You thought the New York Police Department was the only one attacking peaceful protesters for… protesting? Think again.

The San Francisco Police Department has successfully added their interpretation of  “excessive police action” to the historic movement that is Occupy Wall Street, with their actions earlier tonight in California.

To chants of  “The whole world is watching!”,  police, apparently irritated with the peaceful crowd and their video cameras, took a page from the NYPD. They began destroying the Occupiers food supply, then later, tossed the protesters around as they made their arrests.

To serve and protect has taken on a whole new meaning, and it doesn’t seem to include the people at Occupy Wall Street.

The video.

marriage occupy wall street Politics

A Marriage Proposal – Occupy Wall Street Style

How original is this?

What’s the perfect way to ask the one you love to “occupy your life?” You use the “people’s microphone,” get down on one knee and with hundreds looking on and repeating everything you say, you make your proposal in the middle of a protest movement.

Now that’s original!

occupy wall street Politics

Keith Olbermann Speaks To Lawyer Of Man Run Over By New York Police

There is absolutely no reason why any police officer should be allowed to intentionally cause harm to anyone, especially when an individual is in harm’s way, but is not putting  said officer’s life in danger. So don’t even try to understand this policeman’s actions in the video below – there’s just no plausible explanation.

Keith Olbermann interviews the lawyer of the victim. Be warned, more scenes of the attack are shown.

New York occupy wall street Politics zuccotti park

New York Police Intentionally Runs Over Occupy Wall Street Protester – Video

If this isn’t criminal, I don’t know what is.

The New York Police Department has come to a new low, and that is something we thought was almost impossible for this police department to do.

In even more evidence that the rights of American citizens to organize and protest are being trampled on, the video below shows a New York police officer riding his bike over the leg of a man. The officer then parks his bike on the screaming man’s leg, then tried to fend off other protesters trying to help the man.

Later reports confirmed the man’s leg was broken because of the incident.

This ladies and gentlemen, is the police’s definition of “protect and serve!”

occupy wall street Politics

Occupy Wall Street – Why They Protest. Video

I’m sure by now you’ve heard the criticism by those in the media that Occupy Wall Street have no leader, no point, no focus. The critics all seem to agree that Occupy Wall Street protesters and all the other occupiers nationwide, will be better served if they had one specific goal.

Well the Occupiers heard these unwarranted suggestions from the media, and decided to answer. No, the movement is not about one main goal, it is about the 99% of Americans, and the many injustices we all face.

Click here to donate to the cause.

Mitt Romney MSNBC occupy wall street Politics

Mitt Romney Flip Flops On Occupy Wall Street

Yesterday, we pointed out a the hypocrisy that is Eric Cantor. Today, we could call it hypocrisy, but Mitt Romney has invented a special art when it comes to flip-flopping, so we’ll call it Romney’s flip-flop, but it amounts to the same thing… Republican hypocrisy.

The video below speaks for itself, as Ed Shultz of MSNBC pointed out that in a matter of six hours, Romney completely changed his position on the protesters at Occupy Wall Street.

The video.

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occupy wall street Politics

Police Arrest 100 Protesters At “Occupy Boston”

Report from The Boston Globe

At 1:20 a.m., the first riot police officers lined up on Atlantic Avenue. Minutes later, dozens of sheriff vans and police wagons arrived and over 200 officers in uniforms and riot gear surrounded the Greenway.

Police Superintendent William Evans and Commissioner Edward F. Davis watched from across the street. Evans gave the crowd two minutes to disperse from the park, warning that they would be locked up if they did not comply.

The crowd of protesters, energized by the sudden appearance of the Boston and Transit police officers, chanted, ‘‘The people united will never be defeated,’’ “This is a peaceful protest,” and “the whole world is watching.’’

About 10 minutes later, the first officers entered the park and surrounded the group. Evans, using a loudspeaker, gave one more warning and then each protester was individually put on his or her stomach, cable-tied, and dragged off as others tore down tents and arrested and detained people on the fringe of the park.

About 100 people were arrested, Davis said. One police officer was hit in the face.


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