
Madea Steps Out of Character and Gives Sound Relationship Advice

If you watched the original play, chances are you didn’t see all this. Tyler Perry, ah… I mean Medea, known for her tough love approach to relationships and everything else for that matter, offers some sound advice to the audience.

family Relationships

Having More Brothers & Sisters Makes You Less Likely To Get Divorced

Branden Lee is a blogger, screenwriter, producer, and actor, currently residing in Boston, MA. Follow Branden on Twitter and Tumblr.

A  new Jezebel article reports that a study shows that the more siblings one has the less likely they are to get divorced.

The study was conducted by Ohio State University and studied over 57,000 people between the years 1972-2012.

Each sibling someone has decreases a person’s odds of divorce by 2%.

The study says that the findings only accounts for up to 7 siblings in a family, but having more than 7 siblings doesn’t make divorce more likely.

Research didn’t delve into why someone is less likely to get divorced because they grew up in a large household.

 One of the researchers hypothesized that when someone grows up in a big family they learn how to deal with conflict better, because of course siblings fight a lot.

As an only child who can’t even get a boyfriend, this study comes as horrible news.

Both of my parents come from large families. My father is one of 7 children, and my mother is one of 9. They’ve been together a very long time.

I’m an only child who’s never been in a relationship.

The stereotype of an only child is that we’re spoiled, selfish, stubborn, uncompromising, all of which are true in my case.

No wonder I can’t get a boyfriend.

Express Yourself teenagers teens

I Could Care Less

If teenagers are amazing at one thing, it’s for us to just not seem to care or at least to put up a facade that we could care less. If you were to look at my Facebook news feed on the normal day you’ll read constant statuses about people ranting on about how they “don’t care anymore about so and so” or how they wish they just didn’t care about anyone, these of course are followed by some stupid hash tags.

It’s an understandable phase we all seem to go through, as people seem to go through so many short romances when we’re teens. Teenagers are an emotional wreck from the start and we understand that if we show that we care about someone, we’re just opening ourselves to be hurt or the chance to be hurt. One minute we can be so in love with someone and all can be right in the world, fast forward to next week and we’re sitting on the couch crying our eyes out with a gallon of ice cream. I’ve been there, minus the ice cream part, and have seen many others go through the same trouble; it’s not fun to watch it all happen and even less fun getting back on your feet.

The goal seems to be then that we want to reach the point where we just don’t give a sh*t (sorry I’m lacking better words here). Life is a journey in itself and through it everyone has to go through many obstacles, this being one of them. Going from being in love to being heart broken isn’t something anyone wants to sign up for right away but it’s something that will happen to everyone at least once. If you are the type of person who just doesn’t seem to care or doesn’t want to get hurt, you’ll never have to face this challenge because you will sit there and convince yourself you don’t need to. You’ll convince yourself you’re fine on your own, doing you, but you’re not alright.

To love someone is just being human. Last I checked I am a human and whoever is reading this is just as much a human as I am. To convince yourself you don’t need someone to care for you is just..well is convincing yourself you’re not human. We all need someone by our side, a good friend, a significant other, or even a family member; we all need somebody who will be there for us. When you act like you don’t give a dam about anyone or anything, people will start to believe you and treat you as such. I’d rather love and be hurt than be treated like I really could care less about you and myself.  Nothing should stop you from showing how much you care about someone. As far as I know there is no such thing as “loving someone too much”, if there is well it doesn’t exist in my books.

A message to all teenagers of the world: Go out there into the world and show that you care about yourself and others. Go out there and fall in love. Go out there and let your heart break. It’ll all be okay and so will you.

marriage occupy wall street Politics

A Marriage Proposal – Occupy Wall Street Style

How original is this?

What’s the perfect way to ask the one you love to “occupy your life?” You use the “people’s microphone,” get down on one knee and with hundreds looking on and repeating everything you say, you make your proposal in the middle of a protest movement.

Now that’s original!

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